Sky War God

Chapter 2134: Hostage


   No matter how strong his strength is, after Ye Feng's throat is held with a sword at this moment, he has to be forced to obey the other party's words.

  If not, as long as Ye Feng uses a little force, his throat will be directly pierced by Ye Feng's long sword!

   Hearing the instructions of the owner of Cold Sword Villa, the group of strong people in Cold Sword Villa naturally did not dare to move anymore, each with sharp eyes, and their bodies involuntarily retreated towards the back.

   "Release Wang Chen from the prison, you can save your life, if not, my sword doesn't have eyes!"

   Ye Feng continued to threaten the owner of Hanjian Villa.

   The one-armed swordsman was next to Ye Feng, his eyes flashing, at this moment he already admired Ye Feng.

Prior to this, he was still worried about Ye Feng, thinking that Ye Feng might suffer under the hands of the owner of the Cold Sword Villa, but he didn't expect it, when the owner of the Cold Sword Villa released the two external incarnations of his refinement. , Still lost in the hands of Ye Feng.

   This cross-border battle is really too shocking. If you don't see it with your own eyes, no one will believe that all this is true.

   The owner of Cold Sword Villa had sharp eyes and said indifferently: "You'd better not overdo it. If you don't, you won't have a good end!"

   The owner of Cold Sword Villa still refused to give in. As a strong man in the pinnacle state of the middle emperor, it was very difficult for him to succumb to a junior of the supreme martial king state.

   "I can't help you now, I just ask you not to let it go!"

   Ye Feng sneered, he didn't care about the threats of the owner of Cold Sword Villa, and when he spoke, he deliberately sent the long sword in his hand forward.

  This made the owner of Cold Sword Villa feel a tingling in his throat again, and an unexplainable breath of death enveloped his body, causing the owner of Cold Sword Villa to tremble involuntarily.

"you are vicious!"

  The owner of Hanjian Villa had already experienced Ye Feng's madness and boldness before, and naturally believed that Ye Feng had the courage to kill him.

   Therefore, at this moment, he seems to have no other choice but to passively submit to the opponent.

   "Let them go!"

   The owner of Cold Sword Villa had no choice but to compromise even though he was unwilling. After all, his life was in the hands of Ye Feng and he had no other choice.

   Hearing what the owner of Hanjian Villa said, the expressions of the strong people of Hanjian Villa standing by the side were not very attractive, especially the two elders Qiu Kong Chun, their eyes shone with cold light.

   However, now that the owner of the house has already ordered, the two of them naturally cannot refute it.

   I saw that at this moment, there were two strong figures in Cold Sword Villa flashing, and they quickly flew towards the inside of Cold Sword Villa.

   It didn't take long for the two to return, but this time there was a middle-aged man with a thin body and a vicissitudes of face.

   The middle-aged man has messy hair and ragged clothes. At first glance, he just walked out of prison.

   Seeing the appearance of this middle-aged figure, the eyes of the one-armed swordsman standing behind Ye Feng kept flashing, and a look of excitement appeared on his face.


   The one-armed swordsman couldn't help but speak, his voice was trembling a bit, one can imagine how excited the one-armed swordsman is at this moment.

   He was an orphan since he was a child. If there is no teacher to take him in, he will be raised up and he will be taught martial arts.

   Today, he may have starved to death on the street, where is the situation now.

  In other words, his master is like a biological father to a one-armed swordsman.

   Seeing Master being wronged and thrown into the jail with his own eyes, the one-armed swordsman's heart is dripping blood. For many years, he has been fighting to rescue the missing.

   Now that it is finally time to get his wish, the one-armed swordsman is naturally extremely happy.

  Wang Chen, who was framed by two Hanjian Villa experts, naturally heard the call of the one-armed swordsman.

   Those dull eyes looked towards the direction where the one-armed swordsman was. In a short time, Wang Chen's eyes flashed a little dazed.

   Maybe the two had been separated for too long, and Wang Chen couldn't react for a while.

after all,

When the master and apprentice separated, the one-armed swordsman was just a 12-year-old boy. Today's one-armed swordsman has long since faded from childhood immaturity, but gives people a sense of maturity.

   "Gufeng, you are Gufeng......"

   Finally at a certain moment, a bright light flashed in Wang Chen's dull eyes, and then his body trembled slightly, and there was a mist of water in his eyes.

   "Master, you finally remember that the disciple is the lone wind!"

   The one-armed swordsman looked equally excited, and at this moment he knelt to the ground directly at Wang Chen, and said respectfully.

  Since the one-armed swordsman had no father or mother since he was a child, he was supposed to be an orphan. Therefore, Wang Chen gave the one-armed swordsman the name Gufeng.

   From the temperament point of view, the name is very consistent with the one-armed swordsman.

   "Gufeng, what happened to your arm? Tell Master, who hurt you!"

  Wang Chen stared at the one-armed swordsman, and soon saw the empty sleeves of the one-armed swordsman's left arm, a bit of cold light flashed in his eyes, and asked the one-armed swordsman.

   At this moment, Wang Chen's temperament seems to have changed, becoming extremely sharp.

   "It's nothing, for many years, the address has been used to it, Master does not need to care!"

   The one-armed swordsman smiled carelessly at Wang Chen, as if he didn't want his master to worry too much about him.

   Soon, the two Hanjian Villa powerhouses sent Wang Chen to Ye Feng's one-armed swordsman and others.

   The one-armed swordsman took Wang Cheng's body and served him carefully.

"let's go!"

   Ye Feng said to the one-armed swordsman, and immediately took out his flying magic weapon, and the flying magic weapon evolved in the void. Gradually zoom in and release endless glory.

   The one-armed swordsman took Wang Chen to board the flying magic weapon first, and Wang Chen couldn't help but look a little bit of astonishment on his face as he watched Ye Feng often hit the throat of the owner of the Cold Sword Villa.

   How powerful the master of the Villa Master is, Wan Cheng is naturally very clear, but at this moment, the Villa Master of Hanjian Villa is subdued by the young man in front of him.

   The shock in Wang Chen's heart can be imagined. He didn't know the specific identity of Ye Feng, let alone how the one-armed swordsman met such a terrifying young man.

   In short, Wang Chen's heart is extremely complicated at this moment, and many emotions are mixed together, making him unable to calm down in a short time.

   "Hurry up and let the owner go!"

  Wang Chen has been released, and the owner of Hanjian Villa couldn't help but speak indifferently to Ye Feng.

   "It's not the time to let you go, come with me!"

Ye Feng’s eyes flashed, naturally it is impossible to release the owner of Hanjian Villa right now. In that case, the owner of Hanjian Villa gave an order, and all the experts in Hanjian Villa would attack the three of him together, even if Ye Feng had three heads and six arms. , It is impossible to survive!

   The owner of Cold Sword Villa's eyes were cold, Ye Feng did not intend to release him, and he was helpless. After all, his life was still in the hands of Ye Feng.

   "You are not allowed to come, if not, I can't guarantee the fate of your owner!"

   Ye Feng spoke indifferently to the many powerful people in Hanjian Villa, and the threat in his words was quite obvious, which made the faces of many powerful people in Hanjian Villa ugly.

   I only heard a powerful and powerful person in Hanjian Villa asked Ye Feng indifferently, "When do you plan to release our owner!"

   Ye Feng sneered at each other and said, "Do you think you are worthy to negotiate terms with me?"

   After finishing speaking, Ye Feng ignored the cold sword villa master, and directly took the cold sword villa owner onto the flying magic weapon.

   The flying magic weapon quickly moved, and quickly flew towards the direction outside Hanjian Villa.

   Behind, the strong people in Hanjian Villa were resentful, and their eyes looked at the flying magic weapon with a strong chill.

   But they really did not go to chase, for fear that their owner would be harmed.

   What happened at the gate of Cold Sword Villa, in addition to the people of Cold Sword Villa, many powerful people who came to understand the sword intent under the Cold Sword Peak also watched the previous thrilling battles.

   Ye Feng and the one-armed swordsman

The two of them left a very deep impression on them, especially Ye Feng, with the cultivation of the Supreme Martial King realm, successively defeated many powerful experts in Hanjian Villa.

  Even, even the owner of Hanjian Villa was not his opponent, and Ye Feng used a long sword to capture him.

   This kind of scene is something that no one present had ever thought of. You know, the owner of Hanjian Villa is a powerhouse in the pinnacle of the middle emperor, an absolute supreme figure with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles.

   was defeated by a junior of the Supreme Martial King Realm, and many people even thought that they were dreaming.

Among these people, there are a group of powerful people who have witnessed the arrival of Ye Feng by flying magical weapons before with their own When Ye Feng and Ye Feng arrived, they were even because of their rudeness. , And ridiculed the two of Ye Feng.

   Now it seems that they even can't help but feel a little self-conscious, thinking that they were too ignorant before.

   With Ye Feng's strength, no one in Cold Sword Villa could help him.

   This news is also directed to spreaders outside the Cold Sword Villa at an extremely fast speed. Every time a ship reaches an area, it can cause a strong sensation in this area.

   Ye Feng's four people took the flying magic weapon all the way forward, flying over many snowy peaks, and they never stopped.

   This made the owner of Hanjian Villa a bit impatient, and he couldn't help but ask Ye Feng: "Junior, the three of you have successfully escaped, so let's release the owner soon!"

   Even if his life is in the hands of Ye Feng at this moment, the owner of Hanjian Villa still behaves extremely strongly, and the words he speaks also feel high.

   "It's not impossible to let you go, but you must exchange your life with one thing!"

   Ye Feng's eyes flickered, and he couldn't help but say to the owner of the Cold Sword Villa, and the words he said were somewhat cold.

   The owner of Hanjian Villa's eyes flashed, his complexion didn't look good, and he asked, "What is it, let's talk about it."

  The book is from

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