Sky War God

Chapter 2289: Qi Tianlong Feng Tiankun's under

There was another shocking sound, and Ye Feng's terrifying fist slammed on the opponent's giant tail.

Suddenly, the Kunpeng behemoth felt that its giant tail was shaking wildly, and the bones inside the giant tail were about to be shattered.

Many people trembled, watching the Kunpeng giant beast's body swaying continuously under Ye Feng's fist, and there were unbelievable looks on their faces.

The huge eyes of the Kunpeng Behemoth flashed with a ray of astonishment, the first time, the first Kunpeng Behemoth's body took the initiative to retreat.

Facing Ye Feng's strong attack, he seemed to have to retreat, without any resistance at all.

Ye Feng blasted out another punch, and the Kunpeng giant beast roared, trying to use his comprehension of the water and Ze attribute power to contend.

However, his selection attribute power was under Ye Feng's fist, but it seemed so vulnerable.

In a very short time, it was shaken and collapsed and destroyed, but Ye Feng's fist seemed to penetrate everything.

In the next moment, the crowd only listened to the terrible rumbling sound, and Ye Feng's punch directly penetrated everything and landed on the body of this giant Kunpeng beast.

The power of destruction continued to spread, and the Kunpeng giant beast made a muffled sound, and its huge body was trembling constantly, under that powerful inertial force.

His extremely huge body was blasted away at this moment, and it actually descended directly toward the power of the Sky Demon Valley Sect.

This made the expressions of many powerhouses in the Sky Demon Valley startled, spreading crazily in all directions in a short time.

But there were still people who were slammed on the ground by the huge body of the Kunpeng Giant Beast because they didn't evade in time.

Under the strong gravity, many people's bodies were directly photographed into meatloaf, and they died here!

Even countless palaces were oppressed and collapsed, turning into ruins!

The Kunpeng giant beast uttered a wailing sound, and it seemed that he was shocked by Ye Feng's fist. Ye Feng's body was also swooping down at this moment, and he didn't want to give the other party any chance.

The terrifying big palm print that covers the sky descends in the void, and this palm is fused with the strongest power of destruction, and there are amazing death attributes surrounding it, making this space extremely depressing.

The hearts of the crowd trembled violently, and the power of Ye Feng's palm print was too strong, obviously aimed at killing the Kunpeng giant beast.

This Kunpeng giant beast was hit by a fist of Ye Feng, and was already seriously injured. Facing the terrifying big palm print that Ye Feng had expelled at the moment, he had no ability to resist.

The terrifying palm print broke everything and all came, the Kunpeng giant beast looked desperate and couldn't help but shout at Ye Feng: "If you dare to kill me, this person in Kun Palace will not let you go!"

When this word fell, the Kunpeng Giant Beast thought that Ye Feng might give up because of fear of Kunpung Palace.

But he didn't wait until that moment, Ye Feng just smiled coldly, didn't care about anything at all, the terrifying big palm print released also came directly at this moment.

The crowd only listened to the rumbling sound of horrible shocks. After Ye Feng's large void palm print arrived, the Kunpeng giant beast's body was directly suppressed on the ground.

The endless power of destruction continued to spread over his body, causing the screams of the Kunpeng giant beast hole.

Because the power of destruction was too strong, the huge body of the Kunpeng behemoth did not withstand the pressure, and was directly shattered and destroyed at this moment. The body continued to fly in all directions with me.

When many experts in the Sky Demon Valley saw this scene, their expressions couldn't help but trembled. No one thought that this battle would be the result.

The powerful Kunpeng behemoth, the powerhouse of the upper Demon Emperor's cultivation realm, died like this, only Ye Feng, who was the Supreme Martial King cultivation realm, suppressed it strongly and did not give the opponent any chance to breathe.

It can be said that Ye Feng has always had the upper hand in the entire battle, especially when he was incarnate as a giant of hundreds of feet, he showed a terrifying strength that was unimaginable for everyone.

The Kunpeng giant beast was slain, and the rhetoric he said before that also passed away with his life.

Perhaps before that, he had not thought that this trip to the quiet realm would be his end.

After the Kunpeng giant beast was killed by Ye Feng, many experts in the Sky Demon Valley couldn't help but show panic on their faces.

Before that, they didn't say anything bad about Ye Feng and Fang Chen. At that time, they didn't expect that the Kunpeng giant beast would die in Ye Feng's hands.

But now, the Kunpeng behemoth is dead, and the words they said before will most likely become the fuse for their loss of life.

This caused cold sweat to appear on the foreheads of those strong in the Sky Demon Valley, and their hearts were extremely nervous.

"Ye Shao is majestic and unparalleled in combat strength. I am waiting to admire it. From now on I wish to show Ye Shaoma's head!"

The eyes of the strong man in the Sky Demon Valley Demon Emperor Realm flickered, and he immediately reacted and chose to surrender to Ye Feng.

In this situation now, life-saving is the most important thing.

Seeing the strong man of the Sky Demon Valley Demon Emperor Realm bowed to Ye Feng. The rest of the Sky Demon Valley powerhouses naturally followed suit, expressing their absolute loyalty to Ye Feng one by one.

Ye Feng glanced at these Heavenly Demon Valley experts, and said indifferently: "From now on, the people of Heavenly Demon Valley must absolutely obey Zhongchenfeng's orders. If you disobey, kill them!"

After hearing Ye Feng's words, those with strong waist bones these days were taken aback, and then they nodded one after another. How can they dare to disobey?

And in the Kun Palace far away from the edge of the Lingtian Holy City, naturally some strong people learned the news of the Kunpeng behemoth being killed for the first time.

Many powerful and powerful Kunpeng clan were furious, and Kunzu, the lord of Kun Palace, decided to send more powerful people to Qingyou Realm to suppress Ye Feng and others.

Naturally, Ye Feng and Fang Chen didn't know all of this. Since they had already done this, they were already prepared to deal with all crises.

After leaving the Sky Demon Valley, the next stop is naturally Qi Tianzong, which is closer to the Sky Demon Valley.

Qi Tianzong is vast and endless. It is located in the most prosperous area of ​​Qingyou City. This sect is extremely old, and even belongs to the same period as Qingyou Temple.

At the same time, Qi Tianzong is also the second most powerful force in Qingyou City, second only to the existence of Qingyou Temple.

For Qi Tianzong, Ye Feng was also quite impressed, when he walked out of the Taixu realm to the Fenglan realm. Have a contact with the strong in Qi Tian.

At that time, Ye Feng participated in the Fenglan Jingxianlou building meeting. After the building meeting, Qi Tianlong and Feng Tiankun of Qi Tianzhong colluded with the Fenglan City City Lord's Mansion.

Trying to occupy the Dengxian Tower and use the fate compass above the Dengxian Tower to calculate the fate, Ye Feng and Qi Tianzong have forged a grievance from that moment.

Later, after Ye Feng entered Zhongchen Peak to worship Emperor Zhong as his teacher, he also had several conflicts with Qi Tianzhong.

Feng Tianqian almost killed Ye Feng. If it weren't for Big Brother Yun Dangtian to protect Ye Feng, Ye Feng might have already died.

Thinking of this, a raging flame rose from Ye Feng's body, and he never forgot the hatred of Qi Tianzong.

Two figures descended in the sky above Qi Tianzong, and immediately attracted the eyes of many powerful people in Qi Tianzong. When they saw Ye Feng's face clearly, they all looked incomparable.

"Ye Shao, I, Qi Tianzong, are willing to submit to Zhongchen Peak, and since then I will be loyal to the emperor, with no two hearts!"

After the arrival of the two Ye Fengs, in the Qi Tianzong camp, an old man of Qi Tianzong immediately flew up, bowed and bowed to Ye Feng, and directly spoke to show his loyalty.

Ye Feng's expression was stunned for a moment. It seemed that there was no strong foreigner in Qi Tianzong. Although the elder in front of him had reached the realm of Emperor Wu, his realm was relatively unsteady.

He is very self-aware of his own strength, knowing that he can't compete with Ye Feng and Fang Chen, so he directly bowed to Ye Feng to show his loyalty.

Ye Feng didn't speak, and just looked at this old man of Qi Tianzong. This made the old man of Qi Tianzong feel hairy, and he didn't dare to look at Ye Feng.

"Oh, I almost forgot about it!"

As if thinking of something, this old man Qi Tianzong's eyes lit up, and then he ordered the Qi Tianzong powerhouses below: "Bring the two sinners up and let Shao Ye punish!"

Hearing the order of the elder of Qi Tianzong, a strong Qi Tianzong immediately led the order below, which made Ye Feng's expression slightly stunned.

Vaguely guessed something.

It didn't take long for a team of men and horses to come here, and there were two prison vehicles in the center of the men and horses.

Qiu workshops are made of extremely sturdy and high-quality mixer materials. If trapped in it, it would be very difficult for even a Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse to escape from it.

There were two figures held in the prison car. The two men, the old and the young, looked extremely embarrassed now, and their injuries were really serious, as if they had been subjected to capital punishment.

Seeing these two people, Ye Feng couldn't help but raised his brows slightly. Unexpectedly, this old man of Qi Tianzong was so capable.

The other party took care of his affairs in must die! "

After one of the young people in the prison car saw Ye Feng, his pupils flickered with cold light, and said viciously to the Qitian middle-aged elder.

This person is indeed the Qi Tianlong who once had a grudge against Ye Feng. Now that the Emperor Qi Tian is slain, the people of Qi Tianzong naturally know the grudge between Qi Tianlong and Ye Feng.

In order to express his loyalty, this old man of Qi Tianzong immediately ordered the two Tianlong Feng Tiankun to be taken down.

Feng Tiankun's eyes were also shining with icy cold light. He never dreamed that he would have today.

How sad to be taken down by one's own sect and confined to one's former enemy?

"Shut up to me, you have offended Ye Shao once, and tens of millions of deaths are not enough to make up for your fault. You dare to be arrogant in front of this seat?"

The old man of Qi Tianzong said indifferently to Qi Tian.

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