Sky War God

Chapter 2304: ungrateful

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  The terrifying monster roared, then opened his big mouth and once again an amazing flame attribute power burned towards the body of this cyan dress woman.

   The woman in the blue dress struggled to dodge. Although she dodges this attack, the whole person looks a little embarrassed.

   The monster beast seemed to have become even more violent, a sharp claw smashed towards the woman's body frantically, trying to smash the woman's body completely.

   The woman wanted to evade, but it seemed that it was too late. Although the monster was huge, his attack speed was not slow at all. This attack came to the woman in a very short time.

   The woman looked shocked, and she seemed to be unable to resist. A bit of unwillingness appeared in the beautiful eyes.

   But this hint of unwillingness quickly disappeared, replaced by a touch of determination.

   can let her twin brothers and sisters escape here, his death is worth it.


   But at this moment, just as the attack of that monster beast was about to fall on the body of the woman in the cyan dress, a cold light shot from the emptiness in an instant.

   The speed of this cold light was incredible. In an extremely short time, it directly penetrated the center of the eyebrows of that monster beast, causing the body of this monster beast to freeze there in a short time.

   A blood line shot out, the monster beast's huge body collapsed at this moment, causing the ground in this space to tremble.

   The woman opened her eyes and looked at what was happening in front of her, her expression completely stunned.

   The woman in the pink dress who was about to leave this place, and the young person's expressions were also taken aback, then involuntarily looked towards a prescription position in the void, and saw a figure of a white-clothed youth descending from the sky.

   The figure of the white-clothed young man looks so unrestrained and unrestrained. When it comes, he releases a unique aura.

   suddenly the two female characters in the scene were involuntarily stunned, and the eyes of the other side revealed a bit of sluggishness.

   This scene naturally fell in the eyes of the young man, making the young man's expression not very good, and the cold glow in his pupils flickered.

"Are you OK?"

   Ye Feng came to this female figure and asked him, the woman in the cyan dress reacted after hearing Ye Feng's voice.

   A somewhat unnatural look appeared on Qiao Qiao's face, and said faintly: "I'm okay, thank you son for helping me."

   "It's okay, then I'll leave first."

   Ye Feng smiled at the woman and nodded, then prepared to leave here.

   "My son, you saved my life, I don't know your name yet."

   When the woman asked these words, her pretty face flushed and she seemed very shy.

   "My name is Ye Feng."

   Ye Feng didn't turn around, but after speaking to the woman, he turned around and left.

   After Ye Feng left, the young man said to himself: "Ye Feng, this name is so familiar."

   "Liu Heng, what are you talking about?"

   The woman in the cyan dress seemed to have heard what the young man said and asked.

   "Nothing, just talk casually."

   Liu Heng shook his head slightly, as if he did not want to say what he was thinking about.

   The two women didn't ask any more, but left the place with Liu Heng.

   They are the disciples of a middle-level magic repair family in this area.

   The two women in cyan dresses are called "Huang Ying" and the pink dresses are called "Huang Yi".

   They have been cultivating in the Liu family, and they have been designated by the Liu family as their internal daughter-in-law, and this Liu family is also extremely greedy.

   actually wanted his son Liu Hengjiang, the two girls, to be included in the room.

   Because of the defeat of the Huang family, the people of the Huang family can only acquiesce in this matter.

   "Cousin, do you know who that person is?"

   When the three returned, Liu Heng finally couldn't help but said to Huang Ying.

   Huang Ying flashed her eyes, and asked Liu Heng, "Who?"

"I saw a notice in the city before. The portrait on the notice is exactly this person, and his name is exactly the same as the person shown in the portrait. He is the most wanted criminal of my ancient demon sect, and he was unexpectedly caught by me. Wait until I meet."

   Liu Heng said with some excitement, there were flashes of brilliant light in his eyes.

   "So what, they saved my life."

   Huang Ying was slightly surprised by what Liu Heng said, but she did not pay much attention to it. Although they were under the control of the Ancient Demon Sect, the Ancient Demon Sect did not bring them any benefits.

   Therefore, as far as Huang Ying is concerned, she does not have much sense of belonging among the ancient demons. Ye Feng saved her life before, so she would like to thank Ye Feng.

   "Cousin, do you know what price the Ancient Demon Palace charges for this person? If the two of me, the Ancient Demon Palace provides the whereabouts of this person, it will provide the daily expenses of my Liu family for 10 years."

   Liu Heng continued, his eyes flashing with excitement. When he said these words, a frantic expression appeared on his face involuntarily.

   seems to have some interest in this matter.

   "If this person hadn't just rescued, I'm afraid I would have died a long time ago. Therefore, even if this person is wanted by the ancient magic palace, it has nothing to do with me."

   Huang Yingbei bit her red lips and said lightly, as if she was not interested in what Liu Heng said.

   "Cousin, what's the matter with you? Why don't you think about it for me? This is not a small sum. If you really let me meet the strong in the ancient magic palace, cousin, don't blame me for providing them with news."

   Liu Heng said to Huang Ying, as if he had already made a decision.

   Seeing Huang Ying so resolutely trying to protect Ye Feng before, his heart felt uncomfortable, and he couldn't help feeling a bit of hatred towards Ye Feng.

   After all, the two daughters of Huang Ying and Huang Yi are the couples chosen by his father for him. How can he allow his couples to be interested in other men?


   Hearing Liu Heng's words, Huang Yingmei's eyes flashed a bit of anger, but she quickly put away the expression.

   They are going to return to Liu's house soon. It is estimated that Liu Heng will not be able to meet the people of the ancient magic palace even with this kind of thought.

   Therefore, Huang Ying dispelled this worry.

   The three of them walked forward together, and when they immediately reached the land of Liu's house, a wave of terrifying coercion swept across the sky.

  The endless pressure made this space extremely heavy, and the three of Liu Heng, Huang Ying, and Huang Yi suddenly felt uncomfortable.

They couldn't help but look up at the sky, and they saw flying magical instruments flying by in the void. Everyone standing on these flying magical instruments was extremely powerful, giving people a very strong aura. A sense of oppression.

  The devilish power swept across the world, and the devil cloud in the void constantly rolled, which made Liu Heng's eyes brighten. As a native of the ancient demon realm, he naturally recognized the aura released by these powerful men.

   Huang Ying's face was slightly ugly, she wanted to stop Liu Heng first, but she was still a step late.

   "Seniors, please stay!"

   Liu Heng waved his hand at the ancient magic palace powerhouse who flew by in the void.

   The strong man in the ancient magic palace actually heard his shouting, and a strong man looked down directly from the void, looking towards the direction of Liu Heng and the other three.

   Then the strong man said to the person beside him: "Someone asked me to wait. There should be something important. Let's go down and take a look."

   After the strong man finished speaking, he quickly drove the flying magic weapon and descended downward.

   An ancient magic palace expert set his eyes on Liu Heng and asked, "What is calling me to wait?"

   "The younger generation knows that the seniors and others are looking for that Ye Feng, they can offer clues. I wonder if the seniors and others are willing to listen to the younger generations?"

   Liu Heng bends before many people in the ancient magic palace, Xia is asked. Appears extremely respectful.

   Seeing what Liu Heng said, Huang Ying and Huang Yi looked at each other with beautiful eyes, and they could see the ugly color flashing in each other's eyes.

   "Seniors, don't listen to his nonsense, he has never seen Ye Feng, all this is nonsense."

   Huang Ying hurriedly wanted to pull back Liu Heng's words, and couldn't help but waved his hand at those ancient magic palace experts.

The strong man in the ancient magic palace narrowed his eyes slightly, but saw Liu Heng glared at Huang Ying, and then said: "Senior, juniors naturally dare not lie. The words and sentences the juniors said before are The younger generation really knows where Ye Feng is now!"

Seeing Liu Heng's determination, those ancient demon palace experts couldn’t help but looked at each other, and then only one ancient demon expert said to Liu Heng: “Since you know where Ye Feng is, then You will show us the way. If I really meet Ye Feng, I will definitely make the promise shown in the present notice."

   Hearing the words of this strong ancient demon, Liu Heng immediately showed ecstasy, and then flew onto the flying magic weapons of those strong ancient demon.

   Huang Ying and Huang Yi also followed up, not wanting Liu Heng to make too many mistakes.

   "Liu Heng, why did you do this?"

   On the flying magic weapon, Huang Ying said to Liu Heng Chuan.

   "For the future of my Liu family, what's wrong with me doing this?"

   Liu Heng replied straightforwardly, at this moment, the more he looked at his cousin, the less pleasing he was.

   I didn't expect my cousin to eat in and out like this. For a strange man, she questioned him one after another.

   "You are ungrateful, it is wrong to avenge your gratitude."

   Huang Ying's tone seemed a bit agitated, and she really couldn't accept Liu Heng's performance.

   "Stop talking, I think cousin, you are fond of that guy, why do you like to speak for him so much?"

   Seeing Huang Ying's performance, Liu Heng was also a little angry, and said coldly.

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