Sky War God

Chapter 2314: Elite Club

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But never thought that this little-known junior had actually done such a sensational thing.

According to the words of the master Kunzu of the Ancient Demon Palace, Ye Feng can easily defeat the upper emperor with only the cultivation base of the Supreme Martial King realm.

Even the ancient magic palace was killed, and the two forces of Kun Palace had many high-ranking emperors, and their fighting power was exploding.

Perhaps because of personal considerations, Kunzu, the master of the Palace Demon Palace, did not tell the story of Ye Feng's victory over the two of them.

Although everyone present was shocked, most of them were in a state of skepticism about what the two said.

After all, they had never seen a junior in the Supreme Martial King realm with such strength.

People of the Supreme Martial King realm, let alone the upper emperor strong, even those who have just advanced to the Martial King, should be difficult to deal with.

After all, all beings under Emperor Wu are all ants, and this sentence is not unreasonable.

Therefore, after the shock in everyone’s hearts, a strong man immediately stood up and said with a disdain: "What a joke, you two are here to tell a joke? How can the juniors of the Supreme Martial King realm have this? Strength? It's simply a fantasy!"

There are bursts of thunder and lightning power shining around the speaker, making his whole body reveal a wave of violent power.

Surprisingly, it was the Lord of Tianlei Palace.

Tianlei Palace is also one of the nine shrines under the seat of Lingtian Sacred Palace. The strength of the Lord of the Heavenly Thunder Palace is comparable to that of the Lord of the Ancient Demon Palace, Kunzu.

Regarding the words of these two people, the palace lord of Tianlei Palace would not believe it anyway. In his cognition, a person of the Supreme Martial King realm is simply not even an ant.

"Your Majesty the Holy Emperor, in my opinion, these two guys should have been defeated by a certain strong man. I am embarrassed to make up such a lie."

The Palace Master of Tianlei Palace arched his hands and said to the Saint Emperor Lingtian above. Looking at the Palace Master of the Ancient Demon, the eyes of the two Kun tribe were full of irony.

Tomorrow, the Holy Emperor could not help but nod slightly when hearing the words of the Palace Master of Tianlei Palace.

That Ye Feng is only the cultivation base of the Supreme Martial King Realm, so he really shouldn't have this kind of strength.

"What the Palace Master of Tianlei Palace said is very reasonable, how should you two explain?"

Ling Tian Shenghuang asked the ancient demon palace master and the two Kun clan, and the words showed a bit of coldness.

"The two subordinates are true, and I hope His Majesty the Holy Emperor will observe!"

Kunzu, the master of the Ancient Demon Palace, immediately bowed and bowed to the Lingtian Sage Emperor, with a bit of perseverance on their faces.

How dare the two of them lie about such a big thing?

"If His Majesty the Holy Emperor doesn't believe it, people from our two forces can testify for both of us."

Kunzu once again arched his hands to Ling Tian Shenghuang.

Seeing Kunzu's confirming look, everyone's eyes flickered. Could it be that what these two people said was true?

If so, how terrible is the strength of this young figure? The people of the supreme king martial slaying the powerful emperor is like cutting melons and vegetables.

In the entire Lingtian Continent, no one seemed to be able to do it.

"Father, although the words of the two seniors are a bit exaggerated, Ye Feng's strength really should not be underestimated. The battle commander Hidden Dragon under the seat of Lingtian Saint Palace was killed by this person some time ago. If his strength is not good, he will not be able to defeat the hidden dragon at all!"

Ling Tianyang spoke again, and when he spoke, his voice was somewhat cold.

For him, Yinlong was a subordinate and a close friend. Now that he died in the hands of Ye Feng, Ling Tianyang was naturally unwilling.

"There is still this thing!"

Ling Tian Shenghuang frowned slightly. He still had a certain impression of the younger Hidden Dragon, but he didn't expect to be killed by Ye Feng in this way.

"Since you are waiting to praise Ye Feng so much, why not invite this person to my Lingtian Sacred Palace and verify on the spot whether he is as powerful as you said?"

Palace Master Tianlei still said disdainfully. In his opinion, what the Ancient Demon Palace Master Kunzu and even Ling Tianyang said were impossible.

"This idea is very good. If you can invite this child to Lingtian Sacred Palace, the lie will naturally be exposed!"

The words of the Palace Master of Tianlei Palace immediately received the approval of many people, and among them was a strong man who was surrounded by terrifying flame attribute power stepping forward.

He said in agreement that this person was the palace owner of the "Red Flame Palace" in one of the nine divine palaces under Ling Tiansheng's work.

He didn't believe what the Ancient Demon Palace Master and Kunzu said, but he was relatively low-key, and he never spoke to refute.

"This is a good idea, but if you invite this child, this child may not come."

Another strong person said that in his opinion, Ye Feng might not dare to come here.

"Invited in the name of His Majesty the Holy Emperor, I don't believe that he will not come? If he does not come, I will force him to be **** later!"

Palace Master Tianlei Palace seemed to have a very hot temper. After hearing the words of the strong man, he immediately spoke indifferently.

"That's right, the invitation is issued in the name of His Majesty the Holy Emperor. No matter how arrogant he is, he must give the Holy Emperor his son!"

Another powerhouse at the level of the Palace Master of the Nine Great Palaces said coldly, thinking that Ye Feng would definitely give Lingtian Saint Emperor this face.

After discussion by everyone, it was finally decided that after January, a feast of heroes would be held in Lingtian Sacred Palace.

Many top figures in Lingtian Continent will be invited to participate, and the host of the feast of heroes will be the deity of Saint Emperor Lingtian.

This kind of momentum is quite mighty.

You know, Lingtian Saint Emperor, as the supreme level figure of the entire Lingtian Continent, rarely attended similar occasions.

And now, for Ye Feng, Lingtian Sacred Palace arranged a feast of heroes, the most important purpose is to test Ye Feng's strength.

At the same time, this feast of heroes can also allow Lingtian Sacred Palace to establish its majesty in the Lingtian Continent area, so as to frighten those who have two hearts towards Lingtian Sacred Palace.

This news spread quickly across the Lingtian Continent, and some strong men who have emerged in the mainland in recent years have received invitations from Lingtian Sacred Palace.

The issuer of the invitation uniformly marked Ling Tian Shenghuang's name, which represented the weight of this invitation.

I believe those who don't like to join in the fun, after receiving this invitation, they must also go to Lingtian Sacred Palace.

A few days later, Ye Feng, who was far away in the quiet, naturally received this invitation. After seeing this invitation, Ye Feng's eyes flashed involuntarily.

Then he said to himself: "Unexpectedly, they couldn't bear it so quickly!"

This caused Yun Dangtian and others not far away to look at him for a moment, not knowing the meaning of Ye Feng's words.

And when they saw the invitation card in Ye Feng's hand, they were shocked involuntarily.

Unexpectedly, the current Junior Brother Ye already has this kind of influence, and Ling Tian Shenghuang personally issued an invitation for him to invite him into Ling Tian Sacred Palace.

Even their master loyal to the emperor does not seem to have such qualifications.

"Junior Brother Ye, are you planning to go?"

Yun Dangtian asked Ye Feng.

"This is a grand feast, these guys must have prepared many traps for me to wait for me."

Ye Feng spoke lightly, and when he spoke, cold light flashed in his eyes involuntarily.

"If this is the case, then Junior Brother Ye shouldn't go there. You won't fall into these people's traps."

Hua Yuewu's beautiful eyes flickered, and she couldn't help but say to Ye Feng.

"Senior Sister's words are wrong, I have to be there to listen to music."

Ye Feng shook his head slightly at Huayuewu.


Hua Yuewu asked somewhat puzzledly.

"If I don't go, I will give them an excuse to send troops for 40 dynasties. At that time, they will definitely send many powerful men here. In that case, the Four Gods dynasty will fall into a passive state. Since neither side nor the left can avoid this disaster , It would be better for me to take the initiative to visit them for a while!"

Ye Feng analyzed rationally. If there is no Zhongchen Peak, no 4 Gods Dynasty, Ye Feng will definitely not follow the other party's wishes to participate in any group of heroes.

"Then Junior Brother Ye, will it be dangerous to go this time?"

Hua Yuewu asked with some worry.

"Sister, please don't worry, your younger brother, I'm a lucky person, naturally there will be no accidents."

Ye Feng smiled lightly at Hua Yuewu.

Huayuewu was still uneasy, and so was Ouyang Qinger, who was extremely worried about Ye Feng.

"Your Majesty, I will go with you too!"

Fang Chen said to Ye Feng, letting Ye Feng go to such a crisis place alone, he was a little worried.

"No, Zhongchenfeng needs someone to sit here, you just stay here."

Ye Feng shook his head slightly at Fang Chen and said.

Fang Chen nodded.

Except for Ye Feng of Zhongchen Peak, many top experts on Lingtian Continent received invitations from Lingtian Sacred Palace.

One after another gathered towards the place where Lingtian Sacred Palace was located, among them were the helms of the sect forces, and there were also a lot of powerhouses who could not escape from the world.

But they live on the land of Lingtian Holy City, so they have to give the Lingtian Holy Emperor Even if some people do not belong to any power, but are people of idle clouds and wild cranes, they can only temporarily walk out of the hermit.

In the early morning of the second day, Ye Feng also left Zhongchen Peak to the land of Lingtian Holy City under Yun Dangtian and the others.

As a native of Lingtian Continent, Ye Feng knew the terrain of Lingtian Holy City very well.

Therefore, he didn't waste any time when he was on the way. After half a month, he had already arrived in Lingtian Holy City.

Ye Feng was also very familiar with this power center city in Lingtian Continent. He had spent some time in Lingtian Holy City when he participated in the mission of Fallen Dragon Cliff.

It was on this piece of land that he met two friends, Lin Rou and the intimate girl.

The confidant girl is now in the sky, but Lin Rou was placed in the city lord's mansion of Guang'an City in Qionghai Realm by Ye Feng.

Yan Donglai, the lord's mansion of Guang'an City, as well as his son Yan Mingxuan and daughter Yan Mingyue are all good friends of Ye Feng. (Lingtian Ares: 105105931)--(Lingtian Ares)

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