Sky War God

Chapter 2317: Free and easy

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Seeing this scene, those Chen Tangzong powerhouses couldn't help but look ugly, and at the same time, they couldn't help feeling a little bit of fear towards Ye Feng.

However, Chen Ming issued the order for them, and they had to obey them. The breath of each body was released, and the terrifying offensive and defensive power kept blooming, covering Ye Feng's body.

For a while, the entire restaurant was occupied by the might of destruction, and the owner of the restaurant and Xiao Er were all frightened. Unexpectedly, this kind of thing would happen here.

As Chen Tangzong was a major sect force in Lingtian Holy City, his disciples fought against others, so it was naturally not her turn to participate in a small restaurant.

Therefore, the restaurant owner can only admit that he is unlucky.


Another amazing fist burst out, and it landed directly on the body of a Chen Tangzong expert. The other party screamed, and the body flew upside down like a cannonball.

Although Ye Feng's fist light didn't have any power to release, it was very lethal to Chen Tangzong strong.

The people of Chen Tangzong couldn't stop Ye Feng's attack at all. Ye Feng blasted his fists at will, and the body of a strong Chen Tangzong must be blown away.

Wherever the boxing man went, a Chen Tangzong expert was frightened.

In just a few breaths, the figures of Chen Tangzong's disciples were all blown off by Ye Feng's fist, ranging from abolished cultivation bases, or directly killed here.

At this moment, only Chen Ming was left standing there, and his eyes fell on Ye Feng, also showing a sense of indescribable panic.

Even if he, the powerhouse of the Martial King Realm, faced the attack of so many Supreme Martial King Realm people, it was impossible to beat these people so easily.

The young man in front of him clearly seemed to have only the cultivation base of the Supreme Martial King realm, but his combat power far exceeded the cultivation realm he displayed.

Ye Feng's eyes fell on Chen Ming, his pupils flickered, and he couldn't help but said to Chen Ming, "Aren't you going to kill me? Why don't you take action now?"

These words sounded calm as usual, but when they fell in Chen Ming's ears, Chen Ming could not help but tremble involuntarily, like an electric shock.

At this moment, he was completely suppressed by Ye Feng in aura.

"You'd better not be proud, if it weren't for something to do today, I would definitely kill you, but now I will leave!"

Chen Ming pretended to be harsh and wanted to turn around and leave after speaking.

However, before he turned his body, he saw Ye Feng's big hand clasped directly on his shoulder, and then sneered: "Before you kept saying that you want to kill me, now you say that you have something to say. Is it true, which sentence is false?"

Chen Ming's face was ugly, and he said unnaturally: "What are you asking so much for? Let go!"

"You say you want to kill me, I take it seriously. For those who want to kill me, I will return everything he wants to me, and you are no exception!"

Ye Feng continued to sneer. When he was speaking, the arm he clasped Chen Ming actually used force at this moment, causing Chen Ming's body to tremble involuntarily. The intense pain made him grin out and his face was extremely pale. .

"Let go!"

Chen Ming was so painful that he tried to poke Ye Feng's arm away with his palm. However, Ye Feng's arm was like iron tongs, which did not give him any chance to escape, which made Chen Ming's expression suddenly more ugly. stand up.

"You said that you can shoot me at will if you want to kill me, and you can leave if you have something to do. Do you think there are such good things in the world?"

Ye Feng said coldly to Chen Ming, and when he was speaking, his big hand slammed hard again.

The crowd only heard a cracking sound of bone fracture. Under the action of Ye Feng's big hand, the bones of Chen Ming's shoulders were directly crushed.

It made the subjects scream involuntarily, and the whole body was trembling with pain.

"You, how dare you treat me like this!"

Chen Ming was trembling with anger and gritted his teeth, wishing to kill Ye Feng completely now.

"I said, I will give back to each other what others treat me, and you are no exception!"

As he spoke, the crowd saw a burst of destruction in Ye Feng's palm, and the endless destructive power was released in his palm.

Immediately a large palm print was photographed, and the power of destruction integrated on the palm print could not be described in words. In a very short period of time, this palm print palace descended on Chen Ming's body.

Suddenly, Chen Ming screamed in his mouth. Under the action of that powerful force, his body was directly shaken upside down, and blood spit out from his mouth.

Under Ye Feng's palm, the skeletal cells in Chen Ming's body were all shattered and become useless!

Many people trembled violently, and were completely shocked by what happened before them.

A young figure of the Supreme Martial King realm, in this restaurant, he used his own power to kill and abolish many Chen Tangzong experts.

These Chen Tangzong powerhouses were extremely embarrassed one by one, including the existence of two Martial Sovereign realms. This scene was too shocking for everyone present.

The two brothers Chen Ming and Chen Xing fell on the ground, watching Ye Feng's expression standing in front of them at this moment involuntarily shining with the extreme cold luster.

"You, treat me like Chen Tangzong people, don't leave this place if you have the ability, when my Chen Tangzong strong come, you will definitely make you better than death!"

Chen Ming said with a trembling body, with a look of resentment when he said the words.

"Now, immediately disappear in front of me, go back and tell you people of Chen Tangzong, from now on, if anyone dares to insult Lin Rou again, I will let you Chen Tangzong disappear in Lingtian Holy City!"

Ye Feng looked at Chen Ming coldly, and the two brothers Chen Xing said, with strong words in their words.

After he said what he said, everyone in the restaurant was taken aback. Many people had heard of Lin Rou's name.

He was a beautiful disciple of Chen Tangzong. Chen Xiao, the son of Chen Tangzong, was interested in this woman.

I don't know why, but later this woman disappeared from Chen Tangzong, and never appeared in everyone's sight again.

Now, many years have passed, and I didn't expect the young man in front of him to fight against Chen Tangzong for this woman.

And he also said the arrogant remarks just now, if someone in Chen Tangzong insults Lin Rou again, he will let Chen Tangzong disappear in Lingtian Continent.

This sentence is really too arrogant. He is a person of the Supreme Martial King realm, even if he has a relatively powerful leapfrog challenge ability, but in front of the powerful Chen Tangzong, he is nothing.

Such arrogance and arrogance will cause him to kill him.

Chen Ming and Chen Xing are the same. They looked at Ye Feng with a bit of irony. They got up from the ground with difficulty, and then quickly left the restaurant. They wanted to see if this guy was capable. , Dared to speak arrogantly like this.

"Your Excellency, you'd better go, and when the people of Chen Tangzong arrive, you may suffer!"

After the Chen Ming and Chen Xing brothers left, the owner of the restaurant immediately came to Ye Feng and gave a reminder to Ye Feng's good staff.

Ye Feng looked at the restaurant owner. This person has a kind face and should not be a bad person. Moreover, he had made a big deal with the people of Chen Tangzong before and had already destroyed the restaurant in a disastrous manner.

This made Ye Feng feel a little guilty, and then he took out a cloth bag from his storage ring. The cloth bag contained all high-grade primordial stones.

High-grade Yuanshi is an extremely rare resource for cultivation in Lingtian Continent. Handing this cloth bag into the hands of the restaurant owner, Ye Feng said indifferently: "I bought this restaurant. You can leave by yourself."

The restaurant owner condensed his eyes, curiously opened the cloth bag, and saw the pieces of high-grade primordial stone shining with crystal luster inside, and a strong shock immediately appeared on his face.

Then he kept bowing to Ye Feng, "Thank you, Shaoxia!"

After saying this, he winked at Xiao Er of the restaurant, and the two quickly left here.

The fineness of these top-grade virgin stones that Ye Feng brought out was many times better than the top-grade virgin stones circulating on the market, and the price was naturally different.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Ye Feng's top-grade Yuanshi can take out a piece at will, and then he can buy the entire restaurant.

But Ye Feng's cloth bag contained more than a dozen yuan. The restaurant owner was a smart man, and he naturally agreed immediately.

Many people were shocked when they saw Ye Feng's magnanimous move, and they guessed Ye Feng's identity in their hearts.

After doing all this, Ye Feng sat down where he was before, and continued to drink and eat, appearing extremely leisurely.

Many people looked at him and were extremely shocked. They knew that Chen Ming and Chen Xing returned to Chen Tangzong, and they would let more Chen Tangzong powerful people come here to fight.

This young man didn't even have the intention to leave, and even bought the restaurant directly, which was too arrogant.

"This brother, what the restaurant owner just said is not unreasonable. Although your strength is indeed very powerful, Chen Tangzong has a very solid foundation in Lingtian Holy City. There are many strong people. He will send out several powerful and powerful people at will. It's enough to kill you. If you don't suffer from the immediate loss, a good guy might as well leave here soon!"

Seeing Ye Feng's performance, another strong man took the initiative to persuade him, not wanting to see such an outstanding young figure like Ye Feng fall here.

The rest of them nodded one after another, and you began to comfort Ye Feng to get up.

"No problem!"

Looking at the strong, Ye Feng smiled freely, and immediately drank a bowl of wine again.

Many people saw Ye Feng look like this, they couldn't help but shook their heads slightly, and sighed silently in their hearts.

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