Sky War God

Chapter 2338: Chiqing

   The hearts of the crowd trembled fiercely, looking at Thunder Kuang who fell on the ground, they only felt that they had only seen the most incredible things.

   Lei Kuang, the palace lord of Tian Lei sat down as the number one disciple, the cultivation base of the middle emperor's pinnacle state, whether it is talent or personal strength, belongs to the top existence.

   However, at this moment, such a powerful Lei Kuang was actually abolished by a young figure in the Supreme Martial King realm.

  This caused the scene to fall into a state of silence in a short period of time. Everyone's eyes were staring blankly at all, as if they could not accept it in a short time.

   "I said before, you are not my opponent, I asked you to give up on your own initiative, but you just didn't listen. Let you save your life and live through it!"

   Ye Feng glanced at Lei Kuang's body and said coldly.

   After his words were spoken, Lei Kuang's expression was extremely ugly, and his face was pale, and it was only at this moment that he gradually reacted.

   Regarding his previous experience, it was like having a dream, but everything was real. He had been abolished and his cultivation base had been abolished. From now on, he could only become a useless person.

   "Thief, you dare to make this heavy hand, are you deliberately targeting my Tianlei Palace?"

   At this moment, Palace Master Tianlei got up directly from his seat, looked towards Ye Feng indifferently, and asked.

  'S words are extremely sharp, giving people a very domineering feeling. While talking, the palace lord of Tianlei Palace released a horrible aura, and the extremely terrifying pressure madly suppressed Ye Feng's body.

   In that coercion, the crowd also felt an astonishing slaying air, as if they were going to kill Ye Feng completely at this moment.

Ye Feng's eyes flickered, his eyes flickered with cold light, and he said to the palace lord of Tianlei Palace: "Your disciple took the initiative to challenge me, and has always claimed that he wants to kill me. Kindness."

   Ye Feng's words can be described as extremely strong, even in the face of the palace lord of Tianlei Palace, he still has no retreat.

   As soon as these words came out, the palace lord of Tianlei Palace's expression froze for a while, and then the whole person became even more violent, and he stepped out directly from where he was and walked towards Ye Feng.

   "No matter what, you abolish the cultivation of my two disciples, today, I will not let you go!"

   The Lord of the Heavenly Thunder Palace spoke indifferently. When he spoke, he released his strongest power, and Zhitu launched a terrifying attack on Ye Feng.

   "Palace Master Tianlei, stop!"

   However, before Palace Master Tianlei’s attack was truly released, he heard a very charming voice coming from a short distance away.

   After hearing this sound, Palace Master Tianlei really retracted his attack, and turned his eyes to see that the Palace Master of Jingyue Temple actually slowly got up from his seat.

   presents a perfect posture, with her seductive appearance, it gives people a more pleasing feeling.

   "What's the matter?"

   Palace Master Tianlei asked indifferently, but facing the Palace Master of Jingyue Temple, his words were obviously much softer than before.

   "As one of the people at the helm of Lingtian Sacred Palace sitting down on the nine great divine palaces, you have lost your identity just like this against a junior in the Supreme Martial King realm."

   The Palace Master of Jingyue Temple said to the Palace Master of Tianlei Palace. When she spoke, her beautiful eyes could not help but look towards Ye Feng.

   Ye Feng naturally also noticed the gaze of the Lord of Jingyue Temple, and that gaze was a bit ambiguous, which made Ye Feng fought a cold war.

   I don't know why this woman gave him such a look.

   "He is rumored about the cultivation of the two major disciples, and this seat will naturally not let him go. This matter has nothing to do with you, please do not participate."

   Palace Master Tianlei insisted on taking action against Ye Feng, no matter how the Palace Master of Jingyue Temple blocked him, he seemed to be determined.

   "The Lord of the Palace is destined to this son, and I hope Palace Lord Tianlei can do things according to the rules of not bullying the small."

   Jingyue Temple Hall Master Meisou also became a bit colder, seemingly determined to protect Ye Feng.

   "Where did this guy get the blessing? He was actually favored by the Lord of Jingyue Temple? If there was no Lord of Jingyue Temple, he might have been killed by the Lord of Heavenly Thunder Palace at this moment!"

   Seeing the scene in front of him, there was a strong person in the scene who immediately said so, thinking that Ye Feng was out of **** luck and was favored by such a beautiful person, and to keep him safe.

   "Today, no one can stop the determination to kill him!"

   The Palace Master of the Heavenly Thunder Palace said coldly, not giving face to the Palace Master of the Jingyue Temple at all.

When    was speaking, the crowd saw the terrifying lightning attribute power released from the Palace Master of Heavenly Thunder Palace, and the lightning attribute power he released was not comparable to his two disciples.

   The entire space seemed to be transformed into a doomsday scene at this moment, and he was ready to attack Ye Feng.

   Seeing this scene, the three princes Ling Tianyang and others all sneered in their hearts, wishing to see Ye Feng being crushed by the Lord of Heavenly Thunder.

   "Palace Master Tianlei, you should withdraw first."

   However, at this moment, a very majestic voice came over. After hearing this voice, many people couldn't help but stared, and their eyes turned towards the main seat in the distance of the palace.

   It was surprisingly discovered that the owner of the voice was Saint Emperor Ling Tian, ​​and Saint Emperor Ling Tian actually spoke at this moment.

   "Your Majesty Holy Emperor, this son will abolish the cultivation of my two disciples, and I want to avenge them!"

   Palace Master Tianlei said unwillingly, and put his posture very low when speaking.

"Hall Master Jingyue is right. Although you are eager to avenge your disciples, how can you, as the lord of the First Palace, easily deal with a junior? There are so many Tianjiao figures in Lingtian Holy City, Anyone can take the stage to challenge."

   Ling Tian Shenghuang spoke lightly, his voice filled with majesty and domineering.

   He also personally bet on the battle between Ye Feng and Lei Kuang and others before, and he has a certain understanding of Ye Feng's strength.

   Actually, through the introduction of Ling Tianyang and others, he already knew the identity of Ye Feng.

   Ye Feng's actions naturally aroused the great attention of the Lingtian Holy Emperor, who was so domineering above the Lingtian Continent.

   If Lingtian Saint Emperor is not like getting rid of Ye Feng, it is false, but even if he desperately wants to get rid of Ye Feng, he doesn't want Lingtian Saint Palace to lose his grace in the eyes of the people of Lingtian Continent.

   Heavenly Thunder Palace Lord is able to defeat Ye Feng, but he will also let others say that there is no one under the seat of the Lingtian Sacred Palace, allowing a powerful person to bully a junior.

   It doesn’t sound good to go out no matter how you say it.

   Lingtian Saint Emperor hopes to get rid of Ye Feng at this feast of heroes, but also hopes not to lose the face of Lingtian Saint Palace.

After his words were spoken, Palace Master Tianlei also understood his meaning a little, glanced indifferently on Ye Feng and said: "Since His Majesty the Holy Emperor said so, then this seat will spare your life, but, You are so arrogant and domineering, just wait to accept the challenge of other young talents!"

   Tianlei Palace Master sneered in his heart. Although he is extremely arrogant, his two disciples are very good in Tianlei Palace, but if they are placed in the entire Lingtian Holy City area, they appear extremely ordinary.

   Therefore, the words Ling Tian Shenghuang said before made her feel at ease, even if he didn't take action, Ye Feng would still die.

   Ye Feng smiled coldly at Palace Master Tianlei, without speaking.

   Many Tianjiao figures in Lingtian Holy City challenged him, Lingtian Holy Emperor simply valued his people too much.

   However, after the words of the Holy Emperor and the Palace Master of Tianlei Palace fell tomorrow, the hall fell into silence in a short time.

   No one came forward to challenge Ye Feng on the initiative.

   These scenes are really embarrassing, so Ling Tian Shenghuang's face must be ugly.

In fact, this phenomenon is also very normal. In addition to Tianlei Palace, Ancient Demon Palace, Kun Palace, Chen Tangzong, Xuanyin Palace, Manta Demon Palace, Li Gui Palace, and many other powerful people have seen Ye Feng’s strength. Even if there are Tianjiao characters who want to challenge.

  The people at the helm of their sect will not agree, even if they are not Ye Feng's opponents themselves, if they let young people in their sect to challenge themselves, wouldn't they be seeking a dead end.

   "Chiqing, go take this man's life to the prince!"

   After a moment of silence, at a certain prescription, someone finally spoke, and immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

   They discovered that the person speaking at this moment was indeed the Prince Furukawa from the Furukawa realm.

   Prince Furukawa had been forced by Ye Feng to kneel and apologize to Yan Donglai and the others.

   This made Prince Furukawa’s hatred towards Ye Feng to an incomparable level.

   Even dreaming of wanting to kill Ye Feng and wash his previous duties.

   Prince Furukawa was also anxious this time in the Furukawa realm. Many powerful and powerful men arrived The Chiqing he referred to was one of his royal guards.

   Although only a guard, Chiqing's strength is super powerful, and his cultivation has reached the apex of the middle emperor's pinnacle. Perhaps it is only one step away to break through to the upper emperor.

   What is even more terrifying is that this Chiqing is less than 40 years old now, and his cultivation speed is quite terrifying.

   "Yes, Your Royal Highness!"

   Chiqing bowed his hands to Prince Furukawa, and without any hesitation, stepped to the center of the hall.

   He is wearing a cyan robe, and his eyes are all green, giving people a very strange feeling.

  His eyes fell on Ye Feng, and he said coldly: "His Royal Highness ordered me to come and take your life. Come out and die quickly!"

  As soon as these words came out, the faces of everyone present once again showed excitement.

   The people of Prince Furukawa stepped forward to fight, and they should have good strength. I don't know if Ye Feng can resist it.

   Chiqing is not very old, and naturally meets the requirements of the Lingtian Holy Emperor. As long as he is not a figure at the helm of any sect force, killing Ye Feng and their Lingtian Saints is not a shame.

   Ye Feng looked at Chiqing, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then he stepped out and also came to the center of the hall.

  The author Wan Muzheng said: There are 30 flowers and 250 flowers. Come on, brothers, rush forward, more flowers!

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