Sky War God

Chapter 2367: Fusion green dew drops

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This scene surprised the Hallmaster of Jingyue Temple, her jade hand covered her small cherry mouth, and her heart was shocked.

She could feel the strong energy fused in this green dew drop. Unexpectedly, this turquoise bead not only possesses powerful swallowing attribute power, but also can merge the attribute power it swallowed into the present one. Green dew drops.

The green dew drops gradually merged into the flesh and bones above Ye Feng's head, quickly infiltrated into Ye Feng's body, and slowly flowed through Ye Feng's odd meridians and eight veins.

Feeling the powerful energy contained in the green dewdrops, Ye Feng couldn't help being shocked. This time, he absorbed the attribute power in the bodies of many high-ranking emperors, and the energy contained in the green dewdrops was much stronger than before.

It was not even less than the last time that he swallowed the attribute power in the body of the Chilian Saint Cult leader.

You know, Chilian leader is a powerful emperor, and his strength is not comparable to that of the emperor.

The Nine-turn Hunyuan Sutra was released in Ye Feng's body, and the endless Hunyuan power surged around his body, continuously fusing with the energy contained in the green dewdrops.

Ye Feng has no distractions, and fully displays the Nine Turns of the Hunyuan Jing. The green dew drops surging in Yefeng's meridians, and the energy contained in it is wrapped in the power of Hunyuan, constantly in every capillary around Ye Feng Flowing through the blood vessels.

Nourish all tissue cells in his body.

Gradually, Ye Feng's body was wrapped in a burst of emerald green luster, and the entire cave was filled with that powerful energy.

This shocked the Master of Jingyue Temple who was not far away. Even though she was relatively far away from Ye Feng at the moment, she could still feel the powerful attribute power continuously released from Ye Feng.

As a result, the body of the Palace Lord Jingyue was wrapped in that burst of energy, and she even felt that even if she was in this space, she could get a lot of benefits.

The energy fused in the space is also extremely pure and rich. If she cultivates here, she may have a lot of gains.

Therefore, the Lord of the Jingyue Temple did not stay any longer, looking for a suitable place to sit cross-legged, and began to operate the Jingyue Secret Art, the power of the Jingyue Temple surged all over her body, the light was extremely dazzling.

The Lord of Jingyue Temple kept spitting out the powerful attribute power contained in this cave, and the constant attribute power penetrated into her body through the pores of her body.

In a very short period of time, the Lord of Jingyue Temple felt that his cultivation realm had actually made some progress.

This shocked her heart, and the strength of the attributes floating in the space was much greater than she had imagined.

Therefore, the Palace Master of the Jingyue Temple didn't want to waste this great opportunity, and worked harder to operate the Jingyue Art, using this method to absorb the power of attributes free in the space.

On Ye Feng's side, the energy contained in the green dewdrops was also continuously integrated, and the green dewdrops were extremely powerful.

Even if Ye Feng uses the Nine Turns of the Hunyuan Jing, you will not be able to fuse all the energy contained in the green dew drops in a short time.

However, Ye Feng was not in a hurry. He tried to merge little by little, and his mixed element power could be as he pleased, and he could merge according to Ye Feng's wishes.

In the process of fusing the energy of the green dewdrops, Ye Feng felt that the meridians all over his body were bulging, as if there was a strong burning sensation, flowing continuously in the eight meridians of the whole body.

By fusing the energy in the green dewdrops, Ye Feng felt that his meridians were more full, and the Dantian Qi Sea was swollen, and attribute power was constantly instilling in it.

As a result, Ye Feng's Dantian Qihai was forcibly expanded, and that feeling was extremely uncomfortable, and even a strong sense of pain appeared.

This caused Ye Feng's brows to furrow fiercely, and fine beads of sweat ooze out on his forehead. When you look carefully, you will find that Ye Feng's body is trembling constantly with the pain.

But he has been insisting on all this, and he dared not slacken the slightest. At this critical moment, once there is any slack, Ye Feng may be completely destroyed because of the energy flowing back through the meridians.

Since the energy contained in the green dewdrops is too full, it took about 7 days for Ye Feng to integrate the energy of the green dewdrops to complete this integration.

But he did not stop the process of cultivation, still using the Nine Turns Hunyuan Jing to stabilize the energy that had just merged.

Cultivation itself is a slow process, and Ye Feng will not rush for it, and strive to be as perfect as possible in every detail.

During the 7th, the Hall Master of the Jingyue Temple was also in a state of cultivation. Her whole body was wrapped in the strong energy free in the space, and she constantly used the Jingyue Jue to absorb the positive energy free in this space.

This also made the Lord of Jingyue Temple feel that the energy in his body has become extremely surging, and the whole person's body is in an extremely active state, which makes the Lord of Jingyue Temple feel as if it hits the peak of the upper emperor .

The Lord of the Jingyue Temple was shocked, even the free energy in this space was so full and surging, then, how strong should the green dew drop that had been integrated into Ye Feng's body before? The owner of Jingyue Temple couldn't even imagine.

And while Ye Feng and the two had been cultivating in the cave, Lingtian Holy City was a scene again, and the strong from Lingtian Sacred Palace chased Ye Feng and did not return.

This caused all the powerful forces in the entire Lingtian Holy City to fall into a state of panic, and they were even trying to contact their own forces.

However, the result was a failure. Before the strong man who went with Ling Tian Shenghuang and others to chase Ye Feng, none of them could be contacted.

I don't know where they are now, and even Lingtian Saint Emperor and the three princes of Lingtian Saint Emperor, the powerful and powerful people of all parties in Lingtian Saint Palace, and the figures of the nine great palace masters in Lingtian Saint Palace have not returned.

This also caused many people in Lingtian Holy City to guess in their hearts the whereabouts of these people.

"Is that young person so difficult to pursue? Why haven't the Holy Emperor come back for so long?"

Similar thoughts arose in everyone's hearts, and it was not clear where Ling Tian Shenghuang and others had gone.

In a hidden place outside Lingtian Holy City, Yan Donglai led his sons and daughters, Yan Mingxuan, Yan Mingyue and Lin Rou, to stay here.

They did not leave the Lingtian Holy City area immediately, because they were uneasy about Ye Feng, and they were not qualified to participate in the previous battles, so they could only collect information on the official website here.

"I don't know how Ye Feng is now?"

Lin Rou raised her head and stared at the distant sky, a bit of longing flashed in her beautiful eyes, and said to herself.

"Rou'er, don't worry anymore. I believe Ye Feng will surely be able to turn good luck in the face of bad luck, and the news of peace will be returned soon."

Seeing Lin Rou looked so worried, Yan Mingyue walked over and said softly to Lin Rou.

Ever since they arrived here, Lin Rou has spent the entire day without thinking about food and tea. Seeing Lin Rou who was getting thinner and thinner, Yan Mingyue felt distressed.

"I hope so."

Lin Rou nodded to Yan Mingyue.

In the past few days, Yan Dong came back to Lingtian Holy City from time to time, appeared as a disguise, and inquired about Ye Feng.

But he heard that not only Ye Feng did not return, even the people of Lingtian Sacred Palace led by the Holy Emperor tomorrow also did not return.

This caused many people in Lingtian Holy City to guess that they were very concerned about the whereabouts of Lingtian Holy Palace and Ye Feng and others.

Soon after, another news came out, and this news was related to those strong men who were chasing after Lingtian Sacred Palace.

The news claimed that some of the strong men who were chasing in the Lingtian Sacred Palace had fallen, and their soul beads were shattered, which meant that they were no longer in this human world.

In the following period of time, more and more news came out, mostly about the fall of the strong from Lingtian Sacred Palace.

In the beginning, such news did not attract too many people's attention. After all, they had already seen Ye Feng's strength before that.

The upper emperor's powerhouse had only been killed in front of him, and under this circumstance, it was normal that the Lingtian Saint Palace powerhouse who went to pursue it were killed.

But with the constant spread of similar news, the people of the Holy City will feel something wrong tomorrow. With the Lingtian Holy Emperor here, how could the people of Lingtian Holy Palace have so many people fallen?

What they experienced, many people had different guesses about this matter in their hearts, and at the same time, a panic was triggered in Lingtian Holy City.

During this period of time, another scene appeared in the land of heaven, and a strong man wearing a golden robe was walking quickly against the sky.

This person looks The entire space between the flight is occupied by the billowing anger released from him.

From a closer look, this person actually lost a finger on one of his hands, and the wound has not completely healed. It should have been cut off not long ago because of something.

Before long, an extremely vast building community appeared in front of this golden robe powerhouse.

This building complex covers a very wide area, and looks like a huge city, giving people a very strong visual impact.

This golden robe powerhouse came directly in front of the building complex, and immediately two guards stepped forward to intercept him.

The strong man in the golden robe did not speak, and directly took out a token from his arms. This token was very exquisite in workmanship, carved with primitive patterns.

Seeing this token, the two guards directly bowed and saluted the strong golden robe.

Immediately, he respectfully gave up his position, and the golden robe powerhouse strode directly into this building complex.

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