Sky War God

Chapter 2404: The transformation of Dongfang Haolong

Dongfang Haolong felt a little desperate in his heart. For several days, he still hadn't been able to get out of this yellow sand area, where there was no water and no vitality.

Although he is a powerful person in the upper emperor's cultivation realm, he does not need water to survive as usual.

But in this environment, Eastern Opteron felt that sooner or later he would be consumed by his will, and completely sink into it.

Even more frightening is that this space is unable to fly, as if imprisoned by some kind of force. If he wants to successfully get out of this space, he has to walk on foot. This really makes Dongfang Haolong somewhat Difficult to accept.

"Am I going to be trapped here like this?"

Dongfang Opteron thought this in his heart, feeling that he was going to be unable to hold on anymore, and the sky full of yellow sand did not give him any chance at all.

The power of death attribute free in the space is also constantly consuming his will, making him completely buried by this piece of rolling yellow sand!


A huge storm was released in the space, and the rolling yellow sand seemed to turn into a wild beast, madly covering Dongfang Haolong's body, which made Dongfang Haolong's eyes flashed a little bit of shock. Light.

He could feel that this huge storm was not as simple as he had imagined, and contained a wave of bitter killing power.

If he doesn't deliberately evade, his body is really likely to be completely swallowed and buried by this storm.

Dongfang Haolong used his strongest physical skills and martial arts to evade, and it was difficult to avoid the first wave of this storm.

However, he discovered that this storm seemed to possess wisdom. He had just avoided the first wave, and the second wave of attacks had already arrived.

The endless storm is rolling in the yellow sand and roaring, just like the strongest desert beast, wherever it goes, it can swallow all existence!

Dongfang Haolong's body was walking through the storm quickly, and the storm's attack became more and more terrifying, and it did not give Dongfang Haolong any breathing opportunity.

Dongfang Haolong frowned slightly, and his body dodged, but he discovered that the killing power contained in this storm became more and more terrifying, and the coverage area of ​​the storm also expanded many times in a short time.

Constantly engulfing Dongfang Haolong’s body, Dongfang Haolong’s expression was extremely shocked, and he avoided another storm’s offensive. But at a certain moment, when Dongfang Haolong was avoiding this wave of storms, the storm was actually Move quickly to one side in the space.

This caused Dongfang Haolong to evade in a short time, and his body was swallowed by the endless storm.


Dongfang Haolong made a scream, and under the turmoil of the storm, he only felt that his body was about to be completely torn apart under the devouring of the storm.

He struggled desperately in the storm, roaring constantly, trying to get out of the storm completely.

However, he found that after entering the storm, his body would not listen, and all the power seemed to be imprisoned at this moment, making him unable to move at all.

In this way, under the continuous rolling of the storm, Dongfang Haolong's body didn't listen at all, and kept rolling in the storm.

His mind was dizzy, and his whole body kept circling in the storm.

He was accompanied by the yellow sand, the yellow sand all over the sky gathered towards the storm, and the yellow sand turning from the ground.

Let Dongfang Haolong's whole body be wrapped in endless yellow sand, making it extremely difficult to even breathe.

"How could this be? Why did I encounter such things?"

There was despair in Dongfang Haolong's heart. As a top talent, Dongfang Haolong believed that his talent was very good, and his personal strength was also very powerful in the same realm of martial arts.

This made Dongfang Haolong very confident for a while, believing that he could resist any difficulties with his talent and strength.

But after he entered this ancient battlefield, Dongfang Haolong finally felt his own insignificance, his insignificance under the power of nature, as if the anger of nature could make him irreversible.

Dongfang Haolong simply stopped moving, just let the storm roll his body, and his body was also being torn by the storm, only feeling that his body was about to be torn apart completely.

However, due to the extremely high level of Dongfang Haolong's cultivation, his body's resilience is also extremely strong, even with the endless rolling of the storm, he still cannot completely tear his body apart.

"If this is the case, it is better to practice here to avoid wasting time."

Dongfang Haolong said in his heart, he knew that he couldn't really escape in a short time, he could only admit his fate.

A wave of power was released on the body of Dongfang Haolong, and Haolong Art bloomed.

The power in Dongfang Haolong's body gradually transformed into bursts of dragon energy, and endless dragon might linger around him.

Dongfang Haolong released his good dragon tactics wholeheartedly, making his body more integrated with this space a little bit.

In this way, Dongfang Haolong tried to adapt to the environment of this space while operating Haolong Art. Constantly make myself more fit into this space.

I don't know how long it took, Dongfang Haolong felt that his body had become a part of this space, and the dust became so annoying.

It seems to be able to follow his orders and control the direction of the sand dust through his divine consciousness attribute power, so that the sand dust takes various forms.

Dongfang Haolong was shocked, as if he didn't expect that Sand Dust could be used for him.

He began to try to control the appearance of sand dust in various forms, and gradually, he boldly presented the moves in the Hao Long Jue in the form of sand dust.

The endless dragon aura engulfed in the sand and dust, and evolved into a vast salon, this sarong covering the sky and sun, like a real dragon in the desert, when opening its huge mouth, whether there is a dragon coming in or out. , To swallow all existence!

"So strong!"

The power contained in the salon brought Dongfang Hao Longjing to him. In any case, he did not expect that a martial art he had cultivated indiscriminately would possess such power, which was really terrifying.

This also gave Dongfang Haolong a feeling of overjoy. Unexpectedly, he was trapped in this space and caught in endless storms. She should have been completely desperate, but she found a new way out in despair. .

Let yourself realize the power in despair, it can be said that it is a kind of rebirth.

Dongfang Haolong's eyes gleamed a bit of hope, and he quickly released Haolong Art, once again condensed to give birth to an extremely huge salon. The power contained in the salon cannot be described in words.

Dongfang Haolong's body was standing on the salon, and Sharon roared and roared, setting off Dongfang Haolong's body, and flew quickly toward one side at an extremely terrifying speed.

"So cool!"

Dongfang Haolong stood above the salon and flew wildly in this desert, he couldn't help but let out a burst of laughter.

Although this space was imprisoned by a certain force and flight was forbidden, he used his own martial arts and martial arts to evolve such a powerful salon, which can be regarded as an alternative flight.

At this speed, Dongfang Haolong quickly found the edge of this desert, and the front was a white bone.

This white bone can't see the end at a glance, Dongfang Haolong knew that this should be the legendary ancient battlefield.

After entering this area, the salon dissipated automatically, and Dongfang Haolong descended on the ground, his gaze involuntarily looking in all directions.

It seems to be familiar with the things in this space.

"Bastard, I didn't expect to meet you here!"

At this moment, from the side of Dongfang Haolong's body, there was such an indifferent voice.

This caused Dongfang Haolong's eyes to turn involuntarily, and when he looked towards that side, he saw two figures coming quickly from a distance.

The aura of these two people is extremely tyrannical, these are the cultivation realm of the upper emperor, and they are the two powerhouses from the Yi clan.

Before, they also participated in a banquet hosted by Chen Chonghuan, and at the banquet they often uttered mocking words to Dongfang Haolong.

Now that they meet here by chance, the two people still refuse to stay in Germany and directly form Dongfang Haolong as a hybrid.

This caused Dongfang Haolong's brows to slightly furrow, his icy eyes looked towards the direction where the two people were, and he said coldly: "Go away, I don't want to kill."

Dongfang Haolong's words contained extreme indifference, giving people a sense of sharpness, but his words fell in the ears of the two powerful Yi clan, it was like a joke.

You know, this is not a formal occasion, and there are no rules at all. There are two of them here, but Dongfang Haolong is just a **** who has just advanced to the upper emperor's cultivation base.

With two enemies and one enemy, the two of them could naturally crush Dongfang Haolong easily.

Therefore, after hearing Dongfang Haolong's words, the two powerhouses immediately issued a mocking smile on their faces, and said sarcastically, "Who do you think you are? Are you qualified to talk to me like this?"

When these words were said, the two Yi clan powerhouses couldn't help but laughed.


Almost at the same time, before the voices of the two people had fallen, they heard a strange sound in the void.

In the next moment, Dongfang Haolong's body descended in front of their bodies, and the terrifying killing and cutting palm prints were shot, and the power of destruction integrated on the palm prints was so powerful that it was appalling.

This made the eyes of these two powerhouses condensed slightly, and it seemed that Dongfang Haolong dared to release an attack directly on them.

A sneer appeared at the corners of their mouths, and then no longer had any hesitation, they quickly released a terrifying force against Dongfang Haorong, trying to completely crush Dongfang Haolong!

In a very short period of time, the attacks of the three collided together, and there was an astonishing sound of shock throughout the world, and the power of destruction spread in the void.

However, under this collision, the triumphant smiles on the faces of the two Yi clan powerhouses completely solidified.

Under a palm print released by Dongfang Haolong, they only felt that their attack power was swallowed up in an instant, and the endless might of destruction engulfed a powerful dragon energy, which was likely to fall on their bodies. Above.

This caused the two Yi clan powerhouses to scream, their bodies shook off the palm prints released by Dongfang Haolong at this moment, and vomited blood when they landed!

Dongfang Haolong stepped out, and within a short period of time, his body descended in front of these two Yi clan powerhouses. The sharp edge of the eyes was shining, and one foot directly stepped on the head of a powerhouse with a face. Indifferently asked: "Who do you say is a bastard?"

The Yi clan powerhouse never thought that the strength of Dongfang Haolong had become so strong. Although they had known that Dongfang Haolong's strength had improved before, they had never thought of it. To this point.

A random attack was released, and both of them could not resist together, and they could both imagine the gap between them and Dongfang Haolong!

"I, I said myself, didn't say you, don't kill me!"

The body of the strong Yi clan who was trampled by Dongfang Haolong on his head trembled and said, at this moment, he had already felt the murderous intent released from Dongfang Haolong.

Even if he was extremely reluctant to say such words, he had to express his position quickly at this moment, for fear that Dongfang Haolong would kill him.

"It's too late to admit the mistake now!"

Dongfang Haolong didn't hesitate, a palm print directly descended on this Yi clan powerhouse's Dantian Qihai, and immediately caused a screaming sound in the opponent's mouth.

That terrible power of destruction spread wildly on his body, making this Yi clan powerhouse desperate, and the terrible power of destruction continued to spread in all directions.

As a result, the Dantian Qihai of this Yi clan powerhouse was directly shattered, and the realm of cultivation was collapsed and became a useless person.

After doing all this, another Yi clan powerhouse seemed to have anticipated his end, and began to flee frantically, for fear that Dongfang Haolong would kill him.

However, Dongfang Haolong had a chance to give him a chance. He stepped forward, and his body fell in front of the body of this powerful Yi clan in a short time, and an astonishing large palm print of destruction came.

The power of destruction integrated on the palm prints cannot be described in words. When a palm print falls, the entire sky seems to collapse and destroy.

The strong man of the Yi clan was desperate. He did not expect that Dongfang Haolong would have such strength. In a very short period of time, this palm print of Dongfang Haolong enveloped his body, giving him nothing at all. Opportunity.

This allowed this strong man to raise his hand as much as he could to resist, and the terrible rumbling sound came out, and the two attacks collided.

The power of destruction instantly spread in all directions. Under this collision, the strong Yi clan felt his body trembled crazily, and his whole person was enveloped by the power of destruction.

That power was not something he could resist at all. He made a screaming scream, and his body was directly shaken upside down at this moment, vomiting blood when he landed!

And that destructive force continued to spread over his body, causing his entire body's internal organization to be shattered. Even if he left a life behind, he will only become a useless person from now on. !

"How could this be?"

The strong man uttered a voice of despair. He had cultivated endless years to achieve this achievement. He thought that entering the ancient battlefield this time would enable his cultivation strength to be further improved.

But never thought that the future path of the two of them would be broken here, and also broken in the hands of the **** that they had always looked down on before.

If they knew that Dongfang Haolong had such strength now, they would not dare to step forward to provoke it anyway.

But this is the end of the matter, and they know that it is useless to regret it. In this ancient battlefield, there are many dangers. Even if they have the realm of the previous cultivation level, they can't guarantee that they can successfully get out.

Not to mention that all their cultivation bases are now abolished, and the ending seems to be predictable.

"Tell you, I, Dongfang Haolong, can't be insulted by everyone. If you have this ending, you can only blame yourself for taking the blame, and you can't recognize anyone!"

Dongfang Haolong flicked his sleeves, glanced coldly at the two powerful Yi clan, and spoke coldly.

This voice suddenly made the two Yi clan powerhouses only feel that their bodies are like falling ice pits, and the previous despair intensified, and they couldn't help but vomit blood again.

However, Dongfang Haolong's body has gradually gone away. They looked at the back of the other party, and they gritted their teeth for a while, and only heard one yelling: "You abolish my cultivation. This person of the Yi clan will definitely not Let go of you!"

Hearing the voices of these two people, a sneer appeared at the corner of Dongfang Haolong's mouth, and he just stepped away without paying any attention.

Dongfang Haolong gained insight in that desert. Although his personal cultivation level has not changed much, his strength has changed.

Dongfang Haolong, whose combat effectiveness itself has become stronger, has now become even more different.

And in the other barely sunken mountain peak area, there is always a beautiful shadow walking through these mountains.

Perhaps it was because of many crises that had gone through before, the clothes on this beautiful shadow were damaged in several places, and the white and smooth skin was looming.

At this time, the beautiful shadow was walking through the mountains, and Qiao's face had a strong sense of vigilance. Those beautiful eyes kept observing the surrounding area, as if they were afraid of a crisis.


At this moment, not far from the prescription, there was a strong roar of beasts, and the beautiful shadow's eyes condensed.

The next moment, a giant beast figure rushed from the back of one side of the mountain. Its body was extremely large, like a hill, giving people a strong visual impact.

After descending, this giant beast figure madly launched an attack on the beautiful shadow, and every attack power was so terrible. When the attack came, the surrounding mountains collapsed and destroyed.

The breath of the beautiful shadow was released, and the power of the net moon rose to fight against this giant beast.

Although the strength of this beautiful shadow is impressive, it has the cultivation realm of the upper emperor, but due to the consumption of several days, the attack power released by the beautiful shadow now is not as good as before.

This also allowed that giant beast to gain the upper hand, and the attack it released was a strong threat to this beautiful shadow.


The giant beast uttered a frantic roar, and the strong death aura lingered around his body, like a ghost beast from the Netherworld.

But the aura released from his body is not comparable to the ghosts and beasts in the Netherworld Palace. With every attack, almost a mountain peak is shaken and destroyed.

A bit of astonishment appeared on the beautiful Qian Ying Qiao's face, and she kept evasive, releasing the Jingyue Art that she had comprehended to the extreme, and you were forced to retreat again and again by this giant.


Finally, at a certain moment, Mei Qianying's body was almost unharmed by this behemoth's terrorist attack.

At this very moment, a powerful beam of destruction came from a certain prescription in the void. This beam of destruction was extremely powerful and the speed was incredible.

In a very short period of time, it penetrated from the center of the eyebrows of this giant beast. After a muffled sound came out, the huge body of the giant beast was completely frozen in place at this moment.

A blood line shot out from the center of the beast's forehead, turning into a rain of blood.

The giant beast's body completely lost its resistance at this moment, and its huge body collapsed suddenly, causing the ground to tremble.

Beautiful Qianying slowly opened her eyes, seeing a somewhat unbelievable color on her pretty face behind this scene.

Before, she thought that she might be killed this time, but she never thought that she was saved.

"This girl, are you okay?"

A voice came from behind the beautiful shadows, and it sounded warm and caring.

The beautiful shadow and beautiful eyes turned, if the young figure who came here, you would see the other person wearing a beautiful dress, the personable appearance, the breath released from the whole body is also very powerful.

Like her, it is a powerful existence in the cultivation realm of an upper emperor, but from the perspective of personal strength, this young man in Chinese clothes should be much stronger than him.

"Thank you for your help."

Beautiful and Qianying thanked the young man in costume.

The gaze of the young man in Huafu looked at the beautiful shadow There was a sense of surprise in his pupils.

It has to be said that this woman is really attractive enough to be born, and she belongs to the top one in terms of appearance and temperament and figure.

It even made the heart of the Chinese-served young man feel ripples, and the whole person behaved more politely.

"It's nothing, this is what should be done next."

The young man in Huafu waved his hand and spoke lightly.

"This ancient battlefield is perilous. It is not easy for a woman like a girl to come here. How about you and me?"

This young man in Chinese clothes took the initiative to invite beautiful Qianying.

"No, I can go by myself, and I will find my companion in a short time."

Mei Qianying shook her head slightly, and refused the other party's invitation.

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