Sky War God

Chapter 2523: Xuanyuan Mingyue broke through Emperor Wu...

This old man looked decisive, and he let go of Ye Family's orders to come. If he failed to stop Ye Zhen's actions, then he would definitely be punished by him.

Seeing this resolute appearance of the old man Ye's parents, a sharp light flashed in Ye Zhen's eyes.

Some were unwilling to say: "Why does the old man protect the two of them like this?"

"The uncle can go and ask the old man in person, the subordinates don't know about it."

The old man Ye's parents said helplessly.

"Fortunately for you two, bring me back!"

Ye Zhen knew that he couldn't kill this beautiful woman today, so he gave an order to the powerful Ye Family who followed him.

Those strong Ye Family nodded one after another, and then escorted the beautiful woman out of this jail.

"Husband, take care, I will always be waiting for you!"

Before leaving, this beautiful woman struggled physically and couldn't help but shouted to the prisoner.

The prisoner temporarily let go of his heart and couldn't help but nod to the beautiful woman, but he already knew that these people might have begun to notice his children.

"Tell you, even if you don't say it, I already know that the two of you should have given birth to an evil seed. I will definitely cut the roots of the evil seed to eliminate the trouble!"

Ye Zhen said coldly to the prisoner, with a fierce expression in his words.

Hearing the words the other party said, the prisoner's vicissitudes of face looked more worried, but he didn't dare to say anything. If there were clues, Ye Zhen and others would definitely be even more frantically looking for Xiaofeng.

Ye Zhen, Ye Cangtian, Ye Potian and the others also quickly left this jail.

The prisoner couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. He had already made his mortal ambitions before. It seemed that the two of them should not die for the time being.

"Xiaofeng, how are you doing? Did the Nangong family fulfill my request and raise you?"

There was a secret voice in the prisoner's heart, and a four or five-year-old child appeared in his mind involuntarily.

He always had infinite concern for this child in his heart, but it was contrary to his wishes. The two of them could never meet. He only wanted his son to be an ordinary person and spend his life safely and securely.

But now, his idea seems to be difficult to realize again, and the people of the Ye Family have clearly noticed the existence of his son.

Once these people are truly sure about this news, they will inevitably eliminate the roots at all costs.

In this way, the prisoners kept worrying, wondering what fate the three of them would face next.

Ye Feng didn't know all of this, and now he has been cultivating in the Saint Emperor Academy, and Xuanyuan Mingyue has not returned to the Xuanyuan family camp.

Instead, they have been following Ye Feng's left and right. The two lived in the green mountains and rivers, and almost no one dared to disturb them.

Today, Ye Feng is already the first person recognized by Shengdi Academy. Who dares to offend him?

Even top figures like Huangquan Youming and Long Aoshuang are now a lot more stable, and dare not come to make trouble anymore.

Shengdi Academy has always been a paradise for young martial artists, and there are many opportunities and places for insight.

Therefore, those who practice in Shengdi Academy can often achieve unexpected results, and the speed of improvement is quite obvious.

With the passage of time, the strong in the Holy Land Academy have rapidly improved their strength, and many top young talents have emerged.

Each of them has extraordinary talents and extraordinary savvy, shuttled among the various secret realms in the Holy Land Academy, and they have been very strongly tempered by their own strength.

Ye Feng and Xuanyuan Mingyue, in addition to the green mountains and green waters, often went to the sacred mystery in the Holy Land Academy to explore.

With Ye Feng by his side, Xuanyuan Mingyue's safety naturally has a great guarantee, and various crises Ye Feng can calmly resolve them.

In front of Ye Feng, Xuanyuan Mingyue could feel an unprecedented sense of security. During the exploration, Ye Feng and Xuanyuan Mingyue naturally got a great improvement.

In a blink of an eye, it was nearly three years. Ye Feng Xuanyuan Mingyue and the two have been traveling between various secret realms in the Holy Land Academy.

Their strength has also been greatly tempered.

A few days ago, Ye Feng had even upgraded his cultivation to the realm of the upper emperor. After reaching the realm of the upper emperor, Ye Feng's combat effectiveness naturally increased again.

The whole person's physical function quality has undergone earth-shaking changes, which has further strengthened Ye Feng's position in the entire Saint Emperor Academy.

No one dared to provoke him. When they met Ye Feng and Xuanyuan Mingyue, these people would take the initiative to avoid them.

It's just that the two of them stayed together day and night for more than three years, inseparable, and various rumors spread throughout the Holy Land Academy.

Many of them are rumors about the relationship between Ye Feng and Xuanyuan Mingyue. Some people speculate that Xuanyuan Mingyue has already become Ye Feng's woman.

In this way, it is equivalent to Ye Feng robbing Ye Cangtian's fiancée. People in the Xuanyuan family can often hear such rumors.

Although Xuanyuan Hongjian had 100 reluctances in his heart, his sister was very willing to stay with Ye Feng.

With Ye Feng's status today, even if Xuanyuan Hongjian was extremely dissatisfied with Ye Feng, he did not dare to say anything to Ye Feng.

Recently, Ye Feng and Xuanyuan Mingyue both walked out of a secret realm, and obtained a very rich opportunity from adversity.

They decided to temporarily return to that place of green hills and green waters, and after digesting these opportunities, it was not too late to go out.

A simple courtyard was built in the land of green mountains and green waters. This courtyard is the area where Ye Feng and Xuanyuan Mingyue live.

"Mingyue, the aura in your body is getting stronger day by day. You are infinitely close to the realm of Emperor Wu, in my opinion, you can definitely try it."

In the courtyard, Ye Feng looked at Xuanyuan Mingyue today, and said lightly, with a very gentle smile on his face.

Xuanyuan Mingyue's beautiful eyes flashed, and she naturally felt the changes in her body at this moment.

Xuanyuan Mingyue also had a strong yearning for Emperor Wu's realm, and she had been pursuing this realm for so many years.

Now, after years of tempering, Xuanyuan Mingyue finally feels that he is about to take care of the threshold of a realm, and he is naturally excited.

"it is good."

With excitement, Xuanyuan Mingyue couldn't help but nodded faintly at Ye Feng, and then she lifted her steps and walked towards the cabin step by step.

Practice in the wooden house. It didn't take long for Ye Feng outside the wooden house to feel the strong energy fluctuations continuously coming from the wooden house.

This shocked Ye Feng's heart slightly. The aura on this girl's body now seemed to have the style of a top king.

Xuanyuan Mingyue tried to break through the cultivation base in the wooden house, while Ye Feng was guarding outside the wooden house. He came to sit cross-legged under an old tree in the courtyard.

Close your eyes and rest here.

It was on the 7th. Xuanyuan Mingyue had been cultivating nervously in the wooden house, and the aura on her body also became more and more surging, causing the airflow in the entire wooden house area to roll over.

In the distant sky, strong heaven and earth vitality converged from all directions and penetrated into the wooden house.

The clouds floating in the void were also extremely active, the light of the force became stronger and stronger, and the entire space was extremely violent.

There was an imperial might as if looming and floating in the space, which made Ye Feng's eyes flashed with excitement.

It seems that Xuanyuan Mingyue is really about to advance to the realm of Emperor Wu, and Ye Feng is naturally happy for this woman.

Xuanyuan Mingyue's talented combat power were all extraordinary, especially after several years of tempering, the whole person had a more obvious improvement.

Ye Feng was very much looking forward to Xuanyuan Mingyue's performance after entering the Martial Emperor Realm.

With the passage of time, the aura that wafted and gathered in the void became stronger and stronger, and the entire space was enveloped by that terrifying vision of heaven and earth.

Ye Feng was in this space, and he could feel the buttocks surrounding his body, as if to really penetrate into his body.

However, just when the breath from the inside of the wooden house reached a true peak, not far from the prescription position, there were even a group of strong people stepping forward.

Each of these people has extremely powerful auras, and a young man headed by them is wearing gorgeous robes, and the whole person looks unrestrained.

It's just that his cultivation realm has only reached the apex of the Supreme Martial Emperor Realm, and there is still a distance from the Martial Emperor Realm.

This person was surprisingly the eldest son of the Xuanyuan family, Xuanyuan Hongjian, who followed Xuanyuan Hongjian was naturally a kind of Xuanyuan family powerhouse, among them there were many who were strong in the Emperor Martial state.

After Xuanyuan Hongjian arrived, he led the Xuanyuan family directly into the courtyard where the two of Ye Feng Xuanyuan Mingyue were.

Feeling someone coming, Ye Feng naturally opened his eyes for the first time, and saw Xuanyuan Hongjian's somewhat ugly face.

"Dare to ask, where is the little girl Mingyue?"

Xuanyuan Hongjian couldn't help but ask Ye Feng, although Ye Feng is now the first person recognized by Shengdi Academy.

But it was three years since he was separated from Xuanyuan Mingyue last time. Xuanyuan Mingyue has never returned to the family once in more than three years.

The wind and talk outside almost caused Xuanyuan Hongjian and many Xuanyuan family powerhouses to collapse.

No matter how good Xuanyuan Hongjian's temper was, he couldn't help it now, and he led the strong to find his little sister.

"She is cultivating in the wooden house, wait a moment."

Ye Feng said to Xuanyuan Hongjian that he could understand Xuanyuan Hongjian's mood. Furthermore, no matter how Xuanyuan Hongjian was Xuanyuan Mingyue's brother, Ye Feng would naturally not do anything unfavorable to him.

The words that Ye Feng said immediately caused Xuanyuan Hongjian's brows to be slightly raised, and he couldn't help feeling a little shocked in his heart.

His younger sister was in the process of cultivating, although Xuanyuan Hongjian didn't understand Xuanyuan Mingyue's previous actions, he naturally wouldn't force it in.

Therefore, Xuanyuan Hongjian and the powerful members of the Xuanyuan family waited outside. When Xuanyuan Hongjian saw Ye Feng's current cultivation level, he was shocked involuntarily.

You know, when Ye Feng entered the Saint Emperor College eight years ago, he was only at the Supreme Martial King Realm.

Now, in just 8 years, Ye Feng has been promoted from the realm of the Supreme Martial King to the realm of the current upper emperor, which is really strong enough.

Before that, Xuanyuan Hongjian had never thought that Ye Feng would increase his cultivation realm so fast.

As Xuanyuan Mingyue's cultivation realm became more and more intense, and the constant transition to the invincible realm, this also made the heaven and earth vision more and more intense.

The entire space is shrouded by that terrible tyrannical power, giving people a very strong sense of oppression.

"Miss, this is going to advance to the realm of Emperor Wu!"

A strong Xuanyuan family said with excitement, really happy for Xuanyuan Mingyue.

When Xuanyuan Hongjian heard this, his heart suddenly became serious. You must know that his previous cultivation level was much higher than his own sister. Unexpectedly, once practiced at Saint Emperor Academy, his sister could actually be able to do so in a short time. Nei completed a counterattack on him.

This was something Xuanyuan Hongjian never thought of. Next, a long time passed.

Finally, the breath released from Xuanyuan Mingyue's body reached a true peak at this moment, and it didn't take long for it to completely enter the street to a new level.

The airflow in the space also became more tyrannical at this moment, and even put a strong pressure on Xuanyuanhong's fitness body.

A bit of excitement flashed in the eyes of many Xuanyuan family powerhouses. Their eldest lady really broke through the realm of cultivation. This is really great.

"Mingyue's talent is indeed much stronger than mine, and my Xuanyuan family can rise from now on!"

Xuanyuan Hongjian spoke with excitement, and he might not have thought that although Xuanyuan Mingyue had good talents, the reason why he was able to advance to the Martial Emperor realm so quickly was entirely dependent on Ye Feng's help.

For more than three years, Ye Feng took Xuanyuan Mingyue to and fro in various secret realms, guarding the safety of Xuanyuan Mingyue many times, and Ye Feng never coveted some opportunities in the secret realm.

This time, the two of them had obtained a fruit with a powerful effect of improving the cultivation base in the secret realm, and Ye Feng took the initiative to let it out to help Xuanyuan Mingyue hit the realm of Emperor Wu.

And Xuanyuan Mingyue did not disappoint, and finally broke through the obstacle avoidance, raising her cultivation base to a whole new level.

After a few more days, Xuanyuan Mingyue stepped out of the wooden house with a little joy after he stabilized his cultivation level in the wooden house.

Today's Xuanyuan Mingyue, the breath released from the whole body is more and more surging, and the whole person looks so radiant.

After advancing to Emperor Martial Realm, Xuanyuan Mingyue's entire person completed a qualitative leap, completely new from the inside out.

Xuanyuan Mingyue's beautiful eyes were smiling, and she tried to share her joy with Ye Feng for the first time, but as soon as she walked out of the wooden house, she saw Xuanyuan Hongjian and many Xuanyuan family powerhouses.

This also made Xuanyuan Mingyue's smile solidify at this moment, and his face became slightly gloomy.

"Mingyue, it's been more than three years, and you didn't even say to go back. Do you know how worried I am about you?"

Seeing Xuanyuan Mingyue finally walked out, his body's aura changed, Xuanyuan Hongjian was naturally extremely happy, and hurried forward to speak.

"I am already an adult, so I don't need to worry about my brother. Moreover, Ye Feng takes good care of me."

Xuanyuan Mingyue spoke lightly, but there was still a bit of coldness in the words.

There was even a little worry in his heart, for fear that Xuanyuan Hongjian had spoken badly to Ye Feng before.

Xuanyuan Mingyue knew that Ye Feng had been thinking about the relationship between Xuanyuan Hongjian and her, so he didn't take action against Xuanyuan Hongjian.

If not, Ye Feng's current strength is more than enough to deal with Xuanyuan Hongjian.

"Follow me back to the family camp. I have something to tell you."

Xuanyuan Hongjian began to speak, and there was something beyond doubt in his words.

Xuanyuan Mingyue's eyes flickered, and Qiao's face showed some reluctance, but she could see that what Xuanyuan Hongjian said at this moment was serious.

Moreover, it has been more than three years since she left this time, and she feels a little guilty to think about it now.

Therefore, Xuanyuan Mingyue did not refuse Xuanyuan Hongjian's request. He didn't come to Ye Feng, and smiled lightly: "Ye Feng, I will take a step first, and I will come to you when I have the opportunity."

Ye Feng always smiled, he could understand Xuanyuan Mingyue naturally, so he nodded to Xuanyuan Mingyue.

Next, Xuanyuan Mingyue left here with Xuanyuan Hongjian.

Ye Feng was cultivating alone in the wooden house, and Shicheng would also wander in some unreached secret realms in the Holy Land Academy.

In short, Ye Feng's life was plain and full of flavor, and his cultivation level was constantly improving.

But Xuanyuan Mingyue has not returned to where Ye Feng is since she left the wooden house.

Ye Feng was slightly surprised, but this woman stayed with someone in her family, and Ye Feng knew that his worries were unnecessary.

After a few more days, a piece of news reached Ye Feng's ears. Through this piece of news, Ye Feng learned that Xuanyuan Mingyue and the Xuanyuan family had all withdrawn from the Saint Emperor Academy.

Leaving silently like that made Ye Feng very surprised. It seems that this time Xuanyuan Mingyue didn't come to look for him. There must be something wrong.

However, this should also be Xuanyuan Mingyue's family affair, and he really has no right to participate in it.

With the passage of time, Ye Feng's cultivation realm gradually changed, gradually moving towards the upper emperor's peak realm.

On this day, Ye Feng unexpectedly received a summons letter, which made Ye Feng's expression slightly stunned.

Shengdi Academy has always been a highly free practice place. Before that, Ye Feng had never received a similar summons.

After opening the letter of summons, Ye Feng found that the person who summoned him was indeed the middle-aged strong man who was in charge of the opening lecture before.

The location is inside a huge palace in the Holy Land Academy. Ye Feng had a very good impression of this middle-aged strong man, who saved his life many times.

Moreover, in the previous lectures on the altar, Ye Feng also really received a lot of benefits, comprehending the power of Taoism, and the whole person's cultivation level has been further improved.

Therefore, after being summoned by this middle-aged powerhouse, Ye Feng moved towards the agreed palace for the first time.

It didn't take long for Ye Feng to arrive at the periphery of this palace.

The strange thing is that this should be the core area of ​​Shengdi Academy, but people from other Shengdi Academy are not present.

Only Ye Feng stood outside this empty palace square.

"Since it's here, come in first!"

At this moment, a voice was transmitted from the Saint Emperor Academy and entered Ye Feng's eardrums, which made Ye Feng's eyes involuntarily freeze slightly. It seemed that he did not expect that he had just arrived, this middle-aged strong Already noticed.

Now that he was summoned by the other party, Ye Feng would naturally not stay there, and strode into the palace.

A figure is facing him in the hall inside the palace. Wearing a gorgeous robe, the person's breath is extremely ethereal, and he is indeed the middle-aged strong man.


After Ye Feng arrived, he bowed and bowed to this middle-aged strong man for the first time, showing his due respect.

The middle-aged strong man slowly turned around and glanced at Ye Feng's body. A surprising light flashed in his pupils. Then he smiled slightly and said, "How long has it passed, and the cultivation base has improved a lot. It really surprised me."

"It's just a coincidence, it's not enough."

Ye Feng humbled to the middle-aged strong man.

The more middle-aged powerhouses look more pleasing to the eye, their Victory Academy hasn't recruited such outstanding disciples for a long time.

"Your physique is very peculiar, and your combat effectiveness is beyond our imagination. You will cultivate hard and limitless achievements in the future."

The middle-aged strong man once again praised Ye Feng, seeming to admire Ye Feng extremely.

"I will."

Ye Feng nodded faintly at the middle-aged powerhouse. Although his current combat effectiveness is not weak, he is still much worse than the real top powerhouses.

"I don't know why the seniors summoned the juniors this time?"

Ye Feng asked this middle-aged strong man, he was still a little curious about him.

"This time I am summoning you to give you a task. I wonder if you are willing to work for the Holy Court?"

This middle-aged strong man opened his mouth with a faint smile, and looked forward to Ye Feng's eyes.

"If you can, the younger generation is naturally willing to share the worries for the holy courtyard."

Ye Feng didn't consider anything, and said directly that Shengdi Academy provided her with such generous training conditions.

Let Ye Feng complete such a transformation in just 8 It can be said that Shengdi Academy is kind to him.

Therefore, Ye Feng is still very willing to work for Shengdi Academy from the bottom of his heart, but he doesn't know what the task assigned by Shengdi Academy is this time.

"I don't know what the mission of the holy courtyard is? Can seniors explain to juniors?"

Ye Feng asked curiously.

"Destroy a marriage."

The middle-aged strong man from Shengdi Academy spoke with a faint smile, and his eyes flashed sharply when he spoke.

"Break a marriage?"

Hearing the words of this middle-aged strong man, Ye Feng couldn't help but looked stunned. He didn't seem to expect the so-called mission to be like this.

"What? You don't want to play for the Holy Court anymore?"

Seeing Ye Feng showing such an expression, the middle-aged strong couldn't help asking.


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