Sky War God

Chapter 2549: Escape from prison

This guy is crazy, dare to talk to me like this! "

The guard figure looked at his companion and spoke with a sneer.

"Since he takes the initiative to look for death, then I will send him a ride later, as a useless person like him shouldn't have lived in this world long ago!"

Another person said coldly, they were appointed by the guardian of the law this time, but whoever wants to clean up the prisoners in the sky prison will kill everyone. Ye Feng takes the initiative to seek death, and they will naturally do it.

After saying this, under the gaze of everyone, the guard figure directly came to the prison where Ye Feng was located, opened the door of the prison directly, and then stepped in.

Many people's eyes flickered, especially Xianger and her grandfather, with a look of grief and indignation.

Xiang'er had been begging this guard figure to let him spare Ye Feng. Although she was very scared, she didn't want to hurt Ye Feng.

But the other party turned a blind eye to what Xianger said, and decided to take Ye Feng's life.

"Trash, since you have always wanted to die, now I will send you on the road!"

The guard character said coldly, and while speaking, the crowd saw a horrible breath coming out of him.


A sound of metal sounded, and directly took out the long knife slung on the waist, shooting out a cold light.

Directly slashing down towards Ye Feng's body, this blade light was extremely aggressive and domineering, holding up a cold luster wherever it went, as if it could strip Ye Feng's life away.


However, just as this sword light was about to approach Ye Feng's body, the crowd saw that there was a flash of light on Ye Feng's body.

Although his body was lying on the ground, under this bright light, Ye Feng's body became illusory. He disappeared from the spot in a short time and appeared in another prescription position.

And he stood up again at this moment!

This scene made everyone present look stunned, and then there were unbelievable colors on their faces. Ye Feng also lived in this prison for a month.

The other prisoners in the prison also knew something about him. They all thought that Ye Feng was just a **** who couldn't stand up.

No one thought that when this guard figure was about to release a terrifying killing power on Ye Feng.

Not only did Ye Feng avoid the opponent's sword light with his wonderful physical skills and martial skills, he even stood up again.

Even Xiang'er and his grandfather both had the same shocked expression on their faces, unexpectedly this big brother had such a skill.

The guard's eyes flashed a bit unexpectedly, and he looked at Ye Feng coldly: "Unexpectedly, you could stand up. It seems that you pretended to be before, but all this is useless. All you will face is death!"

While speaking, this guard figure stepped forward, and there was a roar on the prison ground, and the long knife in his hand rushed towards Ye Feng's body again.

This sword light seemed to be more aggressive and domineering than before, and it was aimed at the top of Ye Feng's head.

Ye Feng's eyes flashed with cold light, these people had no humanity at all, and he naturally didn't want to be polite anymore.

His body still stood calmly on the spot, and when the opponent's sword light was about to descend, Ye Feng's big hand grabbed it, and the speed was so fast that it was staggering.

And accurately buckled on the opponent's wrist that slashed the blade. With the powerful force, the hand movement of this guard figure stopped abruptly, unable to advance half a point.

Many people thought that Ye Summit was beheaded with such a stab, but they didn't expect that such a terrifying sword light would slash down, and Ye Feng would easily resolve it in this way.

The guard had an ugly face, and he didn't expect Ye Feng to have such strength in his hand. The knife he just cut was strong enough. Under that powerful inertia, he wanted to stop him from cutting the blade. It’s impossible to do without extraordinary power.

The guard figure was unwilling to do so, trying to use his strongest strength to continue to slash the blade, but no matter what he did, he couldn't break away from Ye Feng's arm.

"You are not qualified to shoot at me!"

Ye Feng glanced indifferently over this guard figure, and at the same time, everyone present saw Ye Feng's arm twisted hard.

Hearing a crackling sound of chaff cracking, the arm of the guard figure suddenly showed an abnormal bending state under Ye Feng's twist.

This guard character made a scream like a pig, and looked at Ye Feng with a strong sense of astonishment, and sweat appeared on his forehead.

The bones in his arm were easily broken off by Ye Feng, and the pain made his body tremble constantly.

This scene fell in the eyes of many people present, and they suddenly looked astonished, and they were unbelievable.

"Trash, how dare you hurt me!"

The guard figure still didn't seem to realize his situation, and gritted his teeth to Ye Feng.

After saying this, it seemed that he still wanted to break free and attack Ye Feng.

"Go away!"

However, Ye Feng's mouth uttered such a cold voice. When the voice fell, the crowd saw Ye Feng's fist burst out at this moment.

Terrifying fists descended throughout the world, directly on the body of this guard figure, and only heard a muffled sound.

Under the effect of Ye Feng's fist, the body of the guard was shocked and flew directly, hitting a wall not far away, causing that wall to collapse and destroy.

However, the power of destruction contained in Ye Feng's fist was still spreading in her system, causing the bone tissue cells in the body of this guard figure to be shattered and completely turned into a waste person!

This scene happened so fast that everyone in the room could not even react, and everything was over.

The movement here naturally attracted the attention of many guards in Fangyuan, who were still busy with their own affairs before.

Seeing that a battle actually took place, one after another quickly stepped towards this side, and one by one was released with coldness.

But Ye Feng no longer looked at the guard, and he didn't come to Xianger and the old man.

Elder Xiang'er, grandson and grandson, were obviously shocked by the strength that Ye Feng had shown before. At this moment, the body was still a little stiff, and he looked at Ye Feng with dull eyes, and it was difficult to react for a while.

"Old man, Xiang'er, I will take you two out!"

Ye Feng looked at the old man Xianger, grandparents and grandchildren.

Originally, Ye Feng didn't want to get out of the prison in this way, but what happened today really made him angry.

Is it tolerable or unbearable!

"Where to go!"

Seeing that Ye Feng was going to take the old man and Xiang'er out of the jail, the guards who had been in the prison of the old man Xiang'er and grandchildren would naturally not agree.

There was a cold voice in his mouth, and he immediately took out the long knife from his waist and slashed towards Ye Feng's body frantically.

Since this guard figure had seen Ye Feng's strength before, he released this attack and directly released the strongest power in himself.

As the supreme Demon Emperor Realm powerhouse, when he releases this sword light, an astonishing magic power is flowing on the blade.

There is even a sword power that has entered the later stage of the mood fusion, making the sword light he cut out is full of power.

Sliding down in the void, he dragged up a biting wind and reached the top of Ye Feng's head in a short time.

However, there was a cold light flashing in Ye Feng's pupils, and the spatial attribute power released from his body made his whole body seem to be isolated from this space.

The body became illusory at this moment, and then he stepped forward, ignoring the blade of this guard figure, and then blasted out a punch.

This fist looks simple and unpretentious, as if it was just blasted with physical strength, but it contained amazing power.

In a short time, it penetrated the space and descended, which made the look on the face of that guard figure suddenly become ugly, and instantly felt the power contained in Ye Feng's punch.

He wanted to take back the dodge that he had cleaved, but it was too late.

In the next moment, the crowd only heard the terrible rumbling sound, and the power of destruction spread in the void.

Under the influence of Ye Feng's fist, the body of this guard figure was directly shocked and flew out, with an astonishing scream in his mouth, which slammed against a wall in the prison .

Similar to his companion, after taking Ye Feng's punch, his cultivation was completely abolished!

"What's wrong with this young man? Why does he have such strength suddenly? None of these guards are his opponents. Who is he?"

The prisoners' eyes fell on Ye Feng with a look of shock, and they could not help but secretly guess Ye Feng's identity in their hearts.

Xiang'er, the old man's eyes flickered, and when they looked at Ye Feng, they showed a strong incredulousness.


Ye Feng spoke to the two elderly Xiang'er, and even as they stepped forward, the two elderly Xiang'er looked at each other and followed behind him.

When the three of Ye Feng had just walked out of this prison, the guards in the sky prison and the guardians of the prison also walked toward this side, one by one, with an aggressive look.

I saw the cold look on the face of the guard who was responsible for the prison of Ye Feng and Xiang'er before. Before, he used a leather whip to beat the old man and said threatening words to Ye Feng.

Now, he still doesn't seem to realize the seriousness of the matter, and he speaks proudly to the three Ye Fengs: "You prisoners, if you want to rebel, don't you want to go back!"

When the guardian of the jail uttered the words, his expression was extremely arrogant, as if he was speaking like an ant character again.


However, as soon as the words of the guardian of the sky prison fell, the crowd heard such a cold voice from Ye Feng's mouth, and an extremely cold breath was released from his body.

This breath actually caused everyone present to tremble slightly, and felt an irresistible chill invading their bodies.

The guardian of the sky prison narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he didn't expect Ye Feng to dare to speak to him like this. In his eyes, Ye Feng was nothing but an ant whose limbs had been scrapped and only the upper emperor realm.

"I think you must be crazy, dare to be so arrogant in front of me, to see how I can deal with you!"

You didn't realize the situation on the scene with this guardian of the jail, and spoke such a cold word to Ye Feng directly.

While speaking, the guardian of the sky prison stepped forward and grabbed a large empty hand directly at Ye Feng, which covered a space.

Trying to master Ye Feng's body completely, the power contained in it made everyone present feel depressed.


However, almost at the same time, at the moment when this large empty mobile phone was about to approach Ye Feng's body, the crowd heard a metal breaking air sound, which immediately attracted the attention of many people present.

They watched, and a cold light was released in an instant. This cold light was like thunder, coming and going quickly.

The cold light flashed, and the crowd heard an astonishing scream, and an arm was thrown away directly, and blood burst out.

This caused many people present to tremble uncontrollably, and then they saw that half of the guardian's arm was chopped off alive, most of his clothes were stained red with blood, his complexion was pale, and his body retreated involuntarily. .

Looking at Ye Feng, he still stood calmly on the spot, as if nothing had happened, and there was no weapon in his hand.

This made the expressions of the people present couldn't help but stunned, and their hearts were extremely shocked. You know, this guardian of the Heaven Prison is the cultivation base of the Supreme Martial Emperor Realm.

Moreover, he has been in the prison for many years, he is a leader in the prison, and his strength is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary guards.

However, at this moment, the guardian of the Sky Prison tried to capture Ye Feng with his large hand in the void, but he did not expect that Ye Feng would use a cold light at will to directly cut off his arm.

This visual impact is really strong enough.

Xiang'er, the old man and the two were also shocked by the strength Ye Feng showed at the moment. They only heard Xiang'er muttering: "Big Brother Ye Feng is so powerful."

When the guards saw Ye Feng severing the guardian's arm at will, they were shocked, and at the same time there was a terrifying cold release on their bodies.

This is the imperial mansion sky prison, where people like Ye Feng do whatever they want?

"Kill him, kill him quickly!"

The guardian of the sky prison spoke indifferently to the guards, with a strong icy meaning in his words.

The guards had already hated Ye Feng, and after hearing the words of the guardian of the sky prison, they took out the long knives from their bodies one by one.

There was a sharp luster flowing on the blade, and he roared at Ye Feng: "Thief, you dare to do evil here, I will surely break your corpse!"

While talking, the long knives in the hands of these guards furiously slashed towards Ye Feng's body. In an instant, this space was completely occupied by the bright cold light.

The light is extremely dazzling, carrying strands of amazing killing attribute power, as if to kill all existence!

However, Ye Feng went to calm down, just standing in place and watching the sword lights continuously beheading towards his body, but he had no intention of evading.

"This young man has inflicted such a catastrophic disaster in the sky prison, his ending is already doomed!"

When the crowd saw that these guards released such terrifying power to Ye Feng, such a voice immediately stood out, and they couldn't help but shook their heads slightly, and a look of regret appeared on their faces.

They have always wanted to get out of the prison, but unfortunately, in front of the strong man in the emperor's residence, these people are simply too small to compete with each other.

This is even more true for people like Ye Feng, only the upper emperor's cultivation realm, facing the powerhouses of the emperor's residence, where is there any resistance?

"Om, hum!"

However, just as the people present involuntarily regretted Ye Feng in their hearts, they heard that there were cold lights flashing out of nothingness, and those cold lights were extremely cold.

In a short time, they strangled in the space. Under the shroud of cold light here, the eyes of these guards were slightly frozen.

Because the speed of these cold lights strangling was so fast, they couldn't avoid half a minute at all. They just listened to the strange sounds of breaking through the air, and they were accompanied by a series of screams.

Several arms were thrown out from different angles at this moment, and the whole space was occupied by blood.

The guards had been cutting out the blades of Ye Feng before, it can be said that they laid a net of heaven and earth, and they did not give Ye Feng any chance to evade.

In the eyes of everyone, Ye Feng had no chance of surviving under the collective siege of these guards.

However, at this moment, Ye Feng released an endless radiant cold light without even moving his body in the face of the dazzling blade light that was continuously beheaded.

Chang directly cut off the arms of the guards who attacked him, and this level of terrifying strength is beyond words.

Ye Feng didn't even look at these guards. He turned his head to Xianger and said lightly: "I will take you out."

While speaking, Ye Feng changed to step directly forward, the steps he took with a sense of confidence, walking forward casually seemed to contain a special rhythm.

Xiang'er and the old man were completely stunned by Ye Feng's strength. Seeing Ye Feng's back, the grandfather and grandson also stepped forward.

The faces of the guards were blue, and under the effect of the cold light released by Ye Feng, they could not even react, and their arms were cut off.

At this moment, he could only watch Ye Feng and Xiang'er walk out of the prison.

"Who is this young man? He has such terrible strength, why is he imprisoned in this jail? Could it be that he really has an extraordinary status?"

Just now, Ye Feng's performance in the sky prison had completely conquered everyone present, and they couldn't help but secretly guess in their hearts.

Since all the guards in the jail were cut off by Ye Feng, the prisoners who were released had no one to manage in a short time.

"Go, let's go out and see!"

One prisoner's eyes flickered, and he spoke to the other prisoners.

"Don't you want to live anymore?"

Someone immediately raised doubts.

"Don't you stay here, didn't they want to kill you before? Since it's all a death, it's better to go out and have a look before you die!"

Said the prisoner who spoke first.

His words immediately plunged many prisoners into contemplation, just as people said, they had been sentenced to death by the Emperor's Mansion Heaven Prison before, and they were all a death in any case. It is indeed better to go out and breathe.

After figuring out this matter, these prisoners stepped out of the jail one by one. They wanted to know how Ye Feng would end up after killing so many guards' arms.

"The prisoner is out of jail, come on!"

The movement in the celestial cell naturally spread to the outside world quickly, spreading rapidly in the emperor's mansion.

As a result, the eyes of many powerful emperors' mansions were slightly solidified, and their expressions revealed a bit of incredible.

You know, the imperial palace is heavily guarded. Since its construction, there has never been a prisoner escape.

Now that this piece of news came out, all these imperial palace powerhouses were surprised, and even most people could not believe that this piece of news was true.

But it didn't take long for a similar news to come out, and it was quickly confirmed, which made the emperor's mansion powerhouse quickly come to the place where the sky prison is located.

It didn't take long for Ye Feng and the other three to gather many powerful emperors, many of whom existed in Emperor Wu's realm.

The number of Supreme Wuhuang is innumerable, and when combined, the strength is really impressive.

The prisoners who followed saw the imperial mansion coming in such waves, and their hearts were shocked involuntarily, and at the same time they began to worry about Ye Feng.

Only one person opened his mouth and said: "There are countless strong people in the Emperor's Mansion, and a few people are sent at will. This is not something this young figure can resist. The Wudi realm strong will be alarmed, and this young figure will not have a good ending Up!"

After this sentence was said, it immediately attracted the approval of many people present. They also believed that Ye Feng would not have any chance at all in the face of so many powerful emperors.

"Brother This incident has nothing to do with you. It was my grandson and grandson who caused you."

From the rear, the shameful voice of that old man came. With so many powerful people coming from the Emperor's Mansion, this old man could almost predict the end of Ye Feng.

"It's none of your business."

Ye Feng turned his head and smiled at the old man and Xianger.

"Hehe, a junior in the upper emperor realm actually wants to shake the sky, why is the guard in the sky prison so relaxed? Let them escape!"

A strong man in the emperor's mansion set his eyes on Ye Feng and saw that Ye Feng was tightly grasping the realm of the upper emperor. Said with a face of disdain.

Not only him, but the powerful emperor mansions who arrived at this moment also noticed Ye Feng's cultivation realm, and his expression also showed a bit of contempt.

The author Wan Mu Zhengrong said: There are more than 200 flowers, plus 6000 words. Brothers who have flowers in their hands continue to vote for the book, and 300 flowers continue to be added

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