Sky War God

Chapter 2600: Devilish coach

Miss Meng Qi greeted the two of them so well, which made Sun Keliangsheng's vanity even more satisfied.

His Majesty's daughters treated them with such politeness, and it was worthwhile for them to practice for so many years.

"Qingtian, you are indispensable for successfully conquering the Sichuan Valley area!"

Sun Ke's gaze fell on Qingtian's guardian, and he smiled.

Qingtian Protector's eyes flashed, and some did not understand the meaning of Sun Ke's words, so he couldn't help but ask: "How do you say this?"

"When you watch here, only Qingtian can be considered a strong one. The rest of the people seem to be almost meaningless."

Sun Kedan said with a smile. Although this sentence was a little implicit, everyone present could naturally hear the meaning of his words.

In his opinion, in the camp where Ye Feng is located, only the Heavenly Guardian can truly enter his eyes. The rest of the people have no such qualifications, including Ye Feng.

A youth of the Supreme Martial Emperor Realm, compared with them, who are strong in the peak realm of the Central Guard Devil Emperor, really has no comparison.

On this point, Sun Ke made no mistake in understanding, even Liang Sheng thought so. They don't understand, how did a supreme martial arts youth like Ye Feng become the coach of this area?

"That's bad!"

However, just as the profound words fell, when he heard a voice like Qingtian's Protector coming over, Sun Keliangsheng's eyes condensed slightly, as if he didn't expect Qingtian's Protector to say this.

"How to tell?"

Sun Ke asked Qingtian's guardian.

"Kawagu's smooth recovery is entirely dependent on the powerful strength of Ye Hufa. The old man is just a little assistance. Everything is due to Ye Hufa."

Qingtian Protector spoke to Sun Keliangsheng and the two. When he said the words, the eyes that looked at Ye Feng couldn't help showing some admiration.

However, after his words were uttered, Sun Ke and Liang Sheng's eyes condensed slightly, and Liang Sheng smiled. The smiles seemed extremely ordinary.

But inside the smile was a bit of irony, as if he had heard the most ridiculous thing in the world.

After smiling, Liang Sheng opened his mouth to Qingtian’s guardian: "Qingtian, don’t be kidding. If you don’t have you, how can you get back so smoothly? If you want to train young juniors, don’t use this method. In that case, he can only rely on you in the future, and he won't do much."

After Liang Sheng's words fell, Sun Ke couldn't help but nodded, including a kind of Demon Emperor Realm powerhouse behind Liang Sheng and Sun Ke, and each of them looked at Ye Feng with a strange look.

Most of them are the powerhouses recruited from the Devil Emperor City this time, and they were not under the jurisdiction of the Emperor's Mansion before.

Naturally, they didn't understand Ye Feng. When they saw the coach in Chuanguyingzhai, they turned out to be only the cultivation realm of the upper emperor, and a bit of disdain was already born in their hearts.

It seems that this young man must have a certain relationship with the Heavenly Guardian, and the Heavenly Guardian will assist this young character in this way.

If not, how could he take the position of the camp coach with his cultivation as the realm?

If relying on his strength, let alone regaining the valley, even a random strongman of the Demon Scorpion army may not be able to contend.

No one in the audience would question this point, just because Ye Feng's cultivation realm was too low in their eyes.

"You misunderstood. The conquering of Chuangu really has nothing to do with the old man. It is all the result of Ye Hufa."

Guardian Qingtian explained again that he didn't expect that after the arrival of these two guys, he would look down on Ye Feng so much, which made the impression of Guardian Qingtian for these two people suddenly become bad.

"Well, I won't argue with you, let's enter the camp and rest first."

Sun Ke seemed to have lost interest in arguing with Qingtian Protector, and walked directly towards the camp, Liang Sheng also followed behind, and a group of Demon Emperor Realm powerhouses led by them also stepped forward.

"Hua Ye, these two people are casual cultivators in the area of ​​Demon Emperor City. They are strong at the same time as the old man. They don't understand Huo Ye. Some words may be inappropriate. I hope Huo Ye can forgive me."

After Sun Keliang and Sheng led many powerful men into the camp, Qingtian's guardian couldn't help but explain to Ye Feng, with a little apologetic face.

Ye Feng smiled indifferently and said, "It's nothing, these two people have cultivated for endless years, and it is normal for them to be arrogant and arrogant."

Seeing that Ye Feng was so generous, Qingtian Protector was relieved.

As Sun Keliang and students led many reinforcements, Ye Feng ordered a banquet to be held in the evening of the same day to receive Sun Keliang and many reinforcements.

As the head coach, Ye Feng naturally sat on the main seat, Miss Meng Qi sat beside him, and Sun Keliang, the guardian of the sky, sat down below.

Looking at Ye Feng above the main position, Sun Ke and Liang Sheng were a little bit disdainful, they were the prodigal powerhouses in the Sun Wei Demon Emperor City area.

It is also extremely famous in the Devil Emperor City area. Many people have to respect them when they see them, and even some of the powerful emperors are their late descendants.

At this moment, a young man of the Supreme Martial Emperor Realm was actually sitting on their head, which naturally made them extremely dissatisfied.

After drinking for three rounds, Sun Ke and Liang Sheng looked at each other, only to see Sun Ke holding up the wine glass, then smiled at Ye Feng and said: "Come on, I will respect the head coach of Ye Feng for this glass of Devil Emperor City. The common people thanked Chief Ye for regaining Sichuan Valley for my Devil City."

After speaking, Sun Ke changed his glass and drank it all in one shot.

Ye Feng smiled at Sun Ke and drank together.

After drinking the same glass, Sun Ke put down the wine glass, his eyes fell on Ye Feng again, and he couldn't help but ask Ye Feng: "The Chuan Valley area has been completely recovered, but according to my understanding, the record of my Demon Emperor City army in other areas is not Ideally, I was defeated by the Demon Scorpion army. I wonder if Chief Ye has a good plan to break the enemy?"

As soon as these words came out, all the eyes of everyone present fell on Ye Feng, and their expressions also revealed some doubts.

This matter is also what they thought.

"The Demon Scorpion army is strong, and the real main team is not in the valley area. With our control of energy, it is not enough to compete head-on with the main force of the Devil Scorpion army. It is almost impossible to break the enemy unless we are in the Devil City area. Only when many strong people can unite thoroughly and unite to retreat from the enemy can they have a chance."

Ye Feng's eyes flickered, and he couldn't help but speak to Sun Ke. His words were in order, and his analysis of the current situation in the Demon Emperor City area was almost clear.

"Hehe, what the head coach Ye said is not wrong. It seems that it is not difficult to grind me into a regional support and unite all together, unite as one, but who should be in charge of these people? The owner handsome will not call him himself?"

Hearing Ye Feng's words, Sun Ke actually sneered, and said so, this sentence is quite ridiculous.

Hearing Sun Ke's words, everyone present couldn't help laughing, especially Liang Sheng, who was out of breath.

After suppressing his smile, Liang Sheng couldn't help but open his mouth to Sun Ke: "Don't tell me, where is such a qualified junior in the Supreme Martial Emperor Realm like him? Even if this coach is anyone's turn, he won't be able to reach him. On the head!"

After Liang Sheng said these words, he seemed to feel that his words were a little inappropriate on this occasion, and he involuntarily cleared his throat to avoid embarrassment.

After his words were spoken, the complexions of some powerful people in the Ye Feng camp immediately became unsightly.

Unexpectedly, the two of them were ignorant of etiquette and teased their coach.

I saw one person getting up directly from the seat, and then he spoke to Liang Sheng and Sun Ke, "I can’t agree with what the two said. Although the head coach Ye is young, he has the aspirations to fight for the sky, and he led me to fight repeatedly in the valley area. Repeated victories, this is the best young talent in the Devil Emperor City for hundreds of years. In my opinion, even if the army of my Devil Emperor City is under the command of Chief Ye, it is not too much!

This strong man was a leader who Ye Feng sat down. His cultivation reached the peak of the first Demon Emperor. Before that, he was also dissatisfied with Ye Feng.

It is really a bit wrong to think that Ye Feng's cultivation level has become a head coach who is higher than Qingtian's guardian.

But after several battles, this leader has truly experienced Ye Feng's courage and ability.

Originally, the several battles that broke out in the valley were perilous. If they were to be led by someone else, almost the entire army would be wiped out, and Ye Feng would lead them all the way through the battle and kill many powerful men.

Even in the final battle, he sealed his throat with a sword against Demon Shadow and completely regained Chuan Valley. This series of performances had already convinced everyone under Ye Feng.

It can be said that none of the people who are facing Ye Feng now disagrees with Ye Feng. Everyone respects Ye Feng, and even Ye Feng is about to become their belief.

But now, His Majesty has sent many reinforcements, and the two leaders of the reinforcements have repeatedly disrespected Ye Feng.

And said some mocking words, which made them extremely angry naturally.

"Liang Sheng's words are indeed somewhat improper, but it is not unreasonable. Although Head Coach Ye has amazing talents, after all, he is still young and it is really difficult to be a big job. I just talk about it before going down. I hope you don't take it to heart."

Sun Ke immediately explained, with a slight smile on his face.

After saying this, he raised his glass again and drank it immediately.

The rest of the people also followed, Ye Feng's face was calm, not paying attention to what Sun Keliangsheng said.

After all, they have cultivated endless years, and it is normal for them to be dissatisfied with him.

This reception banquet ended soon, in this delicate atmosphere.

At the banquet, Sun Keliang and Sheng had been testing Ye Feng intentionally or unintentionally, and seemed to sigh Ye Feng's fictitiousness.

Ye Feng was able to answer calmly every time, so that Sun Keliangsheng could not find any flaws, and at the same time, their dissatisfaction with Ye Feng became more and more intense.

Especially seeing Ye Feng's original subordinates treat him respectfully, making them very puzzled.

Why is such a young figure able to get the support of so many people, and they can see that that support comes from the heart.

"What is the origin of Ye Feng?"

Somewhere in the camp, Liang Sheng asked Sun Ke.

"I don't know, and I don't know what his background is, he can convince so many people that he is just a junior of the Supreme Martial Emperor, it is not to be afraid."

Sun Ke said with a face of disdain, in his opinion, Ye Feng is just a beaming clown. It will not take long for the two of them to replace Ye Feng and become the head coaches of the third army of the Devil Emperor City.

After receiving the reinforcements, the strength of Ye Feng's camp has naturally been greatly improved. Today they already have 3,000 Demon Emperor Realm powerhouses.

In addition to these 3000 Demon Emperor Realm powerhouses, there are also three middle Demon Emperor Peak Realm powerhouses including Sun Keliangsheng.

Coupled with Ye Feng, this lineup is really not bad.

On this day, Ye Feng, Qingtian Protector, Sun Ke, Liang Sheng, Miss Meng Qi and others gathered in a barracks to discuss the next countermeasures.

Sun Ke asked Ye Feng, "The Chuan Valley area has stabilized, and there is no one from the Scorpion Army. Do I have to go to other battlefields to support?"

I have to say that although Sun Ke has a prejudice against Ye Feng. But his combat experience and way of leading troops cannot be questioned.

After all, he has lived in the Devil Emperor City for too much time, and his familiarity with this area and the accumulation of experience are not comparable to ordinary people.

"Naturally go to other battlefields. Gu Tuofeng is the camp that was once ruled by the Shadow Chief. After the Shadow Chief was killed, there was no leader.

Ye Feng nodded to Sun Ke. Gu Tuofeng had long wanted to go and conquer him, but he was seriously injured some time ago and needed to be cured before he could make a decision.

This caused Ye Feng to delay the process of attacking the ancient hump.

"Since this is the case, let me wait for Jianbing to send Gutuo Peak!"

Sun Ke nodded and said, he had also heard the news that the boss of Gu Tuofeng had been killed.

Now, not long after the shadow was killed, it was indeed an excellent time to capture the ancient hump. If Gu Tuofeng was attacked, then they could open the horn of the abdomen of the Scarlet Blood City.

After Ye Feng and others decided to send troops to Gu Tuo Peak, they made this preparation in the camp.

But in the place where the valley and the bone hump intersect, there is a figure in panic. This place is a valley area.

There is no one on all sides and the terrain is extremely dangerous. This person is surrounded by endless demonic energy, but his body is full of scars.

If Ye Feng and others were here, they would find that this person was indeed the Nine Demons who once led an army with Ye Feng.

After the Nine Demons were defeated in the Chuan Valley area, in order to save their lives, he gave up all of his men and used Teleportation Talisman to save their lives.

And he naturally wanted to return to the area of ​​Devil Emperor City, but when he tried to return, he encountered many obstacles.

From time to time, the powerful Scorpion army chased him down, which caused the Nine Demons to live in exile in this area.

The whole person looked extremely embarrassed, this time the same, he desperately wanted to return to the Devil Emperor City, but never thought that he would once again encounter the strong Devil Scorpion army here.

These powerful demon scorpion army pursued him endlessly, and it was already 7 days before he had been in exile here.

During the 7th, the Nine Demon Silk did not dare to have any stay, and had been walking through this gorge.

"Hahaha, I see where you run away like you!"

Just when the Nine Demons thought they could escape successfully this time, they heard such a voice coming from the prescription position not far away.

This voice was mixed with a bit of pride, and after the laughter came out, this space became crazy and trembling.

Jiu Mo's complexion immediately turned ugly, his gaze couldn't help but look towards that side, and he saw several figures flickering towards his direction.

The auras of these people are extremely tyrannical, and each of them has the cultivation base of the middle demon emperor realm, and when combined, it is naturally an extremely tyrannical force.

Seeing these people lying in ambush here, a light of astonishment immediately appeared on the face of the Nine Demon, and naturally no longer dared to stay, and quickly wanted to dodge towards one side.

However, the other party didn't seem to give him a chance at all, and a sneer appeared at the corners of the mouths of the two figures, and they flashed quickly at this moment, intercepting the body of the Nine Demon.

The Nine Demon had an ugly face, and didn't want to give up escape, but directly released a long seal to a strong man in front of him.

His palm prints are extremely powerful, and he reached the body of the strong man in a short time, trying to intercept the opponent's attack.

However, the other party seemed to be prepared long ago, and without waiting for the release of the Nine Demon's attack, Xiangji had already released an attack and blasted towards the body of the Nine Demon.

The attacks of the two collided in the void for a short time, and the power of destruction quickly spread in all directions, and the sound of the shock made this space buzzing endlessly.

However, since the Nine Demons had been injured before, he naturally suffered a loss when colliding with the opponent.

In a short period of time, he was shocked by the opponent's body, and his breath was very floating.

"I don't even repent, it seems that I need to take action to teach you a lesson!"

While speaking, I saw that another strong man also released an attack on the Nine Demon. His attack was extremely powerful and the speed was incredible.

In a short time, he arrived in front of the body of the Nine Demon, the expression of the Nine Demon was extremely ugly, and released the attack and resistance.

But the other party's attack was more swift and violent than it, directly shook his body back, his breath floated fiercely, and sweat was all over his forehead.

"Kneel me down!"

Another one-eyed strong man also stepped forward, and in a short time, he used an attack to madly suppress him from the sky.

This attack carried an extremely terrifying power, and within a short time it made this space not tremble crazily, as if everything were to be destroyed by my collapse.

The body of the Nine Demon was under endless pressure, and his body wanted to avoid it, but it was too late.

This terrible attack from the opponent directly fell on his body. Under the powerful force, the 9 demons felt that the bones in their body seemed to be crushed and shattered.

His knees bend down at this moment, kneeling directly in front of the opponent, suffering endless humiliation.

"Tell you, it is the general trend for our Demon Scorpion Army to capture the Demon Emperor City. You are not qualified to resist. People like you are only worthy of being a slave to my Demon Scorpion Army. Are you ready?"

This strong man looked down at the Nine Demon and asked the Nine Demon. His words were strong and domineering, and he did not give the Nine Demon any chance to consider it.

As if what he said is the will, no one can resist his will.

The Nine Demons looked sad and angry, but they kept beating the drums in their hearts, for fear that the other party would kill him.

It is really not easy for him to cultivate to this state.

"I, as a member of the Devil Emperor City, I must never surrender to you!"

Jiu Moqiang endured the fear in his heart and couldn't help but speak to the one-eyed strong man. In fact, he was already very scared.


However, as soon as his words fell, he saw that the one-eyed strong man directly released a palm print and once again landed on his body.

Under the powerful force, the nine demons only felt that the bones in their body seemed to be bombarded and cracked.

This caused him to make a muffled sound, and his body was directly shocked to the ground, with blood vomiting out of his mouth.

"I'm asking you, are you willing to surrender to me? If you don't, then I will send you to the west now!"

The one-eyed powerhouse said indifferently to the Nine Demons, and as he spoke, a breath was released from his body, and he tried to launch a terrifying attack on the Nine Demons at this moment.

"I, I am willing to surrender..."

As if feeling the strong aura released from the opponent, the Nine Demon couldn't help speaking with fear on his face.

At this moment, he was afraid that he would be killed by the opponent, and the fear of death made him irresistible.

He can only choose to surrender to the opponent to save his life.

"Very well, since this is the case, then from now on, you will be my servant!"

Hearing what the Nine Demon said, the one-eyed strong nodded in satisfaction, and then a big hand directly buckled the body of the Nine Demon.

The bodies of several people rose into the air at this moment, flying quickly towards the distance.

The Nine Demons were deducted from the other just like an ant.

It didn't take long for them to leave the Chuan Valley area and quickly moved towards the direction of Gu Tuo Peak.

In less than a day, they arrived in the camp of Gutuo Peak.

Here, it used to be the world of the Shadow Chief, but after the Shadow Chief was killed, in order for this camp to continue to exert its effects, the senior figures of the Demon Scorpion army immediately dispatched many powerful men to this place.

Among them, this includes "Devil Wound", the new coach of the camp. Devil Wound is an extremely powerful existence in the Demon Scorpion army, and his cultivation has reached the peak state of the middle Demon Emperor.

Demon wounds can fight well, not only the cultivation realm is strong, but also the personal combat effectiveness is very strong. After coming to this Gutuofeng camp, he immediately restored the confidence of the strong in the Gutuofeng camp.

Author Wan Mu Zhengrong said: There are 7 days left at the end of the month, and the number of flowers will exceed 800. At the end of the month, there should be more than 1,000 flowers. Brothers must work hard.


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