Sky War God

Chapter 2602: Trickery

"Since this is the case, then Brother Nine Demon, hurry up and take a seat."

When Ye Feng said so, Liang Shengcai gave up and couldn't help but speak to the Nine Demons.

Nine Demons flickered and said to Liang Sheng, "Thank you Brother Liang. If Brother Liang hadn't spoken for me, I might have to live a homeless life again. The loser will always be Others are stepping on their feet!"

The words of the Nine Demon flashed the eyes of everyone present, especially those who had complained about him before, and were even more dissatisfied with Ye Feng.

Next, Nine Mocai took a seat on the seat Liang Sheng was looking for for him.

Everyone continued to discuss things like Gu Tuofeng's dispatch of troops. The Nine Demons had been listening, and did not speak at first, as if they were looking for a time to speak.

"Everything is ready, I can send troops to Gu Tuo Peak tomorrow!"

Liang Sheng said with some excitement, as a casual repair character in Devil Emperor City, he also has some special emotions for Devil Emperor City.

At the time of the life and death crisis of Devil Emperor City, he was also willing to contribute his strength to Devil Emperor City.

Now when he thinks that he can contribute to the Devil Emperor City, Liang Sheng feels a little excited.

"If you want to send Gu Tuofeng with your troops, you have a good plan to ensure that the opponent who can fight is unexpected."

The Nine Demons suddenly spoke, and a mysterious color flashed in their eyes.

After his words were said, they immediately attracted the attention of many people present, especially Liang Sheng and Sun Ke, who were even more interested in the words of the Nine Demon.

"Brother Nine Demon, why don't you tell me what a good strategy?"

Liang Sheng couldn't help but asked the Nine Demon, and he believed in what the Nine Demon said.

"Before this, I have received a piece of news that the Gutuo Peak powerhouses have also begun crusades against the camp in the northern part of the Chuan Valley, and they may appear in the Gutuo Canyon of the Gutuo Peak recently. The upper part of the Gutuo Canyon is enveloped by miasma all year round. , There is only one way out into the gorge. If you want to get out of the ancient camel gorge, you have to go through that road, but that road is extremely steep. It is very difficult to pass through it. Just send A few middle-ranked people of the magic way are guarding here, and these strong bones and wind will not be able to get out of it. I can take the opportunity to use various means to take all these people of Gutuo Peak!"

9 Mo faintly opened his mouth, and when he spoke the words, he was full of joy.

After this sentence was said, everyone present showed a contemplative color, and many people's eyes flashed, and Liang Sheng was the first to react.

A look of surprise immediately appeared on his face, and he couldn't help but speak to the Nine Demon: "What the Nine Demon brothers said is true?"

In Liang Sheng's view, what the Nine Demons said is indeed very attractive. If this is true, then they can indeed trample all these people under their feet without much effort.

"It's true, I got this news accidentally. These people may have chased me after knowing that I had this news!"

The Nine Demon nodded without thinking, and he was indeed sneer in his heart. If Ye Feng and the others believed his news and they were really handsome soldiers entering the Gutuo Canyon, then he would be done.

"Since it is true, then we can indeed take this news and lead our troops to Gutuo Canyon to eliminate these people in one fell swoop!"

Liang Sheng said happily, as if he had found an opportunity to make contributions. The look of the 9 demon became more grateful.

Sun Ke couldn't help but nodded again and again, and was very interested in the news provided by the Nine Demons.

If it can be as what the Nine Demons said, then they will take all the powerful Scorpion army in the Gu Tuofeng camp, then the head coach of the third army will belong to them.

"Marshal Ye, this is a great opportunity, let's send troops to Gutuo Canyon tomorrow!"

Liang Sheng immediately opened his mouth to Ye Feng. After all, in this camp, Ye Feng was the coach, and Liang Sheng was the first to ask for advice like Ye Feng.

Ye Feng had been listening to what the Nine Demon had said before, a strange color flashed in his eyes, and he did not believe what the Nine Demon had said in his heart.

The powerhouses of Gu Tuofeng are members of the demon scorpion army. Could it really spread the news so quickly?

And let the 9 demons happen to hear it? More importantly, this Nine Demon didn't make it clear who was chasing him before, and even claimed that the person who didn't kill him was the strongman of the Scorpion army in the valley.

And just now, he changed to saying that the people who chased him were chased after him because he knew the news that he learned of them.

This seems extremely contradictory.

"This news needs to be verified. I think it's better to find out for a while to avoid unnecessary losses."

Ye Feng said to Liang Sheng that the arrival of the Nine Demons itself was a bit suspicious, and now that this piece of news was provided, Ye Feng became even more suspicious of his words.

Not only him, Qingtian's guardian also thought this matter was a bit suspicious.

Liang Sheng didn't think so. After Ye Feng's words fell, Liang Sheng's face immediately became gloomy.

I couldn’t help but speak to Ye Feng: “Master Ye, as I said before, the Nine Demon Brothers are members of my Devil Emperor City. He will fight for my Devil Emperor City. His news is naturally true, and if When I missed this news, the next attack on Gutuofeng Camp might cost a tragic price, so you shouldn’t be arrogant!"

Liang Sheng's words were extremely angry, thinking that Ye Feng was unwilling to believe the other party's words because of a feast with the Nine Demons. In this case, it was easy to delay the fighter.

"Yes, head coach Ye had better not be arrogant. Such an opportunity is rare in a lifetime. If I wait and miss it like this, it won't be so easy to find the opportunity next."

Sun Ke also said that he also thought that Ye Feng might be due to personal factors, and deliberately put an end to the words of the Nine Demons.

"This news is baseless. If I go like this, if I get caught in the trap of the enemy, it will be too late to regret it. Therefore, I have to inquire about it when I go to Gutuo Canyon!"

Ye Feng's eyes flickered, and he spoke directly, he didn't have much opinion about leaving the Nine Demons in the camp, but if he were to unconditionally trust the other party, Ye Feng couldn't do it.

"Head coach Ye, you are a bit too much. If such a great opportunity is missed, we don't know how to attack the Gutuo Peak area. Can you afford the responsibility?"

Liang Sheng asked Ye Feng indifferently. The words became extremely cold.

"You two, Shaoan and not impatient, what the head coach Ye said is not unreasonable. The 9 demons are worthy of belief, but the truth of the news he heard is difficult to distinguish. If it is false news from the enemy, it will lead us into the trap. , Then, if I let go, I will cause huge losses due to mistakes. By then, who can afford it?"

Seeing that something was wrong, Qingtian Guardian immediately stood up to speak for Ye Feng, and he himself thought so. After all, marching and fighting are usually intrigues.

Once you get caught in the other party's trap, you really can't tell the loss in words.

"Qingtian, I don't know why you, a veteran, would willingly listen to a junior. Brother of the Nine Demon is my character in the Demon Emperor City. Doesn't he understand this? If this news is false, what about him? Will you pass the news to us?"

Liang Sheng continued to speak, unconditionally choosing to believe what the Nine Demons said.

I desperately want money to make contributions.

The Nine Demon sneered in his heart. With Liang Sheng speaking for him, he saved a lot of trouble.

"Needless to say, here I am the coach, and I will decide whether to send troops or not. This news has yet to be verified. If it is true, I will naturally order troops!"

Ye Feng said lightly, his words revealed a bit of majesty, and his words immediately made Liang Sheng and Sun Ke look cold.

A bit of anger emerged involuntarily in his eyes looking at Ye Feng.

"Are you sure you don't send troops?"

Liang Sheng asked Ye Feng.

"Naturally sure."

Ye Feng nodded faintly, without any hesitation.

"If this is the case, then the Dao is not conspiring together!"

Liang Sheng spoke indifferently, and then his eyes fell on the many strong reinforcements he led, and he couldn't help but ask them: "I want to lead my troops to Gutuo Canyon. Who else would like to go with me? I will stand now. Come out!"

Immediately after this sentence was spoken, a number of powerful men got up from their seats and said in unison: "I would like to follow Master Liang Sheng, and now I will gather all the people and set off with Master Liang Sheng!"

Seeing these people stand up first, a few people immediately got up from their seats, showing their loyalty to Liang Sheng.

After all, in their opinion, a powerful person like Liang Sheng Sun Ke is more reliable. If they attack the Gutuo Gorge with these two people, they may really be able to make contributions.

"Okay, thank you for your willingness to believe in Brother Liang, I will set off immediately!"

Seeing that most of the reinforcements were strong and willing to follow Liang Sheng, Sun Klik got up from his seat and arched his hands to these people.

Obviously, Sun Ke was also on Liang Sheng’s side. After saying this, Liang Sheng and Sun Ke and those strong reinforcements who agreed to follow them all got up from their seats, without saying a word, they walked directly towards Walk outside.

Seeing this scene, Nine Demon couldn't help but blink, his main purpose was Ye Feng.

Unexpectedly, Ye Feng didn't even take the bait, and he attracted both Sun Keliang.

However, this is not all bad, as long as he attracts the powerhouse of Devil Emperor City, it is equivalent to completing the task.

If the power controlled by Liang Sheng and Sun Ke falls into the trap of the powerful demon scorpion army, it is also the credit of the 9 demons.

In the future, the powerful and powerful in Devil Emperor City will inevitably reward him for his actions.

"Brother Liang, wait for me!"

Therefore, after Liang Sheng, Sun Ke and many Yuanjun powerhouses left, the Nine Demons were almost unable to follow.

Many people saw Sun Ke, Liang Sheng, 9 Mo and other three leading many strong reinforcements leave, and couldn't help shaking their heads and sighing.

"You two just left, is there still Coach Ye in your eyes?"

Qingtian Protector couldn't help but speak indifferently to these two people. Although these two are senior experts, since they have arrived at the camp in the northern part of the valley, they are tantamount to being under Ye Feng's rule.

Now, ignoring Ye Feng's order to take people away without permission is tantamount to violating the military regulations in the camp.

"Following a person like him simply limited my vision, and took the two of me to capture Gu Tuo Peak. Zhu Shuai was not the one who did it!"

Hearing Qingtian's guardian, Liang Sheng's voice came over, mixed with a little disdain and coldness.

After saying these words, they completely disappeared from the sight of the crowd.

"I will take them down!"

The guardian Qingtian was released from his anger. As a figure who had led soldiers to fight, the military regulations of the guardian Qingtian were inviolable.

"No, let them go!"

However, before Qingtian Protector's body moved, he heard a voice like Ye Feng coming over.

Immediately let Qingtian’s guardian’s eyes froze slightly, only to hear Ye Feng speak to him again: “The two of them have been dissatisfied with me. Now, it’s useless for you to say anything to them. Since they are willing to believe in the Nine Devil There is nothing to say, immediately prepare the troops, according to tomorrow's plan, set off normally, and send troops to Gutuo Peak!"

The fall of Ye Feng's words immediately made everyone present at the scene solemn, and sent troops to Gu Tuo Peak. Even without the help of reinforcements, Ye Feng still wanted to send troops to Gu Tuo Peak. Does Ye Feng really have such confidence? ?

Many people felt a bit of suspicion in their hearts, especially those who survived the reinforcements. They had not seen Ye Feng's strength. After hearing Ye Feng's words, they had no bottom in their hearts.

"Bing sent Gu Tuofeng, with us, can we really contend with the powerful demon scorpion army in the Gu Tuofeng camp?"

Some people thought so in their hearts, and they had some doubts about what Ye Feng said.

"Perhaps Chief Ye wants to take advantage of Sun Ke, Liang Sheng and others to wipe out the main force of the demon scorpion army in the Gutuo Canyon, and I will go to the Shoufutuofeng camp again!"

Some people thought so in their hearts, and it seemed that this kind of thought could reasonably explain the order issued by Ye Feng.

The owner was still in a state of anxiety, and he doubted Ye Feng's decision.

"Marshal Ye, they just believed the Nine Demons in this way, what if they were caught in the other's trap?"

After all the people dispersed, Qingtian's guardian couldn't help but ask Ye Feng with a look of worry on his face.

"I'll follow them first, and if something happens, I'll act by chance."

Ye Feng said to the Heavenly Guardian, he had some doubts about the actions of the 9 demons.

As for what Liang Sheng and the others will face next, Ye Feng also doesn't know.

In a blink of an eye, one night's time passed. Before the meeting of the day was over, Sun Ke and Liang Sheng had already led a group of reinforcements who were willing to go with them to the Gutuo Valley.

On the second day, Ye Feng led a group of strong men under his jurisdiction to set off, while Miss Mengqi continued to stay in the camp.

There are many middle-ranked Demon Emperor Realm strong to protect, Ye Feng is also relieved.

This time, Ye Feng carried 1,000 Demon Emperor Realm powerhouses, and Qingtian Guardian followed him around.

In addition, the remaining reinforcements also had 4 middle-ranked Demon Emperors who stayed beside Ye Feng.

However, these four people had their own ideas, although they stayed beside Ye Feng, their hearts were not entirely in Ye Feng's place.

They are also ready to wait for an opportunity. If Ye Feng's side is defeated, they will go to seek refuge in Sun Ke and Liang Sheng.

On the other side, the 9 demons followed Sun Keliang and led the army to the direction of Gutuo Canyon.

At the same time, the Nine Demons secretly sent a message to Gu Tuofeng to explain the situation without people paying attention.

And let the strong from Gutuo Peak arrange an ambush in the Gutuo Gorge in advance, it is worthy of Sun Keliang to lead the army into the net.

On the side of Gutuo Peak, naturally, there was no delay. An ambush was set up in the Gutuo Gorge in advance. Once Sun Keliangsheng and other troops enter it, they can catch turtles in an urn.

"This time, when I got this news, I was able to take down Gu Tuofeng in one fell swoop. By then, you and I will be the head of the third army!"

During the march, Sun Ke couldn't help but speak to Liang Sheng, with a somewhat triumphant expression on his face.

In his heart, he was laughing secretly, Ye Feng had no eyes.

"That's natural. How can the junior compare with me? The Gutuo Canyon is in front of me. The strong Gutuo Peak Scorpion army should already be in the Canyon. I just need to enter it, and I can take them Catch it all!"

Han Sheng couldn't help but nodded proudly as he spoke. His gaze couldn't help but look into an extremely long valley in the distance.

There, there was a black miasma package above, and under the miasma package, it was impossible to see the inside of the canyon.

More importantly, once you enter the canyon, you can't get out by flying payment, you can only rely on not.

This is also an important reason why Han Sheng and Sun Ke think that the Scorpion army will be easily wiped out by them.

"Two, the people of the Scorpion Army should already be in the canyon. Enter the canyon at this time. It is definitely the best time."

The Nine Demon couldn't help but reminded Han Sheng and Sun Ke. I am afraid that the other party will come back halfway.

"Are you sure that some people in the army have entered the canyon?"

Sun Ke asked the 9 demons, although he trusted the 9 demons. But he has to check with the other party for such a major event.

"According to the information I got, this is indeed the case. You can enter with confidence in your cultivation base."

Nine Demon spoke to Sun Ke without hesitation, and desperately wanted the other party to lead the army into it. In that case, he could do meritorious service.

"Okay, then do as you said. Now, I will lead my army into it, and you will be the guide."

Sun Ke spoke to the Nine Demons and believed in the words of the Nine Demons.

Next, they ordered the army to march towards Gutuo Valley.

During the march, the Nine Demon also used the transmission crystal to contact the powerful demon scorpion army that had been ambushed in the valley, so that they were ready.

At the same time, the Nine Demon also considered his way of retreat. After entering the Gutuo Valley, he escaped along the path, meeting with the powerful Scorpion army who had already ambushed in the Gutuo Valley, and would enter the valley in one fell swoop. Sun Ke, Liang Sheng and I led a group of strong men to kill.

On the other side, Ye Feng and others also came to the Gutuo Canyon area. He found that this valley area was surrounded by miasma, which always gave him a feeling of anxiety.

And along the way, Ye Feng also tried to find out some related questions about the pedestrians on the way. He didn't deliberately ask the other party, but from the other party's answer, Ye Feng could also find something wrong.

The combination of various reasons made Ye Feng feel that this gorge area really seemed as strange as he expected.

Therefore, Ye Feng also ordered to speed up the march, striving to rush to the entrance of the valley in front of the army of Sun Keliangsheng and others.

Sure enough, at this moment, they could already vaguely see each other's heavy men and horses going forward.

Sun Ke, Liang Sheng, Nine Demon and others also felt the breath coming from behind, they couldn't help but look back and saw Ye Feng and others appear in their sight.

This made their eyes flashed involuntarily, and Sun Ke said to Liang Sheng: "Why are these guys here too?"

"I don't know, maybe I figured it out to grab merit with us!"

Liang Sheng shook his head and said with a look of contempt.

The 9 demon frowned slightly, a little afraid that Ye Feng and others would disturb him.

It didn't take long for Ye Feng and others to lead the army to Sun Keliang Sheng Nine Demons and others.

"What are you doing here? Is it because you want to come and wait for me to grab merit?"

Liang Sheng said unkindly, this time, he must kill all the Scorpion army in this area in the Gutuo Canyon.

"you misunderstood."

Ye Feng looked at Liang Sheng and said with some earnest words: "I closed this canyon is weird, it may not be as simple as you can imagine, so I ordered to speed up the march, I hope you can enter the canyon cautiously and don't hit the enemy. The trap of the army."

Ye Feng explained his intention and did not want Sun Keliang and Sheng to suffer unnecessary harm.

"Ha ha."

But I never thought that this sentence of Ye Feng caused Liang Sheng to sneer, and he looked at Ye Feng and said: "I knew you would say that. If you don't send troops to enter the canyon, do you still want to stop me from doing meritorious service? I think you just don't want me to wait for the top spot, and you don't have the courage, it's really ridiculous!"

Liang Sheng's words can be said to be unceremonious. At this moment, he is full of meritorious service. Where can he think about what Ye Feng said?

Sun Ke nodded involuntarily. The two of them led an army along the way, and never found any weirdness. Moreover, they also believed in the words of the Nine Demons.

Think that the other party will not send false news to them.

The Nine Demons were proud of it, what he wanted was such an effect, and only in this way could he lure the enemy to go deeper and kill them all.

"What Chief Ye said is true. Prior to this, I had already deeply observed the topography of this canyon area, and through various investigations, I discovered that this canyon seems to be weird. Good people have come to remind you two. Why do you two reject others thousands of miles away?"

Qingtian's guardian couldn't see it, and couldn't help but speak indifferently to these two people.

"Needless to say, I know your intentions. Today, we will definitely be able to kill the enemy in one swath and make our heads!"

Liang Sheng didn't listen to the words of Qingtian's guardian at all, and said to the other party indifferently.


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