Sky War God

Chapter 2614: The shock of Emperor Tianmo

From this point, we can see how the Lone Wolf Army in Devil Emperor City is far from the Scorpion Army in Scarlet Blood City.

After the defeat of the lone wolf guardian and the red devil guardian, they never returned to the Devil Emperor City, but sent a signal for help to the Devil Emperor City.

I hope that the Devil Emperor City can send strong people to support them, and they can fight again with the Scarlet City army.

Devil City, the mansion of the emperor.

The Heavenly Devil Emperor sits high on the throne, and the aura of the whole person is still that tyrannical. As an emperor-level powerhouse, he shouldn't have had so many troubles.

But these days, the devil scorpion army has invaded the territory of the Devil Emperor City, making the Heaven Devil Emperor look sad all day.

According to the unwritten regulations of the Demon Realm, the two forces are fighting for the front, and the emperor level and the powerful hidden power among the forces are not allowed to participate.

The demon scorpion army is like a broken bamboo, and on many frontal battlefields, the demon king city defenders have no ability to resist.

Today, the strong of the Demon Scorpion Army, led by the commander of the Demon Scorpion Army, has continued to advance towards the location of the Demon Emperor City.

It is difficult to have someone who can match it.

Even if the Heavenly Demon Emperor had dispatched the elites of the Emperor's Mansion in the Demon Emperor City to resist, the soldiers were divided into three groups, and they still could not really contend with the Demon Scorpion army.

If this continues, even if the Devil Emperor City can be preserved, the land area will probably shrink substantially.

As a powerful emperor, he couldn't stop all of this, and the Emperor of Heaven was naturally troubled.

On this day, Emperor Tianmo was in the central hall of the emperor’s mansion and gathered several powerful men to discuss matters in the hall.

Those who can be summoned by the emperor of the heavenly devil are all powerful and powerful men with a transcendent status in the mansion of the emperor.

These people are usually difficult to see, their status is even higher than the five guardians of the emperor's mansion, even if the guardian of the magic dragon sees them, they must be respectful.

The existence of these people is the main value debate. Now, when the Devil Emperor City is truly alive and dead, once an emperor-level battle erupts, the strength of these people can determine the survival of a force.

"The devil's army is like a broken bamboo, and our defenders are retreating steadily. Now, our demon dragon army and the lone wolf army have all defeated and been beaten to an army. This also led to the devil's army continuing to move forward and occupy again. We have several cities."

A powerful and powerful man stood up and couldn't help but report to the Heavenly Devil Emperor who was above the main seat.

When the Emperor Tianma heard this, his face was full of sadness, and his heart continued to sink. The Dragon Army was the trump card army of their Emperor's mansion, and it was still unable to compete with each other.

It seems that the silence of Scorpion City in recent years has not wasted time, but has developed its own power in the dark.

Today's Demon Scorpion Army is the best proof. Silently, Demon Emperor City has left the Demon Emperor City far behind, and the overall strength of the two forces is no longer on the same level.

This made the Heavenly Devil Emperor regret that he should not only care about his own cultivation, but neglected to train his people.

This led to their devil city being gradually thrown away by the devil city.

"What good strategy do you have?"

Heavenly Devil Emperor's eyes flickered, and he couldn't help but ask the mighty powerful men sitting below.

"Recently, our Devil Emperor City has also recruited many casual repair figures. It has begun to take shape and can form a new support army to advance to the front and supplement the strength of the frontline army."

A powerful man stood up and spoke to the Emperor of Heaven.

Heavenly Devil Emperor's eyes flashed, this is the only way in this situation now.

If, if it is not possible to thoroughly strengthen their army, this approach is also a temporary solution rather than a permanent cure.


At this moment, a voice came from outside the hall.

Immediately attracted the eyes of Heavenly Devil Emperor and others, he saw a strong man walking quickly towards the inside of the hall, with a look of eagerness on his face.

This person is the strong one responsible for contacting the frontline.

All the news from the front line was reported to the Emperor of Heaven Demon through this person. At this moment, this powerful man came to the hall where the Emperor of Heaven Demon was eagerly, and there was information coming.

"Report to Lord Emperor, there are two news from the front line."

The strong man bowed and bowed to the Emperor of Heaven, showing absolute respect. When he spoke, he was still breathing a bit.

"What news, tell me!"

Now that the battle situation is so tense, every piece of news is particularly important, and the Emperor Demon also wants to know.

"Our lone wolf army was defeated. The lone wolf guardian, the red devil guardian and others were in exile in the Scarlet Blood City area, and they requested to send reinforcements to wish them to continue to attack Scarlet Blood City."

That strong man reported to the Heavenly Devil Emperor.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor looked gloomy for a while. Although the Poison Wolf Army was defeated before, the Heavenly Demon Emperor believed that he also had the power to fight.

But never thought that in just a few days, the lone wolf army was beaten so embarrassed by the opponent, and fell into exile.

"The second army is as strong as a cloud, yet still be defeated so badly."

Heavenly Devil Emperor said with a gloomy face, and the pressure released from his body felt terrifying.

It made the bodies of all the people present suffer a burst of pressure.

"What's the second news?"

After calming down the coldness in his heart, Emperor Tian Devil asked the strong man carelessly.

He knew that the second news was also very unoptimistic. Although he didn't want to know, as the highest commander of the Devil Emperor City, he must master the battle.

"Head coach Ye led the third army to regain the entire Chuan Valley, and expanded the army to 5,000 Demon Emperor Realm powerhouses. Now, he has won the ancient Tuofeng camp closest to Chuan Valley and killed the two chief coaches of the ancient Tuofeng Shadow. , Devil. There is news from Chief Ye, asking the Demon Emperor City to send Chuangu defenders, and the forces under his control can continue to march towards the Scarlet Blood City area."

The strong man couldn't help but arched his hands to the Emperor of the Heavenly Devil. Seeing the Emperor of Heavenly Devil with a sad face, every word the strong man said seemed extremely careful.

For fear of making the emperor of the heavenly devil even more angry, the emperor and the strong are angry, which is definitely not good news for them.

However, after his words were spoken, everyone including the Emperor of Heaven, all froze in place.

All were dumbfounded, as if they had heard the most incredible things in the world.

After a long time, the Emperor Tianmo took the lead in reacting from the shock, and couldn't help but confirm to the man: "What you said is true? Can you repeat it again? The local army did not hear clearly."

After the strong man got the news. The look on his face is roughly the same as that of the Emperor and the others.

It can be said that this time the Devil Emperor City sent troops to fight the Demon Scorpion Army's three-way army, and the third-way army led by Ye Feng was the weakest.

He just led some of the strong magic powers in his guardian mansion to go. According to his understanding, those people were less than 500.

Everyone's strength is more than one level worse than that of the Dragon Army and the Ace Army of the Lone Wolf Army.

Such an army, even if it goes to the second-line battlefield, is almost impossible to win. Ye Feng's forces go to the battlefield. In the layout of the emperor, most of the use is to contain the enemy.

But now, no one thought that this miscellaneous army that was not optimistic by the powerhouses of the Emperor's Mansion before, unexpectedly exceeded everyone's imagination.

Became the only army among the three-way army that has won many battles. Now, it has completely regained the Chuan Valley area, and has learned from the ancient Tuofeng camp, and slain the two chief coaches of the ancient Tuofeng camp.

Most importantly, after regaining this area, the third army led by Ye Feng expanded at such an astonishing speed.

From less than 500 people who had the disease before, they have developed into an army with 5,000 strong Demon Emperor Realm.

Although some of these 5,000 people were reinforcements sent by the Demon Emperor before, the total number of reinforcements was less than 1,000.

No matter what the calculation, Ye Feng's army's expansion capability is enough to make people stunned.

After this strong man repeated his previous words, the Emperor of Heaven Devil and the many powerful strong men present could hear it thoroughly.

While each look was shocked, a bit of surprise appeared on his face involuntarily, and he only heard the Emperor Tianmo speak: "I didn't expect that Ye Feng should have such an ability."

Emperor Tianmo nodded his head again and again, the smile on his face became more obvious.

"His Majesty, don’t forget that the third army under Ye Feng’s rule has such powerful and powerful men as Sun Ke and Liang Sheng. According to the next information, the hidden injuries on the body of Qingtian have been recovered. With the battle experience and strength of Qingtian Guardian, assisting this Ye Feng, the effect is not surprising."

After the Heavenly Demon Emperor's words fell, I saw a powerful and powerful man getting up from his seat and explaining to the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

Because Miss Mengqi was in the third army led by Ye Feng, the reinforcements sent by the Emperor's Mansion this time were not weak.

Sun Ke and Liang Sheng were also extremely loud in the domain names of the entire Devil Emperor City, but they had always been casual cultivators before.

Hearing what this powerful man said, the pig talent on the scene nodded involuntarily.

Think that what the other party said has some truth.

After all, this Ye Feng is only the cultivation base of the Supreme Martial Sovereign Realm, even with some strength, it is impossible to achieve this in a short time.

The reason why the third army was able to completely regain the Chuan Valley area in such a powerful way is definitely the help of Qingtian Protector, Sun Ke and Liang Sheng.


Emperor Tianmo nodded involuntarily, but Ye Feng's name was still remembered by him, and it might not be a bad thing for Qingtian Protector and others to cultivate this young character.

In the future, as long as time is taken, this Ye Feng might really be something that can be made.

"Since Ye Feng asked to send a defender, you can wait and arrange this matter."

Hearing this rare piece of good news, Emperor Tianma looked extremely happy, and the haze on his face disappeared.

"Subordinates obey."

After the words of the emperor of the devil fell, two powerful men immediately took the lead, and then walked out of the hall.

"Your Majesty, since the third army led by Ye Feng has won the battle and has completely regained the Chuangu area, then there is a strategy at the bottom to better attack the Scarlet Blood City."

Next, another powerful person got up from his seat and couldn't help but said to the Emperor of Heaven.

Emperor Tianmo flashed his eyes and asked: "What kind of strategy, let's listen."

The powerful and powerful man said with joy: "Lone wolf protector, red devil protector, they are asking for help, we can send reinforcements to go, and order that Ye Feng and others lead the army with the lone wolf protector, red devil protector, and The reinforcements sent by our side can form a brand-new force. The overall strength of this force must be stronger than the previous independent army. In that case, it will be more conducive to attacking Scarlet Blood City."

This powerful man spoke in an orderly manner, and his analysis was very reasonable. After his words were said, they immediately attracted the approval of many people present, who believed that what the other party said was reasonable.

Even the Heavenly Demon Emperor could not help but nod his head, poison wolf guardian, red devil guardian, wolf soul guardian, Luo Kui guardian, and the rest of the many powerful men of the lone wolf army, plus the past reinforcements, if it is combined with Ye Feng and others Together, they can indeed greatly enhance their strength.

In this case, even if the Scarlet City cannot be truly captured, it may be able to delay the advancement of the Scarlet City Scorpion Army towards Modi City.

"This strategy is indeed very reasonable, but it originally belonged to two teams, so they are combined together. Who should be the coach?"

When passers-by thought that this strategy made sense, another powerful person raised questions.

After all, if these people are combined as the powerful man said before, it is really difficult to solve the problem of appointment.

"The lone wolf has rich experience in fighting and has many years of actual combat experience as a leader, and its own cultivation level is also extremely powerful. He will naturally assume the position of coach."

Someone immediately spoke, and directly recommended the Lone Wolf Guardian.

"Ye Feng led the third team to regain Chuangu, which is a great achievement. In my opinion, he can also give him a chance. He will be the coach of the newly formed team."

There are also strong people who are more optimistic about Ye Feng. As for the Heavenly Guardian for many years, he has been plagued by dark injuries. In this battle, the Heavenly Guardian is just as an aid. People usually don't recommend the Heavenly Guardian as the head coach.

"I think you are crazy, that Ye Feng is only the cultivation base of the Supreme Martial Sovereign Realm. How can he take on this great task? Which one of the lone wolf guardian and the Red Devil guardian is not more experienced than him, and which one is not stronger than him? This coach is in his turn. No one can take his turn."

After the words of this powerful and powerful man fell, someone immediately objected, and the others nodded.

For a time, there was a lot of discussion in the hall, and many people cast contempt and ironic glances at the strong man who proposed to let Ye Feng be the coach.

Even if Ye Feng led the army to regain the Sichuan Valley area, they didn't think Ye Feng could take on this task.

Perhaps in their opinion, the reason why Ye Feng was able to successfully regain the valley was entirely due to the contributions of Qingtian Protector, Sun Ke, Liang Sheng and the others. Ye Feng was just lucky and borrowed the light of these three.

The powerful and powerful man who proposed Ye Feng saw so many people opposing him, his face couldn't help but a bit of regret appeared on his face, not knowing why he suddenly said such ridiculous words.

Just as everyone on the scene objected to what he said, Ye Feng did not qualify for the position of coach.

"If this is the case, let's consider the lone wolf as the coach of the new team!"

Hearing the voices of the people present, the Emperor Tianmo said lightly, just as the helpers said, it is really difficult to convince the crowd to directly appoint a person of the supreme martial emperor realm like Ye Feng as the coach.

Lone wolf guardian seems to be the best candidate.

This decision made everyone present extremely convinced that the army led by the lone wolf guardian could successfully drag the demon scorpion army in Scarlet Blood City.

After making this decision, there was a reinforcement team in Devil Emperor City on the second day, heading towards the area where Scarlet Blood City was located.

Ye Feng, the Lone Wolf Guardian and others also received orders at the same time, and the army merged and launched an attack on Scarlet Blood City together.

"What the hell? The army merged. I just regained the Chuan Valley area, and conquered the ancient hump camp, and gathered so many powerful people. Now, I want to let the lone wolf protector serve as the coach. This is simply no commander Ye. In the eyes!"

In the ancient Tuofeng camp, Liang Sheng spoke with an angry face, and they had just received the order passed from the City of You Devil Emperor.

After receiving this order, Liang Sheng and Sun Ke were very angry. Today, they not only regard Ye Feng as a lifesaver.

Rather, he is absolutely convinced of Ye Feng. The army is merged to nothing. If Ye Feng is the coach, the two of them have nothing to say. Now, the order shows that after the army is merged, everyone must obey the lone wolf guardian. command.

Sun Ke and Liang Sheng were very dissatisfied here.

The face of Qingtian Guardian was not very good, after all, Ye Feng's performance in the previous battle was obvious to all.

Even if Ye Feng led the merged team and became the head coach of this team, it was not an exaggeration.

Moreover, Qingtian Guardian can also judge that Ye Feng's strength is not a lone wolf guardian at all, and the Red Devil guardian can compare.

Such a young and talented character, to listen to the dispatch of the lone wolf guardian, is indeed against common sense.

"In my opinion, there is no need for us to combine with their defeated generals. We have nearly 5,000 Demon Emperors who are really strong, and they may not be afraid of those people in Scarlet Blood City!"

Liang Sheng continued to speak coldly, his temperament was more anxious than Sun Ke, and he did not want Ye Feng to be under the protection of a lone wolf.

Sun Ke could not help but nodded, agreeing with Liang Sheng's view.

"Nothing. It doesn't matter who is the coach. As long as everyone is united, all difficulties can be overcome."

However, just as Sun Keliangsheng and the two kept complaining, they heard such a voice from Ye Feng above the theme.

Immediately let Sun Keliangsheng's eyes condensed slightly, and then they measured their body and tried to speak, but they were interrupted by Ye Feng's words: "You two, Shaoan, don't worry, I'll follow the orders of the Emperor."

After Ye Feng's words were uttered, Sun Keliang and Sheng could not help but sigh, still very unwilling in their hearts.

Since Ye Feng had already said this, they could only endure it.

Within a few days, the Devil Emperor City sent many defenders to the three major camps in the north, middle and south of Chuan Valley, and took over the three major camps.

Each side wins, and there is a powerful powerhouse in Devil Emperor City. With such a powerful powerhouse, it can effectively prevent the demon scorpion army from coming to invade again.

After the arrival of the defenders of the Devil Emperor City, all of Ye Feng's men in the three major camps also gathered towards the direction of the ancient hump camp.

Two more days later, the defenders of the ancient hump camp also arrived as scheduled. Ye Feng and others gathered all the strong and marched towards the inner land of Scarlet Blood City together.

"Then Ye Feng may be leading the powerful people here, how are you going to deal with him?"

The Red Devil boss' eyes fell on the lone wolf boss, and he couldn't help but sneered and asked him.

The Lone Wolf coach and others have just received news. This time, they will not only receive a large number of reinforcements, but Ye Feng and other third team teams will also be united with them.

Moreover, the new coach is really the Lone Wolf Guardian, which means that from now on, the Lone Wolf Guardian will become the highest commander of this team, and no one can match him.

Ye Feng also obeyed his orders.

They were already defeated like a mountain, but when they heard this news suddenly, they were naturally very happy, especially the lone wolf guarding the law. The previous decadence was wiped out, and the whole person regained the former arrogance. look.

"We'll talk about it when they come. This time we mainly do our homework for learning. Therefore, this coach doesn't want to deal with him for the time being. A junior like him is not worth the coach himself."

The Lone Wolf Protector spoke proudly to the Red Devil Protector.

At this moment, he was full of pride. They were defeated before, and now, the Devil Emperor City still allows him to be the coach.

It can be seen that without him, we can't find a second candidate for the coach.

After receiving this order, the Lone Wolf Protector and the Red Devil Protector also led the remnant forces of the Lone Wolf Army and quickly walked out of the place they had previously hidden and reached the agreement with Ye Feng and others. Meeting place.

They waited here, and it didn't take long before they saw Ye Feng and the others leading an army flying towards this direction.

The headed person is naturally Ye Feng, Qingtian Protector, Sun Ke and Liang Sheng.

Among the 4 people, it is obvious that Ye Feng is the head, the other three are supplemented, and all of them are centered on Ye Feng.

The army soon came to the place where the lone wolf guardian, the red devil guardian and others were located, the wolf soul guardian, and the Luo Kui guardian were naturally among them.

Seeing Ye Feng's awe-inspiring appearance, a bit of coldness appeared on their faces.

Especially the Wolf Soul Guardian and Luo Kui Guardian were bitterly hated because they were all defeated by Ye Feng before.

Now, seeing Ye Feng's appearance, they are naturally very jealous and hateful.


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