Sky War God

Chapter 2664: Magic cave

This Lu family expert only felt a strong sense of pain on his body, and the barbs on the body of the soft bug directly penetrated into his body.

It made his body tremble involuntarily at this moment, and a terrible poisonous gas followed the barbs and quickly passed into his body.

This made this strong man involuntarily uttered a scream, and under instinctive reaction, this strong man naturally struggled desperately.

But the terrible toxicity has spread over his body, making him unable to break free from the frightening force of the poisonous gas no matter how hard he struggles.

Next, the soft bug opened a huge mouth and swallowed it down. Directly swallowed the head of this strong man.

As a result, this strong man didn't even have time to make the screams, and his entire life was lost.

Many people couldn't help but trembled when they saw this scene. No one thought that Ye Feng would even raise such a terrible soft bug.

In the next period of time, those soft bugs rushed towards the bodies of these powerful men madly.

It made these powerful bodies flee wildly. However, although the soft bugs looked relatively clumsy, in fact, their speed was not slow at all.

While swallowing towards these strong men, the powerful poison gas protruded from his mouth, and those poison gas contained extremely terrifying paralysis.

Let people breathe, and the body will be slightly poisoned. Although it will not be completely paralyzed, it can also slow down their body speed a lot.

But those soft bugs know how to seize this opportunity, flying towards the body of these powerful men.

The lone thorn penetrated their bodies, and the terrible poison gas penetrated into their bodies, causing their bodies to be paralyzed instantly.

Then one by one became a delicious meal of Yefeng's soft bugs. Although the soft bugs are super terrifying, they need a certain amount of nourishment as support every once in a while.

It has been a long time since the last time the soft bug opened a meal. Ye Feng was worried that he had nowhere to find the corresponding nourishment for the soft bugs.

The arrival of these powerful Lu family has just solved Ye Feng's problem. As the soft bugs continue to swallow them, the volume of these soft bugs has also become much larger than when Ye Feng recovered them.

The overall strength is also steadily rising. Nowadays, even the high-ranking Demon Emperor Realm powerhouse, under the siege of several soft bugs, it is difficult to get out.

Ye Feng stood proudly in the void, looking at the soft bugs he released, and constantly swallowing the bodies of these Lu Family powerhouses, there was no wave on his face.

There is no pity in his heart. For those who want to besieged him collectively, even if Ye Feng slaughtered all these people, they would only take the blame.

Ye Feng came to the Demon Realm alone and never took the initiative to provoke anyone. He has always done things low-key, just to gain a foothold in the Demon Realm and find a way to return to the Nine Heavens.

However, he found that the more low-key he was, the more these people regarded him as the target of bullying.

For example, the people of the Lu family in front of him, from beginning to end, Ye Feng did not actively provoke each other.

But the other party repeatedly insulted Ye Feng, and slandered Ye Feng in front of Emperor Tianmo, saying that Ye Feng was a traitor.

Now, the opponent is forcing the Emperor of the Heavenly Devil to let Ye Feng leave the Devil Emperor City, and the opponent has sent so many powerful men to try to encircle Ye Feng.

For such a person, Ye Feng had to kill him.

The meaning of screams continued to spread, and these powerful Lu family were swallowed by the soft bugs in despair, becoming the other side's nourishment.

At this moment, there was regret and despair in their hearts, and they even regretted that they had chosen to join the Lu family.

If they did not join the Lu family, they might not suffer from this situation.

But now it seems that it is too late to talk about this, and almost everyone of them today is besieged by the software bug.

There were bursts of tyrannical roars from the soft bug's mouth, as if to swallow everything in a short time.

It doesn't give those Lu family powerhouses any chance to survive.

In despair, the Lu Jiaqiang became Ye Feng's hoarse soft bug meal, which took less than half an hour.

Dozens of Lu family powerhouses all allowed their orders here. What is even more frightening is that these Lu family members did not even have a dead body left.

This is something these Lu family members would never have thought of before.


There was a roar in the soft bug's mouth, and the dark eyes flashed with a certain satisfaction.

This time, dozens of Lu family powerhouses have become their nourishment, and you won't need these little guys for a long time.

Ye Feng stretched out his hand, and the cloth bag emerged again, and the soft bugs returned to the cloth bag one by one.

After doing all this, Ye Feng Fei Shen left here. His target is still the Holy Demon Mountain in the central area of ​​the Demon Realm.

The Holy Demon Mountain has always belonged to the legendary existence in the Demon Realm, and it is the holy place of faith for many demon repair figures in the Demon Realm.

But no one has really seen this holy land, and the impression of many demon domain experts on the holy demon mountain is basically in the legend.

Although this holy place was coordinated within the central area of ​​the Demon Realm, no one really knew where it was.

Some people who traveled to the central area of ​​the Demon Realm to make pilgrimages, and few of them were able to truly find the specific location of the Holy Demon Mountain.

In other words, there is no real fixed location for the mountain, only those who are predestined can discover this holy place.

Ye Feng went all the way. He didn't know how far he had crossed. It took several months before he truly reached the center of the legendary Demon Realm.

Here, there are endless mountain ranges, vast ocean of magic roads, dark and deep forests of magic roads, and vast and endless magic road cities.

It can be said that it is a prosperous scene, Ye Feng is walking here, while inquiring about the news about Saint Demon Mountain.

Through inquiries, Ye Feng got countless versions of rumors, and these rumors were almost indefinite.

In other words, even in this central area of ​​the Demon Realm, no one really knows the news about the location of the Holy Demon Mountain.

However, among these rumors, the most prescriptive place appeared was a secret realm called Demon Cave.

It is quite mysterious here, and many powerful people from the Demon Realm enter it to explore the secrets all the year round.

Many people have obtained it in the magic cave, a great opportunity, and some even have transformed and embarked on the road of the strong.

And most of the rumors linked the blur to the Holy Demon Mountain, and Ye Feng summarized these rumors together and summarized them.

He found that the most revealed in the rumors was that there was a path of the demon **** in the demon cave.

The Road of the Demon God is the road leading to the Holy Demon Mountain. After passing the Road of the Demon God and reaching the end of the Road of the Demon God, you can truly reach the foot of the Holy Demon Mountain.

Thus pilgrimage to the holy magic mountain many powerful demon gods.

The mysterious cave not only has many opportunities, but what is more attractive is the legend about the holy demon mountain. Many people step into the demon cave because they want to make a pilgrimage to the holy demon mountain.

There are often rumors about these pilgrims entering the Holy Demon Mountain, but these news have not been confirmed.

But the Holy Demon Mountain, as the saint emperor and power center of the legendary Demon Realm, can naturally attract the attention of countless people.

Even though there are many dangers in the Devil's Cave, entering it is a life of nine deaths, and many people are still willing to enter it to find out.

Sacred Demon Mountain is a sacred place that the powerhouses of the entire Demon Realm yearn for. Entering it for pilgrimage, it is very possible to get the inheritance of the Lord of Ten Thousand Demons.

Although such a probability is so low that it is completely impossible, there are still many demon domain powerhouses who yearn for it and enter it desperately.

After learning this news, Ye Feng also wanted to go to the place where the Demon Cave was. He wanted to know whether the Demon Cave really had the way of the Demon God. And the end of the road of the devil really leads to the holy demon mountain, right?

With such doubts, Ye Feng set off again and took about a month to arrive in the "Devil City", the city closest to the Demon Cave.

Devil City is a central city within a radius of millions of miles, and there are many strong people living here.

Since the Demon God City is in the central area of ​​the Demon Realm, the degree of prosperity here is far from comparable to that of the Demon Emperor City that Ye Feng had previously stayed in.

There are busy traffic on the street, and the Devil Emperor can be seen everywhere, and the people of the upper Devil Emperor are not so scarce here.

You can often encounter them on the road, and these high-ranking Demon Emperor Realm experts are not like the arrogant people in the Demon Emperor City, they are like ordinary people, without any surprises.

The rest of the people also felt extremely ordinary when they saw them. Martial emperor level powerhouses like Ye Feng are only the lowest level existence in this Demon God City.

Even ordinary businessmen and shopkeepers, many people have reached this level of cultivation.

Therefore, Ye Feng walked on the street at will, like a drop in the ocean, no one would really notice him.

Even, because the Demon Realm is the world of the powerful demon road, ordinary Martial Emperors like Ye Feng have no status.

Ye Feng walked on the street, and was even occasionally discriminated against and ridiculed by others. Many people openly cast contemptuous glances at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng can only ignore these gazes. This is indeed the world of the powerful demon, and ordinary martial artists will not have a sense of existence here.

Not to mention that Ye Feng's cultivation level is still so low, and he has no status at all.

Ye Feng took the lead to rest in a restaurant. He had been on the road for several months without a good rest. Now that he has a rare free time, he came to this restaurant for dinner.

I found a place to sit down. This restaurant is more famous in the Demon City, and the dishes inside the restaurant are also quite exquisite, most of which are made of extremely precious ingredients in the Demon Realm.

Ye Feng has no shortage of rough stones, so the ingredients he chooses are relatively expensive.

In the restaurant, it attracted the attention of many people. Many people's eyes fell on Ye Feng and saw Ye Feng's identity as an ordinary martial artist.

And after such an ordinary cultivation level, many people's expressions couldn't help but be stunned. It is hard for them to imagine that a person with cultivation level like Ye Feng could order such expensive dishes for dinner.

In their opinion, a person with status and status like Ye Feng should be the lowest level existence, and is not qualified to enter this restaurant for dinner.

Looking around, the lowest level of cultivation among the diners around the table also has the realm of the middle demon emperor.

The first Devil Emperor Realm did not see one, which also proved the extraordinary of this restaurant.

The ordinary first-time Devil Emperor cannot afford it.

"Have you seen that the novice Emperor Wu came to this restaurant for dinner and ordered such expensive dishes? I really want to know, can he afford the meal?"

A strong man looked at Ye Feng with a disdainful smile and said.

The eyes of the rest of the people couldn’t help but look towards Ye Feng’s position, seeing that Ye Feng’s cultivation realm was really just like what the strong man said, only the first Wudi realm, they were one by one. There was also a somewhat ironic smile on his face.

I just listened to another strong man involuntarily opening his mouth and said, "Follow him, the owner of this restaurant is not easy. If he can't pay for the meal, the restaurant owner won't let him go!"

"That said, this restaurant owner is really not easy to mess with, I want to see, how does this guy end up next?"

Someone nodded immediately, wanting to see what Ye Feng's next outcome would be like.

"Don't mention him, he looks like a hillbilly, maybe it is a servant of some power who came here to pretend to be an uncle."

Someone spoke indifferently, and then, a bright light appeared on this person's face involuntarily, and he said to the battlefield to help others, "I heard that recently, there has been a strong man stepping out of the road of the devil, and this person is very talented. , Unparalleled in combat, claiming to be a strong man who walked down on the Saint Demon Mountain. Now, this person lives in the Demon Cave Sect and is admired by the Demon Cave Sect. Even the master of the Demon Cave Sect can’t help but give three points to this person and call the opponent As the "Holy Envoy", does this prove that at the end of the Demon God's Road, is the place where the Holy Demon Mountain is really located?"

After this sentence was said, many people in the restaurant immediately looked sideways, and a bit of excitement appeared on their faces.

The Holy Demon Mountain, as the holy land in the entire Demon Realm legend, has attracted much attention no matter where it is in the Demon Realm.

Especially this demon city, which is so close to the devil's cave, there are many legends about the holy devil mountain.

Therefore, after hearing the words of this strong man, the noisy atmosphere in the entire restaurant subsided a lot at this moment.

Everyone's eyes fell on the strong man who just spoke.

I really want to let the other party go on talking, so they can learn about the Holy Demon Mountain from it.

"Is it true?"

Someone can't wait to ask, don't want to miss any details.

Ye Feng's gaze was also condensed. He came out of the Demon God City and knew almost nothing about the Demon Cave. Hearing this news in the restaurant, he immediately became interested.

"Of course, this young character does not look like an ordinary person from the Demon Realm in any way, and there is no such a number 1 person in the Demon Realm before. His talent is too great, and more important. Yes, the Demon Cave Sect has such respect for him. Just imagine, in the entire Demon God City area, is there any young person who can receive such treatment?"

The strong man who spoke before said with joy.

The Demon Cave Sect is a sect force established in the land of the legendary Demon Cave. In the endless years, the Demon Cave School has been guarding the land of the Demon Cave.

According to the knowledge of the Demon Cave Sect, they do not belong to the ordinary Demon Realm world, but come from the end of the Demon God's Road.

Their duty is to guard the devil's cave, although this news has not been taken seriously in the entire devil's domain.

Many cases believe that this is deliberately added by the Demon Cave Sect to increase the mystery of their sect power.

But the people of the Demon Cave Sect always say this, they have identified themselves as the guardians of the Demon Cave.

More importantly, the Demon Cave Sect is indeed very mysterious, they control some power that the people of the Demon Realm cannot control.

For example, entering the Demon Cave requires the people of the Demon Cave Sect to use special energy to open up a passage for those who enter.

Therefore, anyone who wants to enter the cave to explore the secrets must obtain the consent of the cave sect.

The people of the demon realm cannot see through that mysterious power, and even some powerful people in the demon realm can't peek into the mystery.

This undoubtedly gave the Demon Cave Sect an innate advantage, making the Demon Cave Sect the most special case in the central area of ​​the entire Demon Realm.

Even though the competition in the central area of ​​the Demon's Domain is fierce and frictions between the major forces continue, no matter how great the conflict and friction, the Demon Cave Zong will not be affected.

The Demon Cave Sect has also become the safest sect force in the central area of ​​the Demon Realm, and no one takes action against it. A large part of the reason is the mysterious feeling of the Demon Cave Sect and the series of mysterious powers they control.

If the Demon Cave Sect is really offended to death, people like them will no longer be able to enter the Demon Cave to explore the secrets.

The mystery of the way of the devil can not be revealed.

After the strong man introduced everything he knew, many people present fell into a state of contemplation.

Just as the strong man said, there are really few young people who can get so much attention from the Demon Cave Sect.

Moreover, this young man with such a talent has never appeared in the middle of the Demon Realm. His identity is indeed mysterious enough.

"If it is really like what you said, there is a strong person at the end of the Demon God's Road, then does it indicate that the end of the Demon God's Road really leads to that sacred place!"

After hearing the words of the strong man, someone thought about it for a while and immediately became extremely excited.

For them, the Holy Demon Mountain has always existed in the legend, but this place of legend is the belief of the people of the entire Demon Realm.

For thousands of years, many people have entered the magic cave with admiration, leaving behind many legends, but these legends have not been truly confirmed, which has also made the magic cave even more mysterious in the hearts of everyone.

After this news came out, the atmosphere in the restaurant became extremely lively.

Many powerful people gathered together and talked about it. In fact, the news that a mysterious young man appeared in the Demon Cave Sect was not only passed on in this restaurant.

Similar rumors broke out in other areas of the Demon God City, which shocked many people. At the same time, they also wanted to go to the Demon Cave Sect to find out immediately.

"Whether this young man came from the end of the road of the demon god, what can be confirmed is that he is not a person from the demon domain. If this is the case, then I really need to go to the demon cave to find out. Whether there is a result, It's all an experience!"

A strong man immediately spoke with excitement, as if he was looking forward to the next thing very much.

Hearing what this person said, many people in the room nodded one after another. Just as this strong man said, as a strong man in the central area of ​​the Demon Territory, they always have an extremely strong yearning for the Demon Cave.

Even some talented people with strong combat power have entered the magic cave several times to explore the secrets, but they have not got the results they should have.

This time, due to the appearance of this mysterious young man, the upsurge of entering the magic cave in the Demon God City will be set off again.

Ye Feng has been paying attention to these people's conversations, and while shocked in his heart, he also has a certain understanding of the magic cave.

The Demon Cave Sect is located in a mountain area northwest of the Demon City, where monsters are rampant all the year round, the terrain is steep and the climate is harsh.

The magic cave is located in that mountain range, but the magic cave is normally closed.

Only the knowledge of the Demon Cave has the ability to open the Demon Cave.

After stepping out of the restaurant, there were many strong men leaping towards the outside of the Demon God City non-stop, and the direction they were flying was indeed the northwest mountain area where the Demon Cave Sect was located.

Ye Feng is naturally with whom in the team. If he can really enter the Demon Cave and pass the Demon God's Road, he may be able to get the exact information about the Holy Demon Mountain.

Now that he has come here, Ye Feng will naturally do his best to do all this, only in this way can he return to the Nine Heavens.

"Look, this man of Emperor Wu actually followed It seems that he can afford to eat, but who is he doing in the team? Shouldn't he also want to enter? Did you explore the magic cave?"

A middle-ranked demon emperor peak realm expert was also a person who ate in the restaurant before. He accidentally found Ye Feng's figure and couldn't help but speak to the person beside him with an unexpected look.

After this sentence was said, many people immediately looked at Ye Feng. Those who ate in the restaurant naturally recognized Ye Feng for the first time.

As for the others, after discovering Ye Feng's cultivation realm, they cast contemptuous glances at Ye Feng one by one.

Just listen to a strong man who said with a sneer on his face, "The Emperor Wu came here without thinking about his ability. A cultivation realm like him is not qualified to step into the devil's cave. Even if he does enter the devil's cave, I'm afraid It won’t be long before you die here. It’s really overwhelming!"

The author Wan Mu Zhengrong said that my brothers continue to ask for flowers, and the number of flowers is about to exceed 300. I will add 6,000 words when there are 300.

Ling Tian Ares


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