Sky War God

Chapter 305: Castle in the Sky

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"It's just that among the medicines that the old man wants to prepare, there is a material called "Dragon beard" which is extremely precious. I am afraid it is difficult to find in Zhao country. As for the other materials, there is nothing. The injury is not a problem."

The Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor said, with confidence in his words.

"Dragon beard!"

Ye Feng’s eyes are sharp, no matter how hard it is to find this dragon beard, he must get it, no matter

You must find the price you pay, not to mention that Jing Lao suffered this catastrophe because of protecting him this time. Even with Jing Lao's kindness to him, Ye Feng had to manage.

"Old man, do you know where you can get that dragon beard?"

Ye Feng asked the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor.

"On the mainland where the old man lived, this kind of herbal medicine is not precious. You can easily buy this kind of herbal medicine in any market, but the old man doesn't know it here."

The Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor said helplessly that for a Demon Emperor like him, Longbeard is really not precious, but the highest that Ye Feng can come into contact with is only a powerful person in the Divine Martial Realm, and the gap is quite obvious. .

Therefore, the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor only said that Longbeard was very precious, only for the martial artist of Ye Feng's level.

"It turned out to be so."

Ye Feng was a little disappointed. When he walked out of the room, Qin Zhenting and the others greeted him immediately. They only heard Qin Zhenting eagerly ask Ye Feng: "How? Do you have any good ideas?"

"Is Elder Qin kidding? Our five Zhenwu pinnacle powerhouses are at a loss for the Palace Master's injury. What can he do as a junior?"

Before Ye Feng could speak, an uncomfortable voice came over, and it was the Heavenly Secret Hall Master who had just failed to attack the Divine Martial Realm in retreat.

Ye Feng's eyes showed sharp sharpness after hearing the words of the Hall Master Tianji. I heard the low-key disliked Hall Master Tianxuan say: "The words of the Hall Master Tianji are wrong. If the five of me can't help it, it doesn't mean that Ye Feng can't help it. Why not listen to Ye Feng first?"

"A Maotou boy who has just advanced to the True Martial Realm, is he better than the five of us? The old man wants to see what he can do?"

Hall Master Tianji snorted coldly, and said with a look of disdain.

"Ye Feng, what can I do, let's talk quickly."

Qin Zhenting said.

Ye Feng glanced over the Hallmaster of Tianji, then said to Qin Zhenting and the others: "I know how to make a potion. If I can collect all the materials, I can heal Jing Lao's injury."

"Ha ha!"

After hearing what Ye Feng said, the Hallmaster Tianji sneered first, looked at Ye Feng mockingly, and said sarcastically: "You really are boastful! You said you know how to prepare medicine, don't you think that you are a pharmacist? Can you take care of the main injury?"

Ye Feng's eyes grew colder, and he looked at Hall Master Tianji and said: "I, Ye Feng, are not talented. I know that you do not have a strong cultivation base, but you do have a cure for Jing Lao's injury. If the hall owner thinks I can make trouble without reason. Come up with a better method than me to treat Jing Lao, if you don’t have the Hall Master, you are not qualified to speak!"

Ye Feng's words were unceremonious, and he immediately turned the face of the Heavenly Mystery Hall Master into a blue and white. He was speechless, and then healed after a while, and said coldly to Ye Feng: "A strong word! The old man wants to see. Look, what method can you come up with? If you fail to treat the palace lord with your so-called method, the old man is asking you!"

The Hall Master of Heavenly Mystery was not lighted by Ye Feng. What an identity he was, and he held a lofty position in the Sky Profound Martial Mansion. Which disciple saw him was not respectful, but Ye Feng was ignorant and contradicted him.

Just as Chen Xiangtian told him when he first left the customs, this Ye Feng was really arrogant and didn't understand respect.

"Ye Feng, tell me about the medicine materials you mentioned quickly, and see if you can find them in Wufu?"

Qin Zhenting said, with a bit of eagerness in his words.

"it is good!"

Ye Feng nodded, and next, Ye Feng said more than a dozen herbs, including Longxuecao. When Ye Feng talked about Longxuecao, everyone present frowned.

The elder of the Spirit Medicine Pavilion opened his mouth and said: "Dragon beard, in the legend, was transformed by the beard of a real dragon. Only in the land where the dragon clan has fallen can it grow. This herb is too precious, and the old man is just I have read records about Longxucao in ancient books, but I don’t know anything about the herbal medicine. Such a precious herbal medicine is probably impossible to find in Zhao State."

"The elder knows where the dragon beard may appear. I am willing to go and find the dragon beard for Jing Lao."

There was also a look of embarrassment on Ye Feng's face. From the words of the elders of the Lingyao Pavilion, he could judge that in Zhao Guo, don't expect dragon beard.

"Sky City, you can go to the Sky City Bang Bang luck."

Elder Lingyao Pavilion said, suddenly, making the eyes of many people present shine bright.

"Where is the Sky City? Why have I never heard of it?"

Ye Feng asked inexplicably, he had lived in Zhao Country for more than ten years, and he had never said the slightest news about the Sky City.

"The so-called Sky City is a city of freedom in the Azure Cloud Region. It is located in the center of the entire Azure Cloud Sect. It borders the seven kingdoms of the Azure Cloud Region, but does not belong to any of the seven countries. There is a city there. Own rules, in the city, everything must follow the orders of the City Lord’s Mansion in the Sky City. The most important thing is that the Sky City is the commercial center of the entire Azure Cloud Sect, where the prosperity is far beyond people’s imagination, and some of the entire Azure Cloud Domain is the largest The trading market in the Sky City, the major sect forces in the Azure Cloud Domain, and even the royal families of the Seven Kingdoms like to resell or purchase repair resources in the Sky City. Therefore, the Sky City trading market is so prosperous. There, only There is nothing you can't think of, and nothing you can't buy. All kinds of rare and exotic treasures may appear in the trading market of Sky City. Although the dragon beard is precious, it may be encountered in Sky City."

Elder Wu said, the head of the Spirit Medicine Pavilion. Speaking of the city in the sky, longing appeared in the look of the old man.

"Yes, the Sky City is indeed looking for the best place for Longxuecao. If you want to go, I can send someone to **** you there."

After hearing the words of the elder of the Spirit Medicine Pavilion, Qin Zhenting also nodded to Ye Feng and said.

"How can the dragon beard be available to ordinary people? Even if he went to the sky city, the old man did not believe that he, a hairy boy, could bring the dragon beard."

Hall Master Tianji said with a disdain, he didn't believe Ye Feng had the ability to heal Jing Lao.

"This is the emptiness of the hall master, you worry about it! Again, if you can come up with a better way to treat Jing Lao, I will immediately give you the opportunity to treat Jing Lao. If not, the hall master should not be aside. Talking cold words."

Ye Feng furrowed his brows and said sarcastically when he looked at the Hall Master Tianji.

The other party has repeatedly verbalized provocations. If Ye Feng hadn't looked at the other party as a senior, he would have turned his face with the other party.

"You have a seed!"

Hall Master Tianji flashed a cold light in his eyes, and said: "The old man also sent you a sentence, if you can't save the palace owner, you will suffer the harshest punishment from the Wufu government!"

The Heavenly Mystery Hall Master's expression was cold, as if he was the real master of Wufu. If he wanted to deal with Ye Feng, he could deal with Ye Feng, and Ye Feng had to bear it.

"Then you may be disappointed."

Ye Feng sneered and said, then he stopped looking at the Hallmaster of Heavenly Mystery.

"When are you going to leave?"

Qin Zhenting asked Ye Feng.

"Naturally, the sooner the better, just now!"

Ye Feng said, Jing Lao's injury is not easy to delay for too long.

"Then I will send a few people to go with you, so that I can take care of them on the road."

Qin Zhenting said that he wanted to send more people to Ye Feng.

"No, I will take Gongsun Linger with me when I leave."

Ye Feng declined Qin Zhenting's kindness, and it was inconvenient for him to take so many powerful people to the Sky City.

Immediately, Ye Feng left the courtyard where Jing Lao was located and returned to his residence to prepare. He found Gongsun Ling'er and briefly explained the situation with Gongsun Ling'er. Gongsun Ling'er readily agreed.

This girl is very curious about everything, she is naturally willing to go to such a mysterious place in the Sky City.

Through the teleportation formation in the Sky Xuanwu, Ye Feng and Gongsun Linger first arrived at the border of Zhao Kingdom near the Sky City. Then it took another three days to reach the land bounded by the legendary Sky City.

"This should be where the Sky City is located. Why can't I see anything?"

Gongsun Ling'er looked at the vast wilderness and the faintly visible village, said with an impatient look in her beautiful eyes.

Just as Gongsun Ling'er said, the two of them were in a wilderness at the moment, few people traveled, and a faint smoke rising from the distance.

It didn't seem like there was any sign of the city being here again, and Ye Feng was also very puzzled about this. It is clearly marked on the map, and this is the area where the Sky City is located.

"We are walking forward for a while, maybe the city in the sky is ahead."

Ye Feng said, he is not a person who likes to give up.

" Gongsun Ling'er pursed her mouth and followed Ye Feng reluctantly. She thought Sky City was a very fun place, but she didn’t expect it to be a few days away. Tired to death, what I saw was such a barren scene.

"The two of you should have come to Sky City too!"

At this moment, a voice sounded behind Ye Feng and the two of them, and immediately stopped the footsteps of Ye Feng and Gongsun Ling'er. Not far away, two figures were stepping towards this side.

They were also a man and a woman, but they were slightly older than Ye Feng and Gongsun Ling'er by one or two years.

It was the man among the two who had just spoken. This man looked at the age of eighteen or nineteen. He was born of a talented person, and he was quite generous.

Next to this young man was a young girl who was tall, fair-skinned, with a beautiful nose, apricot eyes, Su Feng's round and plump, slender waist, straight and slender legs, and a beautiful embryo.

Author Wan Mu Zhengrong said: On the last day of the month, if you have flowers, please vote for this book. This book needs your support very much. Thanks!

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