Sky War God

Chapter 2940: Strong after condensing the holy soul

   "Boom" A terrible concussion sound came through, and the terrible pressure of Ye Feng came down, directly pressing the body of the strong man in the Desert City Lord's Mansion to the ground.

   The bone tissue cells on the body were all crushed like this, and they lost their lives!

   This scene made the expressions of the many powerful people in the City Lord's Mansion of the Great Mo City in a stunned look. In addition to the powerful people in the City Lord's Mansion of the Desert City, there are still many people watching from afar at this moment. They are all from the Desert City area.

   After seeing the huge movement made by Ye Feng, he followed Ye Feng and others all the way to this place.

   The strong people of the Great Desert City Lord's Mansion are stationed here, and they didn't leave here, they also stayed here, and wanted to see how Ye Feng would end up facing so many strong people in the Great Desert City Lord's Mansion.

   However, at this moment, the strong man in the City Lord's Mansion of the Desert City tried to release an attack on Ye Feng, but he was so easily suppressed to death by Ye Feng.

   This scene was so shocking that many people in the room could not react. After a long time, everyone in the room saw that the eyes of a kind of powerhouse in the City Lord's Mansion of Desert City were flashing with cold light.

   looked towards the direction where Ye Feng was, the sharpness in his eyes became stronger and stronger.

   "How dare you kill him?"

   A strong man in the City Lord's Mansion of the Desert City asked Ye Feng coldly, and when he spoke, he had already mobilized the aura from his body.

   "If you don't want to die, please leave here as soon as possible. I don't want to waste time with you."

   Ye Feng seemed to disdain these powerful people in the Great Desert City Lord's Mansion to talk nonsense, and said directly to the other party coldly.

After    said these words, the powerful people in the City Lord's Mansion of Desert City looked at each other, and then several ironic expressions appeared on their faces.

   Only one person said: "You guy is really interesting. How dare you say such arrogant words alone, don't you know how many pounds you are?"

   This person's own strength is not very strong, but at this moment they have a powerful person who condenses the holy soul. As long as the opponent makes a move, Ye Feng is bound to be strongly suppressed by the opponent.

   "Enclose him for me."

   The strong man in the City Lord's Mansion of Great Mo City said to the people around him later.

   The eyes of the other experts in the City Lord's Mansion of Desert City flickered, and their bodies stopped staying, and similarly stepped toward the direction where Ye Feng was.

   There was a sneer at the corner of Ye Feng's mouth. He had warned these people, but the other party didn't listen to him at all.

   "Kill my strong man in the City Lord's Mansion of Desert City, your ending is doomed, go to death!"

   A strong man in the City Lord's Mansion of Desert City said coldly to Ye Feng. After saying this, he mobilized the strongest power in himself.

   immediately released his breath with the people around him, launching attacks on Ye Feng from various directions.

   Their attack power is super terrifying, and they don't give Ye Feng any chance to dodge, they completely cover the space in front of Ye Feng.

"This young man, for some reason, offended the people of the City Lord's Mansion of Desert City. Now the other party has sent so many powerful people to suppress him. In my opinion, even if he has some strength, he will inevitably die in the hands of the other party. !"

   Seeing those experts from the Great Desert City Lord's Mansion attack Ye Feng together, someone immediately said so not far away, thinking that Ye Feng should not be able to escape the disaster.

   The others nodded one after another. The Blessing of Desert City had absolute authority in the area.

   And at this moment, the strength of the strong they sent is indeed strong, and it is not Ye Feng alone that can resist.

   Ye Feng didn't care about the attacks released by these people. Today, he has condensed the holy soul, and the holy soul he has condensed has surpassed the level range of the normal holy soul.

   Ye Feng shone a bit ironic in his eyes, and didn't care about the attack released by the other party.

   After he condensed the holy soul, all aspects of his body's abilities have been greatly improved.

   I saw his palm waved, and the destructive power rose from the palm of his palm, and the shocking and terrifying big palm print was shot at this moment.

   The destructive power released from the palm prints is beyond imagination. In a very short time, it is convenient for the attacks of several opponents to collide together.

   The crowd only listened to the rumbling sound of horrible shocks. The power of destruction spreads in 4 directions and 8 directions.

   Those few desert city powerhouses had seen Ye Feng's strength before, so when they released this attack, they had already mobilized all the strongest power in their bodies.

   However, even so, their attacking power was still not worth mentioning in front of Ye Feng's palm print, and was enveloped by Ye Feng's palm print.

   This caused the power of destruction contained in their attacks to be instantly destroyed by the collapse of the earthquake, and the long seal of Ye Feng seemed to be more terrifying than before.

   came down like an overwhelming sky, making these few experts in the Great Desert City Lord's Mansion look desperate.

   tried to dodge this for the first time, but they failed to do so.

   Ye Feng's attack was not only extremely powerful, but also incredibly fast, and it was not at all that they could contend.

   The next moment, everyone present only listened to the rumbling sound of horrible shocks, and the power of destruction spread in 4 directions and 8 directions.

   This long seal of Ye Feng directly descended on the bodies of these powerful people in the City Lord's Mansion of Desert City.

   caused these people to scream, and the body could no longer hold on, and was directly shocked by Ye Feng's palm print.

  Because the power of this palmprint is too strong, they directly harvested the lives of these people, and fell on the ground one by one and became a dead body!

   This scene couldn't help making everyone present panic. No one thought that Ye Feng's palm print would have such power.

   The eyes of the strong man who condensed the holy soul in Desert City was also slightly condensed, and he looked carefully at Ye Feng.

   His pupils shrank suddenly, and he could feel that Ye Feng had gathered the power that is unique to the Holy Soul powerhouse.

   It's just that he didn't care about Ye Feng too much before, so he had to ignore this point.

   "When did you condense the holy soul? Is it possible that the holy soul grass on your body has been used by you?"

   This powerful man who condensed the sacred soul in the City Lord's Mansion of Desert City asked Ye Feng, with some questions in his words.

   The superb look is even more indescribable.

   After his words were spoken, everyone present was shocked, but they all knew that when Ye Feng haunted the desert city ten days ago, there was no holy soul condensed.

   Now, after only ten days have passed, has he actually completed the condensing of the Holy Soul?

   This is really incredible, and it makes many people feel unreal.

   Ye Feng looked at the man and said with a sneer: "Do I need to greet you if I condense the holy soul?"

Hearing what Ye Feng said, the expression of the strong man who condensed the Holy Soul in the Desert City Lord’s Mansion could not help but freeze for a while, and the cold breath on his body immediately burst out, and he couldn’t help but gritted his teeth and said to Ye Feng: “Don’t think you are condensing With the Holy Soul, you are qualified to compete with this seat. Perhaps you don’t know that the Holy Soul also has levels, and you have just condensed the Holy Soul, and you will not be the opponent of this seat!"

When this powerful man who condensed the sacred soul of the City Lord’s Mansion of the Desert City said these words, he could not help but use his spiritual knowledge to scan Ye Feng constantly, seemingly wanting to know what Ye Feng’s sacred soul level is. How was it.

   After some investigations, he suddenly discovered that Ye Feng's holy soul has no level, that is to say, the quality is too low to display the level.

   This made the ironic smile on the face of this powerful man who condensed the holy soul in the City Lord's Mansion of Desert City even more intense.

  His holy soul has reached the first level. Although it is only an entry-level holy soul, it is not known how many times better than the holy soul condensed by Ye Feng.

   "Then you can try."

   It's just that when the words of this powerful man who condensed the sacred soul in the Great Desert City Lord's Mansion had just fallen, they heard such a voice from Ye Feng's mouth.

   This sentence immediately stunned everyone present, especially those strong in the City Lord's Mansion of Desert City, which was unexpectedly unbelievable.

   Although Ye Feng's Condensed Holy Soul gave them a lot of shock, but even so, they would not think that Ye Feng was qualified to compete with the strong condensed Holy Soul in their camp.

   After all, there is an insurmountable gap between the two. The other party has condensed the Holy Soul for many years, but Ye Feng has just condensed the Holy Soul not long ago.

  Compared in this way, the gap between the two is indeed very big, and this Ye Feng is so arrogant.

   After his words fell, they immediately drew ironic laughter from many people present.


After Ye Feng's words fell, the strong man who condensed the sacred soul in the City Lord's Mansion of Great Mo City was taken aback, then walked out of the laughter, looked at Ye Feng and said: "It seems that you just condensed the sage. Soul, there is no accurate positioning of one's own strength. Since this is the case, I will teach you how to be a person."

   This powerful man who condensed the sacred soul in the City Lord's Mansion of Desert City did not put Ye Feng in his eyes.

When    said these words, he had already mobilized his strongest strength.

   The terrifying coercion continued to linger around the body, causing the airflow in the space to roll and stir, and all the power seemed to be destroyed.

   Next, this strong man who condensed the holy soul took a step forward, and the whole land trembled.

   As if it could collapse and destroy at any time, in a very short period of time, his body descended in front of Ye Feng's body.

At the same time, he blended his mind into his attack. Yes, his attack power suddenly climbed to another level. In the blink of an eye, he madly shot a devastating wave toward Ye Feng's body. Palm print.

   The power of this destruction of the big palm print is beyond the imagination of everyone present.

   arrived in front of Ye Feng's body in a very short time.

   He wanted to kill Ye Feng's body to destroy it.

   Wherever the palm print went, this space trembled, and all the destructive powers converged toward Ye Feng's body.

   Many people have felt the power contained in the opponent's attack, and immediately gave up a path for fear that their bodies will be affected by the power of destruction.

   Ye Feng's eyes were sharp, and he also felt the power contained in the opponent's attack.

   But he didn't panic at all, facing the opponent's attack, Ye Feng released the Nirvana method he had understood.

   Nirvana's power was poured into his palm, making his palm extremely violent.

   At the moment when the opponent's attack was about to fall, Ye Feng took a palm, and the power of Nirvana contained in his palm print was super terrifying.

   In the blink of an eye, it collided with the opponent's attack, and there was an astonishing sound of concussion, and the face of the condensed holy soul powerhouse of the Desert City City Lord's Mansion was a little crazy.

   constantly instilling destructive power into his own attacks. Trying to suppress Ye Feng under such an attack.

   It's just that, facing such a terrifying attack from the opponent, Ye Feng is still very calm, just standing in place, and not working as hard as the opponent.

   And the power of Nirvana contained in the supremacy of his palm prints is not something the opponent can resist at all.

   Almost at the same time, everyone present heard a cracking sound coming out under the effect of Ye Feng's palm print.

   The opponent's attack was destroyed on the spot, but Ye Feng's palm print was the same as before. The destructive power contained in it became stronger and stronger.

   madly blasted towards the body of this strong man who condensed the holy soul in a short time.

   The expression of the strong condensed holy soul freezes for a while. It seemed that he had never expected that the palm print released by Ye Feng would have such power.

   naturally dodged toward one side for the first time, trying to avoid the power of Ye Feng's palm print.

   It's just that the power of this palm print is indeed stronger than he imagined, and it actually landed directly on his body.

   made his body tremble crazily, and his body kept backing away at this moment, with a somewhat unbelievable expression on his face.

   The destructive power kept spreading on his body, causing his body to vibrate wildly, almost spitting out a mouthful of blood.

   Even though he stabilized his body, his breath still floated fiercely, his face extremely pale.

   This scene naturally fell completely in the eyes of the helpers present, making the faces of everyone present a bit unexpected.

   No one thought that Ye Feng would still be able to gain the upper hand while fighting against this powerful man who condensed the holy soul.

   shook the opponent's body back and looked so embarrassed.

   "Teach me to be a man? Is your strength worthy to say such a thing?"

   Ye Feng looked at each other sarcastically, and said with a sneer.

   This sentence fell in the other party's ears, it was simply the strongest irony. It made the face of the strong man who condensed the holy soul look ugly, and his eyes looked at Ye Feng with coldness.

Gritting his teeth and said: "I didn't expect that you could show such strength just after condensing the holy soul, but don't think that this will be able to compete with this seat. Before, this seat was just underestimating the enemy. Now, this seat will let you see. What is my true strength!"

   After saying this, everyone present saw the terrible aura bursting out of this powerful man who condensed the Holy Soul.

   then quickly stepped forward, and his body fell in front of Ye Feng's body in a short time.

   At this moment, he has exploded all the potential in his body. Makes the aura on his body more powerful.

   was released by destruction attacks one after another, and all the destruction attacks gathered together to form an astonishing large network of attacks.

   madly blasted towards Ye Feng's body, burying Ye Feng's body here.

   Many people trembled, and they could see that this powerful man who condensed the Holy Soul in the City Lord's Mansion of Desert City was really a bit angry.

   The attack power he released is many times stronger than before.

   It seems that it is difficult to contend with an ordinary condensed holy soul powerhouse.

   But Ye Feng didn't care about anything. Even if the opponent's attack power was so powerful, Ye Feng just released his own Nirvana fire.

   The fire of Nirvana gathered in the palm of the palm, forming an extremely powerful burning force.

   collided with the opponent's attack in the blink of an eye, and everyone present only listened to the rumbling sound of terrifying shock.

   Although the opponent came under attack, Ye Feng’s palmprint evolved in the void, covering a wide area.

   directly intercepted all the opponent's shaping attacks, and his own attack power was stronger than the opponent.

   quickly swallowed all the opponent's attack and destroyed it, and the terrible Nirvana fire also burned out with amazing power.

   This made the strong man who condensed the holy soul felt a sense of heat coming, and his body dodged desperately.

   However, Ye Feng's flame attribute power speed is too fast. Contains an amazing space attribute power.

When    was released, he didn't give this powerful man who condensed the holy soul any chance, so he completely enveloped his body.

   After seeing this scene, many people couldn't help but feel frightened. They didn't seem to expect that Ye Feng's long seal would have such power.

   After the flame attribute power burned, this strong man who condensed the holy soul screamed continuously.

   The flame attribute power is too powerful, and his body struggles desperately in it, trying to get rid of it.

   It's just that the flame attribute power is too strong, and it doesn't give him any chance to break free.

   It didn't take long for a burst of burnt smell to pass out, and the strength of the strong man who condensed the holy soul became less and less.

   was finally completely swallowed by the flame attribute power, and completely turned into ashes!

   After seeing this scene, many people felt a shock in their hearts, especially those strong in the desert city, they were even more frightened.

   Before, they thought that with this powerful man who condensed the holy soul, Ye Feng would not be able to persist and would be easily killed by the opponent.

   But he did not expect that the two of them only spent such a short time from the beginning to the end of the battle. This powerful man who condensed the holy soul was not worth mentioning in front of Ye Feng.

   was easily crushed by the attack released by Ye Feng, and finally burned to death by the flame attribute power, all of this was so short.

   "This person's strength is too strong, we will not be his opponents at all, run away!"

   Although they were shocked in their hearts, the first reaction in their minds was to escape from this place. If they did not escape, they might not be able to hold on to Ye Feng's random shots.

   After saying this, these desert city powerhouses no longer have any stays, one by one, they flew up and tried to leave the place.

   However, Ye Feng didn't want to give them any chance.

   I saw the cold light released from his body, and the attribute power of the sword burst out at this moment.

   The dazzling sword light is constantly lingering around the body, as if it turned into a prison of the strongest sword.

   descending from the sky above, there are endless sword lights in the prison of swords that keep flashing, capable of strangling all existence.

   In a very short period of time, they completely wrapped the bodies of those who were trying to escape.

   "Squeak, squeak..."

   Sounds of breaking through the air continued to sound, and the cold light in the prison of the sword became more and more intense, quickly descending from the nothingness.

   Those strong in the desert city looked desperate, and they could naturally feel the power contained in the cold light.

   tried desperately to release the attribute power in his body, trying to get rid of it, but none of them could do it.

   The power contained in the cold light is too strong, so powerful that it is difficult for them to resist.

   The next moment, everyone present only listened to the sound of pounding.

   Under the strangulation of those cold lights, the bodies of those strong in the desert city were cut apart one by one.

   The blood was continuously released, and it didn't take long for all the strong in the Desert City to die in Ye Feng's prison of sword.

   Ye Feng had warned these people before, not to let them provoke him, but these people did not listen to what he said.

   repeatedly wanted to kill him, and even waited here for many days, just to kill him.

   So why does Ye be polite to each other?

   People who want to kill him, Ye Feng will never give him any chance.

  The people who were onlookers were already shocked by Ye Feng's powerful methods.

   Killed all the people in the Desert City with his own power. Such strength shocked the audience.

   Everyone looked at Ye Feng with admiration, and an unbelievable look appeared on every face.

   Ye Feng didn't care about other people's expressions, but flew away and left here.

   He has completed the condensing of the Holy Soul, so he doesn't want to stay here anymore. In order to fulfill his previous promise, Ye Feng is going to return to Cangzhou City.

   handing another sacred soul grass to the city lord of Cangzhou, it is considered to have lived up to the other party's request.

   Since the holy soul has been condensed, Ye Feng's flight speed is naturally very fast, and in about 7 days, Ye Feng has already arrived in the sky above Cangzhou City.

   flew all the way towards the direction where the Cangzhou City Lord’s Mansion was located.

   As Ye Feng had expected before, when he went to the Desert City to purchase materials, Miss Ruhua had already returned to the City Lord Mansion of Cangzhou City.

   It was agreed with Ye Feng before that Ye Feng took the lead to return to the City Lord's Mansion of Cangzhou City, and she arrived later, but after Miss Ruhua returned, Ye Feng was no longer seen.

   Author Wan Muzheng said: Today’s Chapter 1, brothers who have flowers, please vote for this book. The previous price rules are still valid, but the National Day has been delayed these days. I’m sorry to say to everyone here.

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