Sky War God

Chapter 3079: Meet the King Ruyang Again

   This also made this Heavenly Emperor Realm powerful expert become extremely confident, thinking that he could intercept Ye Feng's palmprint with such an attack.

   It's just that, after bringing two attacks in-depth contact, this Heavenly Emperor Realm mighty powerhouse felt the lack of power in his attacks.

   The powerful life and death attribute power released by Ye Feng seemed to transcend the scope of normal attribute power, even though his lightning attribute power was so strong.

   still can't stop the destructive power of life and death attribute power, that powerful life and death attribute power instills into his body at an extremely fast speed.

   The rumbling sound of terrifying shocks sounded continuously, and the shock wave quickly spread to 4 sides and 8 directions.

   This Heavenly Emperor Realm mighty powerhouse who has comprehended the power of thunder and lightning uttered a scream, and only felt that the bone tissue cells and various organs inside his body had suffered an extremely serious blow.

   The life and death attribute power invaded his body, making him unable to resist. At this moment, the body was directly shaken out, and when he landed, he vomited blood.

   Although the cultivation base has not been completely abolished, it has almost lost its combat effectiveness.

   This made this heavenly emperor realm mighty powerhouse look astonished. He had already observed Ye Feng's previous battle.

   Although he left a very deep impression on him, he knew that Ye Feng at that time had never reached his current level.

   The attack just now, if he hadn't had a defensive magic weapon on his body, he would most likely be killed by Ye Feng.

   "The strength of this young man has exceeded my imagination. If you want to kill him, you must take action together!"

   There is an ugly face of a mighty power in the Heavenly Emperor Realm, he said with an ugly face, after seeing Ye Feng's strength, he could not help but feel a little bit of fear in his heart.

   The rest of the Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse nodded one after another, and in just a few breaths, two of them had suffered under Ye Feng's hands.

   Therefore, they will not continue to make similar mistakes. At this moment, the four of them release their breath together.

   swiftly stepped towards the direction where Ye Feng was, and his body burst out with violent power.

   The destructive power is extremely powerful, acting on their bodies, and together they release amazing destructive power to Ye Feng.

   The 4 attacks presented 4 kinds of attribute power, and they blasted towards Ye Feng's body together, without giving Ye Feng any chance to evade.

   Ye Feng naturally felt the power contained in these four attacks, and immediately released the space attribute power he had understood.

   The power of the space attribute is integrated into the body, making his body seem to be beyond the distance of this space.

   The first attack came, and Ye Feng's body quickly took a step toward one side, his figure was very fast.

   When his body became illusory, he quickly dodged the opponent's attack. At the same time, Ye Feng released a terrorist attack on the opponent in the blink of an eye.

   The life and death attribute power is even more terrifying, as if a strongest destruction attribute attack has evolved in the void.

   To destroy the body of this mighty powerhouse of the Heavenly Emperor Realm.

   There was a bit of astonishment on the face of this Heavenly Emperor Realm mighty powerhouse. Before that, he had already felt the power contained in Ye Feng's attack.

   At this moment, Ye Feng's attack felt like he couldn't hide. In a hurry, he released the attack resistance for the first time.

   completely poured the flame attribute power that he had comprehended into his palmprint.

   His flame attribute power level has also reached the early stage of entering the gods, which is the attribute power attack he is most proud of.

   In the blink of an eye, the two attacking sides collided together, and the terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

   This Heavenly Emperor Realm mighty powerhouse tried to use the flame attribute power to wrap and melt Ye Feng's body.

   But unexpectedly, his flame attribute power can be called pediatrics in front of Ye Feng.

   The flame attribute power that Ye Feng comprehend was not something he could contend, and a sneer appeared at the corner of Ye Feng's mouth.

  The flames that entered the mid-stage of the **** realm burst out, surging crazily in his palm, quickly wrapping the body of this strong man.

   This Heavenly Emperor Realm mighty powerhouse looked incomparably shocked, and his heart was extremely shocked. He would never have imagined that Ye Feng had realized such a powerful flame attribute power.

   This flame attribute power is obviously much stronger than the flame attribute power he comprehends, and the scorching heat completely enveloped its body.

   Within a short time, the clothes on his body were burned out, and the flame attribute power was still terrifying.

   burned the skin and flesh on the surface of his body, and the pain of concentration made him scream like a pig.

   The body was struggling desperately at this moment, but it was too late.

   After the flame attribute power completely enveloped his body, his body was completely melted to death a little bit!

   watched the body of a Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse burn to ashes, and the bodies of many people present trembled involuntarily.

   A horrible feeling rushed to their hearts. They had never thought before that Ye Feng would have defeated the previous Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse under the flame attribute power competition.

   After all, the fact that the opponent comprehend the power of the flame attribute has already been passed on in the radius area, and it has a very strong reputation.

   But even so, it was so vulnerable in front of Ye Feng.

   All of this is complicated to say, but in fact it was just something that happened in an instant, and another attack had already reached Ye Feng's body.

   This attack was an earth-based attribute power attack, and the graphic attribute power evolved an amazing boulder attack.

   Every boulder seemed to weigh ten million jin, like a mountain, crazily suppressing Ye Feng's body from above the sky.

   The entire space collapsed, turning into a doomsday scene, and all viable forces would be killed to death.

   Ye Feng's body was naturally in it, but in the face of this terrible attack, Ye Feng's expression remained flat and didn't care much.

   The sword attribute power burst out, and the horror was simply released, and the amazing power of destruction emerged above the value attribute power.

   with a very fast speed, frantically strangling towards the direction where the terrible boulders were.

   The huge rock smashed down towards Ye Feng's body frantically, trying to suppress Ye Feng's body.

   "Squeak, squeak..."

   A series of strange sounds sounded, and under the effect of the attribute power of the sword, this space was completely occupied.

   kept colliding with the other big rocks.

   released a shocking sound, the entire space turned into a doomsday scene.

   Under the effect of those brilliant sword auras released by Ye Feng, the giant stone attack released by the mighty power of the Heavenly Emperor realm could no longer persist for half a point.

   was destroyed by Ye Feng's attack a little bit, and the power of endless destruction continued to spread in all directions.

   Many people were shocked by what was happening in front of them.

   Almost at the same time, Ye Feng stepped forward again, and his body was wrapped in spatial attribute power.

   The wind attribute power was released, making his figure extremely fast.

   In the blink of an eye, he already descended in front of the opponent's body.

   The complexion of this powerful and powerful person in the Heavenly Emperor Realm has become less attractive.

   He really didn't expect Ye Feng to be able to intercept his attack so easily.

   However, before he could truly react, Ye Feng blasted his body directly with a punch.

   The power contained in this punch is even more terrifying. It contains a powerful immortal spirit, which is integrated into the 12th grade of life and death sutra.

   makes the power of destruction contained in the 12th-Rank Sutra of Life and Death to be appallingly powerful, destroying everything in a short time.

   The complexion of this powerful person in the Celestial Divine Realm became less attractive, and he could fully feel the power of Ye Feng's fist.

   The destructive power contained in this fist can endanger his life, so he will not just sit there and wait for death in any case.

   released an astonishing destructive power attack for the first time, and the strongest earth element power was integrated into it.

When    made his fist burst out, it was like a moving mountain, containing extremely terrifying physical power.

   Wherever he went, the entire space trembled crazily, and in the blink of an eye, it collided with Ye Feng's fist.

   Within a short time, everyone present heard the rumbling sound of terrifying concussion, and the terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

   This Heavenly Emperor Realm mighty powerhouse did not dare to despise Ye Feng at all, so when he collided with Ye Feng and attacked.

   He has mobilized the strongest power in his body, and madly instilled in his fist.

   But even so, his punch is under Ye Feng's fist, and you don't seem worth mentioning.

   was directly destroyed by Ye Feng's punch, making a shocking sound.

   The immortality contained in Ye Feng's fist is still terrifying, and his body is completely included in it in a short time.

   This caused the body of this powerful and powerful person in the Heavenly Emperor Realm to tremble, and the whole person's body seemed to be attacked to death by that immortal air.

   He began to struggle desperately, already feeling a strong sense of crisis.

   It's just that, before he could really struggle with that undead gas, Ye Feng once again blasted a terrifying fist.

   The terrifying fist of this medicine is very fast, and the destructive power is quite powerful, so that this Heavenly Emperor Realm mighty powerhouse felt a strong threat for the first time.

   He wanted to avoid it, but it was too late.

   Ye Feng's punch is too fast, it came in a short time!

"help me!"

   This Heavenly Emperor Realm mighty powerhouse roared desperately. At this moment, he could only watch this terrifying fist arrive, but he did not have any ability to resist.

   The rest of the Heavenly Emperor naturally noticed this scene and wanted to step forward to help each other, but it was too late. Ye Feng's fist speed was too fast to give these people any chance of rescue.

   The next moment, just listen to the rumbling sound of terrifying concussion, and the terrible destructive power spread in all directions.

   was accompanied by the screams of the strong man. His body was directly shaken out at this moment.

   The body was wrapped in an astonishing destructive force, and the power of that destructive force was simply too powerful.

   caused him to take a very serious blow to all the major organs of his bones, tissues, cells, his cultivation level was completely abolished, and when he landed, blood was spit out from his mouth.

   Many people at the scene trembled, and their eyes flashed a little unbelievably. It seemed that they didn't expect Ye Feng's attack to have such power.

   And the speed is really fast, it makes them unable to react at all.

   Within a short period of less than a stick of incense, Ye Feng had already caused 4 Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouses to suffer under his hands.

   Two of them were completely abolished by Ye Feng, the other two also lost a certain amount of combat effectiveness, only two of them were intact.

   And these two people are also the two strongest among these people, their cultivation realm has been infinitely close to the level of the mid-term Heavenly Emperor realm.

   But even so, they were still shocked by Ye Feng's strength.

   With such a posture, the four powers of the Heavenly Emperor Realm can be crushed one after another, and even they can hardly achieve this kind of strength.

   But fortunately, two of them are present at the moment.

   Even if Ye Feng's strength is so strong, and the strength of the two of them, they are confident that Ye Feng will be suppressed.

   Ye Feng looked at these two people, naturally he could see what level of their strength had reached.

But he didn't care about anything. Instead, he smiled sarcastically at the two men and said to them: "I advise you, now kneel down and apologize to me. If you abolish your cultivation, you can avoid death. If not, you The consequences of this must be very miserable."

After    said this sentence, the expressions of the two great heavenly emperor realm mighty powerhouses were taken aback, and it seemed that Ye Feng would still be so arrogant when facing the two of them.

   I saw a powerful celestial emperor who looked at Ye Feng with a sneer on his face and said: "I don't know where you are. You dare to be so arrogant. I want to see how good you are!"

   After saying this, the two great heavenly emperor realm powerhouses glanced at each other, and a terrible aura burst out from their bodies.

  The coercion enveloped a space, and the strength of the two of them was stronger than those before, so when facing Ye Feng, they also had a relatively strong sense of confidence.

   Both of their figures are extremely fast, and they descended in front of Ye Feng's body in a short time.

   tried to release an amazing destructive power to Ye Feng.

   Ye Feng noticed all this naturally, and the sneer on the corner of his mouth became more and more intense.

   then stepped to one side in a short time, the space attribute power was released, and the space attribute power lingered around the body.

   made his entire body become extremely illusory, as if he was not bound by any constraints in this space.

   Although the attack power released by these two great heavenly emperor realm powerhouses is strong enough, they still can't really hurt Ye Feng's body.

   Ye Feng's body appeared in the other directions at this moment, and at the same time, his arm waved, and the terror principle in his palm burst out.

   In the blink of an eye, he released an astonishing large palm print of destruction at the two people.

   There is also a powerful immortal energy in this large destruction palm seal, and the immortal stone above the dantian Qi sea continuously supplies the purest power.

   made Ye Feng's palm print extremely powerful. Unable to take a step forward at will, the palm print completely enveloped the space in front of the two people.

   The expressions of these two great heavenly emperor realm powerhouses were a little surprised.

   And Ye Feng's attack also made them feel a strong threat.

   They wanted to dodge Ye Feng's attack, it was too late, and this palm print of Ye Feng came to their bodies in a short time.

   The two Heavenly Emperor Realm mighty powerhouses could only condense attacks and Ye Feng resistance.

   The two attribute powers burst out together, making the bodies of both of them extremely violent.

The attack power released by    took a step further, and within a short period of time, the three attacks really collided together.

   The extremely terrifying destructive power spreads in all directions, and the power of immortality contained in Ye Feng's palm print is too strong.

   The evolution of killing and cutting is the dangerous ability to destroy everything. The bodies of these two people were completely shrouded in it for the first time.

   caused the bodies of these two people to stagger and retreat, their breaths were very floating, and their faces were extremely pale.

   Ye Feng sneered at him, and did not stay in place, but stepped forward for the first time.

   The figure speed was extremely fast, descending in front of the bodies of these two people, and a violent destruction attack broke out again.

   The immortal stone inside the concrete has become the source of energy inside his body, constantly bursting out destructive power.

   makes Ye Feng's attack always maintain a high-intensity state, making it difficult to dodge and contend.

   They felt this at this moment, and Ye Feng's attack made them feel the irresistible power.

And the power of that attack was beyond their imagination. One of the Heavenly Emperor Realm mighty powers said with an incredulous expression: "Why is his attack power so powerful? He is just a young man, Is it possible to have extraordinary strength?"

After    said this sentence, another Heavenly Emperor Realm mighty powerhouse also had the same idea in his heart.

   was extremely shocked by Ye Feng's strength.

   Ye Feng looked at the two people, a bit of irony flashed in his eyes, and ignored them.

   An attack came down, forcing the two great powers of the emperor realm to release attacks to counter him.

   The three attacks collided again, because Ye Feng's attack speed was too quick and the power was too terrifying.

   once again shook the bodies of these two great heavenly emperor realm powerhouses back, a bit ugly flashing in their eyes, and the blood inside the body was tumbling, almost spouting out wildly.

   Next, Ye Feng completely took the initiative in the scene. The two Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouses who fought only had the power to parry but not the power to fight back.

   It didn't take long for one of the Heavenly Emperor Realm experts to evade in time, and his body was slapped and flew out by Ye Feng's palm.

  The destructive power contained in the palm print made the body of this Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse tremble wildly, and the whole person's body exploded at this moment, turning into debris and pieces of meat, spreading in all directions!

   In the space, I was enveloped by the terrible **** air, as if the air was about to freeze.

   This scene made everyone present tremble, and the fear in their hearts could not be described in words.

   Especially the remaining Heavenly Emperor Realm mighty powerhouse, his expression even more shocked.

   In such a short time, Ye Feng killed his only companion, leaving him alone, how could he contend with Ye Feng.

   This made this Heavenly Emperor Realm powerful person feel a little regretful in his heart, if he wasn't greedy in his heart.

   If you attack Ye Feng with these Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouses, you will definitely not face this ending at this moment.

   However, it seems useless to say these things now, Ye Feng's gaze is looking towards him, a sneer flashing in his eyes.

   "You, you can't kill me, my brother will definitely not let you go!"

   Feeling the icy aura released from Ye Feng's body, this Heavenly Emperor Realm mighty powerhouse retreated for a while, looking at Ye Feng's gaze revealing a strong light of horror, he was frightened to death.

   actually had to send out his senior brother, trying to scare Ye Feng away in this way.

   Many people's eyes flashed. Anyone who knows this mighty powerhouse of the Heavenly Emperor Realm knows that this person's senior is very difficult to provoke, and his cultivation realm has reached the mid-term level of the Heavenly Emperor Realm.

   The strength is quite terrifying.

  The ordinary person is not his opponent at all. This person is known as the overlord of the underground palace and is the most terrifying existence in the area.

   Ordinary people can hardly compete with each other.

   Therefore, in the eyes of many people, after hearing the words of this mighty powerhouse of the Heavenly Emperor Realm, Ye Feng would definitely not dare to attack the opponent again.

   However, they seemed to underestimate Ye Feng's guts.

After hearing the words of this mighty powerhouse of the Heavenly Emperor Realm, the irony in Ye Feng's expression became more obvious, and he couldn't help but say to him: "I warned you before that when I killed him. , First consider the possibility of yourself being killed. Now, you feel that you are not my opponent, and you try to threaten me in this way. Do you think it is possible?"

After    said this sentence, the crowd saw Ye Feng's footsteps step forward again, and the terrible power exploded.

   In a short period of time, he madly released an astonishing destruction palm print on the body of the powerful expert of the Heavenly Emperor Realm.

   This destructive palmprint power is indeed too terrifying, and it combines the various attribute powers within Ye Feng's body.

   made the great power of the Heavenly Emperor Realm feel the pressure contained in Ye Feng's palm for the first time.

   Although he felt a strong sense of fear in Ye Feng's heart.

   But in the face of Ye Feng's attack, he still chose to release the attack to contend with Ye Feng.

   His attack had already mobilized all the power inside his body, and he looked forward to intercepting Ye Feng's attack under this collision.

   The two attacks collided in an instant, and the terrifying sound of shock blasted through, and the destructive power spread to 4 sides and 8 directions.

   This Heavenly Emperor Realm mighty powerhouse is desperately releasing his destructive power, but he has already lost his momentum.

   In addition, his own strength is not as good as Ye Feng, such a collision is a fatal blow to him.

   Everyone present saw the body of this powerful and powerful person in the Heavenly Emperor Realm trembling. The whole person's body could no longer hold on.

   Under Ye Feng's attack, he was directly shocked and flew out, and slammed into a cliff not far away.

  The cliffs collapsed for it!

   But this heavenly emperor realm mighty powerhouse uttered a screaming scream. The whole person's body fell straight down, blood spit out from his mouth, the whole person's face was enveloped by the air of death, and his life was completely stripped away!

   This scene shocked everyone present, and a strong stunned expression appeared on their faces.

   In just a stick of incense, the 6 Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouses present were all defeated by Ye Feng, some were brutally killed and some were killed by Fei Xiu.

   The two who took the lead with Ye Feng completely lost their combat effectiveness. Their bodies fell to the ground, watching what happened before them, shocking.

   The whole person's body was trembling constantly, and his heart was completely occupied by a sense of fear.

   They may have never dreamed that Ye Feng had such strength.

   Even in the face of the six of them, you can defeat them one by one.

   They might not have thought that Ye Feng's strength was already strong enough, after acquiring the Immortal Stone.

  His personal strength has increased again, giving him a more powerful leapfrog challenge ability.

   What's more, the cultivation realm of these people in front of him is comparable to him. In this case, even the six Heavenly Emperor realm powerhouses together besiege Ye Feng, they are not Ye Feng's opponents at all.

   The remaining two Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouses looked very ugly, and they were completely frightened by Ye Feng.

   Their bodies crawled quickly on the ground, trying to escape without Ye Feng's attention.


   However, when the two of them were about to flee, they heard Ye Feng spit out such a sound.

   After this voice fell, the expressions of these two Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouses were ugly, and their bodies trembled like an electric shock.

"what do you want to do?"

   One of the Heavenly Emperor Realm experts couldn't bear the fear in his heart, and couldn't help but ask Ye Feng.

   "Naturally want to do what you tried to do to me before!"

   Ye Feng expressed his thoughts in a tactful way.

   These two Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouses can naturally hear the meaning of Ye Feng's words, and their faces immediately turned extremely blue.

   At this moment, even though they were seriously injured, if they escaped the catastrophe, their injuries could be completely recovered.

   But now, Ye Feng doesn't seem to want to give them this kind of opportunity.

   "Your Excellency, please don't kill us, even if we are bulls and horses, we are willing to be forgiving, sir!"

   Another Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse had a complete breakdown in his heart, and he knelt to the ground directly facing Ye Feng in front of everyone present, and kept knocking his head at Ye Feng.

   At this moment, he has given up his so-called dignity. Compared with his life, dignity is nothing at all.

   Such a scene completely subverted the cognition of everyone present. In their opinion, this person is a powerful and powerful person in the heavenly emperor realm, and how superior he is.

   His status and status are respected, no one can compare with him, and a junior like Ye Feng has no such qualifications.

   However, at this moment, it is such a high-ranking Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse who kneels directly to Ye Feng, banging his head constantly.

   If this kind of scene hadn't been seen with their own eyes, everyone in the room would definitely not dare to believe that all this would be true.

Ye Feng looked at each other sarcastically, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then said: "I have warned you before, but I didn't believe it. Now it's no use begging me to save my life. Right!"

   This sentence is so cold in the ears of this Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse, self-defeating cultivation base, which means that they can only become a **** from now on.

   This is a fact that they can't accept anyway, but they have completely lost their combat effectiveness, and it can be said that they can only be slaughtered.

  Even if they are not injured, they cannot be Ye Feng's opponent with their strength.

"Your Mightiness…"

   Facing this tragic ending, the two Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouses still didn't want to give up, but tried to pray to Ye Feng again.

   Seeing Ye Feng waved his hand at the other party, he immediately said: "Stop talking, if you two don't know how to cherish, then I can take your lives with your own hands now. You decide whether you live or die!"

   Ye Feng has no mercy for these two great emperor realm powerhouses. He never likes to cause trouble, and he never takes the initiative to ask others for trouble.

   However, he came here to realize that he had not had any contact with anyone here.

   He just wants to do his own thing, but these people in front of him can't tolerate him, thinking that he has robbed the other party's resources.

   Under such conditions of fair competition, this idea is really ridiculous.

   After Ye Feng obtained the Immortal Stone, many Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouses on the scene united and forced Ye Feng to hand over the Immortal Stone.

   If he refuses to call out, the opponents will combine to kill Ye Feng.

   But now, these people feel that they are not Ye Feng's opponents, and want to ask Ye Feng to forgive them. Ye Feng is not a saint, he has a temper and a bottom line.

   No matter who touches his bottom line, he will be punished as he deserves.

   The two heavenly emperor realm experts looked at Ye Feng's eyes, and their eyes showed strong fear.

   They can see Ye Feng's determination, and they don't want to give them any chance.

   In this situation, these two Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouses seem to have to choose to abolish their cultivation.

   Even if they become a useless person, they don't want to die prematurely. This is a person's primitive fear of death.

  No normal person can accept the fact of death unless the other person doesn't want to live anymore.

   Therefore, under this circumstance, these two Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouses waved their palms, and a terrifying destructive force burst out in their palms.

   For the first time, he bake two destructive palm prints at his Dantian Qihai, and accompanied by two concussive sounds, the power of destruction spreads in all directions.

   Their two palm prints are very powerful, and they directly exploded their Dantian Qihai.

   Dantian gas and sea burst, and the energy contained in it is lost.

   This caused the two people to make an amazing scream. At this moment, the whole body fell straight to the ground, vomiting blood.

   Ye Feng didn't show any expression after seeing this scene, just glanced lightly at the two people, and then left here.

   As for the other Saint Emperor people, he is really not interested. For him, these people are just like ants. He doesn't bother to waste time with each other.

   Looking at Ye Feng's leaving back, many people present were silent for a long time, and it took a long time to get out of the shock.

   Looking at the corpses on the ground and the Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse whose cultivation level had been abolished, their hearts trembled again, and a shocked expression appeared on their faces.

   "Who is this young man? How can he be so young and with such strength? There seems to be no such number one person in the Central Empire?"

   Someone said so for the first time, and the shocked expression on his face became more and more dense.

"The Central Empire may not have such a No. 1, but in the underground palace, it is very likely that such a person will be born. In this cruel world, anything can happen. In my opinion, This young man is probably a disciple of a certain hermit in the underground palace."

   Someone guessed like this again.

   The underground palace is an independent world underground in the central area of ​​the central map. Most of the people here come from the central empire.

   There are also some extremely ancient races that have been living in underground palaces. They are considered natives of underground palaces.

  The underground palace is full of unknowns and dangers, but it is in this environment where danger and cruel coexist that the real strong can be bred.

   Between the underground palace and the central area of ​​the central imperial capital, there is one more interesting thing.

   That is, the people in the central imperial capital may not know that there is an underground palace, but the people in the underground palace all know that there is an extremely prosperous city above them.

   Therefore, Ye Feng's identity has also become the subject of speculation by the rest of the people present. In their opinion, those who walked out of the central imperial capital would not have such strength.

   Ye Feng didn't care about the thoughts in the hearts of the people present, and left here all the way, where he not only realized the powerful immortality.

   also obtained treasures such as the Immortal Stone, although he did not know the specific level of this treasure.

   But only with the power released from the immortal fairy stone and the fact that his level of the 12th grade life and death sutra rose straight, Ye Feng could see that the immortal fairy stone was extraordinary.

   Therefore, he cherishes this object very much. If he has time, he must take a good look at it.

   This underground palace is an independent world, where there are mountains and waters just like above.

   Although the sun, moon and stars above the sky are only virtual evolution, they are so lifelike.

   can also breed many plants and animals.

   At this moment, Ye Feng walked through a dense forest. This dense forest was very deep and the tree was extremely thick.

  Some even towering into the clouds, it can be seen that the trees here have been growing in this area for many years.

   And here, in addition to the trees, there are also many spiritual herbs growing, many of which Ye Feng has never seen before.

   is a unique species here.

   Some medicines are very effective, so Ye Feng picked them and stored them in the storage ring.

   At this time, another prescription in the dense forest, unexpectedly heard the sound of footsteps.

   Ye Feng acted vigilantly outside of his style. When he looked towards the prescription position for the first time, he saw the figure of Yushu stepping here.

   is the head of the person wearing a Chinese dress, and the breath of the whole person is very proud, giving people a very luxurious feeling.

   Ye Feng still knew this person, and his gaze was frozen for a while, but he didn't expect to run into an acquaintance here.

   This person is surprisingly the King Ruyang that Ye Feng met at the gate of Prince Gong's Mansion.

   The King Ruyang is walking in this dense forest, and he is surrounded by the powerful people of the Royal Palace of Ruyang.

   At this moment, King Ruyang naturally noticed Ye Feng's fall, his expression was taken aback, and he didn't seem to expect to meet Ye Feng here.

   Even he thought he had hallucinations, so he rubbed his eyes with both hands, only to realize that everything he saw was real.

   "Waste, why are you here?"

   When King Ruyang saw Ye Feng's body, his aura immediately became cold. Before that, at the gate of Prince Gong's Mansion, his people from Ruyang Mansion were humiliated in front of Ye Feng.

   was defeated one by one by Ye Feng, and he slapped King Ruyang in the face.

   More importantly, Ye Feng has been entertaining Ruyang Wang's beloved woman, Princess Tianying, who has been close.

   Princess Tianying also had repeated verbal conflicts with him because of this young man, which made King Ruyang's hatred for Ye Feng immediately rise to the extreme.

   "If you can come here, why can't I?"

   Ye Feng looked at Wang Ruyang and spoke Even though he met the opponent, he still didn't panic in his heart.

"Ha ha."

However, Ye Feng’s words made Ruyang Wang laugh, and he laughed particularly ironically, and couldn’t help but say to Ye Feng: "What are you? Are you worthy of being compared with this king? Did you know that this underground palace? , But not everyone is qualified to enter, and people like you are even more unworthy!"

   Ye Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, but he didn't expect that King Ruyang would really hate him.

   and the look of hatred deeply, this made Ye Feng quite helpless. Before that, he didn't want to provoke right and wrong, and he might definitely be a provocation with the other party.

   "You said these are useless. I came here because of the arrangement of Prince Gong. If you are not satisfied, you can go to Prince Gong for theory!"

   Ye Feng spoke to King Ruyang, his expression extremely cold.

   "The prince, I was very arrogant before resigning. It is unforgivable to defeat my strong king Ruyang. Let's kill him quickly and avenge our brother!"

   I saw a strong man in the Ruyang Palace saying indifferently to the Ruyang King. Before that, he had been following the Ruyang King.

   At that time, Ye Feng's arrogant appearance left a deep impression on him, and at the same time, he also expressed strong resentment towards Ye Feng.

   tried to kill Ye Feng himself.

   The rest of the Ruyang Palace experts also nodded, thinking that the words of this person are somewhat reasonable, and people like Ye Feng should make the other party pay a certain price!

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