Sky War God

Chapter 3085: From the blood of the Red Blood Clan...

   After the Scarlet Blood Heaven Road came, his eyes immediately turned towards the direction where Ye Feng was, with a strong coldness in his eyes.

   I slightly opened my mouth and asked Ye Feng: "You killed my city guard?"

   Ye Feng looked at the Scarlet Blood Sky, and he didn't have a good impression of this person just by looking at it.

   He could see that this person had actually practiced some kind of evil attack, and it was impossible that the virgin girls were arrested by this person alone.

"it's me."

   Ye Feng did not deny what he did before. He has always been upright and aboveboard. Since he has done it, there is nothing bad to admit.

   After saying this, the expressions of everyone present were involuntarily stunned. They didn't seem to expect that Ye Feng would still be so unhurried in the face of the Scarlet Blood Sky and the arrival of so many strong city guards.

   Isn't this young man afraid of being killed by the Scarlet Heaven?

   After Ye Feng said these words, all the strong guards of the city, including Scarlet Blood Sky, had their eyes sharpened.

   Looking towards Ye Feng with cold eyes, there was a strong killing intent in his eyes.

   "I don't care who you are, I dare to kill the strong man in the city guard team, your life is no longer yours!"

   Chi Xuetian didn't want to waste any time with Ye Feng, and spoke coldly to Ye Feng.

  He is the eldest son of the city lord of Scarlet Blood. In this city, because of the absolute authority, anyone who dares to disobey him will bear his anger.

  Don't talk about nameless people like Ye Feng, even some powerful people don't want to offend the existence of Scarlet Blood Heaven.

   Therefore, Chi Xuetian didn't hesitate. After saying those words to Ye Feng, he mobilized the aura from his body.

   A wave of terrible coercion kept emerging all over the body, the blood-red light was exploding, and those blood-red light seemed to contain extremely powerful evil aura.

   was released at will, and this space was completely enveloped in it, and a strong pressure pressed towards Ye Feng's body.

   Scarlet Blood Sky’s eyes flashed a bit of arrogance. In his opinion, people like Ye Feng were not qualified to compete with him. As long as he shot, Ye Feng would only be crushed by him.

   "Stop it!"

   However, when the Scarlet Blood Heaven was about to attack Ye Feng, everyone present heard such a cold voice.

   They looked towards the direction of the sound, and found that the speaker was the Samume who had been watching.

   Sammy at this moment, with her beautiful eyes looking at the scarlet sky, a bit of perseverance appeared on her pretty face.

   The red snow sky looked like Hanmei, and said, "Hanmei, there is nothing to do with you here, so take care of yourself."

   When everyone present heard what the Scarlet Blood Heaven said, their eyes froze for a while, and from the words of the other party, they seemed to be able to detect that the girl in front of Scarlet Blood Heaven Yu seemed to know him.

   "The reason why I stopped you is just to tell you that you are not his opponent at all, so don't shoot against him at all, lest you will suffer in front of him."

   Hanmei continued to speak, with some advice in the words.

   It's just that this sentence fell in the ears of everyone present, but his expression was slightly taken aback. It seemed that she didn't expect that Han Mei would say such words.

   What a scarlet angel, a strong person in the early stage of the Holy Emperor Realm. Respected status and status, with a strong ability to leapfrog challenges.

   Where can this Ye Feng compare?

   But Han Mei said that Chi Xuetian is not Ye Feng's opponent. In the eyes of everyone present, this sentence is definitely a big joke.

Chi Xuetian's complexion also became a little ugly. He looked at the direction Sammei was in for the first time. There was a bit of coldness in his eyes, and then he said: "Don't you think that I am like your brother trash , I can't stand a blow. This person is not worth mentioning in front of me. Do you want to see me rising? That's why you said that."

   Scarlet Blood Sky's words made the eyes of everyone present solidify again.

   From the words spoken by the other party, they seem to be able to discover many things.

   Although they could not guess what the specific thing was, they were able to determine that Scarlet Blood Heaven and Han Mei absolutely knew each other.

   Hearing what Chi Xuetian said, Han Mei's face turned a little ugly, and she said, "Don't tell me about my brother, I just kindly remind you that if you don't want to listen, I have nothing to do."

   A bit of disdain appeared on his face these days, as if he didn't care about what the other party said.

Looking directly at Ye Feng, he said: "I don't know why this woman thinks you are very strong, but as long as they are the people of their family, I have to give a special greeting. Next, if you receive With a more serious result, let this hatred be recorded on that woman!"

   After saying this, Scarlet Blood Heaven mobilized the aura from his body, and the blood-red light released endless power.

   The evil aura is so powerful that he stepped forward in a short time, and at the same time madly released a large destruction palm print on Ye Feng's body.

   The power of this destruction of the big palm print is beyond the imagination of everyone present, and it can destroy everything in the blink of an eye.

   The eyes of everyone present flashed, and there was a somewhat unbelievable look on their faces. No one thought that the attack power released by Xuetian was so powerful.

   This attack enveloped a space, if it were to directly descend, it would definitely be able to destroy Ye Feng's body!

   Ye Feng naturally felt the terrifying power contained in the opponent's attack, but he still didn't care much.

   stepped towards one side for the first time. His figure is extremely fast, and the power of the space attribute burst out, making his body seem to have detached from the distance of this space.

   Although Scarlet Blood Heaven’s attack was very powerful, it still failed to hit Ye Feng’s body.

   Ye Feng's body has appeared in the other directions, just looking at the Scarlet Blood Sky.

The Scarlet Sky looked stunned, and the attack power he released was naturally extremely powerful. Under normal circumstances, people like Ye Feng should not be able to dodge it, but unexpectedly, Ye Feng was so surprised to dodge his attack. past.

   This made his complexion even more ugly, and immediately released a more terrifying attack, rushing towards Ye Feng's body frantically.

   Attacked wherever he went, the entire sky shook crazily, and all the destructive powers would fall on Ye Feng's body.

   However, Ye Feng once again used his own physical skills and martial arts to dodge the opponent's attack.

   and it seems to be such an understatement.

   This made the expressions of many people in the audience stunned, and a bit of unexpected light appeared on their faces.

   didn't seem to expect that Ye Feng would avoid the opponent's attack so quickly.

   Ye Feng at this moment, with a somewhat indifferent expression on his face, even in the face of scary characters like Chi Xuetian, he still seemed very calm.

He didn’t look at the Scarlet Blood Sky, his gaze fell on Samume not far away, and he couldn’t help but say to him: “Girl, for your face, I can let him make three moves. After the three moves, he is alive or well. I can't guarantee death."

After    said these words, Han Mei's eyes flickered, and then she said: "The son should spare his life as much as possible, even if I owe him a favor."

When    said these words, there was still an imploring look on Qiao's face.

   It’s just that the conversation between the two of them seemed a bit funny to the owner.

  What kind of person is Scarlet Blood Heaven, is it necessary for someone like Ye Feng to forgive his life?

Seeing the two singing and making a peace, Chi Xuetian was so angry that he roared at Samuel: "You woman, can you humiliate me in this way if you are angry? Tell you, the next is the death of this person. !"

   After saying this, it was Xuetian who burst out a stronger aura from his body.

   The terrifying coercion continued to linger all over the body, the evil aura was released to the extreme, and at an extremely fast speed, it madly released a more terrifying attacking force against Ye Feng's body.

   When this attacking force was released, the sky was shaken by it.

   Endless evil aura burst out, completely occupying this space in a short time.

   Those evil auras are like a devil, and the power they exhibit is beyond everyone's imagination.

   It's just that Ye Feng still doesn't seem to care about anything. Even if the opponent's attack is so powerful, Ye Feng still seems to be able to intercept him very calmly.

   This time, he did not evade, but released the ice and snow attribute power he had comprehended.

   The ice and snow attribute power was released, the temperature of this space suddenly dropped, and snow fell from the sky.

   The terrifying freezing power enveloped the sky of one party, and in the blink of an eye, the evil aura released by the other party was completely frozen.

   makes those evil auras unable to move anymore!

   Immediately, everyone present only listened to the sound of clicks, and cracks appeared in those evil auras under the action of the freezing force.

   Then, everything collapsed and destroyed!

   This scene fell in the eyes of everyone present, and a bit of surprise immediately appeared in their expressions.

   No one thought that the ice and snow attribute power released by Ye Feng would have such power.

   simply exceeded the imagination of everyone present.

   The Red Blood Sky looked ugly, he had already released his terrible attack, and he still failed to kill Ye Feng.

   This made him feel that half of his face was hot, as if he had been slapped in the face.

   Such a character as him, even an unknown person like Ye Feng can't be killed quickly, he really lost his face.

   "This young man is able to contend with the Scarlet Heaven so much, I really don't know what his identity is."

   Someone said so for the first time, even if Ye Feng killed a leader of the city guards before, in the eyes of everyone, he still can't compare with Scarlet Blood.

   "Three tricks, if you are willing to give up now, I can kill you."

   Ye Feng looked at the Scarlet Blood Sky and said, his eyes still a bit proud.

   The extremely cold luster flashed through the pupils of the Scarlet Blood Sky, and Ye Feng's words were completely satirizing him.

   made the anger in his heart burst out again, without hesitating, he stepped forward for the first time, and his bloodline attribute power burst out frantically.

   The endless light of bloodline properties lingered around him, making his whole body covered by the light of bloodline.

   The evil aura was released again, making him seem to be taller.

   Immediately, a palm print was shot, and the endless light of bloodline attributes seemed to turn into powerful sharp swords, madly assassinating Ye Feng's body from all directions.

   These sharp swords are very sharp, wherever they go, the entire space seems to be destroyed by penetration.

   Everyone present felt the power contained in the attack of Scarlet Blood Heaven, and their hearts were full of shock.

   Such a terrible attack is not only extremely destructive, but also covers a wide area. If you are another person, you will inevitably be unable to compete with the opponent.

   However, Ye Feng was unmoved at all. Facing the opponent's attack, he stepped forward for the first time.

   The figure speed is incredible, and in the blink of an eye, he has already walked through those terrifying bloodline swords.

   Almost at the same time, everyone present saw Ye Feng wave his hand, and the terrifying ice and snow attribute power contained in his palm burst out at this moment.

  Snowflakes are falling in the sky, and every snowflake can turn into the strongest attacking force. The temperature in the space drops suddenly, freezing everything!

   The next moment, everyone present only heard the sound of clicking once again, under the effect of these terrible freezing forces released by Ye Feng.

   The bloodline swords of the Scarlet Blood Sky solidified again, and they were frozen in the void and couldn't advance for half a minute.

   Almost at the same time, a strong ice and snow attribute power seemed to turn into an ice and snow prison.

   descended from the sky at an extremely fast speed, aiming at the body of Scarlet Blood Heaven.

   There was a somewhat unbelievable expression on the face of the red blood film. Is his feats so vulnerable in front of Ye Feng?

   This made him dare not accept it anyway.

   The terrifying power of the ice and snow prison also made him feel a tremor of heart, and he had to release attack and resistance.

   An astonishing fist light blasted towards the void, carrying an astonishing blood attribute power.

   It's just that, although his fist power is terrifying, the freezing power contained in the ice prison is even stronger.

   directly wrapped the fist light in it, the fist light was completely frozen, and it made a burst of cracking sounds, and finally collapsed and destroyed!

   But that ice and snow prison came with irresistible power, covering the body of Scarlet Blood Heaven in a short time.

   The scarlet sky was extremely pale, and he couldn't believe it anyway, his body struggled desperately, exploding the strongest destructive power in his body, trying to break free.

   It's just that he couldn't do this anymore, the terrifying freezing power instantly wrapped his body and quickly spread to his whole body.

   caused all the bone cells in the major tissues of his body to be strongly frozen, causing the blood to solidify and stop the flow a little bit!

   "What a terrible ice and snow attribute power! The strength of this young man is really too strong!"

   Someone said so for the first time, and a very shocking expression appeared on his face.

   The other people did the same, nodding vigorously.

   In their opinion, Ye Feng's strength has exceeded their understanding.

   Throughout the battle, Scarlet Blood Heaven did not have any resistance in front of Ye Feng, it was simply too terrifying.

   Ye Feng glanced at Scarlet Blood Heaven with cold eyes, the ice and snow attribute power was still terrifying, and he kept freezing everything inside Scarlet Blood Heaven.

   The Scarlet Sky was pale, and he was enveloped by Ye Feng's ice and snow attribute power, and he had already felt a sense of death coming.

   His face was desperate, and for the first time he felt that he was so close to death.

   Those strong city guards were also frightened. They knew very well about the strength of the Grand Lord. In this city, apart from the Lord Lord, almost few people were the opponents of the Grand Lord.

   "Who hurt me?"

   At this moment, there was such a voice from the prescription position not far away. This voice shook the world and made this space tremble.

   There was a bit of majesty in the voice, and a strong breath swept over, making the sky seem to tremble.

   Many people's eyes flickered, and a somewhat shocked expression appeared on their faces, and they couldn't help but look towards that side.

   Then he saw that there was a middle-aged strong figure volleyed in the air, and his body quickly flew over.

   This middle-aged strong figure is wearing a gorgeous robe, and the whole person gives a very profound feeling.

   You can see at a glance that he is a powerful superior, possessing the ability to look over the world and overlook all beings.

   This person is really the City Lord of Scarlet Blood!

   The city lord of Scarlet Blood has arrived!

  Many people naturally recognized the identity of the City Lord of Scarlet Blood City for the first time. There was a trembling in my heart.

   Unexpectedly, when Scarlet Blood Sky was about to be stripped of his life by Ye Feng, the City Lord of Scarlet Blood City would arrive so quickly.

   It seemed that the Scarlet Blood City Lord was extremely concerned about the safety of his son. When Scarlet Blood was suffering from a life and death crisis, he felt the first time and quickly rushed to this side.

   Seeing his father appear, a somewhat excited expression appeared on his face these days, under the influence of that powerful freezing force.

   Scarlet Blood Heaven almost felt the coming of a force of death attribute, which made him even think he might die here.

   However, the appearance of the Lord of the Scarlet Blood Great Wall made Scarlet Heaven feel a touch of vitality again.

  Han Mei, the two young Ling Xue naturally noticed this, especially Han Mei. When they saw the City Lord of Scarlet Blood, their eyes immediately became a bit ugly.

   In order to save his son, the city lord of the Scarlet Blood City immediately released an astonishing power from his body.

   The terrifying destructive power was released on his body, gathered in his palm, and burst out in a short time.

   An astonishing beam of destruction burst out, this beam of destruction descended across the space, and in a very short period of time, it madly hit the body of Scarlet Blood Heaven.

   The crowd only listened to a horrible shock sound. Scarlet Blood Sky's body snorted and was knocked back countless steps at this moment.

   The ice and snow attribute power prison wrapped around him completely collapsed and destroyed.

   dug a mouthful of blood and spit out, Scarlet Heaven's body trembled, although he was no longer bound by the ice and snow prison.

   But the feat of his father also made him very uncomfortable, but at least it would be good to save his life.

   Almost at the same time, the body of the City Lord Scarlet Blood had already descended in front of Ye Feng's body.

   icy eyes scanned Ye Feng, with extreme coldness, he couldn't help but ask Ye Feng: "Thief, who are you, dare to come to my Scarlet Blood City to make trouble?"

   The city lord of Scarlet Blood City was completely angry, how precious his son is, it can be said that no one dares to provoke existence in Scarlet Blood City.

   Ye Feng almost killed his son. The anger in the hearts of these city lord can be imagined.

"As the son of the city lord of Scarlet Blood, he formed a city guard team to be responsible for the safety of the people of the city, but he just practiced evil arts, wantonly arresting the girls in the city as the furnace for his cultivation, hurting the heavens and the truth. The world can hardly tolerate the people!"

   Ye Feng looked at the city lord of Scarlet Blood City, and from the breath released from the opponent, it could be seen that the opponent was a powerhouse in the middle of the Heavenly Emperor realm.

   The strength is naturally very powerful, and it should be comparable to King Ruyang that Ye Feng defeated before.

   It's just that the rest of the people present didn't know about it. Seeing Ye Feng facing King Ruyang, he was still so arrogant.

   Some unbelievable expressions immediately appeared on their faces. Even if Ye Feng easily defeated Scarlet Blood Sky, they didn't think Ye Feng was qualified to speak to Scarlet Blood City Lord.

The city lord of Scarlet Blood City became more gloomy, his expression shining sharply, and he heard the voice of Scarlet Blood Heaven not far away: "Father, this son is arrogant, your old man should not listen to his rhetoric and kill him. Take revenge for me."

   Scarlet Blood Sky has been doted since childhood. The City Lord of Scarlet Blood City has always been very fond of this son. As long as the request from the other party, he will spare no effort to satisfy him.

   When Scarlet Blood Sky said these words, Scarlet Blood City Lord's hatred for Ye Feng rose to the extreme.

He looked at Ye Feng and said: "The Scarlet Blood City is under my control. I am responsible for everything in the city. The two people are in charge of the matter. This matter does not require outsiders to participate, and you hurt my son. You have to pay the due price!"

   After saying this, everyone present saw the aura of the Scarlet City City Lord bursting out, and the pressure of terror enveloped everything in a very short period of time and madly pressed towards Ye Feng's body.

   This space trembled fiercely, as if it might be destroyed for him at any time.

   The aura released by the City Lord Scarlet Blood City was indeed powerful, which made many people present a feeling of suffocation, their bodies trembled, and even many people squatted on the ground, with a bit of pain on their faces.

   However, Ye Feng seemed unmoved, even though the breath released by the other party was strong, his body still stood calmly in place.

   just looked at the other person, his body was enveloped by a faint light, and the whole body seemed to be detached from the shackles of this space.

   Everything in the space could not hurt him, including the aura released from the Scarlet Blood City Lord.

This scene caused a somewhat shocked expression on the faces of everyone present. No one thought that Ye Feng, a young figure, would be able to ignore the aura released by the Scarlet Blood City City Lord so much. To be proud of.

   The City Lord of Scarlet Blood City looked at him for a moment, and he also didn't expect such a thing to happen. He thought that Ye Feng could be solved easily, but he never thought that this young man would be so difficult to deal with.

   And he, naturally, would not stop there, and quickly mobilized his breath again.

   A terrible pressure burst out, and the whole person's body became extremely violent. When the bloodline attribute power was released, it was many times stronger than his son Crimson Sky.

   It seems that everything in this space must obey his control, and an attack he releases at will can destroy a world.

   At this moment, the City Lord of Scarlet Blood City madly released a destruction palm print to Ye Feng's body, and this destruction palm print was extremely powerful.

   Endless blood red light shrouded in, once touching an object, it will release the strongest tyrannical power. The body of this person was completely torn apart.

   At this moment, there is a strong man in Scarlet Blood City who is in the center of this blood-red light, and a blood-red light descends.

   acted on his body, causing his body to be torn by the terrible blood red power invisibly.

   The crowd only heard a babble, and the body of the strong man had been torn apart before he could react.

   The blood burst out, and the blood did not drip onto the ground, but was wrapped in blood-red light, pouring into the body of Scarlet Blood City Lord.

   The City Lord Scarlet Blood City showed a crazy color in his eyes, and the pores on the surface of his body were wide open, quickly sucking the blood into his body.

   He didn't have any regrets about the death of the strong man in Scarlet Blood City. In fact, he was very satisfied when he was in the blood.

   This scene can be said to be quite evil, and it is in sharp contrast with the upright appearance of the Scarlet Blood City Lord.

   even subverted the cognition of many people present.

   The Scarlet Blood City City Lord frantically waved his arm, trying to use the blood-red light to tear Ye Feng's body into pieces.

   Ye Feng naturally also felt the power contained in the other's blood-red light, and a bit of cold moon light flashed in his eyes.

   steps forward for the first time, the power of good fortune burst out.

  The terrifying power of good fortune covers everything, and the might of good fortune covers the sky and gathers in his palm.

   The Great Good Fortune will explode, and the amazing Great Fortune Palmprint is released. This Great Fortune Palmprint is beyond imagination.

   An attack was released, and this space was enveloped by the power of good fortune, capable of destroying all existence!

   Almost at the same time, everyone present heard the rumbling sound of horrible concussion, and the terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

   Ye Feng's great fortune palmprint penetrates everything, constantly colliding with the blood-red light, and the power of destruction released is beyond everyone's imagination.

   Although those blood-red lights are powerful, but under the action of Ye Feng's palm print, they appear vulnerable.

   Wherever the palm print went, a lot of blood-red light burst, turning into blood mist and dissipating with the wind.

   And Ye Feng's palm was extremely powerful, without any barriers, and quickly blasted toward the body of the City Lord Scarlet Blood City.

   The city lord of Bloodthirsty City had an unexpected look. He didn't seem to expect that the great fortune handprint released by Ye Feng would have such power.

   His body flickered to one side, and immediately avoided Ye Feng's palm print.

   "Om, hum..."

   Almost at the same time, not far from the sky, strange sounds sounded.

   immediately attracted the attention of many people present, and they saw that the sky on that side was enveloped by a burst of red light.

   The bloodline attribute power is overwhelming to the extreme, as if it has turned into a bloodline beast, constantly wandering in the void.

   It was as if to completely destroy all the heavens and the earth, and the blood-red breadth made the sky on that side shine bright red, like a doomsday scene.

The power carried by    was beyond imagination, and even though they were far away, everyone present still felt the power contained in the bursts of blood attribute power.

   The city lord of the Scarlet Blood City, the Father and Son of Scarlet Blood, both cultivated the blood attribute power, and they were naturally quite familiar with this power.

   The scene that took place above the sky attracted their attention, and the city lord of Scarlet Blood City even gave up on Ye Feng to continue to attack.

  His eyes became a bit sharp, and he couldn't help but speak to Ye Feng: "Thief, your life will be left for the time being, I will kill you later!"

After saying this, he gave his son Scarlet Blood Angel a wink, and the father and son flew together towards the direction of the doomsday scene above the Feng has been paying attention to all this, and his heart is very shocked, not because of how terrifying the scene is.

   But when this scene appeared, the blood inside his body began to surging, as if it was boiling.

   The power of the Scarlet Blood Clan fused in the bloodline awakened and became active, which shocked Ye Feng's heart.

   I don't know how the bloodline power of the Scarlet Blood clan is related to the doomsday scene that occurred above the sky.

   Why did the other party appear, his blood began to surge, is there really such a coincidence in this world?

   Ye Feng kept thinking about it, and a shocked expression appeared on his face.

   Hanmei, Ling Xue was also attracted by that scene.

   Almost at the same time, the two girls saw that Ye Feng's body had risen into the air, and they also flew toward the direction of the scene.

   "Ling Xue, let's go over and take a look!"

   Hanmei said to Ling Xue. After saying this, the bodies of the two young girls also leaped into the air and leaped quickly.

   The people on both sides of the street were also stunned by the scene in front of them, and they naturally wanted to know what happened to that prescription.

The body rose into the air at this moment, leaping quickly towards that prescription position. For a while, the entire Scarlet Blood City was boiling over. Everyone was attracted by that scene, and there were many strong people. For a while, he rushed towards that side.

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