Sky War God

Chapter 3097: The background of the Buddha Temple

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Qiankun Nan's expression was still so proud, and his whole body stood calmly in place, as if all this was under his control.

It didn't take long before Qian Kun Nan's body disappeared in this space.

Many people looked at the back of Qian Kun Nan's departure, and a somewhat dull expression appeared on their faces.

The battle just now completely subverted their cognition, and no one thought that Qiankun Nan had reached such a terrifying point now.

The three mid-term powerhouses of the Heavenly Emperor Realm joined forces, but he killed two people one after another, and even the extremely powerful Palace Master Nebula could only escape to heaven by teleporting a talisman.

All this is like a dream to everyone present, making it hard for them to believe that all this will be true.

After Qian Kun Nan left this area, everything that happened here quickly spread through the entire central imperial capital, shocking many people.

In the former central imperial capital, there was a calm wave. Although the top powers often had frictions, they had never experienced such a huge change.

The leader of Qiankun Sacred Church and many powerful people of Qiankun Sacred Sect disappeared. Qiankun Nan, the first arrogant figure of Qiankun Sacred Sect, returned to unify Qiankun Sacred Sect in one fell swoop.

Announcing his strong rise, and within a few days successively surrendered all forces in the area around the Universe Holy Sect.

Not long ago, the three top powerhouses of Palace Master Xingyun, Yin Yang Gate Master, and Sovereign Saint Sect Master of the Wild, joined forces to deal with him.

And, with very powerful strength, defeated the three of them, among them, the master of the Yin and Yang gate and the master of the wild saint sect were brutally slain.

Such a battle gave the entire central imperial capital an extremely strong shock.

And all this is far from over, Qiankun Nan soon returned to Qiankun Sacred Sect, and continued to release news to the outside world.

Let all the forces at the helm of the entire central imperial capital come to Qiankun Shengjiao to show their posture, and all surrender to his Qiankun Shengjiao.

Once such news came out, the entire central emperor immediately trembled again. No one thought that Qian Kun Nan would have such ambitions.

Some people of small and medium-sized forces naturally did not dare to hesitate after hearing about the current methods of the world.

If they don't go to Qiankun Shengjiao to show their attitude, they will definitely suffer next.

However, those at the helm of the top forces are still hesitating. After all, they are the giants of a party, how can they easily surrender to the other side in control of the top power.

Qiankun Man gave these people a three-day period, if the Qiankun Sacred Sect did not show up after three days.

He will visit it himself.

For some powerful people in the central imperial capital, these three days are simply living like years.

Many of them are worried, not knowing how their own power should make a decision, let alone what their power will face next.

Finally, three days have passed, and most of the small and medium-sized forces on the central map have come to Qiankun Shengjiao to show their posture. Willing to surrender to Qiankun man.

And among the top forces in the central imperial capital, only Liuhe Xianzong came to the Lai Qiankun Sacred Sect, showing their willingness to surrender.

Liuhe Xianzong Sect Master had already died in Ye Feng's hands, and Liuhe Xianzong Grand Elder was abolished by Ye Feng.

Today's Liuhe Immortal Sect belongs to a state of existence in name only. Qiankun male has risen strongly and possesses such terrifying strength.

If the people of Liuhe Xianzong don't show their gestures, some of their remaining strong people in Liuhe Xianzong will also suffer the disaster.

Qiankun Nan was naturally very dissatisfied with this result. He is no longer what he used to be, and his personal strength is extraordinary.

Even the combination of the three top powerhouses is not his opponent, although his own will can no longer dominate his body.

But after seeing his current strength, Qian Kun Nan felt less regretful in his heart.

Even if he can't dominate his body, he can achieve such strength in such a short period of time, even if he receives such treatment, Qian Kun Nan thinks it is worth it.

Those forces that didn't come to show their posture, Qian Kun Nan wanted to visit one by one, and they would not give up until they tried to surrender.

The Buddha's light is shining in the Buddha Temple, and there are auspicious clouds floating above the sky. The whole temple looks so quiet and peaceful.

The monks in the monastery eat fast and meditate every day, and each practice their own Dharma, seemingly indisputable in the world.

But such a force is the most mysterious force in the entire Central Empire, and it is also the most prosperous Buddhism force, not one of them.

Although the Buddha Temple has always been low-key and does not participate in any disputes, in the Central Empire, no one dares to despise this Buddhist power.

They all know that the Buddha Temple has a profound background and there are many eminent monks, and the strength of every eminent monk is very terrifying.

They can evolve the strongest attack and battle with the Buddha's law. If the Buddha Temple encounters a crisis, these high-ranking monks will release the magical powers to resist foreign enemies.

The area of ​​the Buddha Temple is very quiet, usually few people come, and those who come to burn incense and worship the Buddha.

But on this day, there was a figure above the sky in the area where the Buddha Temple was located, and it appeared so abruptly, giving people a very unexpected feeling.

Many people looked up at the sky, and when they saw the figure's face clearly, a shocked expression appeared on their faces involuntarily.

Only one person said, "This person seems to be very familiar. In my opinion, he seems to be somewhat similar to Qian Kun Nan."

After this sentence was said, many people looked for a moment. In a certain prescription, there was a voice like "not alike, but the same person! He is Qiankunnan, and Qiankun Nan suddenly came to Buddha Temple. Are you going to start with the Buddha Temple?"

The expressions of everyone present trembled. Recently, the entire central imperial capital area gathered together.

Qiankun Nan has undoubtedly become a focus of everyone's discussion, and his sensational move in the central imperial capital area can be said to be unknown to everyone.

Just three days ago, Qian Kun Nan had just released a message that all the forces at the helm of other central imperial capitals came to Qian Kun Sheng Sect to express their attitude.

Everyone in the central imperial capital remembered this news. Now, three days have passed.

As the top power of the central imperial capital, the Buddha Temple did not send monks to express their attitudes to the Universe Sacred Sect.

It is self-evident that Qiankun Nan descended on the land above the Buddha Temple at this moment.

"Whoever comes to the Buddha Temple, the old monk is not far away to welcome it."

A voice was thought of in the emptiness, and there was a kind of ethereal meaning in this voice.

There seemed to be some Sanskrit sounds in it, and the feeling of depression was very strong.

The hearts of the crowd trembled involuntarily. Under this voice, they even had an urge to kneel down and worship.

"It's the abbot of the Buddha Temple, was the Buddha Temple actually alarmed?"

Someone said this for the first time, and the eyes of everyone present flickered involuntarily. The Buddha Temple was a top monk.

The strength is terrible, but the Buddha Temple has always been low-key and never participated in various disputes. Therefore, no one knows what level the abbot of the Buddha Temple has reached.

"I, Qiankun man."

The male Qiankun's body was suspended in the void, and his entire body was enveloped by bursts of evil aura, giving people a very strong sense of oppression, and his voice was very proud.

Just a sound made people's heart tremble suddenly.

"It turns out that the benefactor of the universe has arrived. Since he has come to my Buddha Temple, then come in and sit down."

The voice of the Buddha Temple came out again, and the feeling of oppression was very strong.

The sound is like a mountain and flowing water, Chan Chan descends.

"This time I came here just to hear the attitude of the Buddha Temple. I wonder if the abbot can give Ben an answer?"

Qian Kun Nan didn't get angry for the first time, but asked directly.

In the voice of the other party, he could already feel a very strong surging aura, therefore, Qiankun Nan did not carelessly underestimate the enemy.

"My Buddha Temple has never participated in the various disputes of the central imperial capital. I hope that the owner of Qiankun will forgive me. If there is nothing else, please come back."

The voice of the abbot of the Buddha Temple was obviously lowered and he spoke directly.

"It's okay not to participate in the dispute, but as long as the Buddha Temple is obedient to me from now on, then I won't come and disturb."

Qian Kun Nan said so, and his words became sharper and sharper. Today, he has a complete goal, which is to control all the forces in the entire Central Empire.

Naturally, the Buddha Temple is not immune.

"The old monk has already said that he doesn't want to repeat the words any more. I hope that the benefactor of the universe will not ruin himself because of greed."

The abbot of the Buddha Temple continued to speak, his voice was calm, but his words also became very strong.

"Ha ha."

A sneer appeared at the corner of the male Qiankun's mouth. He didn't care what the abbot of the Buddha Temple said, but saw an icy breath burst out of him.

An extremely terrifying coercion continued to linger around his body, and his whole body became very violent.

For the first time, he condensed an extremely terrifying big palm print of destruction, madly blasting down towards the Buddha Temple.

The power of this destruction of the big palm print is simply beyond imagination. If it really falls within the Buddha Temple, it will inevitably inflict a very strong loss on the Buddha Temple.


It's just that, before the real arrival of Qian Kun Nan's palm print, everyone present heard a strange sound.

A burst of Buddhism golden light emerged, and this burst of Buddhism golden light possessed extremely terrifying power.

In a very short period of time, he penetrated everything and descended in front of the difficult body.

The golden light of Buddhism bloomed out, covering a space, unexpectedly forming a very powerful Buddhism light in the void.

In the blink of an eye, this space was completely sealed off.


That burst of golden light of Buddhism evolved into a figure of a high monk, who was the abbot of the Buddha Temple!

From the mouth of the Buddha Temple, the ancient characters of Buddhism continued to float out, and bursts of Buddhism attribute power emerged all over the body.

With the release of those ancient Buddhist characters, the burst of Buddhist light he evolved destroyed all existence.

The terrifying big palm print of Qiankun Man descended, making waves of terrifying shocks.

This trembling sound was very strong, like the sky and the earth cracking, making people tremble suddenly.

Two destructive forces shook wildly, and everything was to be destroyed.

The male Qiankun's eyes flashed with extremely strong sharp light, and he constantly drove his palm prints downward to suppress, trying to use such a palm print to suppress the body of the abbot of the Buddha Temple.

However, the terrifying Buddhist golden light released by the abbot of the Buddha Temple seems to be able to purify all existence.

No matter how powerful the attack was, it still failed to destroy the bursts of Buddhist golden light.

The power of the golden light of Buddhism was really too strong, and it abruptly intercepted Qiankunnan's big palm print.

The expressions of everyone present were taken aback, and a bit of shock appeared on their faces.

The first confrontation between the two powerhouses was really shocking.

The palmprints released by the universe are extremely powerful. And the Buddhist attribute power of the abbot of the Buddha Temple is also unimaginable.

"Amitabha, a good method for the benefactor of the universe."

The abbot of the Buddha Temple clasped his hands together, his eyes were like torches, and the Buddha Dharma on his body became stronger and stronger. The golden light of Buddhism enveloped this space.

"The abbot's profound skills really surprised Xia. However, since Xia has already arrived here, he will definitely not return empty-handed. He must see the abbot!"

Qian Kun Nan said to the abbot, after feeling the abbot's powerful strength, Qian Kun Nan even dare not despise the other party.

I thought to myself that the Buddha Temple is really hidden, and its abbot is so powerful. The Nebula Palace is known as the most powerful force in the Central Empire. Compared with the Buddha Temple, there is no comparison at all.

I want to go back, but Qian Kun Nan still has strong self-confidence, after all, he now does not rely on his own strength.

The power of the soul inside his body will give him the strongest help.

An evil aura was released, wrapping the body of Qiankun Man.

As a result, Qian Kun Nan's whole person has become different, his body is even more terrifying, and his sense of oppression is very strong.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely terrifying large palm print of destruction condensed on the body of Qian Kun male, and the power of this large palm print of destruction was beyond imagination.

He desperately blasted towards the place where the abbot of the Buddha Temple was located, wherever he went, the entire space trembled crazily, and everything seemed to be destroyed.

The eyes of the abbot of the Buddha Temple were shining sharply, and the spirit of Buddhism all over his body broke out again. This burst of light of Buddhism emerged, and the power released was naturally beyond imagination.

The astonishing big palm print of destruction also broke out. The ancient Buddhist characters floated out, and in the void, the sound of the Brahman sounded.

The ringing of Buddhist bells shook the sky, and the power of such a palm print was beyond imagination.

The first time it collided with Qian Kun Nan's palm prints, everyone present only listened to the thunderous sound of horrible shocks.

The terrifying force of destruction spread in all directions.

When the palm prints of the two collided, the attack power released was simply beyond imagination, and the two forces kept colliding together.

Released a shocking sound like the earth and earth.

Many people's hearts trembled, and a shocked expression appeared on their faces.

The confrontation between the two powerhouses made their bodies unable to stay where they were.

Each body kept retreating towards the rear, for fear of the impact of the counter shock generated by the attack on the two.

The two strong men attacked and collided, and their bodies retreated together at this moment, and their breath was slightly floating.

Qiankun male's expression gleamed with sharp edge, and he could feel the terrifying power of the attack released by the abbot of the Buddha Temple.

It made him feel a little shocked, and never thought that this monk had such strength.

But he didn't care about anything. He stepped forward for the first time, and the evil aura on his body burst out wildly.

It made his whole body become more and more violent.

That evil aura entangled all around him, as if turning into a great beast, swallowing frantically towards the direction of the body of the abbot of the Buddha Temple at an extremely fast speed.

A sharp light flashed in the eyes of the abbot of the Buddha Temple. He clasped his hands together, muttering words in his mouth, and the ancient Buddhist characters kept floating out.

Every ancient Buddhist character seemed to be able to turn into the strongest killing power, and rushed towards the destruction attack released by Qian Kun Nan in the void.

In the next period of time, everyone present heard the sound of astonishing shocks constantly resounding, and the extremely terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

Buddhism attribute power and evil aura constantly collide together, and the resulting attack power is beyond the imagination of everyone present.

The two attacked advanced nirvana, and the entire space was like destroying the sky and the earth, everything would be completely shaken and destroyed.

Countless people trembled, and their eyes shone with an unbelievable luster. The abbot of the Buddha Temple and the two Qiankun men demonstrated their strength completely beyond the imagination of everyone present.

The male Qiankun's body was shaken back, and his eyes showed a bit of cold light, he couldn't help but ask the abbot of the Buddha Temple, "I didn't expect the abbot to hide deeply, and the surroundings have reached the level of the late Emperor of Heaven. It is really strong. !"

"Amitabha Buddha is just a fluke. On the contrary, the benefactor of the universe is young and promising, and he can have this strength at such an age. It really surprised the old monk."

The host of the Buddha Temple clasped his hands and said, his words remained humble.

The conversation between the two naturally attracted the attention of everyone present, and their eyes immediately became sharp.

A bit of unbelievable luster flashed in each of his eyes, and he couldn't help but said, "I didn't expect that the abbot of the Buddha Temple was already a powerful man in the late Heavenly Emperor stage. It seems that the entire Central Empire is the most prosperous force. It should be the Buddha Temple, not the Nebula Palace."

After saying this sentence, it immediately received the approval of many people present, and the strength demonstrated by the abbot of the Buddha Temple was indeed beyond the imagination of everyone present.

"It's just that the cultivation base of the late Heavenly Emperor Realm is still not worth mentioning in front of me!"

Just as everyone present was shocked, they heard such a sound from Qian Kun Nan's mouth.

Immediately let all the people present look stunned, is it possible that Qiankunnan still did not show the strongest strength just now?

"Om, hum..."

A burst of strange sounds sounded, and everyone present saw that the aura of Qiankun Man had changed at this moment.

The extremely terrifying destructive power kept emerging from his body, and the destructive power was horrendously strong.

Constantly flashing in the void, the evil aura is even more powerful.

It made the entire space tremble crazily, and the aura on his body rose infinitely at this moment, which is indeed unimaginable.

"How is it possible? How is this possible? Qiankun Nan still did not show his strongest strength, which really surprised me!"

Someone said so for the first time.

The male spirit of Qiankun climbed to a new level.

The attacking power released is naturally getting stronger.

The evil breath blended into his attack, making his attacking power more terrifying.

Every attack was extremely aggressive, and quickly blasted towards the body of the abbot of the Buddha Temple.

The golden light of the Buddhist gate of the abbot of the Buddha Temple emerged, constantly fighting against the opponent's attack, and the power displayed was equally terrifying.

But everyone present didn't know that just before, Qian Kun Nan had already used the power that was integrated into his body's inner soul twice.

This made his whole person's strength rise again, and also allowed him to gradually take the initiative in this battle.

This made the abbot of the Buddha Temple a little hard to match.

The foot was shaken back one after another, and the breath of his body began to float.

"Abbot, if you only have this strength, you really can't compete with me. In my opinion, you should hurry up and grab it!"

Qiankun Nan said with a sneer, with a hint of arrogance in his eyes.

Naturally, the abbot of the Buddha Temple would not just sit and wait for death, but would still use the extremely terrifying Buddhist power to contend with the other side.

It's just that the former difficulty used the power of the soul's power to make his whole body become more and more violent.

The passiveness of the Buddha Temple became more obvious, and the body was constantly pushed back, and the aura of the body became more and more powerful.


Finally at a certain moment, when the sound of righteousness came through, this time inadvertently, the body of the abbot of the Buddha Temple was hit by a palm print of Qian Kun Nan.

The body was shaken back at this moment, but the Buddhist temple golden light emerged from the Buddha Temple as he clenched his teeth.

The rays of light bloomed, flashing out continuously in the space, protecting his body.

"Frotu, you are a world-famous Buddha, and you feel that you are defeated? This seat gives you a way to understand while fighting!"

At this moment, everyone present heard such a voice. The voice was a bit old, and it sounded extremely majestic.

Immediately afterwards, everyone present saw a golden light of Buddhism blooming in the Buddha Temple. This golden light of Buddhism has extremely powerful penetrating power.

The speed was incredible, and in the blink of an eye, he landed on the head of the abbot of the Buddha Temple.

He quickly sank into the head of the abbot of the Buddha Temple.

After the golden light of Buddhism merged into the head of the abbot of the Buddha Temple, the abbot of the Buddha Temple immediately folded his hands and couldn't help but bowed to the interior of the Buddha Temple and said, "Thank you for your advice!"

This scene made the expressions of everyone present solidify for a while, and an unbelievable luster flashed in their eyes.

Before, the abbot of the Buddha Temple had already shown amazing strength. Unexpectedly, there is such a terrifying existence in the Buddha Temple, which is indeed unimaginable.

Qian Kun Nan's eyes flickered, and his pupils flashed with extremely cold luster.

I couldn't help but burst out the horror aura on his body again, the bursts of horror aura was very powerful.

Incorporating the strongest evil attribute power in his body, one after another, the big palm prints rushed towards the body of the abbot of the Buddha Temple frantically.

The light of the abbot of the Buddha Temple has changed.

After fusing the bursts of light, the whole person quietly changed.

Not only is the breath very powerful, it is also like changing a person.

"I want to see, you have a lot of skills now!"

A cold voice uttered from the Qiankun man's mouth, and the terrifying aura burst out at this moment.

Furiously facing Ye Feng's body, the tree was released to destroy the palm print.

The power of every destructive palmprint is beyond imagination, and the body of the abbot of the Buddha Temple is completely wrapped in it in the blink of an eye.

The body of the abbot of the Buddha Temple was shrouded in golden light of Buddhism, but the power of this golden light of Buddhism was beyond imagination.

Obviously it was stronger than it was before, making the entire space tremble crazily, and all its power would be destroyed.

The abbot of the Buddha Temple was muttering words, and the ancient Buddhist characters floated out and merged into his palm.

The palm of his hand was extremely violent, and the aura of his whole body had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Wherever the palm print went, the entire space trembled crazily, and the power of the Buddhism attribute could destroy all existence.

In the blink of an eye, he furiously blasted towards the direction of Qian Kun Nan's body.

The Qiankun man's expression is shining with sharp edge, he naturally will not just sit and wait for death, and constantly instill destructive power into his palmprint.

This made his power of palm wings even more terrifying, and immediately collided with the attack of the abbot of the Buddha Temple.

The power of destruction shook the sky, and the power of Buddhism and the power of evil shook together wildly.

This time, Qian Kun Nan's body was shaken back, only to feel that terrifying Buddhism attribute power was pouring into his body at an extremely fast speed.

It made his whole body seem to be completely included by that destructive force, and he desperately released his breath to try to get rid of it.


There was a clear word in the mouth of the Buddha Temple. A huge Buddha word emerged in the void, and the power it carried was even more powerful.

At this moment, the ancient Buddhist characters drifted out madly, and immediately blasted towards Qian Kun Nan's body.

The extremely cold luster flashed in the eyes of the male Qiankun, and his palm prints were released to resist. Once again, an astonishing impact sounded, and the power of destruction spread in all directions.

The huge Buddha word contains amazing power, which is constantly instilled into his body, causing his whole body to vibrate wildly.

The various internal organs seem to have been extremely severely affected, as if they were about to explode.

This scene made the hearts of all the people tremble. The Qiankun man who had the upper hand before was suppressed after the abbot of the Buddha Temple got the mysterious power to teach the technique.

This is indeed very incredible for everyone present, and at the same time, many people have begun to express a strong sense of curiosity about the identity of the powerful and powerful man who taught the exercises.

Qiankun Man's expression was extremely ugly. After two consecutive collisions, he suffered serious injuries inside his body, which made him somewhat unacceptable.

With the help of the evil soul, he was still somewhat unable to resist the fierce attack of the abbot of the Buddha Temple.

"The benefactor of the universe, put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha on the spot. You should understand this truth."

The light on the abbot of the Buddha Temple became brighter and brighter, and bursts of golden light emerged, fusing with the ancient Buddhist characters, making his body more and more violent.

In the first time, several Buddhism attribute power attacks were released again, and the power of each Buddhism attribute power attack was beyond imagination.

Makes Qiankun male somewhat unbearable.

The breath of Qiankun Man's body floated fiercely. While colliding with the other party, he only felt the blood tumbling in his chest, almost vomiting it out.

He swallowed deeply, and his complexion turned blue and white.

"The abbot is indeed a good method. I didn't expect that the ancient Buddhist temple of the Buddha's Temple would be deceived by more and less."

Qian Kun Nan said to the abbot of the Buddha Temple. After saying this, he took a palm shot, and the power of this palm print became stronger.

After buying a certain amount of time for himself, his body was wrapped in a terrifying light.

Feishen flew quickly towards the void, and disappeared.

The abbot of the Buddha Temple did not stop him. He folded his hands together and chanted the Buddha's name in his mouth, seeming to have once again returned to a state of indisputability.

Then the body turned into a golden light, and disappeared.

Everyone present still did not react to this shock, and there was a strong shock in their eyes.

This peak duel can be described as rare in a thousand years. In the entire Central Empire, there has been no battle of this level for a long time.

The foundation of the Buddha Temple is indeed extraordinary. Before, Qiankun Man was in the middle of the central empire, and crushed many powers, including the master of Yan Mozong, the master of Yinyangmen, and the master of the wild holy sect. The strong.

All died in the hands of Qiankun Nan, but today, Qiankun Nan came to the land above the Buddha Temple with a very strong posture.

Asked the Buddha to surrender to him. But never thought that the Buddha Temple has a profound background, and the strength of the abbot of the Buddha Temple left a deep impression on the owner.

There is also an ancient existence in the Buddha Temple that is stronger than the abbot of the Buddha Temple.

The man's strength was unfathomable, and only a single instruction allowed the abbot of the Buddha to be transformed and defeated Qian Kun Nan.

It's really unimaginable!

This news will inevitably be passed on throughout the Central Empire, making countless people tremble!

The news continued to spread quickly to other areas of the Central Empire.

Ye Feng and Yang Mingxian have been practicing in Prince Gong's Mansion ever since they walked out of the underground palace.

They naturally heard a series of things that happened in the central imperial capital.

Before that, when he was in the underground palace, Ye Feng had also seen Qiankun Nan.

The Qiankun man at that time was still very normal, although his cultivation realm had already advanced to the Heavenly Emperor realm.

But there is no such strength at all.

But now, what happened in the Central Empire had completely subverted Ye Feng's cognition.

He guessed that when they left the underground palace, Qiankundi must have suffered something unknown.

It's just that Ye Feng has no way of judging all this, and he doesn't know what happened.

After some analysis, Ye Feng came to the conclusion that Qiankun Man was very ambitious and tried to make the entire Central Empire surrender to him.

Especially those top forces are the targets of his occupation. The ancient tomb Shenzong did not express his stance to surrender to Qian Kun Nan.

Then the next time Qiankun Male tries to do something, it will definitely be the Tomb Shenzong.

Ancient Tomb Shenzong has always maintained a very good relationship with Ye Feng.

Not only the lord of the ancient tomb Shenzong, Leng Jiantian and Leng Jianmei are also very good friends of Ye Feng.

Therefore, Ye Feng would not easily watch the ancient tomb Shenzong encounter a crisis. He immediately contacted the ancient tomb Shenzong master and others to inform them of what Qian Kun Nan might do next.

And let the master of the ancient tomb Shenzong and others come to Prince Gong's Mansion to temporarily hide.

The Sovereign of Ancient Tomb Shenzong naturally obeyed Ye Feng's arrangement and led Leng Jiantian and Leng Jianmei to Prince Gong's Mansion.

Prince Gong’s Mansion is naturally a warm hospitality, and Princess Tianying arranged a place for him.

Qiankun Nan was seriously injured and returned to the Universe Sacred Cult to rejuvenate. He was surrounded by waves of terrible evil atmosphere, which gave people a very strong pressure.

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