Sky War God

Chapter 3133: Wild Plains 4 Gods Dynasty


  They all know that the central tribe is the most prosperous tribal power in the entire wild plain, occupying the most excellent resources in the wild plain.

  But the Wild Plains is a highly free area, and no power here can really dominate the king and complete the unification.

  But it is not ruled out that the central tribe has such ambitions. However, although the central tribe is strong, it is still much worse if it wants to truly complete the unified dominance.

   Therefore, they must find a suitable reason to be able to truly complete this hegemony.

  Ye Feng, perhaps the puppet replacement sought by the chief of the central tribe, apparently attributed all attempts to unify the wild plains to Ye Feng.

  In fact, the real behind-the-scenes manipulator is the chief of the central tribe. Such a plan is indeed thorough enough to make people unable to fault.

  The chief tribe's eyes flickered, and he didn't expect these people to have this idea.

   "I think you are misunderstood. Everyone in my central tribe has already submitted to Chief Ye, including me."

  The chief of the central tribe said to the people present, these guys actually regarded Ye Feng as the puppet he had found, which was really ridiculous.

  "The Chief Chief in the center is humble. Who doesn't know about the entire barren plain. The center court is one of the few peak-level figures in the late Celestial Realm. How can he make the Chief Chief in you surrender?

  Another strong man said so, and he looked at the chief tribe chief with some doubts.

   "Yes, the person who can defeat the Central Chieftain has not appeared in the entire wild plains, not to mention that such a young figure, how can he be the opponent of the Central Chieftain?"

  "It is not difficult for me to believe, as long as this person can show certain strength and convince us, we will naturally surrender to him voluntarily!"

  Everyone on the scene talked a lot, with a somewhat questioning expression on their faces. For Ye Feng, they didn't think the other party had much strength.

  After all, the opponent is just a young person, even if he is strong, where can he be strong?

  After the words of these people fell, the eyes of the central chief, the central tribe chief elder, and the east tribe chief, Dong Qixue all flickered.

  These guys really do not know how to live or die, they dare to say these arrogant words, if they really anger Ye Feng, they are likely to be unable to eat.

  "You guys, you really know how to live and die, so you dare to target Chief Ye like this, don't you know what your identity is?"

  The leader of the central tribe was a little angry. In the past few days, he had already cast down on the five bodies that Ye Feng admired.

   Such a young figure is not only strong in personal strength, but also in talent that is really beyond their comparison.

  Even he and Lord Chief are absolutely not Ye Feng's opponents, let alone those who do not live or die in front of him.

   "Hehe, the great elder can really talk. If the great elder doesn't want this person to fight against me, you can just say that there is no need to maintain it in this way."

  Someone said so for the first time, let them surrender to a young person like this, they naturally disagree.

  The elder of the central tribe showed a cold color on his face, as if he wanted to continue talking.

   But he saw Ye Feng wave his hand at the other party, beckoning the other party to stay calm.

  The elder of the central tribe flickered, and the words that he just wanted to say were held back.

  I saw Ye Feng get up from his seat, glanced at the people present, a somewhat calm expression appeared on his face, and said to everyone present: "Whoever wants to test my strength, stand up."

After    said this sentence, a somewhat interesting look immediately appeared on the faces of those controlling the major forces in the wild plains.

  They were waiting for Ye Feng's words, but they didn't expect Ye Feng to jump out so actively.

   "Since this is the case, then I will show my ugliness below!"

  As soon as Ye Feng's words were spoken, he saw a middle-aged strong man stepping out of his camp, speaking to Ye Feng with confidence.

  This person, the cultivation base of the late Heavenly Emperor Realm, controls the powerful water attribute power, stands up at will, and there seems to be waves of water rising above his body.

  His eyes were extremely sharp, and he looked directly at Ye Feng, with a somewhat provocative expression.

  But Ye Feng didn't get up from his seat, but looked at each other calmly.

  The middle-aged strong man came to the center of the square, and saw that Ye Feng ignored him, his eyes were slightly frozen.

Immediately there was a somewhat ironic smile on his face, and he said, "What? Are you regretting it? If you regret it, you can surrender now. Although I have broken through your tricks, I will try my best to kill you. "

After    said this sentence, many people in the audience looked at Ye Feng sarcastically, thinking that what the person said was reasonable.

  Ye Feng's eyes flashed, looked at each other, and said lightly: "I don't need to get up to deal with people like you."

After    said this sentence, the face of the middle-aged strong man immediately became extremely ugly.

What a character he is, Ye Feng dared to look down on him so much, leaving his face blank and involuntarily revealing a bit of murderous intent in his eyes. Since this is the case, don't blame me for being rude!"

  The voice of this middle-aged strong man fell, and everyone present saw his palm wave, and there was a terrifying power in the palm of the palm.

  The extremely terrifying destructive power is constantly released in the void. In the blink of an eye, don't eliminate a destructive palmprint at the location of Ye Feng.

  This destructive palmprint is constantly evolving in the void, wherever it goes, the entire sky is shaken, and all the destructive forces are gathered in it to destroy Ye Feng's body.

  The eyes of those strong people who were watching all fell on Ye Feng, as if waiting for the scene where Ye Feng was brutally suppressed.

  However, Ye Feng didn't care about anything at all. In a short time, everyone in Shang Dynasty saw his arm gently waved, and an extremely powerful force burst out.

  This force contains extremely powerful destructiveness, and it collides with the opponent's palmprint in the blink of an eye.

  The next moment, everyone present heard the rumbling sound of terrifying shocks, and the extremely terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

  The middle-aged strong man showed a sneer on his face, as if he did not feel the irresistible destructive power in Ye Feng's attack.

  This made him think that he could use this attack to suppress Ye Feng.

  However, the power contained in Ye Feng's attack made him immediately dispel this idea.

  That kind of attack burst out, capable of destroying all existence, and in the blink of an eye, his attack collapsed little by little.

   couldn't compete with Ye Feng's random force. This force came down, and continued to bombard the front quickly.

  The face of this middle-aged strong man immediately changed and became extremely ugly.

  The destructive power contained in Ye Feng's attack was already enough to threaten him. In this case, he could only do his best to dodge.

  It’s just that the speed of Ye Feng’s attack was not what he could imagine, and that kind of attack contained powerful spatial attribute power.

  This space attribute power made Ye Feng's attack move instantaneously, and in the blink of an eye, he came to the body of this strong man today.

  This made this middle-aged strong face immediately become extremely ugly, and desperately dodged toward one side.

  However, President Ye’s attack is not something he can evade at all!

  The next moment, the sound of the horrible concussion sounded by everyone present, accompanied by the screams of this middle-aged powerhouse.

  The middle-aged strong man couldn't hold on under the attack of Ye Feng, his body was directly shaken out, and he screamed repeatedly when he landed.

  If it were not for Ye Feng to withdraw his attack power at the last moment, this middle-aged strong man would most likely lose his life under Ye Feng’s attack!

This scene made the hearts of all present tremble, and there was a somewhat unbelievable look on their faces, especially those at the helm of other forces from the wild plains, their eyes widened, as if they saw the most incredible The same thing.

  The strong man who was just hit by Ye Feng's attack, but with a powerful figure in the late stage of the Emperor of Heaven, the strength he can show is simply not comparable to that of ordinary people.

  How powerful is one of his attacks, under normal circumstances, even if Ye Feng can defeat the opponent, it will take a certain amount of effort.

  However, at this moment, Ye Feng didn't even stand up, just sat on the seat, facing the opponent's attack, waving his hand casually.

   Then there will be a terrifying attack force blooming. The power of this attacking force is too strong, not only can easily resolve the opponent's attack.

  The opponent's body is also so vulnerable. Was directly flew out.

  More importantly, they can also see that Ye Feng's attack seems to have reservations, if not, the other party may suffer a more serious ending.

   "I didn't expect that this young man still has some strength."

  A strong man sighed, and the others nodded.

  It's just that they still couldn't see Ye Feng's true strength after only one confrontation.

  There are still many people who are still dissatisfied, and they look at Ye Feng with a strong coldness.

   Another strong stepped forward, looking ironically towards Ye Feng.

  The coldness in his eyes cannot be described in words.

   However, this strong man had just stepped onto the stage to fight Ye Feng, and he was directly shocked by Ye Feng’s attack and flew out.

  This made everyone present once again shocked, and all of their faces appeared invisible.

  And all this is just the beginning. In the next period of time, many people started to challenge Ye Feng, but no one succeeded.

  Even, everyone couldn't resist Ye Feng's move, so they were knocked out by Ye Feng's move, vomiting blood when they landed.

  If it were not for Ye Feng's kindness, these people would undoubtedly survive.

  "Is this young man a little too strong? I have never seen a person as strong as him. Is it possible that what the chief tribe chief said is true?"

  After several rounds of battles, someone from the police station said.

  The others nodded one after another, thinking that although the words spoken had some truth.

  The chief of the central tribe nodded one after another. At this moment, Ye Feng's strength was stronger than he thought.

  Even if it was him, dealing with these people in front of him would not be as easy as Ye Feng.

  Ye Feng, however, used this attitude to forcefully crush everyone, which really surprised him.

  Ye Feng's body has not moved, and he still stands calmly on the spot. In his opinion, all this is a very normal thing.

  To him, these people are like ants, and he can easily crush the opponent if he makes any moves.

   "The strength of the school is indeed extraordinary. I don't know where the chief tribe of the central tribe found such a powerful puppet. Maybe you have been pressing the cultivation realm before to achieve this, right?"

  Some people were still dissatisfied, their eyes fell on Ye Feng and said, the others' eyes flickered and nodded one after another.

   After all, in their opinion, if Ye Feng really had the cultivation base of the Heaven and Earth certain late peak stage, I could really do it.

   "I can only test my strength. I naturally have to accompany you to the end. From now on, if anyone is dissatisfied, you can challenge yourself at will. If it doesn't work, let's go together!"

  Seeing that everyone present was still very dissatisfied, Ye Feng said to these people, the words were still so plain, as if all this was just a very normal thing.

  It's just that after he said this sentence, the eyes of everyone present were frozen in place, looking at Ye Feng with incredulous expressions.

   Ye Feng’s words seemed to them too arrogant.

  Although their strength is not as good as Ye Feng, but everyone goes together, what does it mean?

   Ye Feng will face the siege of thousands of people present. Even though these people may not be very strong, they all understand the truth that two fists are hard to beat four hands.

   Therefore, when Ye Feng uttered these words, a bit of excitement appeared on the faces of many people present.

  Only saw one person stepping out, his eyes fell on Ye Feng and said: "Your strength is indeed very strong, beyond my imagination, but you are so arrogant, you are doomed to the next end!"

  After saying this, many people in the audience flashed and quickly came to the center of the square. The breath of each body was released, and the rolling coercion roared around the body, giving people a strong pressure.

  Seeing these people appear, the others are also gearing up. They have been uncomfortable with Ye Feng before, and want to suppress Ye Feng with a very strong attitude.

   "Now that you are ready, then you can move."

  However, even if Ye Feng faced so many powerful people, his face still had a somewhat confident look, and these spoke lightly to each other.

  This sentence immediately caused a somewhat ironic smile on the faces of everyone present.

  There are so many of them, unfortunately, they cannot defeat Ye Feng.

  After seeing Ye Feng's true strength, they did not dare to underestimate the enemy anymore.

Every strong man came forward to organize, and everyone on the scene said: "This young man is really strong. We are not his opponent when we are alone. If we want to defeat him, we must join together. That's fine."

After    said this sentence, many people in the audience nodded one after another, agreeing with the words spoken by this person, looking towards Ye Feng one by one.

  A bit of extremely cold luster flashed in the eyes.

  Only one person stepped directly out, flashing over here quickly. The body breath was released, and he took the lead to attack Ye Feng.

  The rest of the people quickly released their breath after seeing this scene, and various horrible attacks bloomed in front of them.

  The power of every attack was beyond imagination, and he directly tried to wrap Ye Feng's body in it.

  The destructive force was too strong on time, making this space completely wrapped in it.

  The space oscillated crazily, and the shock wave of destruction continued to wrap around Ye Feng's body. If you changed to someone else, you would have already died!

  However, Ye Feng still sat on the spot extremely calmly, his eyes gleaming with extremely calm luster.

  When the opponent's attack was about to fall on Ye Feng's body, Yue Feng's body was enveloped by a burst of light, and his body seemed to manipulate the distance of this space.

   had disappeared from the seat during this period of time, which caused those attacks to come, only to destroy that seat.

  The endless destructive power is constantly released, and the air currents are flying wildly.

  Looking at Ye Feng, his body had already appeared in the void, just floating there, his eyes were a little bit of gaze.

   Immediately, I saw his palm waved, and invisible destructive power bloomed out of his palm.

  These destructive forces descended across the space, reaching the body of the strong men who attacked him at an extremely fast speed.

  Those strong men had not reacted yet, they felt that there was a destructive force in front of them madly swept in, which made a bit of astonishment appear on their faces.

  Instinctively, they all released the strongest attack resistance on their bodies. Then, everyone present heard the sound of rumbling terror and concussion, and the power of destruction spread in all directions.

  The entire space is occupied by various attribute forces, as if to collapse and destroy this world.

  Although the destructive power released by Ye Feng has been distributed to many people, the power is still full.

  The people who were really present stepped back for a while, and their faces became extremely ugly.

  And this is still the result of Ye Feng's mercy. If not, he will release a strongest attribute power at will, and all the people present can be killed in an instant!

  Many people vomited blood and their faces were extremely pale. Looking at the figure of the white-clothed young man floating in the void, a somewhat unbelievable look appeared on their faces.

  No one thought that Ye Feng would have such a powerful power by waving his arm easily.

   "This young man's physical skills and martial arts are really weird, we must control him!"

  Someone said so for the first time, and the others nodded one after another. At this moment, they rose into the air from all directions and moved toward the direction where Ye Feng was.

  Almost at the same time, their bodies began to bloom with the strongest destructive power, releasing all the potential in their bodies without giving Ye Feng any chance to dodge.

  Ye Feng's eyes were sharp and he didn't care at all. He saw bursts of flame attribute power released from his body, and his whole body was wrapped in flames, like a fire god.

  A burst of flame attribute power reached the late stage of entering the **** realm, and it was released at will, but it seemed to be able to envelope this space.

  The sea of ​​fire is falling down, each group of flame attribute power has the power to destroy everything, and it collides with the attacks of thousands of powerful people in a short time.

  The sound of cracking and burning sounded constantly. Although these people's attack power is strong, they are not worth mentioning in front of the flame attribute power released by Ye Feng.

  Ye Feng’s flame attribute power completely enveloped the space in front of them, constantly wrapping their bodies.

  Many people were struggling desperately, trying to escape from this flame attribute power.

  But they failed to do this. The flame attribute power released by Ye Feng was too strong, and after wrapping their bodies, they began to burn continuously.

  Screaming and screaming friends, the whole space is enveloped by the burning smell. Those who were wrapped in the power of the flame attribute showed a somewhat desperate expression on their faces.

  At this moment, they finally realized the power of Ye Feng, how they could contend with such a young figure.

  Release the flame attribute power at will, and then they can take their lives.

  Many people screamed constantly, and the whole person's body seemed to be melted away by that flame attribute power.

   "How could the flame attribute power released by this youth be so strong? Why is it so?"

  Someone said with a desperate face, their eyes flashed with unbelievable luster, and the rest of them did the same, looking at Ye Feng with a strong amazement.

   "How? Do you want to continue?"

  Ye Feng looked at these people and asked, his body still suspended in the void, his white robe dancing with the wind.

   "No, we knew it was wrong, Chief Ye, please let us go, we are willing to surrender!"

  At this moment, a strong man really couldn't hold on anymore, and couldn't help but pray to Ye Feng.

  Although he did not want to do this, in the face of death, he could only choose to surrender.

  After the rest of the people saw this scene, the trace of stubbornness in their hearts collapsed instantly, and one by one they said to Ye Feng begging for mercy.

The chief of the   center tribe was also shocked by the scene in front of him. Ye Feng's strength seemed to exceed his imagination.

  If the terrible flame attribute power is directed at him, it will also burn and melt his body!

  This made him have a deep awe of the young man in front of him. If he has the slightest disrespect, the other party may shoot him at will and kill him.

  Although both of them are in the same state, the gap in strength can no longer be described in words.

   Seeing everyone present asking for mercy, Ye Feng's eyes flickered. Without hesitation, his arm waved again.

   There was a force in the palm of the palm that was released, causing the flame to be removed, making those strong people relieved, panting with big mouths, feeling like a survivor.

  At this moment, everyone present saw the terrible strength of this little-known youth.

  Especially those strong people who thought that Ye Feng was just a puppet, felt a bit of remorse in their hearts, thinking that they were a bit too stupid.

  Such a terrifying young person may be far more powerful than the chief tribe of the central tribe, and they even regard Ye Feng as the puppet figure sought by the chief of the central tribe.

  Think about it now, they even have the urge to slap themselves.

   "See Chief Ye!"

  It didn’t take long for a strong man to react first and bowed to Ye Feng, showing absolute respect.

  The other people naturally did the same. They bowed to Ye Feng and said respectful words one after another.

  The vast and endless square, countless barren plains and tribes at the helm, all surrender to Ye Feng!

  Such a shocking scene shocked everyone, especially those from the central tribe. This kind of visual impact was unprecedented.

   "Get up all!"

   Ye Feng waved a big hand, and said to everyone present, at this moment, his body was suspended in the void, and the king's aura was full.

  As if this space must be under his control, he is the absolute master of this space, and no one can compete with it.

  "From now on, I will master the wild plains!"

  Ye Feng's gaze swept across everyone, and continued to speak lightly.

  Everyone nodded, no one dared to speak against words, Ye Feng's strength was there, if they resisted, they would definitely die!

  In the next period of time, many barren plains tribe leaders retreated, leaving the central tribe with a strong shock, and returned to their original tribe.

  And what happened in the central tribal square today also spread towards the entire wild plain at an extremely fast speed.

   Shocked countless people, and no one thought that in such a short period of time, such a strong man would rise in the wild plain.

   Defeat the powerful at a speed like a whirlwind to complete the unification of the wild plains.

  You must know that since the emergence of the wild plains, it has been a land of no owner, where a high degree of freedom is practiced, and this tribe has its own side.

  Even the central tribe in its heyday and endless years has never been able to complete the great cause of unification.

  And such a young man of unknown origin did this so easily. This achievement is unprecedented, and it has made countless new people the impulse to worship.

  One more day passed, and another even more shocking news came from the central tribe.

  That is, the formation of a new force.

  This force is called the Dynasty of the Four Gods in the Wild Plains!

  Ye Feng, chieftain of Ye, is His Majesty of the Four Gods Dynasty, he rules all directions and commands the world!

  After the formation of the dynasty of the Four Gods, it grew up at an extremely fast speed. The strong from all sides came in admiringly and tried to join them.

  It’s just that the Four Gods Dynasty has its own criteria for recruiting members. This standard is not only for members’ personal strength talents, but more importantly, members’ loyalty to the Four Gods Dynasty.

  As a result, many powerful men who wanted to use the prestige of the Four Gods to grow quickly have shattered their dreams.

   Seven days later, an extremely vast and majestic giant palace was erected in the former six tribal areas.

  This palace occupies a vast area, even comparable to a city in the land of the Holy Spirit.

  Looking from a distance, without seeing the edge, it is like a fairy palace floating in the void.

  Here is the imperial palace of the Four Gods Dynasty, which is also the palace where Ye Feng lives.

  After the formation of the Four Gods Dynasty, those strong men who once followed Ye Feng naturally became the first members of the Four Gods Dynasty.

  They have served in the Four Gods Dynasty.

This includes the chief of the central tribe, the great elder of the central tribe, the chief of the tribe in the east, the snow from the east, the chief of the middle panic tribe, the big powers of the six tribes in the eastern part of the wild plain, and the central tribe, the tribe from the east Characters.

  They are looking forward to Ye Feng's horse and follow Ye Feng's orders.

  Dong Qixue has become Ye Feng's usual personal follower.

  The former Dongqi tribe eldest lady, how arrogant, countless people pursued, many of whom are top talents.

  She not only has a world-famous appearance, but she is also extremely talented, and she is also a top powerhouse.

  But it is such a lady of heaven who is willing to be a close follower next to Ye Feng, following Ye Feng all the time.

  If it were before the change, I really didn't dare to imagine that Dong Qixue himself did not expect such a thing to happen.

   But now, the noble Dongqi Tribe eldest lady is willing to become Ye Feng's personal attendant.

  Dong Qixue even thinks that it is her personal glory to hold this position.

  And this kind of position is indeed envied by many people, among them there are many top beauties from various tribes in the wild plains.

  The vast and endless barren plains There are many creatures living in them. Humans martial arts, monsters occupy a dominant position, and there are naturally many beautiful people.

  Now Ye Fenggui, as His Majesty the Emperor of the Four Gods Dynasty, orders the world to make the hearts of these supreme beauties flow.

  For Dong Qixue, naturally he also gave birth to a lot of jealousy.

  There are even many tribesmen who took the initiative to send the most beautiful woman in their tribe to the palace of the Four Gods.

  If they can be favored by His Majesty the Emperor, their tribe’s future status in the Four Gods Dynasty will surely soar into the sky.

  It’s just that they didn’t even have the qualification to see Ye Feng.

  Ye Feng had no intention of taking care of these people at all. Even the most beautiful woman was a cloud to Ye Feng.

  But he didn’t know how many women regretted his decision for life, and even some superb beauties, after seeing the portrait of Ye Feng, decided not to marry for life and stayed for Ye Feng.

The   Four Gods’ dynasty rose rapidly throughout the barren plains, completely controlling the top resources in various regions of the barren plains, and all the top tribes in the barren plains surrendered and obeyed orders.

  Author Wan Mu Zhengrong said: I hope to keep the flower list this month. I wish you all a great haircut in 2020, beautiful women in your arms, and brothers with flowers to support you, thank you! Everyone pays attention to the outbreak of the new coronavirus.

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