Sky War God

Chapter 3207: Raiden will!

???? Tian Lei Hongli's face was so ugly, his merits were intercepted in this way, and he looked so embarrassed, in front of everyone, it can be said that he lost his face.

???? At this moment, he hated Ye Feng extremely.

???? "Om, hum..."

???? There are strange sounds constantly sounding, and the lightning attribute power released in the void becomes more and more intense, and this lightning attribute power is more pure and rich.

???? This makes the position where Tianlei Bonus's body is wrapped.

???? A look of excitement appeared on Tianlei's face, if this ancient lightning attribute power could be understood.

???? His lightning attribute power level is likely to be upgraded to a level!

???? Tianlei Dividend glanced at Ye Feng, and said lightly: "Let you live a little longer first, when I understand the more powerful lightning attribute power, it will be your death date!"

???? After saying this, Tianlei Hongli left this area and walked to the other side.

???? The lightning attribute power released there is more pure and rich, and a purple-black thunder descends.

???? Tianlei Hongli's body is completely wrapped, just feel that his body is so bathed in the light of thunder and lightning.

???? Although he was suffering extremely intensely, Tianlei Dividend's eyes were still filled with madness.

???? Desperately absorb the lightning attribute power that is constantly falling in the void.

???? "The realization of the Tianlei bonus this time will definitely bring his strength to a higher level, and then this young man will suffer!"

???? Someone said so, there was a bit of irony in the eyes looking at Ye Feng, and the rest nodded.

???? Perhaps only the King of Flame God has doubts about all this in his heart, although the talent of Tianlei Bonus is indeed very strong.

???? It will not take long to raise the lightning attribute power he has comprehended to a level, but he has truly fought Ye Feng.

???? He has an intuitive understanding of the strength and combat effectiveness of this young man. In his opinion, even the strength of the Tianlei bonus is how strong.

???? will definitely not be Ye Feng's opponent.

???? Ye Feng didn't pay attention to what these people said. At this moment, he had already deeply felt the power of the lightning attribute in this space.

???? If he can really perceive the specific rhythm rules in this area, Ye Feng is confident that he can raise the level of the lightning attribute power he has comprehended.

???? His will to heaven and earth was completely released, allowing his body to be more integrated with this space.

???? Everything in the space seems to be able to be used by him, the thunder attribute power in the void descends, constantly converging towards Ye Feng's body.

???? Make Ye Feng's body bath...

In the light of thunder, the flashing light on the surface of the body is getting brighter.

???? At the same time, his lightning attribute power level is also climbing between survival.

???? It didn't take long for Ye Feng to feel that he had entered an extremely mysterious state.

???? As if everything between the world and the earth had nothing to do with him, his whole body stood in place so peacefully, making the eyes of everyone present at him become a little shocked.

???? "What the **** is this guy doing? Is it possible that the lightning attribute power he comprehends has also been improved?"

???? Someone asked this for the first time, and the gaze that looked at Ye Feng revealed a little unbelievable.

???? "The lightning attribute power he comprehend may have reached the level of the middle stage of entering the gods. If it is further improved, it is very likely to enter the late stage of entering the gods. By then, the strength will definitely increase!"

???? Someone said so again. After saying this, many people in the room trembled.

The lightning attribute power in the late stage of the God Realm is indeed powerful, and many people's faces have a few enviable lights.

???? Like a powerhouse of their level, it is really not easy to comprehend the lightning attribute power, and the young lightning attribute power in front of him has reached the level of entering the middle of the gods, which is indeed very strong.

In fact, they didn't know that the lightning attribute power that Ye Feng had comprehended had already reached the peak of the late stage of entering the gods.

???? You can enter the level of Raiden Will in just one step!

???? The Tianlei bonus not far away naturally felt all this, although the lightning attribute power that descended in this space was stronger than it was before.

???? But he didn't feel any at all, just because bursts of powerful lightning attribute forces released in this space all converged towards Ye Feng's body.

???? The lightning attribute power he can comprehend is very small, and it is not even enough to supply him to continue practicing!

???? This made Tianlei Hongli's face extremely ugly, and there was a strong coldness in her eyes looking at Ye Feng.

???? "Damn it!"

???? Tian Lei Hongli secretly said in his heart, Ye Feng is here, he can no longer continue to practice.

???? This made him very embarrassed. He was in the center of thunder and lightning, but he couldn't even drink a mouthful of "soup".

???? Trying to step forward, Tianlei Hongli tried to launch a terrifying attack on Ye Feng again.

???? Hardly came to Ye Feng's body, he quickly gathered the strongest destructive power inside his body.

???? The terrifying big palm print tried to shoot at this moment, but it felt abruptly that an extremely powerful counter-shock force burst out at this moment on Ye Feng's body.

???? This counter-shock force spreads toward 4 sides and 8 directions, making him stabilized just now...

At this moment, the body was shocked back again.

???? This time, he couldn't stand it, his body doubled again and back again, blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth!

???? Many people's faces showed a somewhat unbelievable look, how could the breath of this young man become stronger and stronger.

???? Tianlei Bonus released attacks on him one after another, but they were unable to succeed. At this moment, blood came out of the shocked mouth!

???? "Om, hum..."

???? As soon as the sound of the expiration sounded, the black thunder criss-crossed on Ye Feng's body, and the aura on Ye Feng's body continued to rise at this moment.

???? It didn't take long for it to reach an unimaginable culmination, and then, an extremely terrifying attribute power burst out.

???? The strong impact force caused many people present to retreat involuntarily by the impact, and even some people were directly shocked out.

???? Above the sky, the magic cloud keeps rolling, the purple-black thunder shining through the sky, the light is extremely bright.

???? The destructive power released in the entire world is so powerful that it is appalling.

???? Makes many people's hearts tremble, one by one looking at all of this in disbelief.

???? Finally at a certain moment, the lightning attribute power released by Ye Feng finally broke through the previous barriers and entered a brand new state!

???? This scene made everyone present tremble, although they could not feel the specific level of Ye Feng's lightning attribute power.

???? But it can also be seen that at this moment, Ye Feng has released an increase in the level of lightning attribute power!

???? Only one person said: "Breakthrough, the thunder and lightning attribute power that this young man has realized really broke through, why is he so enchanting? He did what he did not achieve the bonus of the sky!"

???? Many people are also trembling, with a somewhat unbelievable look on their faces.

???? "This breath is indeed unique to the lightning attribute power of the late stage of entering the gods. This guy is really lucky, and he can comprehend the lightning attribute power of the late stage of entering the gods!"

???? Not far from the prescription, there is an existence of the body of a cohesive **** and talk.

???? Many people's hearts trembled, it is really the lightning attribute power of the late stage of the gods, which makes them envious.

It's just that they don't understand at all that Ye Feng had already reached the lightning attribute power of the late stage of the God Realm long ago.

???? Today, his lightning attribute power has broken through the category of "potential" and entered the ranks of will.

???? Thunder Will!

???? The third kind of willpower that Ye Feng understood!

???? After the attribute power has reached the level of will, there will be an earth-shaking change in power.

???? Today's Ye Feng, unleashing lightning attribute power at will,...

It can communicate with the lightning attribute power between heaven and earth.

???? It can even lead the thunder of heaven and earth to attack, the power is infinite, and it is not comparable to him before.

???? Even if he hovered in the void at will, he could feel the lightning attribute power that kept surging inside his body.

???? This thunder and lightning attribute force is surging and powerful, if it is released at will, the power may be more powerful than he thought!

???? "His lightning attribute power has broken through, but why, why can't I feel the specific level of his lightning attribute power? Is it possible that the lightning attribute power he comprehends has reached the level of lightning will?"

???? Tian Lei Hongli looked at Ye Feng, and said inwardly with a tremor in his heart.

???? "No, this is absolutely impossible. Only those powerful and powerful at the level of the gods can truly comprehend the will of thunder and lightning. How could he, an unknown person, comprehend such a powerful lightning attribute power!"

???? It didn't take long for Tianlei Hongdi to dispel this thought. In any case, he didn't believe that Ye Feng could understand the will of Thunder.

???? After Ye Feng comprehended the thunder and lightning will, the lightning attribute power above the sky was still instilled into his body.

???? At this moment, his entire body is like a carrier of thunder and lightning, and terrible thunder and lightning attributes can be born with his thoughts.

The thunder of heaven and earth releases terrifying attacks, and the power of each attack is beyond imagination. Randomly coming down can make this space remain turbulent!

???? Not long after, the endless black cloud above the sky slowly dispersed at this moment, the black cloud disappeared, and the thunder and lightning were not violent.

???? It didn't take long before all this returned to a normal state, as if nothing had happened.

????A series of cold eyes looked towards Ye Feng, with a strong sense of coldness in his eyes.

The people who stole this look naturally included Xi Chulong and Tianlei Bonus.

???? The rest of the people are also extremely powerful in their cultivation realm, and have reached the level of casting the body of a god.

???? They had seen Ye Feng displeased before, and at this moment Ye Feng just broke through his lightning attribute power.

???? Greatly aroused the jealousy in their hearts.

???? Especially Tianlei Bonus and Xi Chulong, they were very angry at what the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor had brought to them.

???? Just now, the two of them collectively wanted to take action against Ye Feng, but they suffered successively under Ye Feng, and their faces were short-sighted.

???? Under this situation, they were naturally extremely angry, wanting to completely crush Ye Feng at this moment.

???? "You have delayed my cultivation, come on, how can I compensate me?"

???? Tian Lei Hongli spoke to Ye Feng coldly, his eyes full of indifference. #b......

br#???? Ye Feng looked at the opponent, his expression shining sharply, and couldn't help but said to the opponent: "It's your own ability to perceive that is not good, you blame me?"

???? After saying this sentence, many people's eyes flickered, and it seemed that Ye Feng would dare to be so arrogant in front of Tianlei Dividend.

???? After all, his lightning attribute power has just been upgraded to the late stage of entering the gods, and the lightning attribute power of the Tianlei bonus has reached this state many years ago.

???? The strength between the two is clear at a glance.

???? "What to do with him nonsense, just let him know how powerful Brother Tianlei is!"

???? Xie Chulong said so with a bit of coldness in his eyes.

???? Tianlei Dividend nodded at the opponent, just as the opponent said, it would be good to be able to kill the opponent.

???? Without hesitation, Tianlei Bonus released the lightning attribute power he had understood, although he did not break through the level of lightning attribute power.

???? But after the previous absorption, his lightning attribute power has also improved a lot.

???? This made him very confident, at least more than enough to deal with juniors like Ye Feng!

???? That thunder and lightning attribute power kept shining in the void, and the power it carried was beyond imagination.

???? In the blink of an eye, he madly released a terrifying fist towards Ye Feng's body.

???? The power contained in this horror fist is beyond imagination.

???? The thunder and lightning attribute power of the late stage of the gods lingers in the fist.

When you bombard forward at will, this space trembles crazily, as if to be destroyed by the collapse of this fist.

???? Many people's eyes flashed, and there was a bit of calmness on their faces. This is the strength that top figures can show, and they are indeed not comparable to them.

???? Even if many people's cultivation base has reached the level of the body of the condensed god, but compared to the Tianlei bonus, it is indeed a level.

???? Therefore, many people are waiting for the scene of Ye Feng's brutal suppression.

???? "Om..."

???? Although the attack power of the Tianlei Bonus was strong, it failed to touch Ye Feng's body.

???? Ye Feng's body was wrapped in a burst of spatial attribute power, and he quickly stepped out toward one side.

???? His body became extremely illusory in the same place. It didn't take long for him to completely disappear in the area where he stood before.

???? Tianlei Dividend’s punching space made Tianlei Dividend’s face a somewhat unbelievable look, and his attack speed was already fast enough.

????Why couldn't you touch Ye Feng's body?

???? Not only him, but also many people present, one...

The unbelievable face.

???? Ye Feng looked at Tian Lei Hongli with a sneer, with irony in his eyes, Tian Lei Hongli's face flushed with anger.

???? It is bound to kill Ye Feng completely under the next attack, only in this way can he save his face.

???? Not hesitating, Tian Lei stepped forward once again, and the aura on his body became more and more violent, and bursts of thunder and lightning continued to emerge around him.

???? His attack was truly released, and there seemed to be sky thunders in the void quickly descending downwards, trying to completely shake Ye Feng's body to collapse and destroy.

???? "Thief, don't run away if you have the ability, fight with me, I want to see what you have!"

???? Tian Lei Hongli coldly said to Ye Feng, as if he could easily crush Ye Feng as long as Ye Feng didn't run away.

???? Ye Feng looked at each other like that, the irony in his eyes became more and more obvious.

???? Can't help but say to him: "Are you very powerful in attack?"

After saying these words, Tianlei Dividend's eyes could not help but freeze slightly, his expression became even colder, and he couldn't help but speak to Ye Feng: "I hope you don't regret it!"

???? After this sentence was said, the lightning attribute powers floating in the void came down crazily at this moment, trying to completely envelop Ye Feng's body.

???? The sound of rumbling terror and concussion continued to sound, and the power of destruction spread in all directions.

???? That terrifying attack power is too strong, the space of the shock is shaken by it, and everything will be destroyed.

???? All this seems to still be unable to shake Ye Feng's body, Ye Feng's body just stood in place so peacefully.

???? The lightning attribute power lingering around him became more and more violent.

???? Under the terror attack of the other party, he kept stepping forward and went against the trend. Many people in the audience could not help but feel surprised.

???? No one thought that Ye Feng would be able to face the opponent's attack continuously at this moment.

???? And his body was not affected at all, this kind of strength is jaw-dropping.

???? This made the look of Tianlei Dividend a little surprised, Ye Feng could ignore his attack and move forward, he would naturally not let Ye Feng feel better.

???? Next, there was another terrifying offensive force madly blasting towards Ye Feng's body.

???? The power contained in this attack seems to have become more powerful, as if to destroy all the world!

???? However, Ye Feng still didn't seem to care about anything, watching the opponent release an attack.

???? A wave of thunder and lightning power was released again.

???? In a short time, he integrated the lightning attribute power into his fist...


???? Makes his fist become more violent, blasted out with a punch, and this punch carries an amazing thunder and lightning power.

???? The will of thunder and lightning burst out, and the will of heaven and earth is also integrated.

???? Makes the power of this attack instantly climbed to another level, descending in a short time!

???? Immediately afterwards, everyone present only listened to the rumbling sound of terrifying concussion, and the extremely terrifying destructive force spread in all directions, and the entire sky was trembling.

???? Tianlei Hongli's eyes were a bit crazy, thinking that he could rely on this attack to intercept Ye Feng.

???? However, at the moment when the two attacks really collided, Tianlei Dividend felt the terrifying power contained in Ye Feng's attack.

???? This power was so strong that the lightning attribute power it released was instantly destroyed by my collapse.

???? But the power of Ye Feng's punch became more and more violent.

???? It seems that no power can really block the opponent.

???? In the blink of an eye, he went crazy to Tianlei Hongli's body.

???? Tianlei Dividend was frightened for a while, it seemed that Ye Feng's attack might be so powerful.

???? However, when he wanted to dodge this, he felt an extremely powerful binding force blooming at this moment.

???? The power of this restraint force is too strong to give him any chance at all, his body is restrained in place just like that, unable to move any more.

???? This made the look on Tianlei Hongli's face extremely ugly, and he could no longer hold on to it.

???? "Brother Tianlei, I'll help you!"

???? Almost at the same time, everyone present heard such a roaring voice coming over, and it was Xi Chulong who spoke impressively.

???? I saw Xi Chulong's body soaring into the air at this moment, and the terrifying destruction palmprint patted Ye Feng's body frantically at an extremely fast speed.

???? As the top existence of the body of the condensing god, the attack power released by the opponent is indeed strong enough.

???? In the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of Ye Feng's body and wanted to completely destroy Ye Feng's body.

???? Ye Feng's eyes flashed with an edge, and he didn't care about the opponent's attack, the fist still released.

???? Just listen to the sound of the rumbling horror shock, the extremely terrifying destructive power spreading in all directions.

???? Ye Feng's punch is so powerful that he directly destroyed the defensive power of Tianlei Dividend.

???? Caused Tian Lei Hongli's mouth to make a scream, and his body was directly shocked out at this moment. When he landed, he vomited blood out of his mouth, his face was extremely pale!


One punch caused Tianlei Bonus to be seriously injured. Although his repair base was not abolished, he almost lost his combat effectiveness!

???? Almost at the same time, the basic dragon's attack landed on Ye Feng's body at this moment, in his opinion. His attack will definitely bring extremely serious damage to Ye Feng.

???? However, he underestimated Ye Feng's strength.

???? At this moment, Ye Feng is surrounded by extremely powerful lightning attributes.

???? This thunder and lightning attribute force is too powerful, making Ye Feng's body blocked like that.

???? When Xi Chulong's attack came at this moment, Ye Feng's lightning attribute power crazily followed his arm and invaded into his body.

???? made his whole body tremble crazily at this moment, only to feel that terrible destructive force continuously spread towards the inside of his body.

???? This caused Xi Chulong to make a scream, his body retreated quickly at this moment, and his complexion became extremely ugly.

???? This scene made many people present a somewhat unbelievable look. No one thought that the lightning attribute power released by Ye Feng would have such a power.


???? Almost at the same time, Ye Feng spit out such a cold voice, and his footsteps quickly stepped towards the direction where Xi Chulong was.

???? The lightning attribute power on his body became more and more violent, and the power released was beyond imagination.

???? This space is completely destroyed by the collapse of the earthquake!

???? Xi Chulong's face became extremely ugly, feeling the power contained in Ye Feng's attack.

???? He dodged toward the distance for the first time, but that powerful restraint force completely fixed his body in place at this moment.

???? Xi Chulong's eyes flashed sharply, and he only felt that the destructive power was too strong, and he could not resist it at all.

???? And he couldn't just sit and wait for death, and at this moment, he condensed the strongest attribute power in his body and released a terrible attack to fight against Ye Feng.

???? Immediately afterwards, everyone present heard the rumbling sound of horrible shocks, and the two attacks collided again at this moment.

???? The extremely terrifying destructive power bloomed crazily, making the entire space tremble crazily.

???? Xi Chulong only felt a strong lightning attribute power continuously spreading towards his body.

???? made his whole body tremble wildly, and the bone tissue cells in the concrete seemed to be extremely seriously affected.

???? At this moment, the footsteps were shaken back one after another, a mouthful of blood was spit out, and his face was extremely pale.

???? At this moment, his body was severely hit, on his forehead...

Full of sweat.

???? "Brother Flame, hurry up, join me in slaying him!"

???? Xi Chulong can't hold on anymore, Ye Feng's attacking power is too strong.

???? He couldn't imagine in any case, why an unremarkable young man would have such terrible power when releasing an attack.

???? Under this situation, he no longer dared to compete with Ye Feng alone, and could only turn to the King of Flame God who was not far away to watch.

???? The King of Flame God is deeply shocked by Ye Feng's strength at this moment.

???? Prior to this, he had fought against Ye Feng, and the flame attribute power released by Ye Feng at that time left a deep impression on him.

???? Under Ye Feng's flame attribute power, he can only escape.

???? However, at this moment, feeling the powerful lightning attribute power released from Ye Feng, the King of Flame God was shocked again.

???? In any case, I can't imagine why Ye Feng is so enchanting, its flame attribute power has reached the level of flame will.

???? Therefore, he is very sensitive to willpower. At this moment, he has already felt the powerful willpower contained in Ye Feng's attack.

???? This made him very surprised. He didn't expect Ye Feng's lightning attribute power to reach the level of will.

???? This is simply too abnormal, he has never heard of it, someone can understand two willpowers together.

???? Even those top **** level powerhouses seem to be very few people can do this.

???? And he may not know yet, Ye Feng's heaven and earth attribute power has also reached the level of will!

???? Hearing Xi Chulong's call, a look of ugliness appeared on the face of King Flame God.

???? He didn't dare to answer the countermeasures. He was extremely afraid of Ye Feng before. Seeing that Ye Feng has this strength at this moment, how dare he continue to attack Ye Feng?

???? "Brother Flame, what are you waiting for, hurry up and help brother!"

???? Xi Churong continued to speak, at this moment, his life is worrying, how can he care about the so-called face?

???? The rest of the people present were frightened, and no one thought that Ye Feng's strength had reached this level.

???? Xi Chulong summoned like this, even if the King of Flame God was afraid, he could only bite the bullet and rush forward.

???? At this moment, his body burst out, and the flame attribute power enveloped his body, making this space seem to be melted away.

???? It's just that when he just wanted to step forward, he felt a cold gaze fall on him.

???? This ice-cold gaze made his whole body tremble involuntarily, only feeling that his soul was about to be pulled away.

???? "Are you going to shoot with me?"

???? Ye Feng is facing the flames...

The King of God asked.

???? The King of Flame God's body trembled and felt an extreme indifference.

???? These words of Ye Feng made his face become a little pale, and at this moment, the footsteps trying to move forward actually stopped.

???? As if he was afraid that Ye Fengshan would shoot him at this moment.

???? This scene naturally fell in the eyes of everyone present, making their faces a somewhat unbelievable look. No one thought that the King of Flame God would be so weak in front of Ye Feng. The look of

???? "Brother Flame, don't be afraid of him, I know that if two people work together, they can easily crush this person!"

???? Xi Chulong said urgently, for fear that the King of Flame God would not help him.

The King of Flame God gritted his teeth for a while. At this moment, even if he was afraid of Ye Feng in his heart, he seemed to have no choice but to endure You are so arrogant, I naturally want to eliminate the violence! "

???? The King of Flame God said coldly to Ye Feng.

???? After saying this, the cold breath on his body burst to the extreme at this moment. The flame attribute power is condensed on the body, and an astonishing destruction attack blasted towards Ye Feng's body at this moment.

???? Infinite power!

???? Many people's eyes flashed, feeling the terrible power contained in this attack of the King of Flame God, and there was an involuntary tremor in their hearts.

???? A sneer appeared on Ye Feng's face, this king of flame **** is just his defeat.

???? How could Ye Feng fear this person?

???? The lightning attribute power is mobilized at this moment, and the lightning attribute only covers a space.

???? A terrible destruction attack was released against the opponent's body in a short time.

???? The power of this destructive attack was terrifying, and the lightning attribute power rolled and stirred, releasing bursts of strong shocks.

???? In the blink of an eye, it collided with the opponent's attack at this moment, the shocking force of destruction and shock wanted to be withdrawn, and the terrifying force of destruction spread in all directions.

???? Under this collision, the King of Flame God immediately felt the terrifying power contained in Ye Feng's attack, and this smell of destruction could destroy all existence.

???? Crazy converging towards the inside of his body.

???? made his body tremble crazily at this moment, and his body kept receding, for fear that his body could not withstand the destruction attack.

???? However, the speed of his retreat is still higher!


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