Sky War God

Chapter 3218: Desperate choice

The flame had descended on their bodies, causing their bodies to be completely burned.

In the void, the extremely terrifying heat wave rolled and stirred, and inside it contained the smell of the bodies of the burning flames of the power of the kingdom of God.

The scalp feels numb!

"Thief, how dare you do evil here, see how this seat will kill you!"

The Flame God Kingdom Master watched the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor deliberately evade his attack and massacred their flame nation powerhouses. Naturally, the anger in his heart can be imagined.

The Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor looked at each other with a bit of irony in his eyes, and couldn't help but say to him: "All this is the sin of your king, and I can't blame me."

This sentence of his is simply a treason for the powerhouses of the Kingdom of Flames, what a character their king is.

How can the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor be so arrogant?


The scalp was numb for a while, and a cold voice was exhaled in the mouth of the Flame God Kingdom Master.

When he said this, his footsteps had already stepped forward, and the aura on his body was extremely strong.

The flame attribute power is concentrated in the palm, making his palms become more violent.

Another palm print was photographed, and this palm print continued to evolve in the void, turning into the most terrifying power of flame attributes.

In a short period of time, the body of the Scarlet Devil Emperor can be completely wrapped, and the Scarlet Devil Emperor's body will not be given any chance to evade.

"Thief, don't run away if you have the ability, I'll see how long you can hold on!"

The Flame God Kingdom State Master spoke coldly at the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor, as if its one attack could kill the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor.

The Scarlet Heaven Devil Emperor sneered at each other and said: "Are you very strong?"

After saying this sentence, the gaze of the State Master of the Kingdom of Flames was slightly frozen, he had never seen such an arrogant person as the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor.

Once again desperately instilled a destructive force into his own attack, trying to kill the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor!

The magical magic of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor erupted, and the endless power of the magical magic emerged all over his body, and then gathered in his palm.

The palm of his hand immediately became more violent, and he also released a terrible attack to counter the opponent's palmprint.

In the blink of an eye, everyone present heard the rumbling sound of terrifying concussion, and the extremely terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

The attacks of the two collided at this moment, the entire space was occupied by the destructive force, and everything had to be destroyed!

There was a bit of sharp gleam in the eyes of the State Master of the Flame God Kingdom, thinking that he could use such an attack to kill the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor.

However, although his attack power is strong, the attack of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor is more terrifying than his points.

That magical power was constantly instilling into his body, causing his whole body to tremble constantly, his chest stood upright and blood tumbling, and his footsteps were shaken back one after another at this moment, and his expression became full. Not so good!

This scene completely subverted the cognition of everyone present. No one thought that the Flame God Kingdom Master was attacked by the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor and retreated. Then what level of strength did this demon cultivator reach?

"If you see it, this is the strength you are proud of. It's really not that good!"

The Scarlet Demon Emperor looked at the other party with a sneer and spoke, with strong irony in his words.

After this sentence was said, the chest of the country teacher of the flames of the gods was ups and downs, and almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

He gritted his teeth and looked at the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor, and said coldly: "You'd better not be arrogant. It's because I underestimated the enemy. Then I will let you see my true strength!"

After saying this, a stronger and more horizontal aura burst out of the flames of the Kingdom of God, and the crow enveloped a space.

I saw his arm wave, and the flame attribute power in his palm crisscrossed in the void.

It seems that at this moment a series of extremely terrifying fire dragons have formed, and those fire dragons are swallowing tyrannical flame attribute power.

In a short time, it seemed to melt and swallow this space completely!

It makes people look so terrifying, and many people feel the terrible power contained in those fire dragons.

Sweat for the Scarlet Heaven Devil Emperor.

A sneer appeared at the corner of the Chitian Demon Emperor's mouth, as if he didn't care about the attack released by the other party.

His footsteps stepped forward at this moment, and the body did not retreat but moved forward, and the magic power attributed on his body instantly jumped to the level of will.

Devil will!

Incomparably violent, a phantom of the demon king emerged in the void, and those phantoms of the demon king were holding extremely terrifying magic swords.

Unleashing sword light at will can kill all existence.

Those Demon King phantoms roared and stepped forward, the entire space shook wildly, and they reached the bodies of the fire unicorns in a short time.

The sharp sword in his hand can destroy all existence, and the bright magic sword light is released.

This caused this space to vibrate severely, and everything was to be destroyed. The crowd only listened to the rumbling sound of terrifying concussion.

The extremely terrifying destructive power spread in all directions, and the sword light released by the ghost of the devil collided with the fire dragons.

The act of destruction released was beyond the imagination of everyone present!

"Roar, roar..."

The fire dragon phantom roared astonishingly, trying to swallow the sword light.

However, the power contained in those sword lights was more terrifying than everyone imagined.

When the two attacks collided, the fire dragon phantom uttered a wailing sound, and the body was destroyed by the collapse of the shock little by little, and finally turned into nothingness.

At this moment, the body of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor stepped forward, and his body became more and more violent.

There was also an extremely bright magic sword in his hand. How to reach the sword can also destroy a space.

In a short period of time, a terrifying bright sword light crazily slashed down towards the body of the Flame God Kingdom Master.

There was a bit of horror on the face of the national teacher of the flames of the kingdom of God, and never dreamed that an attack released by the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor would have such power.

His body tried to dodge this, but was unable to do this at all. The sword light speed of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor was too fast.

It can be said that it came down in an instant, and directly cut off one side of the opponent's arm, and the blood was released, and the screams of the master of the flames of God!

The whole person's body was trembling constantly, and his clothes were stained red with blood, looking extremely embarrassed.

There was a somewhat unbelievable look on the faces of many people. This was a powerful flame **** country teacher.

How powerful is the opponent's strength, and the attacks released at will are not something ordinary people can resist.

Before that, they all believed that the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor would be easily beheaded by the opponent when he took action in the Kingdom of Flame God.

Unexpectedly, after the start of the battle, the Flame God Kingdom State Master was completely suppressed by the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor, and it was difficult for the opponent to resist the attack released by the Heaven Demon Emperor.

At this moment, the sword light of the Scarlet Sky Demon Emperor cut off an arm, which completely exceeded the imagination of everyone present.

After the Flame God Kingdom National Master lost an arm, his gaze at the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor showed a bit of terror.

He also did not expect that the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor could still easily display such a terrifying sword light to him even in the face of the fire-picking dragons he released.

"Thief, when our lord the king returns, you will surely be broken into pieces!"

During the time of the Flame Kingdom, the King of the Flame Kingdom was moved out. In his opinion, even if the opponent could easily defeat him.

But it was still not worth mentioning in front of their king, and even when he proposed the name of the king, the other party would be frightened.

However, the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor didn't care what he said.

A satirical smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and the Heavenly Demon Emperor stepped forward again, the magic sword in his hand gleaming with endless brilliance.

Facing the threat of the opponent, he desperately cut a sword light at the opponent's body, and at the same time made a mocking voice: "If I am afraid of your king, I will not come. Therefore, everything you say is for me. It's useless at all, go to hell!"

As he spoke, another sword light from the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor had reached the top of the opponent's head, which made the look of astonishment on the face of the Master of the Kingdom of Flames more obvious.

He could feel the terrifying power contained in the sword light of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor, and naturally he did not dare to stay any longer.

However, just as he dodged with all his strength, he felt a terrifying force of restraint coming, covering his body completely.

It made his body want to move just like this has become a luxury.

Many people on the scene looked at all of this, with a somewhat unbelievable look on their faces, and no one thought that the attack released by the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor would have such power.


There was a desperate voice from the teacher of the Flame God Kingdom. At this moment, he could only watch the sword light slashing towards the top of his head, but he had no chance to evade.

In the next moment, everyone present only listened to the rumbling sound of terrifying concussion, and the sword light of the Scarlet Heaven Devil Emperor descended fiercely.

The flames of the Kingdom of God's body was chopped and shredded in despair, completely collapsed and destroyed, turning into residues and pieces of flesh and spreading in all directions.

A god-level powerhouse, just like this, was killed by the sword of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor!

Such a visual impact cannot be imagined without personal experience.

You know, here is the Palace of the Flame God Kingdom, the power center of the entire Flame God Kingdom, as the overlord power in the area.

The dominance that the Flame God Kingdom can show is beyond words at all, and the opponent's national teacher can also be said to be under one person and above 10,000, but just like that.

Being beheaded in the sky above the Flame God Kingdom’s Palace was definitely an explosive news.

Many people present were immersed in this state of shock, looking at the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor with incredulous expressions.

Especially those strong in the Flame God Kingdom, were even more frightened. Their national teachers died in the hands of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor. Where could the rest of the people be opponents of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor?

In this situation, if the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor were launching a terrifying attack on them, they seemed to have to endure it silently.

"Quickly, notify Lord King, let Lord King return to kill this thief!"

A strong man immediately thought of the Lord King who was away from home. Perhaps only Lord King could actually kill the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor.

After hearing this sentence, many strong flame gods began to use rumors to contact the king of flames.

At this moment, the King of the Flame God Kingdom was trying to kill Ye Feng in the land of Jianhai, and the attack from the opponent had extremely strong lethality for Ye Feng.

Every attack was so deadly, it would completely destroy Ye Feng's body.

Ye Feng's eyes were sharp, constantly dodge the opponent's attack, and he gradually moved towards the place where Jianhai was.

Many powerful sword repairers have gathered in this area, and some have even become gods for many years.

They naturally recognized the King of the Flame God Kingdom, and they were also very surprised when they saw the other party doing such a shot at a junior.

"Thief, no matter how you escape, you can't escape the palm of the old man's hands. It's better to get caught quickly!"

While releasing the attack, the King of the Flame God Kingdom said so.

When speaking, the attack power he released became stronger and stronger, making this space tremble.

Under the opponent's attack, Ye Feng had already died for nine years, and even suffered a terrible attack from the opponent.

If his physical defenses were not strong enough, he might have lost his life.

At this moment, the attack released by the King of the Flame God Kingdom was even more violent than before. More importantly, when the two of you came and went, the other party was getting closer and closer to Ye Feng.

The attack released was more threatening for Ye Feng.

A horrible big palm print of flame whizzed out, and Ye Feng relied on the spatial attribute power he had comprehended, and the Will of Wind would avoid the opponent's attack.

But the terrible flames scorched on the surface of his body, causing Ye Feng's clothing to burn a large part, and his flesh and skin suffered intense pain.

A cold sweat appeared on his forehead, and before he could comprehend the power of multiple wills, he could kill ordinary god-level powerhouses.

This time made Ye Feng think that he already had enough capital to leapfrog the ranks of most gods.

However, at this moment, after facing the King of the Flame God Kingdom, he truly felt the gap between himself and the god-level powerhouse.

The arbitrary attacks released by the king of the flame gods, such as powerful people who have achieved the position of gods for many years, can bring extremely strong threats to Ye Feng.

In front of the other party, Ye Feng simply has no resistance. As long as he is slightly negligent, he is likely to die.

This feeling was especially obvious after the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor left. When the two of them joined forces, they were able to contend with each other in a short time.

The departure of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor caused Ye Feng to be isolated and helpless, and he lost the ability to confront the opponent directly.

Ahead, in the center of Jianhai, extremely terrifying sword energy crisscrossed, and the dazzling sword lights turned into extremely terrifying vortexes, which kept turning in the void.

Facing those terrible sword auras, the powerful sword repair figures gathered around Jianhai did not dare to really approach.

None of the people who had ventured into it before were able to come out alive, and most of them were strangled and killed by the terrifying sword aura.

However, at this moment, the King of the Flame God Kingdom refused to give up to Ye Feng, and the attack he released became more intense.

Looking at the constantly stirring Jian Sea in front of him, Ye Feng's eyes flashed a bit of insulating light, no longer caring about the danger there, and his body quickly leaped towards the Jian Sea.

Seeing this scene, many people's gazes couldn't help but flash, and there was a bit of surprise on their faces. No one thought that this young man would dare to fly towards the center of Jianhai. This is simply looking for death!

"This young man is desperate. Rather than being killed by the King of the Flame Kingdom, he should enter the sword sea and be strangled by sword energy!"

"Yes, it seems that the king of the Kingdom of Flames hates this young man. If it falls into the hands of the other party, it may be more painful. This young man's choice is correct."

Many people looked at Ye Feng's eyes with some relief, and they could understand Ye Feng's thoughts.

On the one hand it is the enemy's vendetta, on the other hand it is their own selective death. Most people will choose the latter.

But no one would think that Ye Feng would enter the sword sea and be able to walk out alive, after all, there was a forbidden place.

Since Jianhai appeared, no one has been able to walk out of it alive. The young man in front of him does not seem to stand out, so naturally he cannot do this.

"Perhaps people still dream of being able to walk out of the sword sea alive."

At this moment, another strong person said so not far away.

After this sentence was spoken, many people present showed a bit of contempt and disdain, and only one person said to him: "Are you kidding? How could he be an ordinary young person? Since ancient times, how many top sword repairers have died in the sword sea, don’t you know?"

"It's true. Even if I wait for someone who has been repairing swords for endless years, I don't dare to enter it easily. Is it possible that you think this young man has such an ability?"

Many people spoke against it, and at the same time, Ye Feng's body had entered the sword sea.

Immediately there was an endless sword aura wrapping around his body, those terrifying sword auras could destroy everything, and in the blink of an eye, Ye Feng's body was completely enveloped.

The eyes of the King of the Flame God Kingdom solidified for a while, and it seemed that Ye Feng would choose this way.

Seeing the terrifying sword aura that was constantly churning ahead, he couldn't help but stop. He also had a certain understanding of Jian Hai, even if he didn't practice swordsmanship, he still created the dangers in it.

"Unexpectedly, you would rather enter the sword sea and be swallowed by endless sword energy than die in my hands!"

The King of the Flame Kingdom said sarcastically to Ye Feng.

"I don't need to worry about my life or death, first consider the current situation of your Kingdom of Flames!"

Ye Feng was deep in the endless sword aura, and his body was severed by those terrifying sword lights in a short period of time with blood stains, and blood was continuously released in it.

It made him bear an extremely strong pressure, but he quickly released his comprehension of the will of the world and the sword's attribute power in the late stage of the gods.

A faint halo formed around his body, covering it.

The attribute power of the sword, but in addition to the power of heaven and earth, it is the most difficult attribute power to upgrade.

There are thousands of sword repairs in the world, and they can really reach the top, but there are not many. Even in the Holy Spirit Tianzhou, sword repair is a very rare profession.

Just because the road to swordsmanship is full of rugged bumps, and there are very few people who can truly achieve something.

Therefore, the attribute power of the sword in the late stage of the God Realm that Ye Feng understood was already a very powerful existence in the Jianhai area.

He released these two attributes and immediately made his body more integrated with this space.

The sword light released from the sword sea also reduced the pressure on Ye Feng a lot.

The sentence he just said was full of meaning, and immediately made the King of Flame Kingdom's eyes slightly solidified, as if he could smell something unusual.

I couldn't help but ask Ye Feng: "Thief, what are you talking about? My Kingdom of Flames is so prosperous, I don't need to worry about it at all."

After saying these words, the king of the kingdom of flames, his face looked a little confident.

However, as soon as his words fell, he felt that there was a sound transmission in his mind.

The sound transmission came from a strong flame god: "My lord, you come back quickly, the flame **** has a catastrophe, the teachers of the country were all beheaded by a demon, and there are a large number of flame gods. The strong dies in the opponent's hands. If you do not return, the Kingdom of Flames may not be guaranteed!"


After hearing these words, the King of the Flame Kingdom was immediately dumbfounded, and finally understood the meaning of the meaningful words Ye Feng said to him before.

His eyes were extremely sharp, falling on Ye Feng again, and he couldn't help but question Ye Feng: "What did you do to the Kingdom of Flames?"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Ye Feng's mouth. Even though his body was under tremendous pressure at this moment, he still gritted his teeth and insisted: "Do you know what I have done better than me? Don't ask me."

The king of the Kingdom of Flames was angry with his chest ups and downs. He wanted to kill Ye Feng here to avenge his son.

Unexpectedly, before he could take Ye Feng's life with his own hands, a fire broke out in the backyard.

"Thief, I didn't expect you to be so despicable. It won't be long before you will be strangled by this terrible sword energy. You will definitely be!"

The King of the Flame God Kingdom roared at Ye Feng, after saying this, he didn't even stay anymore.

At this moment, the body jumped directly into the air, leaping quickly towards the distance, at an extremely fast speed.

At this moment, Ye Feng entered the Sea of ​​Swords, and he would lose his life in all likelihood. Therefore, the King of the Flame God Kingdom no longer needs to care about Ye Feng's affairs.

Today, he must quickly return to the Kingdom of God of Flames. If not, the foundation he has set for many years will be destroyed.

The eyes of everyone present flickered, and some did not understand what had just happened.

The King of the Flame Kingdom hated Ye Feng. Normally, the other party should watch Ye Feng be killed.

But never thought that the other party left with such a look of resentment. It seemed that they were very anxious, which made them confused.

Turning his head, his eyes fell on Ye Feng. For them, Ye Feng at the moment was the focus of their attention.

In their opinion, it won't take long. Ye Feng would be swallowed and destroyed by that terrifying sword aura.

"Om, hum..."

Roads of extremely strong sword aura criss-crossed in the void, and extremely terrifying sword light descended from the sky, trying to completely envelop Ye Feng's body at an extremely fast speed.

Those sword auras contained extremely terrifying destructive power, if it really landed on Ye Feng's body, it would surely be able to strangle Ye Feng's body to pieces.

Ye Feng felt the strong pressure, and his body stood calmly on the spot. The will of heaven and earth, the power of good fortune, and the sword's attribute power in the late stage of the gods were completely released.

The dazzling sword light shone everything, and the entire space trembled, as if to completely strangle this space into pieces.

Ye Feng's body was under the constant impact of those terrifying sword auras, and the light shrouded on the surface of his body kept flickering, as if it might not be able to bear it at any time.

Many people looked at Ye Feng with a bit of ridicule. In their view, Ye Feng must not be able to hold on to the center of Jianhai.

"Is this guy still alive? That terrible sword aura is so strong that he can still continue to persevere."

He only heard what a strong man said, and there was a bit of ridicule in his eyes looking at Ye Feng.

The others nodded their heads, thinking that what this person said was reasonable.

"Om, hum..."

A strange voice sounded again, and the terrifying sword aura crisscrossed in the void, and a stronger force of destruction merged with the sword aura, strangling towards Ye Feng's body at an extremely fast speed.

Attempting to completely kill Ye Feng's body.

Ye Feng had no distractions, constantly releasing the attribute power of the sword he had understood, fusing with the will of heaven and earth.

In this way, it resists the powerful sword energy contained in the sword sea.

At the same time, he also allowed his body to gradually fit this space more closely. He knew that only when the body truly fits into this space can he truly realize the power contained in this space.

Even if you can't really feel it, you can at least save one life.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng no longer hesitated, and constantly released the various attribute powers inside his body to try to integrate more with this space.

It's just that a wave of attribute power that descended in the void completely wrapped his body.

As a result, his body was somewhat unbearable, and the bursts of light released from the surface of his body were crushed by oppression.

Just listened to the muffled sound of puffing, and under the strangulation of those terrible sword auras, blood stains appeared on Ye Feng's body.

Blood was released, dyeing the robe on his body red, looking a little embarrassed.

Many people have sneers on their faces, just waiting for the scene where Ye Feng's body is strangled by that terrible sword light.

They are such strong people, unable to withstand the terrible pressure in Jianhai, naturally they don't want a junior to do what they can't do.

Ye Feng released the exquisite sword of good fortune he had understood, and after the power of good fortune was added, his body immediately became more in line with this space.

He had no distractions, allowing those dazzling sword lights to split his body. In just a few breaths, there were no more bloodstains on the surface of his body.

The **** appearance, looks shocking.

Everyone sneered, looking at all this with contempt, and only heard one person say: "It's just an ordinary young man who dared to enter the center of the sword sea, even if he was strangled and shattered by that terrible sword energy, he could only Blame him for taking the blame."

After saying this sentence, it immediately resonated with many people present.

However, even though Ye Feng's body suffered a certain amount of injury, after he released the power of heaven and earth, the power of good fortune.

His body clearly fits this space more closely. Although those attacks have caused him damage, they are not fatal.

In other words, it looks very embarrassed, but in fact it is not that serious.

Ye Feng's body was under intense pain, and his body was cut apart by that terrifying sword light from time to time.

At the same time, he also released the power of his divine consciousness, using the power of divine consciousness to perceive the power in this space.

Especially the trajectory of the sword light, it is Ye Feng's main goal of comprehension, once he can comprehend the trajectory of the sword light.

He can further integrate into this space.

The powerful sword energy released from the center of Jianhai was indeed terrifying, and Ye Feng's body was in it.

The whole person's body is constantly being scrolled, and the light released from the surface of the body is getting brighter and brighter.

Those terrifying sword auras seemed to tear his body to pieces, gradually increasing the pressure on his body.

Ye Feng clenched his teeth and tried to extradite those sword qi into his body.

Sword Qi enters the body, and the skeletal cells of the major meridians in Ye Feng's body area bear extremely strong destructive power.

It made him utter a muffled sound, as if the meridians were about to be cut and shattered.

This kind of pain can't be described in words, as if the soul of the whole person will be cut and shattered.

Waves of powerful sword aura flowed in Ye Feng's body, and he tried to mobilize the sword aura inside his body to communicate with him, and he tried to merge little by little.

Immediately after refining, he was completely integrated into his body. Since then, although he has been suffering beyond ordinary people's imagination.

The sword energy contained in the body was constantly strengthening, and it didn't take long for it to reach a level that was unimaginable before.

Resplendent sword auras crisscross, extremely terrifying sword light lingers in the void, and Ye Feng's body has gradually become calmer from the extremely embarrassed appearance of being oppressed before.

His body is still at the center of Jianhai Storm, but it is much more stable than before.

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