Sky War God

Chapter 3255: Invite the Great Axe

"Trash, how dare you kill him!"

Tourmaline spoke to Ye Feng with a cold face. In his opinion, Ye Feng killed Lu Wenhui mercilessly at this point, just hitting their Suzaku in the face.

Ye Feng looked at the tourmaline, and said with a sneer: "He is only responsible for all this, who is he blamed?"

"You're still talking cold words here, do you know how you will end up doing this?"

Tourmaline spoke proudly. As the young master of the Suzaku clan, he had been spoiled and used to habit since he was a child. How could Ye Feng humiliate him in this way.

"Don't talk too much nonsense, you keep saying that I am a trash, then I want to fight with you. I wonder if you dare to fight?"

Ye Feng looked at the tourmaline, a provocative light flashed in his eyes, and said calmly.

This sentence made the expressions of everyone present stunned, and a bit of wonderful meaning appeared on their faces.

It seemed that he didn't expect that Ye Feng would say such words and directly challenge the tourmaline on the battlefield.

You know, the other party is the young master of the Vermilion clan, and the strength is not comparable to the previous Lu Wenhui, and the gap between the two is too big.

But Ye Feng wanted to go beyond the rules and challenge the tourmaline directly. Such a move completely subverted the cognition of everyone present.

Many people think that Ye Feng's doing this is a bit too arrogant, almost tantamount to looking for death.

A sneer appeared on the corner of the tourmaline's mouth, that smile was so contemptuous, got up from the seat, tidyed up his clothes, and said: "It's really interesting that all cats and dogs can be arrogant in front of me. , Since you want to die, how can I not fulfill you?"

After saying this, Tourmaline Alliance wanted to stand directly on the battlefield and stand with Ye Feng, but Baguio stood up and tried to intercept the opponent: "It's better to assign opponents according to the rules of Dragon City, in case..."

Baguio’s words did not come out, but the tourmaline had already heard the meaning of Baguio’s words, his face immediately became a little ugly, and said: "You are too worried, dealing with such a waste person, it will not take much time. The time for a stick of incense is enough to kill him!"

The words of Tourmaline made everyone present nod their heads, and they naturally heard the meaning of Baguio's words.

I think Baguio really values ​​Ye Feng too much, what kind of a tourmaline is, and how can someone like Ye Feng compare.

As long as the opponent makes a move, Ye Feng will certainly not have any way of survival.

Tourmaline no longer hesitated, his body quickly descended on the battle platform, looking at Ye Feng from a distance. He stood with his hand holding his hand, and the whole person seemed so arrogant, and said to Ye Feng: "Trash, you can shoot. Now, if I can't kill you in a stick of incense, I will lose!"

This sentence was full of absolute self-confidence, the self-confidence of the most arrogant person, and many people in the audience cast a touch of admiration on tourmaline.

The other party is worthy of being the young master of the Suzaku clan, and indeed has a certain demeanor.

A smile appeared at the corner of Ye Feng's mouth, and he didn't hesitate. Since the other party asked him to take action, then what else is he polite.

The footsteps stepped forward quickly, the cold breath of his body burst out, and the coercion of terror hovered around him.

The whole land trembled for it, and he slammed out with a punch, the fist pierced through the sky, wherever he went, the entire space trembled crazily, and everything seemed to be destroyed.

There was a bit of irony in the tourmaline's eyes, thinking that Ye Feng's doing this was simply playing an axe at the door of the class, and he didn't care much.

For the first time to dodge towards one side, a faint Suzaku phantom appeared on the body, using the power of the Suzaku to release his own physical skills and martial arts.

His figure is indeed very fast, and his body holds up afterimages, and ordinary attacks can't hurt him at all.

Under normal circumstances, according to the trajectory of the tourmaline's body, it should be possible to easily avoid Ye Feng's attack.

However, he ignored the space attribute power that Ye Feng understood, and Ye Feng's attack contained powerful space attribute power.

The space attribute power is released, enabling Ye Feng's attack to move in space instantly.

The tourmaline's body had already evaded it, and suddenly, Ye Feng's attack came before his body again.

This made the tourmaline's face a somewhat unbelievable expression. This attack speed was so fast that he was caught off guard.

However, the tourmaline's reaction speed was indeed fast enough, quickly condensing a destruction fist to contend with Ye Feng.

The rumbling sound of terrifying shock blasted through, and the terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

The attacks of the two collided in the void, and the entire battlefield was turned into a doomsday scene, with sand and rocks flying between the sky and the earth, and an extremely terrifying storm of destruction scrolling wildly.

The tourmaline only felt a terrible destructive force invading into his body along his arm.

This made his body tremble like an electric shock, and his body suffered a strong shock.

The footsteps were shaken back one after another at this moment, and his face was extremely pale.

This scene surprised everyone present, and an unbelievable look appeared on their faces, especially those strong in the Vermilion clan.

The attack power released by the tourmaline was already terrifying enough, but even so, it was still retreated by Ye Feng's fist.

"Space attribute power, he actually understood the space attribute power, just like Long Brother, it seems that Long Brother's space attribute power is not the only one!"

For a prescription, Guiyuan Jiannan said to Long Feiyang with a smile, both inside and outside of the words were demeaning to him.

However, Guiyuan Jiannan didn't say this sentence so straightforwardly.

"A person who is ranked or in the position of a **** can understand the power of the space attribute. It is indeed commendable, but how can his space attribute power be compared with Brother Long? The two are simply not on the same level."

Someone stood up for the first time and spoke for Long Feiyang. Long Feiyang's space attribute power has reached its peak.

Unleashing the space attribute power at will, not only can easily dodge the attack, but also integrate the space attribute power into his attack, which is impossible to prevent.

At this point, the previous battle had enough identification.

Long Feiyang hadn't spoken, just watched the battle between Ye Feng and the tourmaline so calmly. For him, the battle between the two was like a family, without any technical content.

Baguio's face was a bit ugly, she had reminded tourmaline before, so that the other party should not easily provoke Ye Feng.

Just because Baguio had long seen that Ye Feng was unusual, and didn't want his brother to take this muddy water.

But the other party didn't listen. Now that the battle has just begun, the tourmaline has suffered in the confrontation of the rainy night wind.

Baguio was a little worried, but here is the Dragon City Tournament. The battle has already begun. She has no right to end this battle. She can only pray that the tourmaline will be safe.

Tourmaline gave Ye Feng an attack and shuddered, naturally he felt a little bit of dissatisfaction. His face showed a bit of bitterness, his eyes became extremely sharp, and he gritted his teeth and said: "What kind of crooked way, dare to tease me like this, then, I will surely make you die miserably."

After saying this, the tourmaline released the breath from his body again, and waves of terrifying coercion continued to linger around him, making his whole body more and more violent.

The entire sky was trembling, and the terrifying destructive power shone in the void, and two palm prints were shot in succession.

These two palm prints evolve rapidly in the void, turning into the strongest Vermilion phantom, able to communicate with the sun, moon and stars, and quickly blast down towards Ye Feng's body.

Wherever the attack goes, everything will be destroyed, making the space in front of Ye Feng completely enveloped.

A bit of excitement appeared on many people's faces. They knew that this was the real strength of tourmaline.

With such a strong attack, how should the young man in front of him contend with the opponent?

"This guy had a certain advantage in a sneak attack before. Next, I want to see how he died!"

Someone said this for the first time, and there was a bit of irony in the eyes looking at Ye Feng. Many people nodded one after another. They would rather believe in the strength of tourmaline.

He didn't want to see the rise of strange faces like Ye Feng. Therefore, most of the people present hope that the tourmaline attack can shock Ye Feng.

Ye Feng looked at the tourmaline attack, his eyes were extremely sharp, but he didn't care much.

The opponent's attack power is indeed strong, but Ye Feng seems to have been prepared for the moment when the opponent's attack is about to come.

Everyone at the scene saw a hot breath released from Ye Feng's body, and terrible flames were constantly lingering around him.

The flame kept burning, causing the temperature in the space to rise suddenly, as if to melt everything away.

At the moment when the opponent's attack was about to fall, Ye Feng took a palm, and his palm print looked extremely violent.

Wherever the palm print goes, everything must be melted, the kind of flame engulfing space.

In the blink of an eye, it collided with the opponent's attack, an astonishing sound of impact sounded, and the power of destruction spread in all directions.

Under this collision, the tourmaline's body was shaken, and he desperately released the attribute power within his body.

The power of the Vermillion Bird is particularly terrifying, carrying an amazing demon power, as if to swallow Ye Feng's attack.

However, in addition to being extremely violent, Ye Feng's attack also contained powerful flame attribute power.

His flame attribute power has already reached the level of will, freely released, and can completely swallow this space.

The scorching heat quickly swept in, and wrapped the terrible Suzaku in a short time.

Suzaku screamed in her mouth, trying to break free, but she couldn't do it at all.

That terrible flame power is too strong, containing extremely powerful burning power, under the gaze of everyone present.

The terrifying Suzaku was melted away little by little at this moment, but the flame power released by Ye Feng enveloped towards the opponent's body without any barriers.

This made the tourmaline's face appear a bit of astonishment, and the body backed away in this view.

However, his speed is still much slower. The flame attribute power released by Ye Feng is not only strong, but also very fast.

Enveloping his body directly, the fierce flame power blooms at this moment.

Tourmaline only felt a strong pain from the flesh and skin around her body, and her body made a burst of flame burning sound.

The tourmaline screamed and struggled desperately, releasing the strongest power in his body.

He barely extinguished the flame, but he looked quite embarrassed, his whole body was like a layer of skin, and the surface of his body was blackened.

A burnt smell came out, drifting towards the distance, so that many people present could smell this smell.

There was a somewhat unbelievable look on their faces. No one thought that the flame attribute power released by Ye Feng would have such power.

Baguio’s pretty face was full of worries. She had always worried that tourmaline was not Ye Feng’s opponent. It seemed that her worries were correct.

Tourmaline's face was scorched, and his eyes looked at Ye Feng with a strong coldness. Fortunately, his quickness to break free, if he slowed down, the consequences just now would have been more serious.

"Trash, you dare to hurt me like this, if I don't kill you here, I will swear not to be a human being!"

Tourmaline gritted his teeth and said, the hatred for Ye Feng has penetrated into his bones.

After saying this, the blood in the tourmaline body began to burn, and bursts of blood attribute power exploded on the body.

The blood-red light bloomed, the sound of clattering continued, and the blood inside his body seemed to be boiling, which made the breath of his whole body changed and became even more violent.

His footsteps stepped forward, the aura on his body climbed again, and he slapped his palm, and the bloodline attribute power fused on the palm print was simply beyond imagination.

This one evolved above the sky, as if it turned into the most terrifying prison.

The destructive power of the bloodline attribute power contained in the prison cannot be described in words. If it really comes down, Ye Feng may be difficult to bear.

Those who are strong in the Vermilion clan looked at all of this, with a bit of expectation in their eyes, and they were extremely eager to see the scene of Ye Feng being suppressed by tourmaline.


However, before the tourmaline really landed on Ye Feng's body, everyone present saw Ye Feng stepping forward.

The power of the spatial attributes on his body bloomed at this moment, and the fusion of the will of the wind made his whole body seem to transcend the distance of space.

Stepping forward at will, his body quickly disappeared in place, his body was so dreamlike.

It just disappeared out of thin air, the power of a tourmaline palm print was very terrifying, even surpassing the power contained in all his attacks, but it still couldn't really hurt Ye Feng's body.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Feng's body reappeared, descending directly in front of the tourmaline's body.

A somewhat surprised light appeared on the tourmaline's face, and it seemed that Ye Feng's martial arts and physical skills would be so strange.

If he couldn't react, Ye Feng had already blasted a punch, and the power of this punch was naturally more terrifying, making the tourmaline difficult to resist.

The tourmaline's eyes showed horror, and he felt the power contained in Ye Feng's punch, and he didn't know how to resist it.

The power of destruction was earth-shattering, and to destroy the tourmaline here, the tourmaline felt a very strong sense of crisis, as if a force of death attribute was condensed and formed, covering his body completely.

All of this is so unimaginable, the tourmaline felt a strong death threat, his body wanted to move, but he felt his body was bound by an invisible force.

Under the control of that invisible force, everything in the body was paralyzed, and it became impossible to move.

In this case, tourmaline seems to have to wait to die.

Many people under the battle platform had noticed this scene, and they were frightened and frightened one by one. How could they have thought that the fists released by Ye Feng at random had such power.

And the kind of martial arts and martial arts he just released is indeed fast to the point of unimaginable.

Without even letting them know how the other party took their steps, they easily avoided the tourmaline attack.

Regardless of the timing, the level of ingenuity, or the speed of control, they are all top-notch. Such martial arts and martial arts are really unimaginable.

An ugly look appeared on Baguio's pretty face. She knew that the tourmaline could not continue to resist.

If this continues, tourmaline is likely to lose his life!

"My son, be merciful!"

Under this circumstance, Baguio couldn't help but plead. Tourmaline was her younger brother after all, and she didn't want to look at the other side and be killed like this.

Ye Feng glanced at the direction where Baguio was, and when he looked at the clear eyes of the other party, he suddenly felt moved.

I don't know why, not because the other party is a beautiful woman, but more because he can see a touch of sincere light in Baguio's eyes.

In other words, even though Baguio is a member of the Suzaku clan, he didn't intend to frame Ye Feng in his heart.

Prior to this, the tourmaline tried to attack Ye Feng, but Baguio also opened his mouth to block it. Ye Feng was watching this.

Therefore, after hearing Baguio's words, Ye Feng could not help but freeze his fist in the air.

There was cold sweat on the tourmaline's forehead. Before, he had closed his eyes, as if waiting for death.

But at this moment, Ye Feng's fist stopped unexpectedly, so the tourmaline involuntarily took a breath, and his heart almost burst out of fright.

"I won't kill you, get out!"

Ye Feng said to the tourmaline.

The tourmaline looked stunned, and a somewhat unwilling expression appeared on his face. He was defeated, and he was lost to a young man who had not yet obtained the position of a god.

Moreover, in the entire battle, Ye Feng had been in a crushing state, and he had no strength to fight back.

At the last moment, Ye Feng even spared his life. If not, he might have become a dead body at this moment.

For tourmaline, this is definitely an indelible shame, this shame is likely to accompany his life.

There was an uproar in the audience, and there was a lot of discussion. The ending of this battle was beyond the imagination of most people present.

Tourmaline is the young master of the Vermillion Bird clan, the opponent has been famous for a long time, regardless of the talented combat power, it is a top existence, and it was defeated by Ye Feng.

More importantly, Ye Feng is a young man who has not won the position of a god, but his strength is completely capable of crushing a god-level supernatural arrogant figure.

Such a character, even in the history of Tianzhou Dragon City, never seems to have appeared.

"Thank you, son, for not killing."

Baguio watched Ye Feng stop attacking, and a stone in his heart fell to the ground, and couldn't help but leaned to Ye Feng and said.

Ye Feng looked at her, couldn't help but waved her hand, and said lightly: "Let him take care of himself."

After saying this, the bee's body leaped towards the bottom of the platform.

Canglan, Junfeng, and Liao Tianhua smiled with joy, and each of them looked at Ye Feng with some admiration.

Congratulations one after another.

Ye Feng nodded to several people, and there is nothing to be proud of when dealing with an arrogant fellow like tourmaline.

The opponent's talent is indeed good, but he is too arrogant, and he can't see his shortcomings at all, which also led to the opponent's ultimate failure.

Mr. Qingfeng couldn't help but nodded his head, and the vicissitudes of life showed a certain satisfaction.

He also didn't expect that Ye Feng now grew to this point.

To be honest, although Ye Feng represented Qingfeng Academy in this Dragon City competition, as a teacher, he failed to truly impart Ye Feng's skills.

In other words, Ye Feng's ability to reach this point now is entirely achieved through his own efforts, and has no direct relationship with Mr. Qingfeng.

But even so, it was too easy to stop Mr. Qingfeng being proud of Ye Feng.

Although Ye Feng forgave the life of the tourmaline, he couldn't stop the red bird's hatred towards Ye Feng. In their opinion, Ye Feng embarrassed them.

If given the opportunity, they must make Ye Feng pay the most painful price. It's just that now it's the Dragon City competition, they can only temporarily suppress this anger in their hearts.

Next, the battle continued, and many top Tianjiao figures stepped onto the battlefield to fight their opponents.

Junfeng had already been defeated before that, which meant he was eliminated. In other words, there were only Ye Feng Canglan left in Qingfeng Academy.

Soon, it was Canglan's turn to take the stage to fight. The opponent he faced was from Yang Kai.

He is the second-ranked young Tianjiao of the Giant Axe Sect, and his personal strength is naturally beyond imagination.

The two started fighting on the battle platform. The giant axe in Yang Kai's hand was full of wind, and with each axe falling, the attack power released was beyond imagination.

Canglan was a little hard to resist, and he was almost hit by the opponent's attack several times, and Canglan's complexion was not so good.

All the clothes on his body were cut out.

Yang Kai looked at Canglan evilly, and couldn't help but sneered and said: "Beauty, what a beauty, to be honest, I can't bear to hurt you anymore, so be it, if you promise to sit down with me after you step down, I can definitely spare your life."

After saying this, Yang Kai's mouth let out a frantic laughter. This sentence can be described as extremely arrogant.

The eyes of many powerful giants of the Great Axe Sect showed a bit of triumph, and their great axe Sect and Ye Feng had an unshakable hatred.

Canglan and Ye Feng were in the same group, and they were going out when they molested Canglan on the battlefield.

Canglan Qiao's face was flushed for a while, and she could not help but said coldly to Yang Kai: "Thief, the cultivation is rampant!"

After saying this, Canglan released an even more terrifying aura from his body, and the jade hand waved, and that destructive force gathered in his palm.

This made Canglan's palm print power even more terrifying, and several palm prints bloomed at this moment.

Quickly covering the space in front of Yang Kai, Yang Kai's eyes became sharp at this moment.

Quickly withdrew that triumphant look and waited.

Although his body is burly, his body speed is not slow at all, and he quickly shuttles through the blue attack.

While avoiding the opponent's attack, while using the giant axe to launch an attack on Canglan, the power of the giant axe is earth-shattering.

Furiously trying to break the blue body into pieces, wherever he attacks, the entire sky will be chopped into pieces.

However, Canglan's figure speed is really fast, after all, she is the first day arrogant of Qingfeng Academy.

Personal strength is still there, and most of them are because of the appearance of Ye Feng, which covers up the blue light.

The battle between the two was at a stalemate, Yang Kai had an advantage in strength, and Canglan could not take much advantage when contending with the opponent.

The other party looks cumbersome, but the application speed is actually very fast. As a result, Canglan's advantage will be wiped out.

If the battle continues like this, Canglan will undoubtedly lose. At this moment, Canglan has sweat on his forehead.

Yang Kai is very good at observing. Seeing Canglan's physical weakness, a triumphant smile immediately appeared on his face, and he made a mocking sound.

Looking at the other party so shamelessly, Ye Feng felt disgusted in his heart. What he hates most is this kind of person who likes to take advantage.

Fighting is fighting, and I prefer to say that kind of disgusting words.

"Canglan, his weakness lies in the bottom game, as long as he seizes the right time and storms his bottom game, he absolutely can't hold on!"

Ye Feng has been observing the battle between the two. He didn't want to participate, but Yang Kai was really shameless and couldn't help but speak.

After this sentence was said, the faces of those giant axe sect wallpapers became extremely ugly, one by one they shot extremely cold eyes towards Ye Feng.

Yang Kai's expression became even more ugly. He had been trying to conceal his weakness, but he did not expect to be observed by Ye Feng.

The blue eyebrows lit up, and the opponent's attacks had been very violent. She parried hard, and there was almost no time to discover the opponent's weakness.

Through Ye Feng's reminder, Canglan suddenly realized, and began to use her strongest attack to storm Yang Kai and wait for the next game.

Yang Kai was beaten back in defeat, and his whole body trembled crazily at this moment, his body was constantly staggering, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

This scene gave all the people present a somewhat unexpected look, and most of them failed to see Yang Kai's weakness.

Canglan, who was already at a disadvantage, quickly turned defeat into victory under Ye Feng's guidance.


Almost at the same time, a muffled sound came out, and a Canglan attack severely hit Yang Kai's right leg.

Yang Kai screamed, and the sound of broken bones came from his legs. Yang Kai's body couldn't hold on anymore, so he fell to the ground in pain.

Canglan stepped forward and made a fierce attack. The terrifying big palm prints covering the sky were shot at this moment.

Yang Kai couldn't resist, his body was shot flying out at this moment, and he fell heavily to the ground below the battle platform, screaming in his mouth!

Blood spit out wildly, his face was extremely pale!

This scene shocked everyone present, and no one thought that Cangnan could turn defeat into victory so quickly.

And easily crushed Yang Kai.

A somewhat unbearable expression appeared on Yang Kai's face. They were already holding the winning ticket, but they didn't expect that he would be defeated by Ye Feng's guidance.

"I'm not convinced, the two of me fought fairly, and someone even gave instructions, I'm not satisfied!"

Yang Kai roared on the ground.

The person who hosted the strong star flashed his eyes, stroked his beard and said: "Dragon City Tournament Battlefield, no other people are allowed to help, but there is never a rule on whether to allow others to give pointers, so even if you lose , I can only consider myself bad luck."

After saying this, Yang Kai's face immediately turned pale, and there was a burst of despair in his heart.

If he loses like this, it is tantamount to being knocked out. He has waited for the Dragon City competition this time for 100 years, a full 100 years.

Unexpectedly, he was eliminated in this way after all. In fact, the strong host also hated Yang Kai's previous actions.

Therefore, even if Ye Feng pointed Canglan, he would not help speak.

The powerhouses of the Giant Axe Sect looked coldly toward Ye Feng, especially the first-day arrogant figure of the Giant Axe Sect, "The King of Axe", whose eyes were cold.

I saw the King Axe stand up on his seat, and the breath on his body burst out, looking extremely violent. I couldn't help but said coldly to Ye Feng: "It's really a mean thing. You dare to participate in everything. If I meet you, you will surely be broken into pieces!"

There was a sneer at the corner of Ye Feng's mouth. If Yang Kai hadn't been talking about molesting all the time, he would not point Cyan.

After all, to be fair, but that Yang Kai started to molested again and again, making Ye Feng feel sick.

Therefore, Ye Feng didn’t think there was anything wrong with what he did. Looking at King Axe, he couldn’t help but say, “Since you really want to fight with me, then, in the next round of battle, you and I don’t need to draw lots. Now, how about a fight?"

Hearing this, the eyes of many people present could not help but freeze for a, it seemed that they didn't expect Ye Shantou to say such words.

This sentence is obviously a declaration of war, and the declaration of war on the Great Axe King is indeed a little too bold.

You know, although the Great Axe Sect is not a top power in Tianzhou Dragon City, the strength of the Great Axe King is obvious to all.

In the last Dragon City competition, the opponent even successfully entered the top 100 seats, the strength is really terrifying.

Ye Feng dared to invite the opponent directly, which absolutely required enough courage.

Most people think that Ye Feng's doing this is a bit too big, and the Giant Axe is not something he can beat.

Author Wan Mu Zhengrong said: It's the end of the month, and the brothers with flowers will support me. Wan Mu is now writing two books together, so I am extremely tired. I hope everyone can support me, thanks!

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