Sky War God

Chapter 3298: Contest

This scene caused many people present to have their eyes flashed, and a somewhat unbelievable expression appeared on their faces.

It seemed that Ye Feng would dare to make such a big move in the face of the defender.

How terrible is the opponent's attack power, how could Ye Feng catch it so easily?

"Boy, dare to take my attack, I want to see how it died!"

The defender also spoke at this moment.

While speaking, he also deliberately released his destructive power to the extreme.

Desperately trying to suppress Ye Feng under such an attack.

However, the power of Ye Feng's big hands was many times more terrifying than he had imagined.

The opponent's attack was instantly buckled by Ye Feng's big hand, making it difficult for the opponent to move any more.

Under the powerful force, a somewhat ugly look appeared on the face of this defender, and he never dreamed that Ye Feng's big hand would have such power.

"How can your big hand have such great strength?"

This guardian couldn't help but asked Ye Feng, he didn't seem to expect Ye Feng to be so strong.

While speaking, he also desperately released the strength inside his body, trying to break Ye Feng's arm away.

It's just that no matter how he breaks free, he can't do this.

The power of Ye Feng's big hand is really too strong, so powerful that it is difficult for him to resist.

"Let go, let me go!"

The defender couldn't help but remind Ye Feng.

The sound was hysterical.

"Let go? Of course."

Ye Feng looked at each other with a sneer, and then waved his hand.

The strength on his arm burst out instantly, and he flew the opponent's body directly at an extremely fast speed.

The opponent's body fell on the ground fiercely, smashing into pieces.

This scene caused many people's eyes to freeze slightly, and there was a little unbelievable on their faces.

It seemed that he didn't expect Ye Feng to have such a strong force.

The defender stood up from the ring with difficulty and shook his head to keep himself awake.

"I want to kill!"

The defender gritted his teeth and said.

After this sentence fell, everyone present saw him stepping out, and his body rushed towards Ye Feng's position for the first time.

On the body, various attribute powers are released quickly, and each attribute power can evolve a stronger attack.

Accompanied by his fists out on the sofa, attacking wherever he goes, everything will be destroyed.

This punch arrived in front of Ye Feng's body in a short time, making Ye Feng's body feel a strong pressure.

However, he didn't seem to care about anything. Facing the opponent's attack, Ye Feng directly blasted out a punch.

His fist looks unpretentious, but it contains amazing power.

Wherever the attack went, the entire sky was shaken, and within a short time, it collided with the opponent's attack.

Everyone present only listened to the rumbling horrible shock of the sound car driving, the extremely terrifying destructive power spreading in all directions.

The hunter had a somewhat confident look on his face. In his opinion, his attack was enough to kill Ye Feng completely.

However, he did not expect that the power contained in Ye Feng's punch was not something he could resist.

Within a short time, everyone present heard the sound of cracking bones.

Under the influence of Ye Feng's fist, the bones inside the hunter's arm were snapped off.

The powerful destructive force descended on the opponent's body at an extremely fast speed.

As a result, the opponent's body suffered a devastating blow, and he could no longer hold on to it, and his body was directly blown away at this moment.

When the body was still sliding in the void, he vomited a mouthful of blood, his face was extremely pale!

This scene made everyone scared, and there was a strong unbelievable appearance on each face.

It didn't seem that Ye Feng's attack was so strong.

The previous defender had killed many strong men one after another, and now in front of Ye Feng, it is not worth mentioning, it is indeed a little unimaginable.

"Why is this person so strong? Who is he?"

Someone thought about this for the first time, and the eyes that looked at Ye Feng showed strong incredibility, and the others nodded one after another.

Ye Feng looked at the defender who was knocked into the air by his own attack, and couldn't help but ask: "Are you still fighting?"

The arm of the defender had been abolished by Ye Feng, and his body was also under extremely strong pressure.

Severely injured, where would you dare to compete with Ye Feng?

Facing Ye Feng's provocation, this defender shook his head one after another, and did not dare to have any more conflicts with Ye Feng.

Ye Feng stopped paying attention to the other party, and stepped towards the bottom of the platform, trying to leave.

"Om, hum, hum..."

It's just that, before his body moved, and not far from the prescription, there were silhouettes flashing towards this side.

Those people all come from the Gu family, they are strong in the Gu family.

"Where are you going?"

A strong Gu family spoke to Ye Feng coldly.

"Naturally leave here."

Ye Feng explained lightly that he came to power to fight only to save people, and had no other meaning.

"Successful fight, how can you leave?"

The strong Gu family spoke with a cold face, and his pupils flashed with cold light.

"I just want to save people, and I don't want to go to the stage to fight."

Ye Feng continued to explain to the strong Gu family.

With that, I want to leave here again.

"My Gu family set up a ring, just to recruit my Miss Gu, Gu Rong, who defeated the defenders on the ring, and want to leave irresponsibly. What do you take my Gu family for?"

The strong Gu family spoke like this, and the words he said became colder and colder.

"I said, I only want to save people, and I don't want to participate in the Gu family's contest to recruit relatives, sorry."

Ye Feng continued to adhere to his principles. Today, he is very eager to find Wudi Zhuangzi and others. How can he waste too much time here?

"This young man must be crazy. How many people dream of marrying Miss Gu Rong can't do it. He defeated the defender and wanted to take the initiative to give up this great opportunity. I really doubt whether he is a fool! "

Someone looked at Zhang Zichen mockingly and said.

The other people are the same, with a bit of contempt in their eyes.

You know, the Gu family's contest to recruit relatives this time shocked most of the young talents in Chu Xiangcheng.

They came here one by one, just to be able to fight successfully, embrace the beauty, and set foot on the pinnacle of life.

However, none of them can do this.

The difficulty of the ring set up by the Gu family is too great. The strength of the defender is comparable to the strongest of the same level, and no one can beat him.

Ye Feng easily defeated the opponent when he came to power. He could have sat on all this and became the son-in-law of the Gu family.

But he did not hesitate to give up such an opportunity, which is difficult to understand.

"I really don't want to fight, I hope you forgive me."

Ye Feng arched his hands at those who care about the family.

Everyone in the Gu family turned gloomy.

Their Gu family is the top family power in Chuxiang City, and their influence in Chuxiang City is naturally unmatched by other forces.

They set up a competition to recruit relatives, just to select the best young talents to become the husband of Miss Gu Rong.

Now that Ye Feng had defeated the defender, he couldn't help but regret it.

"This matter is not determinable. Since I have defeated the defender, it is equivalent to my family's person!"

The Gu family expert said so.

While speaking, he couldn't help but wink at the person beside him.

The strong Gu family immediately understood what the other party meant, and his eyes flickered involuntarily.

The two big hands grabbed out at this moment, trying to restrain Ye Feng's body right here.

However, Ye Feng was prepared long ago, and the moment the other two took action, he released the space attribute power that his body had comprehended.

Using the space attribute power to make his body completely isolated from this space at this moment.

Just dodge towards one side, and the body has appeared in other directions within a blink of an eye.

At that speed, many people in the room could not see clearly.

Ye Feng had no intention of fighting, and quickly flew towards the bottom of the battle platform.

This scene caused many people in Chuxiang City to blink involuntarily, and a somewhat unexpected expression appeared on their faces.

Unexpectedly, this guy was so bold, facing the oppression of the Gu family, he still tried to leave without hesitation.

For them, Ye Feng's actions were simply looking for death.

"Don't let him run, chase me!"

The faces of the two Gu family who had just shot Ye Feng were extremely blue.

In the case of the two of them working together, please still be unable to restrain Ye Feng, it is simply too shameful.

More importantly, Ye Feng defeated the guards, but did not want to marry their Gu family's young lady Gu Rong, which is simply a kind of blasphemy against their Gu family.

With so many people present, they must take this person down to save the face of the family.

Immediately afterwards, the bodies of those Gu family experts kept flickering, and their bodies became faster and faster.

In a very short period of time, he chased towards Ye Feng's location.

Before the body arrived, they released several destruction attacks one after another, trying to completely restrain Ye Feng's body.

As a god-level powerhouse, the attacks they burst out are still threatening to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng kept flashing his figure, the surface of his body was shrouded in light, and his whole body was so quick.

Constantly avoiding the attacks of these strong Gu family members.

It seemed that he had felt the movement here, and in the Gu family camp, many powerful men came quickly, and the record in front of Jiang Yefeng was completely blocked.

This made Ye Feng's expression look a little ugly. He didn't expect that one of his kind actions would cause such trouble.

"It's better to be the son-in-law of my Gu family, or you will die miserably!"

One of the strong Gu family members who arrived said coldly to the night wind.

This person looks very old and has a very strong aura. He is a top person at first glance.

His cultivation realm has reached an extremely powerful level.

Compared with the existence of other gods, the opponent's cultivation realm and strength are indeed much stronger.

"Forgive me!"

However, even in the face of the siege of so many strong Gu family, Ye Feng was still not prepared to give in.

He has his own principles, the more others threaten him, the less he will surrender to each other.

"Very well, it is the most kind person I have ever met, but I will definitely pay for my choice!"

The Gu family expert spoke coldly, and then he winked at the Gu family people around him.

In addition, his body flickered involuntarily, releasing his strongest physical and martial skills.

It quickly descended from the sky above the sky toward the direction where Ye Feng was located, and that ruinous Dao palm print could destroy everything.

For the first time, he rushed down towards Ye Feng's body madly.

It has to be said that the strength of the other party is indeed much stronger than other family caretakers.

This can be seen from this palm print.

Ye Feng's body just stood in place, and his body was also under an unimaginable pressure.

It's just that his body didn't move, but a punch was blasted out, and the power contained in this punch was also terrifying.

It just seemed so simple and unpretentious, the fists came through the space, and immediately collided with the opponent's palmprint.

Everyone present only listened to the rumbling sound of terror and shock, and the terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

The Gu family expert had a sneer on his face. He was a figure who had cultivated for endless years, and he was a very powerful person in the Gu family.

At the same time, his status is very high, so he did not go to the battlefield to become a defender.

But his strength is much stronger than that of the hunter.

Therefore, under this collision, this Gu family expert thought he could use this attack to suppress Ye Feng.

However, at the moment when the two attacks really collided, the strong man felt a strong pressure in the first time.

The power of that rhythmic shock quickly poured into his body, causing his whole body to tremble like an electric shock.

The body kept moving back, and his complexion didn't look good.

This scene made the faces of many Gu family experts present a little surprised, and it seemed that Ye Feng's attack power would be so strong.

This is an extremely powerful presence in their Gu family, and its status in Gu family is comparable to some elderly people.

The opponent's strength can be imagined, but Ye Feng's attack was shocked.

However, these family caretakers were only briefly shocked. They were very clear about what they needed to do next.

Therefore, without hesitation, the bodies of several Gu family experts quickly rose into the air at this moment, one by one releasing the strongest aura in their body.

A devastating attack burst out, madly blasting down towards Ye Feng's body.

The various attribute powers merged with the destructive power, trying to completely suppress Ye Feng at an extremely fast speed.

Ye Feng's eyes were sharp, relying on the advantage of his figure and speed, he kept dodge and move.

That kind of speed, swift beyond imagination.

He kept flashing and walking, at the same time, while flashing his figure, he released a devastating attack.

His destruction attacks are extremely powerful, and the space trembles wherever he attacks.

It can always bombard from an extremely tricky angle towards the direction where the strong Gu family is.

The strong Gu family felt the terrifying power contained in Ye Feng's attack, and a horrified light appeared on each face.

Trying to flicker on this, but Ye Feng's attack contains extremely powerful restraint power.

This restraining force completely fixed the bodies of these people in place, and could only watch Ye Feng's attack come like this.

Immediately afterwards, everyone present heard a burst of terrible concussive sounds.

The palm prints of Ye Feng landed on the bodies of several people, causing the bodies of the other people to shake.

A burst of screams erupted from his mouth, his body was shaken off at this moment, and blood was vomited when he landed.

Almost at the same time, Ye Feng's footsteps stepped forward again, and the whole person's mood became faster and faster.

Constantly flashing towards the other side of the street, the speed is beyond imagination.

This scene made the faces of many Gu family experts present extremely ugly, and naturally it would not allow Ye Feng to escape easily.

Each of them flashed, and the breath released by each of them became more and more violent.

One after another, they were attacked frantically and blasted towards Ye Feng's body.

These attacks could shook the world, madly descending on the back of Ye Feng's body, trying to completely kill and destroy Ye Feng.

Ye Feng's eyes were sharp, and his pupils flickered with cold light.

He didn't care about anything, the terrible aura on his body burst out quickly at this moment.

A palm print on the backhand was shot, and this palm print was earth-shattering and terrifying, carrying an extremely strong power of destruction.

In a short period of time, it is convenient for the attacks of those strong in the family to collide together.

Although the strong people of the Gu family are crowded and powerful, Ye Feng's attack is not what they can imagine.

This attack came down, causing these Gu family powerhouses to tremble. The whole human body was shocked.

At this moment, the body retreated one after another, and even some people couldn't hold on, vomiting blood out of their mouths, looking pale.

The eyes of the crowd flickered, and it seemed that they didn't expect that so many powerful people from the Gu family would be able to stop Ye Feng.

"Toast and not eat fine wine, how dare you ignore my Gu family's rules so much, I want to see, I have some skill!"

However, at this moment, everyone present heard such an indifferent voice from the prescription position not far away.

After the sound fell, it immediately attracted the attention of many people, and they saw that in the Gu family camp, a strong figure flashed quickly.

The aura of this person is extremely powerful, and a faint luster emerges from the surface of the body. This burst of luster belongs to the powerhouse of the ancient giant.

Quite a little unbelievable appeared on the faces of many people, but they didn't expect this incident to shock the Gu family ancient giant-level powerhouse.

"The Gu family's elder is dispatched, this person is in a disaster!"

Someone said so, there was a bit of irony in the eyes looking at Ye Feng.

If they were to be replaced by them, wishing to become the son-in-law of the Gu family, the guy in front of him would simply toast and not eat or drink fine wine.

Ye Feng naturally felt the bursts of tyrannical aura released from Elder Gu's body for the first time.

This breath is too strong, giving people an indescribable sense of oppression.

While speaking, the Gu family elder madly released an extremely terrifying empty hand to Ye Feng.

This empty hand is extremely powerful, and it completely covers a space in a short period of time, and does not give Ye Feng any chance to dodge.

Ye Feng watched that big empty hand descend like this, his expression gleaming, and he tried to avoid it for the first time.

But the opponent's Void Hand contained powerful restraint power, as if his entire body was completely controlled in place.

In this case, Ye Feng could only release an attack to resist.

Just listen to the shocking sound of the shock, and the terrifying destructive power spreads in all directions.

Although Ye Feng is powerful, he is still much worse than the powerhouse at the level of ancient giants.

Under this attack from the opponent, his body shook wildly, and his entire complexion became pale.

And that Gu Family Ancient Giant God level powerhouse seemed to be a little surprised, just because the destructive power contained in Ye Feng's attack shocked him.

That wave of rhythmic and turbulent power enveloped the powerful forces of various attributes, and it even made his body tremble.

Under this circumstance, the Gu family ancient giant **** level powerhouse had to take out a magic weapon from his storage ring.

This magic weapon is an extremely powerful Skynet.

This skynet can wrap all existence.

It just kept evolving from the void, and quickly descended toward the direction of Ye Feng's body.

Trying to cover Ye Feng's body completely.

An ugly color flashed in Ye Feng's eyes, and he naturally didn't want to be so restrained by the other party.

And he wanted to avoid it, but he couldn't do it at all.

The opponent's magic weapon seems to have a very powerful ability.

No matter how Ye Feng dodges, it is of no avail. He can only watch his body be so restrained by the other party.

The big net completely wrapped his body. Immediately tightening a little bit, Ye Feng can no longer move for a short time.

"Hehe, I see how to escape!"

That Gu family ancient giant god-level expert said coldly to Ye Feng.

There was a sneer in the words.

Ye Feng's eyes flickered, looking at each other, his eyes were so sharp.


Almost at the same time, the ancient giant of the Gu family waved his hand.

An invisible force wrapped that side of the big net into his palm.

There was a somewhat proud expression on the faces of the strong Gu family, they were waiting to see the scene where Ye Feng was restrained by this.

"This person violated my Gu family's rules of martial arts competitions. Now, in order to prepare this uniform, everyone will leave!"

The old man who took care of his parents spoke to everyone present.

Many people are a little bit reluctant, and seem to want to see the scene of Ye Feng being dealt with.

"Elder, this person has hurt so many people in my Gu family before, and it has completely lost my Gu family's face. I hope that the elder can rectify him on the spot!"

The strong man with great status in the Gu family prayed to the elder aunt.

The arrogance of Ye Feng in front of them before gave this strong man a strong sense of hatred towards Ye Feng, wishing to see the scene of Ye Feng killing him.


Elder Gu family directly rejected what the other party said.


The strong man asked unwillingly.

"After all, this person also defeated the defender of my Gu family before. Since the fight is successful, he is the son-in-law of my Gu family. This rule is set by the master of the family. We can't easily violate it. Take him to see the family and the eldest lady."

Elder Gu family said to the strong Gu family.

Many family members flickered and nodded.

Although they were also unwilling, this sentence was said by the great elder and they could only agree with it.

Ye Feng was bound by the Gu family elder and entered the Gu family.

As the top family power in Chuxiang City, the Gu family is naturally very vast.

People are prosperous, and there are many top talents practicing in the family.

Gu Rong is the only child of the Gu family.

Spoiled since childhood, it can be said that he grew up holding a golden key.

This also allowed Gu Rong to develop a domineering habit.

In fact, Gu Rong has someone he likes, who is the son of a figure outside the Gu family.

Named "Tao Long".

Tao Long is very talented and powerful among the Gu family's Tianjiao characters.

However, due to the other side's background, the head of the Gu family always looked down upon each other.

He has never agreed to the marriage between the other party and Gu Rong.

It made Tao Long very upset, already wanting to break the rules and marrying Gu Rong.

After learning of this incident, the Gu family's Patriarch directly held this martial arts contest to recruit relatives.

Even if Gu Rong was allowed to marry a capable person, he would not be allowed to contact Tao Long.

At this time, Gu Rong and Tao Long, the head of the Gu family, were in the same room.

This room is very large, and the Patriarch Gu is sitting on the main seat, and the breath of the whole person is extremely ethereal.

Just sitting there casually, it gives a very strong shock.

Gu Rong and Tao Long were seated in two prescription positions, and only heard Gu Rong say: "Father, holding a martial arts contest to recruit relatives, without the consent of his daughter, why should this be the case?"

Gu Rongsheng is very beautiful, even in the entire Chuxiang City, he is definitely a first-class beauty.

This made Tao Long never forget the other party.

"The boss is not young anymore, isn't it great to recruit relatives by martial arts, what's the matter?"

Patriarch Gu said.

Gu Rong's beautiful eyes flickered, and she wanted to rebut, after all, the person she likes is Tao Long, and she doesn't want to marry a stranger just like this.

"Patriarch, someone succeeded in the fight!"

At this moment, someone from the Gu family stepped outside and told the Gu family's head.

After saying this sentence, Patriarch Gu, Gu Rong and Tao Long's eyes flickered, and an unexpected look appeared on their faces.

You know, their family has set up this ring for many days, and no one has been able to successfully fight.

Now that someone can do this, it really surprises them.

"Is it true?"

Patriarch Gu asked, with an unexpected expression on his face.

"Naturally it is true."

The man confirmed.

"Very well, please bring this person in."

A look of Jingxi appeared on the face of the head of the Gu family.

Gu Rong and Tao Long looked a little ugly.

There was a cold look on Tao Long's face, and he couldn't help but say: "I really want to know who can succeed in the fight. If the opponent does not have that strength, don't blame my ruthless men."

The Patriarch Gu did not mean to hinder the other party.

If the other party has no strength, he naturally doesn't want to marry his daughter.

It didn't take long for Elder Gu's family to lead Ye Feng to this room.

And it liberated Ye Feng from that big net.

Ye Feng looked at the Gu family's Patriarch, Gu Rong, Tao Long and the others, their eyes flickered, and a somewhat flat color appeared on their faces.

"Hurry up and see my Patriarch Gu?"

The Gu family elder said coldly to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng didn't follow the other party's words, just stood there calmly.

He doesn't know the other party, so naturally there is no need to act according to what the other party said.

A sharp light flashed in Gu Rongmei's eyes, as if he was very dissatisfied with Ye Feng's actions.

He asked the great elder, "Great elder, is this person the one who fights?"


The elder nodded.

"How can a man who is so rude and who does not know where he comes from is worthy of me, Gu Rong?"

Gu Rong spoke coldly, looking at Ye Feng with a bit of contempt.

As if Ye Feng had no attraction to her.

"Didn't you hear what the great elder said? It's the most arrogant person I have ever seen!"

Tao Long also spoke coldly at this moment, his eyes so sharp.

"I said before that the fight is just unintentional. I am here only to save people. Therefore, please wait for someone to let me go."

Ye Feng arched his hands towards the Gu family master.

The Patriarch of the Gu family was taken aback for a moment, and he didn't seem to expect Ye Shengchen to say this.

After all, Gu Rong's position in the entire Chuxiang City is very and looks very beautiful.

I don't know how many top talents want to kiss Fangze.

But the young man in front of him did not pay attention to it, which is indeed unimaginable.

"It's true that such a wild person is not worthy of Miss Gu Rong, but since he has already come and is so rude to the Patriarch, how can it be so easy to leave now?"

Tao Long said indifferently, with a strong icy light in his eyes, there was an urge to kill Ye Feng completely.

While speaking, he also mobilized the breath of his body, trying to suppress Ye Feng in this way.


However, before Tao Long took a shot, the head of the Gu family waved his hand at the opponent, motioning him to stop.

There was a bit of cold light on Tao Rong's face. He didn't know what the Patriarch meant, so he could only take back the breath from his body.

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