Sky War God

Chapter 3321: Easy rolling

But because Ye Feng had the upper hand, the arm of the Sky Demon was chopped out with a blood stain, and the blood was continuously released.

His face didn't look good, he looked at Ye Feng and said coldly, "How dare you hurt me!"

Ye Feng looked at him and said indifferently: "You have always wanted to kill me, and still blame me for hurting people? It's really ridiculous!"

Ye Feng’s words were full of strong ridicule, and he continued to speak to him: "I am the companion of Ms. Ouyang appointed by Lord City Lord. If you dare to move me, it is against the wishes of Lord City Lord. The stakes in it are hoped. Think about it yourself."

Ye Feng said indifferently to the other party, with strong irony in his words.

The opponent’s expression was shining, and he opened his mouth to Ye Feng: "You killed the big disciple of Lord City Lord, and you dare to speak like this. Even if I kill you at this moment, I believe Lord City Lord will never do anything to me. Therefore, you can go to death!"

While speaking, the Sky Demon turned frantically and released an extremely terrifying destruction attack towards Ye Feng's body.

This destruction attack is quite powerful, and it comes with the power to destroy everything in a short time.

I arrived in front of Ye Feng's body for the first time and attacked wherever he went, and the entire sky trembled.

The power of that destructive force was too strong, causing the bodies of many people present to retreat involuntarily, really afraid that they would be affected by Ye Feng's attack.

Ye Feng naturally felt the terrifying power contained in the opponent's attack.

His body did not stay in place, but quickly dodged toward one side.

The opponent's attack came in this way, but Ye Feng's body moved to other directions at this moment.

At the same time, the long sword in his hand did not continue to stay. Instead, he showed a very bright sword light directly to the other party.

This sword light is not only extremely powerful, but the attack speed is also quite quick.

He arrived in front of the opponent's body in a short time, and completely killed and destroyed the opponent's body.

This scene made many people's eyes flicker, and their faces appeared a little bit unbelievable. It seemed that he didn't expect Ye Feng's attack to possess such terrifying power.

The same is true for the Sky Demon, a bit of cold light flashed in his eyes.

For the first time, a palm print was taken against Ye Feng's location.

The power of this palm print is extremely strong, it can be said that it came down instantly, trying to completely destroy Ye Feng's body.

Almost at the same time, everyone present heard an astonishing sound of impact.

The destructive power was madly released, the entire space trembled, and Ye Feng's body was shaken back again.

But to him, it is still nothing.

Just because his sword light power is too strong.

Moreover, all the destruction attacks can be concentrated in one point.

Let his sword light directly smash the opponent's attack!

But Ye Feng's attack power did not weaken at all, and once again made me feel a strong tingling sensation in the sky.

Blood gushed out again, the sky demon's complexion was extremely pale, and the Qi Orifices of Qi made smoke.

As such a top-notch character, he was hurt by Ye Feng one after another, which is definitely a huge shame for him.

It's just that he just wanted to launch an attack on Ye Feng, but not far from the prescription, a beautiful shadow flickered towards this side.

It was Ouyang Yanshuang impressively.

Seeing Ouyang Yanshuang coming in this way, Sky Demon's eyes flickered, and he tried to attack Ye Feng again.

However, Ouyang Yanshuang said to him like this: "Ye Feng is my escort, you need to bully the small."

After saying this, although the Sky Demon was unwilling in his heart, he could only withdraw his attack.

In front of Ouyang Yanshuang, how noble his status is, it is still not worth mentioning.

The other party is the daughter of Lord City Lord. What is he worth?

Ye Feng looked at Ouyang Yanshuang, smiled at the other side and nodded.

"Today you are fortune-telling, if there is a chance in the next day, I will marry you!"

The Sky Demon gritted his teeth to Ye Feng, and after leaving these words, he didn't stop at the convenience.

Instead, he flew directly and left here.

Many people's eyes flashed, and it seemed that they did not expect that such a thing would happen.

The mighty sky demon not only failed to kill Ye Feng. Instead, he left with scars, which completely subverted the cognition of everyone present.

"Are you OK?"

Ouyang Yanshuang asked Ye Feng.

"I'm fine."

Ye Feng rubbed his nose and said.

Throughout the battle, he didn't suffer any damage. Instead, it was the Sky Demon. His attack showed several blood stains, and he looked a little embarrassed.

"It's okay, I will send someone to protect your safety until we enter the Sky-Swallowing Devil's Cave together."

Ouyang Yanshuang continued to say to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng nodded faintly at Qi, and returned to his residence accompanied by Ouyang Yanfang.

The news from this battle also spread throughout the entire Swallowing Heaven Cheng City Lord's Mansion.

Many people were shocked, and it seemed that they didn't expect Ye Feng to show such terrifying strength.

That was the Sky Demon, such a powerful opponent, who failed to kill Ye Feng.

Instead, he was hurt by Ye Feng one after another.

Such strength completely exceeded the imagination of the people in the City Lord's Mansion.

In the next few days, Ye Feng was not harassed by others.

He has been practicing in his residence.

A strong breath spread from Ye Feng's residence towards 4 weeks. The demon aura he released was different from the demon cultivators in the swallowing demon realm.

This also attracted the attention of many experts in the City Lord's Mansion of Swallowing Sky City.

They have a strong interest in this outsider.

A few more days have passed, Ye Feng's personal strength has improved again, and his whole person's cultivation realm has gradually advanced towards the level of the ancient giant.

However, this is still a very difficult task for him.

The ancient giant **** level powerhouse, that is the real powerful existence.

Even in God's Court, it is very rare.

Able to stab a force and have many subordinates.

But it is not easy to achieve this state. The probability of ordinary people wanting to achieve this is extremely low.

Even those with strong talents have to work hard for an unknown number of years to be possible.

For example, the Sky Demon who fought Ye Feng before, the opponent's talent is really not weak.

But it took him thousands of years of training to defeat the powerhouse of the ancient giant **** level to accomplish this.

But now, there is not much time left for Ye Feng, and the realm of the ancient giant **** level is just one of the small goals.

Within 49 years, Ye Feng must rescue his wife and children.

In 49 years, for ordinary people, it may be very long, but after reaching the level of Ye Feng.

In 49 years, it is very likely that it was just a retreat practice or a wandering kung fu.

You can imagine how difficult it is to do this.

But Ye Feng never stopped working hard.

He firmly believes that he can complete the transformation within a limited time. And successfully rescued his wife and children.

A few days later, it was finally time for Ye Feng and Ouyang Yan to go to the Swallowing Demon Cavern.

The two of them were ready to go, accompanied by a number of powerful people from Tuntiancheng City Lord's Mansion.

The City Lord of Swallowing Sky City personally sent it off, but I was also full of unknowns on this trip to the Sky Swallowing Devil's Cave.

The city lord of Swallowing Sky is not at ease about his daughter.

Therefore, he chose Ye Feng as his companion.

Therefore, the stronger Ye Feng's strength, the happier the City Lord of Swallowing Heaven.

Although Ye Feng killed his big disciple, Dan Tun Tiancheng City Lord considered the problem from a different angle.

He was not too angry, but felt that his daughter had gone to the Heaven Swallowing Devil's Cave this time, adding a bit of protection.

"Yan Shuang, be careful!"

The Lord Tuntiancheng spoke to Ouyang Yanshuang.

Ouyang Yan nodded her head, a look of firmness appeared on Qiao's face.

In this trip to the Sky Swallowing Devil's Cave, she must get the opportunity she deserves.

Only in this way can she truly enter the ranks of the top powerhouses.

This time, in addition to the power-swallowing city master mansion, there are also strong guards from other top forces in the sky-swallowing city.

This includes the "Spring Festival Dragon" from the Spring Festival Demon Temple.

The "Donghuangke" of the East Palace.

The "North Snow Armor" of the North Snow Demon Palace.

They all obtained the qualification to enter the Heaven Swallowing Devil's Cave.

As the supreme Tianjiao figures, their strength is naturally beyond doubt, even stronger than the top Tianjiao figures in the City Lord's Mansion.

At this moment, they also gathered in the outer area of ​​the City Lord's Mansion.

Each of them was extremely powerful, their eyes were extremely sharp, and they saw Ye Feng standing next to Ouyang Yan.

There was a bit of coldness in his eyes.

Just listen to Bei Xuekai’s words: “I heard that this person is Miss Yanshuang’s escort, and I don’t know how the other person is capable of obtaining such qualifications. It seems that he has just obtained the position of the gods. Where can it be strong?"

"I heard that this person had previously beheaded Lord City Lord's personal disciple Yunxiao Demon, and his personal strength can be described as very strong."

Not far from the prescription, there is a strong person who said so.

After saying this, the eyes of Chun Xiaolong, Donghuangke, Bei Xuejiao and others were frozen for a while, and some unexpected light appeared on their faces.

It can even be called unbelievable.

In their opinion, Ye Feng is just a person who has just obtained the position of a god. How can he be qualified to be compared with Yun Xiao Demon?

But now, they actually heard this explosive news.

How terrifying is the strength of the Cloud Demon, is it just like this being killed by this person in front of him?

"He killed the Cloud Demon must have resorted to some kind of power, or used improper means. If not, how can someone like him have that kind of strength?"

Dong Huangke said so, and Chun Xiaolong nodded aside, thinking that Dong Huangke's words had some truth.

It's not just them, most people have similar thoughts in their hearts after this kind of news is delivered.

After all, Ye Feng, an outsider, said that he had such strength, it was indeed somewhat difficult to convince the public.

Because Ye Feng and the others belonged to the powerhouses of a city, just like Ye Feng, Lily and Solanum, they rode a flying magic weapon forward.

Ye Feng stayed with Ouyang Yan.

There was almost no communication with the other three.

But the other three had already seen Ye Feng displeased.

After all, Ouyang Yanshuang's identity lies there.

For other men in Swallowing Sky City, it has an absolutely powerful attraction.

But now, Ye Feng was able to cut his feet first, and was so close to Ouyang Yan.

They were naturally very jealous, and the expressions on their faces became extraordinarily cold.

This time, the Sky-Swallowing Devil's Cave was opened, and the people of the Sky-Swallowing City knew all this very well.

Including the specific location of the Sky-Swallowing Devil's Cave, they also fully know all this.

Go forward according to the predetermined position, as they gradually approach the position of the Heaven-swallowing Devil's Cave.

The bursts of powerful aura passed from the void constantly swept in, and that breath can be described as very powerful.

Carrying a place of amazing attributes, it keeps coming towards this side.

Those attribute powers are constantly invading into the bodies of Ye Feng and others.

Trying to completely occupy Ye Feng's body.

Ye Feng comprehended the powerful will of heaven and earth, and released it at will, which can also make him more compatible with this piece of heaven and earth.

Therefore, the attribute power released in this piece of heaven and earth could not really harm Ye Feng's body.

Today's Ye Feng, his body is completely occupied, but he does not have any waves.

Instead, he quickly released the magical magic that he had understood.

Using the magic magic method, the whole person's body is completely occupied.

It makes his body fit this space more closely.

Everything in the space continuously converged towards Ye Feng's body.

As a result, Ye Feng's body gradually became full, and the aura released from his entire body became stronger and stronger.

On the other hand, a somewhat unbelievable look appeared on their faces.

Even the demonic cultivators at their level, under that breath, still felt the irresistible impact.

I just felt that my body was about to be crushed and shattered by this pressure.

Especially when that breath enters his body, it makes people feel the unprecedented invasion force.

It is as if the tissue cells inside their entire human body must be completely occupied.

But even so, Ye Feng's body still stood calmly in place, and the breath released in the void seemed to be unable to really hurt his body.

More importantly, Ye Feng's body was instilled by that wave of magic power. The breath is constantly rising.

It seems to be constantly absorbing that wave of magical power to improve his cultivation level.

This scene immediately caused the eyes of Chun Xiaolong, Donghuangke, Bei Xuekai and others to flicker, and several shocked expressions appeared on their faces.

Never dreaming that Ye Feng could actually use that powerful swallowing attribute power to practice.

But they can only be oppressed by that terrible force, and the contrast between the two forms a huge contrast.

This makes their hearts become very unbalanced.

You know, they are the top talents of Tianjiao in Swallowing City, and they can't really bear a breath, so what qualifications do they have to consider other?

"How did this guy do it? The magic power released from him seems to be different from mine, and I don't know how that terrible magic power attribute is made?"!

Donghuangke looked unbelievable, and his words were full of unexpected light.

Even Ouyang Yanshuang would treat each other like this.

If not, how could it be?

A stream of oppressive force gleamed in the void, like a prehistoric monster, swallowing frantically toward their body for the first time.

That kind of speed is absolutely swift beyond imagination.

Ye Feng's body is still constantly absorbing those swallowing attribute powers.

It's just that all of this has little effect on them.

Ye Feng naturally felt all this, and a bit of unexpected light appeared on his face.

A strong man said: "I didn't expect this guy to be forced to this point, it is really unimaginable."

Ouyang Yanshuang was avoiding the pressure of aura. A word on Qiao's face was full of incredible.

For what Ye Feng did, he showed a strong surprise.

Finally, at a certain moment, the strong swallowing aura floating in the void gradually became weak, and it didn't take long before it disappeared completely.

This scene immediately made Ouyang Yanshuang and a few other people's faces a bit of surprise.

No one thought that that breath would go as they pleased, without giving them any preparation.

At the same time, Chun Xiaolong and others were also panting in place, their bodies being oppressed and unbearable.

If it wasn't for that breath that suddenly disappeared, Ye Feng and the others might encounter a crisis.

At this moment, Chunxiaolong, whose eyes were full of strong coldness, fell on Ye Feng's body for the first time, that expression was full of indifference, and said for the first time: "You, an outsider, can actually ignore the void. The breath released, I really don’t know how you did it. Please give me an explanation."

This sentence was filled with a tone of command, as if Ye Feng had to follow the other party's words.

One gaze looked at him, an extremely cold light flashed in his pupils, and he said: "Explain, what can be given to you, you have to understand it yourself."

"Fart, you dare to be so glib, it seems that we should kill you for this, so as to eliminate my hatred of you."

Chun Xiaolong said so for the first time, with a strong and proud light in his eyes.

As if he could dominate the emperor with a single word.

This scene naturally fell in Ouyang Yanshuang's ears for the first time.

Ouyang Yan's eyes flickered, and each kind of color appeared a little bit difficult.

For the first time, he said to Chunxiao: "We are away from home, which represents the city of Swallowing Heaven. We are now considered as a whole. If you attack him in this way, it is tantamount to breaking our rules. "

"Destroy it. I must suppress him to eliminate the hatred in my heart."

When Chun Xiaolong said so, he had already regarded Ye Feng as a thorn in his own eyes.

While speaking, Chun Xiaolong had already mobilized the attribute power within his body.

A wave of coercion continued to linger all over his body, making his whole body extremely violent.

A strong breath quickly emerged.

For the first time, an extremely terrifying destruction palm print was released against Ye Feng's body.

This ruined palm print came across space, and inside it was a powerful spring night force to merge with it.

The destructiveness of this attack was beyond imagination, and Ye Feng's body was to be completely destroyed.

However, Ye Feng didn't seem to care much.

Facing the palm print of the opponent, he didn't mean to dodge, but immediately released the aura inside his body.

Facing the opponent's palm print just like this, Ye Feng blasted out a punch without paying attention.

His fists can penetrate through the world, not only the speed is extremely fast, but also the power is not imaginable by ordinary people.

In a short period of time, the two people's attacks brought this one together, and everyone present only listened to the rumbling sound of the hole.

The extremely terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

Chun Xiaolong's eyes are sharp, in order to be able to directly kill Ye Feng in seconds.

He almost mobilized all the strongest power in his body.

In his opinion, the attack he released at this moment must be able to easily crush Ye Feng.

It's just that the moment when the two attacks really collided.

Fu Xiaolong felt the destructive power contained in Yefeng Boxing King.

The strength of the ashes of that femur seemed to be able to penetrate everything and descend, making his arm tremble for the first time.

The footsteps also receded one after another after being shaken, and his face was extremely pale.

All this happened so suddenly that many people were unable to see exactly what happened.

Chun Xiaolong's body was already retreated by Ye Feng's fist.

This is an aunt who surprised everyone. .

Ye Feng's instance released by an outsider turned out to be so terrifying.

Even Chun Xiaolong couldn't hold the opponent's attack.

It's really terrible!

Ye Feng looked at Chun Xiaolong, and his eyes showed a bit of irony: "I advise you, you still don't make a move. If not, you will definitely be the one who regrets it."

Ye Feng's words are like a piece of advice, and the ladies can see that Ye Feng is protecting the other party's safety.

However, these words fell in Chun Xiaolong's ears, making the other person's expression slightly stunned, and then an extremely cold luster appeared on his face immediately.

He couldn't help but gritted his teeth to Ye Feng: "Trash, do you really think that the attack just now represents the direction of the entire battle? If you think so, you look too high on yourself!"

While speaking, Chun Xiaolong's body rushed toward Ye Feng's direction again.

At this moment, the breath released from his body seemed to have become even more tyrannical. The whole person's footsteps were so swift, stepping forward at will, and the light above his body quickly emerged at this moment.

Various destructive powers merged on the body, frantically shooting terrible destruction palm prints at Ye Feng's body.

The power of these palm prints is so powerful that wherever the palm prints go, the entire void is shaken.

That powerful position of destruction seemed to be able to penetrate everything, and reached Ye Feng's body for the first time.

This time, Ye Feng did not attack the opponent.

Instead, he quickly released his own space attribute power.

Use the power of space attributes to flash your figure.

The speed of that figure seemed to span the distance of space.

At the moment when the opponent's attack was about to fall, Ye Feng's body had already appeared in other directions.

Almost at the same time, his terrifying Nirvana palm print had already patted towards the opponent's body.

Wherever the palm print went, the entire sky was shaken. That kind of power completely exceeded the imagination of everyone present.

He quickly reached Chun Xiaolong's body and tried to completely suppress Chun Xiaolong's body.

Almost at the same time, Chun Xiaolong also felt the destructive power contained in Ye Feng's attack at this moment.

This made him suddenly become a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, while Ye Feng's attack power was strong, he also possessed such a terrifying figure speed.

His attack power was so swift, but he couldn't really hurt Ye Feng's body for the first time.

On the other hand, the attack that Ye Feng released could give him a suppressive force beyond imagination.

The look on Chun Xiaolong's face became more and more ugly.

The terrifying power contained in Ye Feng's attack made him feel hard to resist.

However, he didn't care about anything. After all, face is very important to him.

If he loses in the hands of an unknown young man like this, then for him. It is definitely an unimaginable shame.

"A dream of spring night!"

This made Chun Xiaolong immediately aware of the seriousness of the matter.

He naturally refused to let it go.

In the face of Ye Feng's terrorist attack, Chun Xiaolong released his cultivation technique immediately.

The terrifying big palm print quickly blasted out at this moment.

The power of the spring night integrated in this palm print is absolutely beyond the imagination of everyone present.

In a short period of time, many people heard the rumbling sound of terror and concussion, and the extremely terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

The various attribute powers contained in the two attacks are constantly criss-crossing in space.

Trying to quickly suppress the breath on the opponent's body.

However, Chun Xiaolong still underestimated Ye Feng's strength.

Ye Feng's cultivation level may not be as good as him, but simply compares his combat experience and the powerful combat aura released from his body.

Ye Feng never cared about anyone who was slightly higher than his cultivation level, or at the same level.

He has been good at fighting against people since he was a child. Have a strong ability to leapfrog challenges.

Even if the cultivation realm is willing to exceed him, Ye Feng has had many experiences of killing such people.

Therefore, even if he walks to the court, it is difficult for Ye Feng to encounter a situation where a person of the same realm has the same combat effectiveness.

Unless it is some top-notch powerhouse, Ye Feng is not as good as the opponent.

At this moment, his whole body stood proudly in the void.

That powerful destructive force can destroy all existence.

Constantly instilled into the body of Chun Xiaolong.

This made Chun Xiaolong's body tremble like an electric shock.

The body of the whole person can no longer continue.

The blood on his chest rolled for a while, and his footsteps were shaken back at this moment, and finally he couldn't hold on.

There was blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, and his face was extremely pale!

This scene made the faces of several others unbelievable, that the Spring Festival Dragon is the top arrogant figure.

In Swallowing Sky City, it is almost difficult to find the existence of opponents.

How could the opponent be defeated in the hands of an unknown person?

It's just that even if they don't believe all this, they at this moment, in the face of the facts, can only accept it.

"Don't continue to attack. You are not my opponent at all. If not, you will only be ashamed."

Ye Feng said to Chun Xiaolong.

I don't want to continue fighting with each other.

After all, they belong to the same city, as long as the other party does not take the initiative to provoke them.

Ye Feng was still willing to leave a way out for the other party.

However, Chun Xiaolong didn't think so at all.

Facing Ye Feng's ridicule.

Chun Xiaolong didn't care at all.

The cold breath on his body broke out to a point that ordinary people could not imagine, desperately rushing towards the direction of Ye Feng's body.

Successive destruction attacks bloomed rapidly, and the particles of Meiyi to the destruction attack were terrifying beyond imagination.

The space in front of Zombie Ye Feng was completely sealed off, not giving Ye Feng any chance to breathe.

However, Ye Feng's terrifying palm print seemed to be something that Chun Xiaolong could not resist at will.

At this moment of the Spring Festival Dragon, if the body of the whole person is like a sword, the destructive force seems to be able to penetrate everything.

The powerful destruction came on the body of Chunxiaolong just to carry the power to destroy everything.

It made the Chunxiao Longkou groan, and the whole body could no longer hold on to it.

He was directly flew out by Ye Feng's attacking array, vomiting blood when his body was still in the air, his face was extremely pale!

This scene made everyone frightened. In any case, they couldn't believe that Chun Qiurong was so weak in the face of Ye Feng?

Even Ouyang Yanshuang was stunned by Ye Feng's strength.

This is Chunxiaolong, even Ye Feng's attack can be avoided.

It's really terrible.

Ye Feng looked at Chun Xiaolong who was lying on the ground, and said lightly: "We don't want to fight with you, but you just didn't listen. You are only responsible for this kind of scene now."

Chun Xiaolong was so angry that he gritted his teeth and couldn't help but said coldly to Ye Feng: "How dare you laugh at me like this, wait, I will definitely kill you if I get the chance!"

While speaking, the body of Long Cailiang Gun stood up and came to a prescription position and began to heal his injuries.

Ye Feng looked at the other strong men. Faintly said: "I think you were interested in discussing with me before waiting. Now, I will give you this opportunity and wait for you to challenge me."

After saying this, Dong Huangke and Bei Xuejia's eyes were frozen for a while, and they were a little speechless.

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