Sky War God

Chapter 3327: Devour the Flower Hunter

Chapter 3327 Devour Flower Hunter

The divine veins flowed, and the entire Xiaotuntian city shook, and a terrifying coercion hit the city once again.

No one would have thought that Ye Feng would be able to unleash such a terrifying power with the help of the God Mark of Xiaotuntian City.

A surprised light appeared on the flower hunting demon's face, and he saw Ye Feng's momentum skyrocketing, waving the God of Fortune Sword towards him.

"You are looking for death!"

In the next moment, the pink aura on the Flower Hunter spreads towards Ye Feng.

The sword light suddenly appeared, the pink aura had no effect at all, it was directly torn apart by the sword aura.

But in the next instant, the terrifying destructive power surged, winding around the sword light like iron sand, consuming the sword light crazily, but with two breaths, the sword light was completely annihilated.

Followed by the sword light like a rainstorm, it was overwhelmed and chopped down towards the flower hunter.

The sword light and the pink mist wiped each other away, making the flower hunter's expression serious.

"Fight consumption, you little god, are you planning to fight with me?"

The flower hunter's tone was full of disdain, and the pink mist all over his body skyrocketed again, as boundless as it contained.

No matter how powerful Ye Feng's sword light is, it is even close to the level of the ancient giant, but there is still nothing to do with the flower hunter.

The will of the sword is released, the sword light cut by the divine sword of good fortune is brighter, and the blessing of the will of heaven and earth makes the sword light even more vast.

But even so, the effect is not particularly obvious, no matter how violently the destructive power in the sword light is, it will be ground into powder in the blink of an eye.

"Don't waste your energy. Come to my side obediently and be a specimen for me. A man with a backbone like you is rare. I must concoct you well..."

Ye Feng didn't pay any attention at all, and kept pulling the formation pattern of Xiaotun Tiancheng, making his combat effectiveness stronger.

At the end, the **** patterns in Xiaotun Tiancheng were lit up everywhere, and there were a lot of **** patterns wriggling on every building.

Under the influence of these gods, the aura on Ye Feng's body became more and more violent, and various attributes and powers were also frantically improved, and it was even almost the same as the flower hunter.

A light of surprise appeared on the flower hunter's face, and he exclaimed: "You can actually mobilize the original **** pattern of Xiaotuntian City, who are you?"

This exclamation made everyone's eyes widened.

Little Swallow Sky City is the magic weapon of Swallow Sky City Lord, except that the descendants of Swallow Sky City Lord can barely use it, everyone else will be affected by the supreme demon energy in Little Swallow Sky City.

Ye Feng was able to mobilize Xiaotun Tiancheng's **** pattern for his own use in this situation, which had to be shocking.

"Impossible, this is impossible!"

"He is just an outsider, how could he control the city lord's Xiaotuntian city? It must be the eldest lady, who opened the back door for him."

"The eldest lady was confused. She actually gave such an important thing as Xiaotuntian City to an outsider to use. This is a disrespect to the city lord. We must report this matter to the eldest son."

"Yes, Ouyang Yanshuang, wait, this matter can't be left easily."

In the face of these people's arguments, Ouyang Yanshuang was also quite at a loss. She didn't know how Xiaotun Tiancheng had these changes and how to use it for Ye Feng.

But now that those are useless, with the help of the **** pattern of the small swallowing sky city, Ye Feng already has the ability to contend with the ancient giant.

The flower hunter looked at Ye Feng's eyes no longer contemptuously, and the pink aura around him continued to spread, winding towards Ye Feng.

"No matter who you are, you can't change anything in this matter today, just lie down for me!"

The pink breath released by the Flower Hunter rubbed like sand and gravel, and the terrifying destructive power was released, as if it was about to grind Ye Feng.

Every time a pink breath surging, it releases shocking destructive power, which can make heaven and earth collapse and space shattered.

And Ye Feng, who faced all of this, felt like a boat in a storm, as if he had no ability to resist.

"Huh, bug tricks, open it for me!"

The will of heaven and earth, the will of the sword, and the will of the magic way exploded at the same time, and a more terrifying destructive power was released from the Divine Fortune Sword, directly shattering the pink aura around him.

The sword light horizontally and horizontally, and even the entire Little Swallowing Sky City shook, and the more terrifying power slammed the flower hunter like the world fell.

In the Little Swallowing Sky City, the will of the Swallowing City Lord was contained. This time the eruption was like a collision between the Sky Swallowing City Lord and the Flower Hunter, causing the pink aura to be instantly shattered.

Ye Feng seized the opportunity, and a pure to the extreme sword light suddenly slashed towards the Flower Hunter, broke his defense directly, and slashed on his neck.

The terrifying power contained in this sword shocked everyone present. These people are in the realm of gods. In their opinion, this sword can already break the world and destroy everything.

Even the true ancient giant would be injured by this sword.


With a soft sound, everyone recovered.

There was a drop of blood dripping from the tip of the sword of good fortune.

I saw that there was a small wound in the flower hunter's throat, blood was overflowing from it, but soon, the wound had healed.

"Yes, very good!"

The flower hunter's hoarse voice sounded again, but this time, his breath had undergone tremendous changes.

Fierce, cruel, evil.

"I haven't been injured for a long time. Now that you have such an ability, then I won't keep my hands anymore. Enjoy it."

The Flower Hunter raised his hand fiercely, and a huge palm print patted Ye Feng.

This palm print is extremely fierce, covering the void of one party, rushing through the aura of destruction crazily, and carrying terrifying pressure.

Under this palm, the space is stagnant, even if Ye Feng wants to use the spatial will to leave, he can't do it.

The divine sword of good fortune was raised with difficulty, and the will of the sword was added, causing Ye Feng to cut out a sharp sword light.

At the same time, Ye Feng was also extracting the power of Xiaotun Tiancheng to resist this terrifying palm print.

Under the scouring of Jianguang rainstorm, that palm print finally changed a little.

The palm print was torn apart by the sword light, and the destructive power in it surged out like a flood, and hit Ye Feng fiercely.

Ye Feng also had a dignified look, clenched his fists, his unadorned fists gathered, and rushed toward the ruinous current.

That seemingly unpretentious punch unexpectedly exploded with a terrifying force that shocked everyone.

A huge roar sounded, and the terrifying sound of shock made people dizzy, and those who were closer were overturned directly, falling heavily to the ground, vomiting blood.

Breaking open a palm print, Ye Feng's grasp of Xiao Tuntian City improved by one point, and also a move to destroy Dao palm print and hit the flower hunter.

The flower hunter showed a look of disdain.

To him, Ye Feng is like a child, and maybe it can cause a little damage to him, but when he really does it, Ye Feng can't hold on.

Another palm print was shot, facing Ye Feng's ruining road palm print attack.

This time, the Flower Hunter also moved true. He didn't want to waste any more time, so he planned to use this blow to kill Ye Feng.

The two palm prints met in mid-air, and before they could touch, the palm print released by Ye Feng exploded violently.

This explosion, the terrifying destructive force overwhelmed the sky, directly engulfing the palm prints of the Flower Hunter.

After that, there were successive explosions, causing the entire Xiaotuntian City to vibrate.

Flower Hunter's face became more and more ugly. He was a Heaven-Swallowing Thief, an ancient giant, and countless gods had been killed by his men. He did not expect to be blocked by such a small **** for so long!

"Damn you!"

Under the anger, the flower hunter's expression also became hideous, and successive huge palm prints bombarded Ye Feng.

"Those who can make me attack like this are already strong people at the same level as me. Even if you can do this with the help of Xiaotun Tiancheng, then you are proud of yourself."

The Flower Hunter had cold eyes, and his breath became extremely terrifying, making it very difficult for people to breathe.

Ye Feng's eyes condensed, and he withdrew the divine sword of good fortune in an instant, staring at those horrible palm prints dullly, as if he had lost his fighting spirit.

"Yes, give up, you can't live anymore."

"Even if the City Lord of Swallowing Heaven City comes, he can't keep your life in my hands."

The Flower Hunter kept talking, those voices constantly poured into Ye Feng's ears, interfering with his spirit and affecting his judgment.


Seeing this, the corners of the flower hunter's mouth kept rising, as if he could laugh at any time.

At the moment of crisis, Ye Feng's body suddenly rose with blood-red light.

The terrifying devouring power was released, and all the attacks near Ye Feng were solidified.

In the blink of an eye, everyone heard the earth-shattering roar, and those huge palm prints full of destructive power were all covered by blood-red brilliance.

"This, what is this?"

When everyone was puzzled, Ye Feng's figure walked out of the blood-red light, and the devouring power on the holy magic spear became more and more terrifying.

Almost every step Ye Feng took, several huge palm prints were swallowed by the holy magic spear.

Even the Flower Hunter was shocked by such terrifying pressure.

"Good, good!"

After the initial shock, the flower hunter's expression turned into ecstasy.

"Unexpectedly, you still have such a powerful magic weapon. In that case, leave it to me."

"With this baby, my strength can be improved a step further. Bring it to me."

After the Flower Hunter saw the Holy Demon Spear, he could no longer control his emotions, and stretched his palms toward Ye Feng.

At the same time, various terrifying powers were also released from the flower hunter, trying to restrain the holy magic spear.

Ye Feng was unmoved, just wielding the holy magic spear intently.

The spear lights cut the space, and the attacks released by the flower hunters were all swallowed by the spear lights when they hit the spear lights of the magic spear.

And these swallowed powers were transferred to Ye Feng's body, making his aura more violent, even tyrannical.

The crystal of fragrant tea blooms with green light, purifying these evil auras and keeping Ye Feng sober.

But just like this, Ye Feng's eyes gradually turned dark, and his actions became increasingly crazy.

Finally, after blasting thousands of moves, the Flower Hunter got close to Ye Feng, raised his hand and grabbed it towards the Holy Demon Spear.

Ye Feng didn't evade, so he sent the Holy Magic Spear away.

The sharp spear light directly pierced the flower hunter's palm and began to devour everything about the flower hunter crazily.


The Flower Hunter snorted, but his face showed even more joy.

"Well, it's really a good baby, it can have such a powerful swallowing power. If I can get this baby, who else is my opponent in the world?"

Feeling that the Holy Magic Spear is constantly devouring everything about him, the Flower Hunter is even more excited, and it has increased the instillation of the Holy Magic Spear's power.

The Flower Hunter was a genuine ancient giant, with a vast amount of energy, even the sporadic exposure of his fingertips, enough to burst Ye Feng.

Now he took the initiative to infuse his strength and immediately swelled Ye Feng's body.

Ye Feng's consciousness was also a little fuzzy, and the continuous energy from the holy magic spear made his body expand more and more, and even exploded.

"Boy, I want to see how much power you can bear."

The Flower Hunter continued to infuse energy frantically, making this power even more vast, and Ye Feng's body at this moment was also inflated like a balloon.

Ye Feng was also constantly running his own techniques, quickly digesting these terrifying energy, but he was just a god, and he couldn't bear such a vast energy at all.

And the war spirits in his body also began to divide their work and devour these energies.

The dragon war spirit is in a state of metamorphosis, with the help of the vast energy, he began to quickly refine the Destruction Storm Long knife that he had just swallowed.

In addition to the dragon war spirit, there are also the phoenix war spirit and the death war spirit.

Facing such a vast amount of energy, these war spirits also began to absorb and refine wildly, allowing their own roots to continue to increase while feeding back Ye Feng.

Shenlong war spirits swallowed energy, making the body more solid, and swallowing energy faster and faster.

The fire of Nirvana on the body of the phoenix war spirit is becoming more and more vigorous, and the body of the war spirit is also constantly fluctuating.

The last Death God war spirit is the most peaceful, and those energy flows through the death war spirit to the ten thousand soul banner, making the ten thousand soul banner even more mysterious and fierce.

And in this process, the body of the death **** war spirit became more and more illusory, as if it was about to turn into a cloud of black smoke that did not exist.

Even if there are three great war spirits madly distributing energy, the energy consumed by the holy magic spear is still a fraction of the price, and it cannot affect the battle.

Soon, Ye Feng's body was cracked, and a lot of blood poured out, bursting Ye Feng at any time.

"Want to kill me? No way!"

Ye Feng let out a roar, grabbed the flower hunter's arm, and tried his best to run the Hell Heart Sutra, transforming his own energy into death power, and sent it back into the flower hunter's body.

Feeling that his own vitality began to decay, although it had little effect on the vitality of the ancient giant, it still made the Flower Hunter feel a certain threat.

Thinking of this, the Flower Hunter didn't plan to stalemate with Ye Feng anymore, slammed a palm, and was about to annihilate Ye Feng completely.

However, this destructive force had just left the body of the Flower Hunter, and before releasing his terrifying might, it was swallowed by the Holy Demon Spear and sent into Ye Feng's body.

After that, no matter how hard the flower hunter works, how terrifying the attack he releases, he will not be able to cause substantial damage to Ye Feng, but will allow Ye Feng to consume his power faster.

It was also because of this that Ye Feng's body had swelled three times, and the rich energy surged in his body, impacting his body, stirring Ye Feng's body into a paste.

If it hadn't been for the raging fire of Nirvana, and the power of good fortune to reshape his body crazily, Ye Feng would have exploded long ago.

At the moment when that group had reached a critical point, Ye Feng's body had undergone a strange change.

Those vast energies, like finding a goal, rush towards a place frantically.

There, a spiritual orb slowly rotated, but no matter how much energy poured in, it would be swallowed by it, and it would no longer be able to turn over any waves.

"Huntian Lingzhu?"

Perceiving the direction of the energy, Ye Feng was also a little surprised. He didn't expect the Huntian Spirit Orb to be effective at this time.

But it's right to want to come.

The energy of an ancient giant is so vast, of course, it can promote the awakening of the Huntian Spirit Orb.

Moreover, the Huntian Lingzhu thought that there was no upper limit, frantically devouring the excess energy in Ye Feng's body, allowing Ye Feng's body to quickly return to normal.

The Flower Hunter was preparing to increase the energy instillation and directly exploded Ye Feng.

But when he increased the energy instillation, not only did not let Ye Feng continue to expand, but gradually returned to normal, the flower hunter's expression became extremely frightened.

"No, no, what the **** is going on, my energy, my vitality!"

The Flower Hunter's face changed drastically, and he roared loudly.

But no matter what he did, he couldn't change the current situation, he could only watch his energy being swallowed by Ye Feng.

The stalemate between the Flower Hunter and Ye Feng also shocked the people around them and didn't know what to say.

That was the Flower Hunter, one of the members of the Sky-Swallowing Thief, and was not at the same level as the ancient giants that Ye Feng had encountered before.

But even such a person couldn't kill Ye Feng completely, and even fell into a disadvantage.

"I must be dreaming, I must be dreaming!"

Nan Fengyi was even more frightened when she saw this scene.

You know, even the Great Young Master of Swallowing Sky City doesn't have such strength. At this moment, Ye Feng's performance really shocked him enough.

Relying on the Sky Mixing Spirit Orb and the Holy Demon Spear, Ye Feng abruptly swallowed the Flower Hunter in fear.

"No, don't swallow it, I know I was wrong, I shouldn't have come to rob you, please let me go."

Feeling the more and more terrifying swallowing power on the holy magic gun, and the form shown by Ye Feng, made the flower hunter even more frightened, and finally began to cry for mercy.

But his begging for mercy had no effect, and Ye Feng would not let him go, nor could he let him go.

How terrifying is the devouring power of the Holy Demon Spear, Ye Feng is the most clear, even in the entire Sky-Swallowing Demon Realm, the Holy Demon Spear can swallow him in, let alone an ancient giant?

Not satisfied with this magic weapon, Ye Feng would suffer the backlash of the Holy Magic Spear.

The devouring power of the holy magic spear is getting more and more terrifying, but the Huntian Spirit Orb is still not rejected, swallowing all the energy cleanly, and even the three great spirits can't grab it.

Just like this, it is impossible to satisfy the Sky Hun Ling Orb, and it may even stimulate the Sky Hun Orb to further expand and swallow the divine might.

"Let me go, I was wrong, I don't dare anymore...

I am an ancient giant, I am very useful, please let me go, I really dare not! "

No matter how the Flower Hunter begged, Ye Feng remained unmoved, or in other words, he couldn't move.

The energy swallowed by the holy magic spear was also mixed with a large amount of evil will. At this moment, Ye Feng was running the crystal of fragrant tea with all his strength to purify those evil wills.

As for the essence of Demon Dao Cultivation Technique contained in these wills, it was also absorbed by Ye Feng and integrated into the Magic Dafa.

With the supplement of the essence of these magic ways, this technique has become more and more perfect, and also more unpredictable, evil and strange.

Even if he didn't cooperate with the attribute will, Ye Feng could defeat most of the gods with it.

The devouring continued. In the end, the Flower Hunter had no ability to resist, and even the voice of begging for mercy became very weak.

Seeing this scene, everyone was horrified and speechless.

No one dared to say anything to Ye Feng anymore, after all, he could kill even the ancient giants, pinching them to death these little gods is no more difficult than crushing an ant.

After swallowing a whole little half an hour, the flower hunter, the ancient giant, was swallowed up by the holy magic spear, and there was no residue left.

Closing his eyes and resting, Ye Feng felt his current cultivation base, the gods realm has been completely stabilized, and he can quickly improve his strength in the future.

After the death of the Flower Hunter, everyone in Xiao Tuntian City also regained their ability to move, and they all stepped aside and distanced themselves from Ye Feng.

"Nan Fengyi, what should we do, this guy is too scary."

Someone asked Nan Fengyi.

Nan Fengyi looked gloomy, and then said: "That guy can have such strength, partly because of Xiaotuntiancheng's **** pattern, and partly because of the spear in his hand.

We report this matter to the eldest son, and ask the eldest son to decide. "

"Eldest son, can he do it?"

Someone was shocked by Ye Feng's terrifying power, and asked carefully.

"To shut up!"

Nan Fengyi roared, and then slapped the face of the person who just spoke.

"The big young man is the first genius in the city of swallowing the sky for thousands of years. His strength is unfathomable, and he broke through to the ancient giant at a young age. How could he be afraid of a countryman?"

Nan Feng Yi exclaimed in a sharp tone.

Afterwards, Nan Fengyi said solemnly: "The things the eldest son handed over to us this time must not make any mistakes, otherwise you just wait to die."

Everyone was stubborn and didn't dare to make any noise. Even if Nan Feng Yi's cultivation base was abolished, he would still be the celebrity in front of the eldest son. If he offends him, there will be no good fruit in the future.

Only the person who was slapped by Nan Fengyi just now had a gleam in his eyes and then lowered his head again.

On the other side, after Ye Feng stabilized his situation, he also looked at Ouyang Yanshuang.

"Are you really okay?"

After this battle, the aura on Ye Feng's body was even more terrifying, even Ouyang Yanshuang was a little afraid.

"no problem."

In a simple response, Ye Feng also looked outside Xiaotun Tiancheng.

Xiao Tuntian City originally escaped in the void, but this time it was captured by the flower-hunting thief's men with a void trap.

If you want to drive Xiaotun Tiancheng again, you must deal with those flower hunters outside.

Ouyang Yanshuang's face was also ugly, because she was the only one who could listen to her request this time, Ye Feng.

Those people Nan Fengyi only obeyed the Grand Lord, and most of them would be ignored even if they were ordered by the City Lord of Swallowing Heaven.

"Why, don't you start?"

Seeing Ouyang Yanshuang's delay in launching Xiaotun Tiancheng, Ye Feng also asked.

Ye Feng is willing to help Ouyang Yanshuang, the biggest reason is that she can go to the Heaven Swallowing Devil Cave through her, if the delay is too long, Ye Feng will not accept it.

Ouyang Yan frowned slightly and told Ye Feng about the current situation.

"In other words, are they delaying our business?"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng's body was full of killing intent, which made Ouyang Yanshuang a little unbearable.

"Yes, yes, but there are at least a few thousand people outside, and even if I use some small swallowing methods, I can't kill them all."

Ouyang Yan swallowed her saliva and said carefully.

"You don't need to worry about it, I will solve this matter."

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Feng had already activated his spatial will and disappeared in place.

At this moment, Ye Feng's heart was filled with anger.

Ye Feng's wife and children were all captured by the Old Devouring Demon. He only had 49 years to improve himself and rescue his wife and children.

For him, every minute and every second of these forty-nine years is precious, and there should be no waste.

And now, the most important thing for him is to go to the Heaven Swallowing Demon Cave, find the giant cauldron, and improve his cultivation.

Now someone dares to stop him from going to the Heaven-swallowing Devil's Cave, and that is to die with Ye Feng.

The dark magic flame burns, and along with the black wind bursts, the magic magic Dafa has run to the extreme, and there are various mysterious aura fluctuations.

When Ye Feng walked to the gate of Xiaotuntian City, his breath had become extremely terrifying.

"People have come out, has the boss already taken down Xiaotun Tiancheng?"

"No, this popular scene is a bit weird, it seems to be a hands-on, everyone is on guard!"

"How can it be possible that the boss shot, there are still some who can't take it down?"

Ye Feng had already started before the flower hunters could react.

The terrifying magic fire spreads all over the sky, the magic magic Dafa cooperates with the fire of Nirvana, and there is the will of the magic way, the will of the fire attribute and the intention of the wind attribute are integrated, so that Ye Feng's combat effectiveness is constantly superimposed.

"Die to me!"

Ye Feng snorted coldly, and the overwhelming magic fire burned towards the six flying boats.

"If you really come to attack, brothers, don't idle, kill him!"

Someone yelled and saw hundreds of people rushing out of the flying boat.

"Group attack, just let me try the current Ten Thousand Soul Banner!"

With a cold snort, Ye Feng released the Death Warrior.

Swallowing a large amount of energy, the purple-ranked death **** war spirit has also changed, the original death **** war spirit has become a thick black mist that can't be removed.

Just looking at it makes people feel creepy.

In the hands of the death **** war spirit, the banner of ten thousand souls swayed gently, and the four evil spirits flew out from it and rushed towards the sky-swallowing robbers.

In the first moment when the Heaven-Swallowing Thief and the Wronged Souls came into contact, the Wronged Soul was broken into pieces.

But these fragments directly entangled these people, and in the next moment they penetrated into their bodies, devouring their vitality crazily.

"No, what is this, what are these things!"

The people who were entangled in the evil spirits exclaimed, but some of them seemed to be burned by fire, and some seemed to be covered in frost.

All kinds of negative effects appeared on them, continuously causing terrible damage to them, and causing their psychological defenses to continue to collapse.

What's more terrifying is the magic magic used by Ye Feng.

After continuous improvement, Ye Feng directly evolved a dozen monsters and attacked those people.

The phoenix transformed by the dark fire, the giant dragon transformed by the dark storm, the giant kun transformed by the current of the magic road...

Each one carries the power of destroying the world, making it hard to guard against.

"If you dare to block my way, then you will die for me!"

Ye Feng roared, the power of Illusory Demon Dafa was even more terrifying.

The terrifying destructive power continued to erupt, but after a few breaths, some people were torn apart by two monsters, and the vitality of one body was taken away by Ye Feng.

Under Ye Feng's violent attack, those Sky-Swallowing Thieves had no resistance at all, they were killed in a blink of an eye and fled in all directions.

But now, they can't escape.

Everyone who was killed by Ye Feng was robbed of the spirits by the ten thousand soul flags, and turned into unjust souls to be reborn in the ten thousand soul flags.

After some battle, Ye Feng not only did not have any damage, but caused huge damage to the sky swallowing thieves.

What's more serious is that there are more and more unjust souls on Ye Feng's Ten Thousand Soul Banners, and an army of unjust souls has gradually formed, which surrounds the Sky-Swallowing Thieves and continues to eat away.

"Who is this guy and why is it so scary?"

"The boss, why hasn't the boss come out yet, has the boss abandoned us?"

These people are all attached to the flower hunting demon, and there are almost no real powerful combatants, even if there are one or two, they are all easily killed by Ye Feng.

The rest of the people are already crazy, some are going to fight Ye Feng, some are kneeling on the ground begging Ye Feng for his life.

Ye Feng ignored the feelings of these people and directly killed them all and refined them into the Ten Thousand Soul Banner.

As for the people who stayed on the flying boat, Ye Feng also did not let go. Hundreds of grievances rushed past and directly killed the people hiding in the flying boat.

After killing all the Heaven-Swallowing Thieves, Ye Feng let out a sigh of relief and put away all the flying boats before returning to Xiao Tuntian City.

Just now, those people in the city already knew Ye Feng's terrifying record outside the city.

For the Sky-Swallowing Thief Feng can fight a one-sided battle, which makes it difficult for these people to accept.

Seeing the terrifying aura on Ye Feng's body, these people also backed down, not daring to appear in front of him.

"I have taken care of the outside, let's go as soon as possible."

After confessing to Ouyang Yanshuang, Ye Feng also returned to his room to sort out the recent harvest.

The Sky-Swallowing Thief is the top bandit in the Sky-Swallowing Demon Realm, and they still have a lot of good things in their hands.

While Ye Feng was studying those things, he suddenly noticed that someone was sneaking close to his room.

Ye Feng frowned, and the Magical Magic Dafa was activated, and a giant pitch-black hand gathered, silently grabbing the man in.

"Who are you? What are you here for?"

Seeing Ye Feng, the man knelt on the ground all of a sudden and said quickly: "I'm here to send a message to the adults."

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