Sky War God

Chapter 3334: Destroy the world

Chapter 3334 World Destruction Great Mill

In an instant, a terrifying aura erupted from Ye Feng's body, scouring the circle of ten thousand demons fiercely.

The guarding formation of this city of Gods and Demons is indeed very powerful, but when facing the monster Ye Feng, it can't play its due role.

The spatial will, the heaven and earth will, and even the magical will will be mixed, continuously released from Ye Feng's body, forming a terrifying coercive effect.

The rotation of the magic circle is to take advantage of the linkage between the people to form a terrifying traction force, so that the space in the large array is distorted and flooded with destructive energy to kill the enemy.

But Ye Feng's move was abruptly using his own strength to counter the entire array.

What's more terrifying is that with one person, Ye Feng was able to level with the circle of ten thousand demons deployed by hundreds of people.

Feeling the terrifying aura on Ye Feng's body, Cold Valley Crimson Emperor couldn't help being shocked. For countless years, Ten Thousand Demon Rotating Formation suppressed many powerful enemies, but I have never seen anyone who can resist the great formation.

"You guys, are you ready!"

Ye Feng's hoarse voice suddenly sounded, and a terrifying fierce light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Like the most brutal beast in the ages, it is about to choose people and eat it.

"What is rampant, but a foreign waste who dares to yell at the elites of our Gods and Demons City, today I will let you know what a gap is!"

Frightened by the look in Ye Feng's eyes, this was a shame to the Scarlet Emperor of Cold Valley, and the whole person immediately seemed to be crazy, motivating the circle of ten thousand demons.

The formation was activated, and the destruction energy was pouring toward Ye Feng like a waterfall, and that destructive force shattered the void and wanted to completely destroy Ye Feng.

"Is it only this level?"

The cold light flashed in Ye Feng's eyes, and a frightening aura erupted from him, and the power of various attributes was intertwined, making Ye Feng look a little more sacred.

The destruction waterfall scoured Ye Feng's body, but it did not cause any harm, and even made his breath stronger.

The power of devouring was released, just like a black hole, no matter how much destruction energy came, it was swallowed clean by Ye Feng.

But Ye Feng was not satisfied. The various attribute powers in his body were released, and the aura on his body was once again raised, and it was crushed in the opposite direction toward the circle of ten thousand demons.

The will of the sword and the power of good fortune are intertwined, and a crystal long sword with golden light grows out. The next moment it cuts open the space, making Ye Feng's figure disappear from everyone's vision.

"No, the rotation formation!"

Cold Valley Crimson's face changed drastically, he immediately remembered Ye Feng's previous methods, and immediately shouted loudly.

The elites of the Gods and Demons City are not slow to react. The formation of the big formation changes instantly, and the terrifying stagnation power is instantly released from everyone. The originally turbulent space seems to be completely frozen at this moment, and there is no more. Any fluctuations.

And Ye Feng was also impacted by this force, and only felt that the surrounding space was as hard as a copper wall and iron wall, falling out of the big formation on the spot.

Even if it was the will of space, it was suppressed by the big formation, temporarily unable to exert its power.

As soon as Ye Feng fell from the space, he saw the red and blue brilliance washed over him, a huge palm print followed, and the carrier's terrifying destructive power was photographed towards Ye Feng.

Cold Valley Crimson Emperor released his own breath, exerting the power of ice attribute and fire attribute to the extreme, and both reached the level of will.

The combination of the two attributes and the will, the power that can be released is absolutely terrifying, the huge palm print traverses the void, with the vast expanse of destructive power, it is headed towards Ye Feng.

Such a terrifying palm print, coupled with the increase in the rotation of the Ten Thousand Demons, shocked everyone present, thinking that they could never take this palm.

But on Ye Feng's face, there was no panic. Looking at this palm, he was very indifferent.

Raising the palm of his hand gently, the will of heaven and earth and the will of the magic way were released, causing Ye Feng's body to be entwined with dark waves of destruction.

At this moment, Ye Feng came to the world like a demon, and as the ruler of heaven and earth, the entire universe of heaven and earth centered on him, and what attracted the most attention was Ye Feng's slowly raised palm.

The unremarkable palm of his hand, just with a touch of pitch black, does not seem to contain any power.

But just such a palm print, when colliding with the terrifying palm print that swept the world and wanted to completely annihilate the space, it made a terrifying shock that shattered the space.

At that moment, the space was annihilated, and the sound of the shock was controlled in the circle of the magic circle, scouring the entire space back and forth, seeming to destroy everything.

After everything calmed down, Ye Feng stared at everything below indifferently.

The circle of Ten Thousand Demons remained the same, it seemed that the terrifying destruction energy still had space to shatter one after another, and it had no effect on him.

But look closer, the elites of the Gods and Demons City, all of them pale, as if they were lost in the exam, they think they were sucked up by the female ghost.

"Thousands of demons revolve, the world is destroyed..."

Kneeling on the ground, Hangu Crimson Emperor's voice was faint, half of his body had been shattered by the force of the shock, and even more magical energy ran through his wounds, constantly eroding him.

And in the uppermost sky of the Great Circle of Ten Thousand Demons, a millstone more than ten feet wide was slowly rotating, and the destructive power contained in it was even more terrifying than the destructive energy that just exploded.

"Asshole, wicked animal, you really dare to kill the elite of Gods and Demons City, you must die, you must die!"

At this moment, the Cold Valley Scarlet Emperor stared at Ye Feng fiercely, even if he could not stand up, he was still making ruthless words threatening Ye Feng.

Ye Feng was even more disdainful of the threat of Cold Valley Crimson Emperor: "Oh, God and Devil Heaven punishes me to kill all of them. Isn't it necessary for you miscellaneous fish, come on, let me see what else you have!

Ye Feng was also studying this horrible formation when attacking the round of ten thousand demons. The magic pattern contained in it was indeed very special, and even Ye Feng had to study it.

"Okay, just admit it, you can take this next trick!"

At this moment, Cold Valley Scarlet Emperor forcibly endured the pain on his body, stood up with difficulty, and surrounded him with the pitch black devil energy, which also became extremely hideous and terrifying at this moment.

"Sacrifice yourself and destroy the world, give it to me!"

With an order, Hangu Crimson Emperor's body collapsed in an instant, instantly turned into fly ash, and dissipated in the large formation.

But the destructive energy produced by the death of the Cold Valley Crimson Emperor was absorbed and swallowed by the World Extinguishing Mill above, and smashed down towards Ye Feng.

The wave of destruction condensed, and there was no leak, only to deal with Ye Feng alone.

Moreover, Ye Feng frowned, and when he raised the Divine Sword of Good Fortune, he planned to attack. As a result, the pitch-black grinding disc shattered on its own before the light of the sword touched the Great Mill.

"not good!"

Ye Feng's heart was shocked, and his heart was suddenly filled with a breath of death, as if something mortal disaster would fall on him.

Space Will was launched, Ye Feng just wanted to leave these, but found that the surroundings had completely solidified, even if it was Space Will, he couldn't break free.

"The Great Mill of Destroying the World, this is the Great Mill of Destroying the World!"

There was only such a consciousness in Ye Feng's mind, and his body was solidified. The various attributes and energies in his body, the major techniques, and even the treasures of the magic sword and the holy magic spear were all destroyed. The mill suppressed.

Suddenly, the World Extinguishing Mill turned, and the terrifying power of destruction enveloped Ye Feng's body. The power was terrifying and extremely slow.

Facing these terrifying waves of destruction, Ye Feng couldn't resist at all, and could only let Desire to polish his body a little bit.

The body was ground a little bit by the destructive power, which always felt better than Ling Chi, and even Ye Feng's consciousness suffered a great blow.

It was also when Ye Feng was crushed and polished by the Great Destruction Mill, the elites of the Gods and Demons City outside were also nervously staring at the Great Destruction Mill.

"This guy is so terrifying, can we really kill him?"

Some people can't help but question.

They knew that in order to launch an attack on the Great Moment of Destruction, at least one person must sacrifice his own life in order to make the Great Moment of Destruction turn around.

With the help of the power of the Great Mill, the enemy was completely crushed, leaving no traces.

But if the other party can resist, then there is still a chance to get out of the world.

"Of course you can. The Great Mill of Destroying the World is handed down by Lord City Lord. These terrifying destructive tactics can't kill a piece of waste. Wait, he will live soon."

This is the idea of ​​most of the elites in the city of Gods and Demons. After all, this trick comes from their city lord, who has already become the city lord of ancient giants.

They also relied on this trick to kill countless powerful enemies, and now it is impossible for Ye Feng to break free.

The wave of destruction gradually dissipated, and the Great Moment of Extinguishing the World stopped rotating. Ye Feng, who was imprisoned in it, also noticed the loosening of space power.

The spatial will was released instantly, and Ye Feng's figure was like a phantom, instantly out of the control of the Great Moment of Destruction.

When the Great Fortune Wanfa Jue was launched, the vitality of the heavens and the earth surged, and the fire of Nirvana burned, and the Nirvana Immortal Method also exerted its effect.

Destroying the mill rotated a circle, grind Ye Feng into a **** blood, and his skin was completely ulcerated.

But even such an attack could not kill Ye Feng, but made him even stronger.

After the destruction, the new life, with the help of the power of good fortune, made Ye Feng's body of the gods stronger, even a little frightening.

Seeing Ye Feng struggling out of the Great Moment of Destroying the World, the faces of the elites of the Gods and Demons City also revealed horror.

"No, you can't let him live, kill him!"

Among the crowd, someone warned.

In the next instant, Ye Feng's figure flashed, and he appeared directly behind this person, the divine sword of good fortune passed through his heart, and the terrifying wave of destruction erupted directly in this person's body.

Followed by the horrible Devouring Might, before everyone could react, Ye Feng's Devouring Might had already exploded, swallowing this person directly, leaving no residue.

Seeing Ye Feng directly swallowing a person, all the elites in the City of Gods and Demons also stared.

"Let's be free, presumptuous, offended my city of Gods and Demons, don't you want to live?"

It was another dodge, and the divine sword of good fortune passed through a person's chest again, and the power of devouring bloomed, swallowing up the energy of this person.

"I killed all of them, and what's the use of these? You take the initiative to trouble me, and you are not allowed to fight back?"

After speaking, Ye Feng's figure flickered again, intending to continue to devour the cultivation base and blood of these people.

"Take the body as a sacrifice, destroy the world and attack!"

Without waiting for Ye Feng to react, the World Extinguishing Mill above the formation turned again and smashed down towards Ye Feng.

Even if Ye Feng wanted to use the spatial will, it was too late, the terrifying sense of stagnation appeared again, and the World Exterminating Great Mill swallowed Ye Feng once again.

"Everyone, the strength of this guy is really terrifying, we can't go on like this anymore, we must kill him as soon as possible!"

There are always two or three leaders among the elites of the gods and demons. The Crimson Emperor Hangu is dead, but he still has his brothers.

"Our people in the city of Gods and Demons cannot die so easily. I will spend our essence together to spur the round formation of the Ten Thousand Demons, and use the great mill to wipe him out!"

With the voice of Hangu Youheng, the elites of Gods and Demons City also found their backbone.

Although this cold valley is not as genius as the cold valley red emperor, he has mastered the two attribute powers of ice and fire, but the **** pattern art he is good at is much stronger than others.

Now in the entire circle of ten thousand demons, he is the only one who can exert all the power of the circle.

The people in the Gods and Demons City now have no other choice but to follow Hangu Youheng's orders and infuse their own energy and blood into the big formation, urging the power of the formation.

And the cold valley secluded in charge of the big formation is centered and deployed, constantly promoting the operation of the formation, and refining Ye Feng with the help of the great formation.

Being swallowed by the Great Moment of Extinguishing the World again, Ye Feng can be regarded as understanding his own situation, this Great Moment of Extinguishing the World must have enough energy to operate.

Although the World Extinguishing Mill looks dangerous now, but it can really cause damage to Ye Feng, how can the Extinguishing Mill turn two hundred times later.

The destructive force continuously consumed Ye Feng's blood and skill, causing his cultivation to begin to regress, and the body of the gods who had worked so hard to cultivate also gradually became unable to sustain it and began to collapse a little bit.

But in the process of this collapse, Ye Feng also mastered the power of destruction attributes more and more superbly.

In the future, his every move will bring a terrifying destructive power, and the power that each move can exert will become more and more terrifying.

Confirming this, Ye Feng also slowly realized the power of destruction, and even tried to be able to swallow the power of destruction.

However, the power of destruction attribute and the energy of destruction are still different. Such power is more difficult to digest and more difficult to absorb.

So much so that Ye Feng's body has been consumed by a small half, and he has not seen how much his destructive power has increased.

Outside of the world-destroying millpan at this moment, all of the elites in the city of Gods and Demons were pale and empty.

"My lord, we have all urged the Great Moment of Extinguishing the World to rotate hundreds of times, and the power has already been drained. If this continues..."

Someone couldn't hold on, and began to tell Hangu Youheng.

"Hmph, the culprit is not dead, you just want to shrink back, can't you overdraw your own strength?

Let the enemies of Gods and Demons City live, do you think this guy will let us go? Or, you want the young lady to face such a terrifying guy! "

Hangu Youheng snorted coldly, and sternly reprimanded: "We are warriors in the city of Gods and Demons. Can such an enemy easily let us go?

Don't take advantage of this opportunity to completely wipe out this guy in one go, otherwise you don't think about it all. "

Sitting in the center of the big formation, the aura of the cold valley is becoming more and more terrifying, the deterrent power is getting higher and higher, and the aura on the body has also changed.

There is no other way to come, but to retreat dingyly, not daring to refute Hangu Youheng.

After solving this problem, Hangu Youheng's attention was also all put on the Great Mill of Destruction above.

"Soon, soon you will be mine. If you master you, no one can stop me."

As he spoke, a cruel light appeared on Hangu Youheng's face.

Ye Feng, who was in the great mill of destroying the world, was also suffering from the power of destruction at all times. No matter how powerful he was, he definitely couldn't bear such a consumption.

At this moment, his body of the gods is like porcelain, which may shatter at any time, and his cultivation is declining crazily. Now he has reached the edge of the position of gods.

"No, it can't go on like this. If this goes on, I will definitely be wiped out by them."

Ye Feng was shocked, and he already had plans.

Since entering the Great Mill of Destroying the World, Ye Feng has been very difficult to adapt to the environment inside.

After such a long time, even his body of the gods will be wiped out, but he has also been given a simple opportunity to move, so he can't move at all.

When he thought, Ye Feng brought the storage ring to his mouth.

Most of Ye Feng's treasures are hidden here, and more importantly, there are life-saving things in it.

Just with a thought, a green bead in the storage ring was taken out by Ye Feng.

The fist-sized green beads exuded strong vitality when they were just taken out. With only a slight contact, Ye Feng could feel that his body was recovering quickly.

Such a green bead is one of the flower beads of the Seven Profound Devouring God Flower before, and it contains majestic life energy.

Without even thinking about it, Ye Feng opened his mouth and swallowed the flower bead.

In an instant, powerful vitality bloomed from Ye Feng's body, washing his body back and forth, and constantly recovering those terrifying injuries.

Even the cultivation techniques that have been suppressed have all recovered now, continuously providing energy to Ye Feng.

Subsequently, Ye Feng also exerted his true strength, various exercises linked to operation, the power of good fortune and the fire of Nirvana, the power of illusion and the power of hell, concentrated power interweaving, the people that can be bred are absolutely extraordinary.

No matter who it is, when he sees this power, he will be shocked and speechless, but it is a pity that it is now in the midst of the great grinding of the world, and it is impossible for Ye Feng to stop practicing because no one is watching.

The constant collision of several attribute forces unexpectedly developed a small pure land around Ye Feng's body, resisting all the power of destruction.

Without the influence of external forces, Ye Feng's body was rapidly recovering under the action of a large amount of vitality.

The body of the gods that has been tempered has become even more terrifying, even 30% stronger than before.

In fact, his cultivation base hasn't recovered much, but the polished attribute power and power will be even more terrifying. In contrast, Ye Feng has not been affected much.

I don't know how long it took, the energy in the life flower beads that Ye Feng swallowed remained the same, but the world extinction from the outside world seemed to stop.

"No, no more..."

"We are no longer able to squeeze out."

"No, there is really no drop left!"

The elites of a group of gods and demons have now overdrawn a lot of vitality, and there is no way to spur the destruction of the world.

"A bunch of trash, I still want me to do it."

Hangu Youheng snorted coldly, and a large number of **** patterns flew out of his hand, forcibly spurring the Great Moment of Extinguishing the World.

"Since you are no longer able to function when you are alive, let me die!"

Suddenly he took control of the large circle of ten thousand demons, and the energy of the cold valley became more powerful, directly controlling the entire large array, and all the power in it was acting on one person.

The wave of destruction is released, and the terrifying energy of destruction is like a tide, pouring into the Great Moment of Destruction, increasing its power.

However, these things really cannot damage Ye Feng now!

Ye Feng in the Great Moment of Destroying the World, the vitality in his body is almost terrifying, it seems that he can revive a huge mountain range that has completely withered.

This is all because of the life flower beads of the Seven Profound Devouring God Flower.

When the power of life became Ye Feng's backing, the power of destruction had already rioted, and even the oppressive power of space was in chaos, Ye Feng knew that his opportunity was here!

The wave of destruction broke out in an instant, and terrifying energy gathered in Ye Feng's body. He was driven by unprecedented vitality to make Ye Feng's power of good fortune extremely terrifying.

"Give me, break it!"

The power of good fortune dominates the world, plus the power of other various attributes, Ye Feng slammed the sword of good fortune.

The dazzling sword light was released suddenly, and the chaotic sword light directly separated the ban of the World Exterminating Mill, allowing Ye Feng to step out.

When he appeared outside the Great Mill, Ye Feng's expression suddenly became extremely shocked. This change really exceeded his cognition.

The elites of the city of Gods and Demons were left with the cold valley in the middle of the great formation, and the Great Mould of the World was suspended above his head.

"Are you also from the City of Gods and Demons?"

Hangu Youheng nodded as a recognition of Ye Feng, and then calmly said: "I didn't expect you to actually escape from the Great Mill, but this is the limit.

Now that I have completely mastered the Great Moment of World Destruction, I won't give you another chance. "

Hangu Youheng stared at Ye Feng, waved his hand gently, and the terrifying destructive power instantly bloomed, and then saw Mieshi Damo rushing towards Ye Feng again.

This time, Ye Feng was not directly enveloped by the Great Moment of Destruction.

The will of the sword and the power of good fortune unite, and a crystal long sword with dim golden light grows out.

"Then you try me too, to see how good you are."

The powers of various attributes crazily intertwined and gathered on Ye Feng's body, forming a terrifying aura.

Followed by the will of the sword, the will of heaven and earth, the will of space, the will of the magic way and other forces.

The power of the attributes of many colors are integrated, layer by layer on the sword of good fortune.

The fusion of various willpowers made the divine sword of good fortune tremble.

However, after the fusion of the gold of life, the quality of the magic sword has been improved, and it can withstand the power of the chaotic sword light!

Facing the imminent destruction of the world, Ye Feng raised the sword of good fortune high, and the wave of destruction was concentrated on the sword of good fortune.

The chaotic sword light bloomed, and the extremely terrifying sharp light came out from the divine sword of good fortune.

The chaotic sword light was introverted, and there was almost no abnormality, while the sharp light was bright and bright, as if it was about to divide the entire space and the entire world into two.

The divine sword of good fortune fell, and the sword of chaos slashed out, and directly collided with the flying great mill.

The sound of concussion spread silently, and when it touched the circle of ten thousand demons, it burst out suddenly.

In an instant, the defensive barriers of the Ten Thousand Demons Rotating Array disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

Subsequently, the power of the shock sound became even more terrifying, transforming from an illusory power into a real shock wave, continuously spreading towards the outside world.

The wave of destruction erupted, spreading layer upon layer, and even the restless white mist was dispelled by this wave of destruction, making the radius of hundreds of miles clear.

Of course, whether it is the hidden demons hiding in the mist or those affected by the mist, they are all washed away by this terrifying power.

Most people were severely injured under such terrifying waves of destruction, and some of the more unlucky ones were directly shaken to death by the waves of destruction, without any vitality.

Seeing Ye Feng’s horrible sword, Hangu Youheng was also quite surprised. You must know that the Great Mill of Extinguishing the World was inherited from the Lord of the City of Gods and Demons. There are even rumors that the Great Mill of Extinguishing the World in the City of Gods and Demons is a god. The true body of the ancient giant of the lord of the magic city.

Some people even say that the real master of the Demon City is the real master of the Demon City, and the city lord of the Demon City is just a puppet selected by the Demon City.

But in any case, the power of the World Extinguishing Mill is beyond doubt, and Ye Feng only used a plain sword light to contend with the Extinguishing Mill, which of course shocked Hangu Youheng.

However, after a brief shock, Hangu Youheng also recovered, sneered, and continued to urge the Great Moment of Destruction.

"My great mill for destroying the world has killed hundreds of elites in the city of Gods and Demons, and combined with the infinite power of destruction, coupled with the foundation of the Great Rotational Array of Ten Thousand Demons, the supreme artifact was refined.

You are a humble martial artist, who can contend against the world's destruction once or twice, but can you continue to do so? "

Afterwards, Hangu Youheng continued to spur the Great Moment of World Destruction as if he did not believe in evil, and he wished to kill Ye Feng directly.

And Ye Feng was also very indifferent, fighting the chaos sword light time and time again, constantly splitting the world away.

With the constant use and collision, although the power of the World Extinguishing Mill is slowly increasing, Ye Feng's Chaos Jianguang has also become more flexible.

After thirty-six swords, Ye Feng has mastered the power of Chaos Sword Light, and even has a new understanding, it seems that he has a new development direction.

After eating the chaotic sword light change, Ye Feng was not in the mood to continue to consume it with Hangu Youheng.

The divine sword of good fortune was put away, and in the next instant, the blood-red spear light covered the sky, covering the entire sky.

Ye Feng held the holy magic spear, released the terrifying power of devouring, and immediately smashed toward the extinction mill and cold valley Youheng.

Before he started, Ye Feng just used the power of the Holy Demon Spear for a while, and the Great Moment of Extinguishing the World became stagnant, and even the speed became slow.

In the next moment, Ye Feng suddenly shot.

The sacred magic spear method was used, and the horror inheritance of the ancestor of the ten thousand demons matched his inheritance weapon, and at this moment it exerted its due strength.

The supremely sharp spear light pierced the void, and the space was torn apart, as if nothing in this world could stop him.

The energy of destruction surrounds the holy magic spear, directly penetrating the great mill of extinction that is coming flying fast.


There is no sound of destruction sweeping the world, no huge explosions that shake the earth, only a clear cracking sound!

Amidst the shocking gaze of Hangu Youheng, based on this large circle of ten thousand demons, it gathered the heart and soul of the city lord of the gods and devil city, and used hundreds of gods and devil city elites to refine the world. It broke easily at this moment.

Among them, the terrifying destructive energy, as well as the energy of the blood that had not been digested, were swallowed by the holy magic spear in Ye Feng's hand, and nothing was left.

Ye Feng didn't absorb these energy by himself, but after being purified by Mingxiang Crystal, they were all sent into the Dragon Warrior Spirit.

Nourished by such a burst of energy, the transformation of the dragon and the war spirit directly completed one third.

If you come here a few more times, Shenlong Fighting Spirit can directly complete the transformation.

"No, it's impossible, I don't believe it!"

"The Destroying Mill is the most powerful supernatural power in the world. How could it be defeated so easily? I don't believe it, I definitely don't believe it!"

Hangu Youheng stared at Ye Feng fiercely, his eyes were full of resentment, and he said sharply: "You dare to penetrate the great mill, you are finished, the city of Gods and Demons will not let you go. You killed the city of Gods and Demons. People, once again penetrated the great mill of the city of Gods and Demons, the city lord will definitely kill you."

Seeing the cold valley at the moment Ye Feng couldn't lift any interest anymore, so he just raised his hand and slapped it.

The terrifying destructive energy gathered, and an unremarkable palm print flew out, which became obscured from the sky in the blink of an eye, and shot towards the cold valley secluded.

"Miss, help..."

Before Hangu Youheng was dying, he used his last strength to call for help, and then it turned into fly ash.

Ye Feng shook his head, such an enemy, he really didn't have any intentions to calculate with them.

When Ye Feng was about to leave, a misty white mist spread up, and a cold voice came from the white mist.

"The people who killed our God and Demon City also penetrated my father's supreme magical powers. If you just want to leave, don't put our God and Demon City in your eyes!"

At this moment, God and Demon Wuyue appeared stepping on the white mist, and above her head, a cloud of cold moonlight was suspended, shining all around, as if to freeze everything.

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