Sky War God

Chapter 3438: Defeat the Sea Swallowing Whale

Chapter 3439 Defeat The Sea-Swallowing Giant Whale

Looking at the phantom that looked like a giant whale, Ye Feng's eyes also became extremely solemn.

The aura that the giant whale possessed was extremely powerful, even Ye Feng couldn't bear it, and the weird lake water around it had ripples and was affected by that force.

"You are very good."

While Ye Feng was watching, an extremely loud voice came from the giant whale, and the powerful shock power rushed towards Ye Feng frantically.

The force in the body is constantly released, and the defensive barrier formed is even more powerful than imagined, directly resisting this shocking force.

But in the same way, Ye Feng also faced a huge threat. After the terrifying shock power collided with the defensive barrier, the rumbling sound of destructive shock immediately resounded, and the destructive power spread wildly in all directions.

At the same time, a wave of Pei Ran vigorously blasted Ye Feng, trying to crush Ye Feng completely in an instant.

Without any reaction time, Ye Feng tried his best to drive the various forces in his body, and the Chaos Water Drop burst into a powerful force beyond imagination, immediately engulfing that destructive force.

However, the chaotic water droplets the size of mung bean, after swallowing such a powerful destructive power, there was no change, the slightest energy did not spread out, as if nothing happened.

The power possessed by this Chaos True Gang Art really exceeded Ye Feng's imagination, and the control of energy has reached a state of superb power.

Not only Ye Feng, but even the sea swallowing giant whales were stunned by Ye Feng's methods.

He knows very well how terrifying the power he possesses, and the energy of his body has reached a point beyond imagination. Once he launches an attack, he can definitely form an absolutely terrifying power.

From the view of the sea swallowing whale, Ye Feng's strength is not very strong. Once a collision occurs, he will be easily crushed by himself, without any resistance.

"good very good."

After seeing Ye Feng's ability, the Sea Swallowing Whale did not continue to attack, but looked at Ye Feng with surprise, and was more satisfied with his body.

"From your body, I can feel a lot of pure energy and a lot of powerful aura. After eating you, it can be worth my three months of consumption, and it can even increase my cultivation. ."

The Sea-Swallowing Giant Whale said coldly, in his eyes, Ye Feng was a handy food.

Ye Feng frowned slightly, and the various powers in his body were constantly running, as if he wanted to completely refine everything in a short time.

The two-foot-long jet-black giant whale in front of us should be the manifestation of the sea-swallowing giant whale's soul. Although it does not have the terrifying power of his real body, the energy that can be exploded is extremely tyrannical. despair.

Ye Feng only felt it for a moment, and he could conclude that the energy possessed by this sea swallowing giant whale could not be swallowed up even if he was allowed to swallow it up within a few months.

Unless you use the Holy Magic Spear, you don't even want to cause any substantial damage to him.

No attribute power currently mastered by Ye Feng, even the original strange thing, could cause any harm to the sea swallowing giant whale.

Although the cultivation base of the Sea-Swallowing Giant Whale is not very high, when the energy reaches a certain limit, even at a higher level, it will not be able to crush the opponent.

That's right, Ye Feng had already concluded that the cultivation base of this sea swallowing giant whale was not very strong, and it was only the state of the fourth transformation. Even this transformation did not go too far.

However, the energy contained in him is probably incomparable to more than a dozen powerhouses who have transformed their peaks six times.

After all, the body of the Sea-Swallowing Giant Whale is already the size of an island, and the energy contained in the body is absolutely terrifying to an unimaginable point.

If it weren't for the continuous growth of the body, the energy consumed was too terrifying, the cultivation base of the Sea Swallowing Whale would not be so low.

Even so, the pressure Ye Feng faced was not small at all, constantly running various exercises, releasing his own breath.

Because of the Chaos True Gang Art, Ye Feng's speed in refining the extreme cold seal has also increased a lot, and the entire extreme cold seal contains nearly 20% of the extreme cold ice power.

With the influence of the magical powers and the runes of the power of the gods, Ye Feng can continuously extract the power of extreme cold to assist himself in combat and accelerate the consumption of the extreme cold seal.

But even so, when facing the sea swallowing giant whale, Ye Feng could feel the terrifying pressure, and even made him breathless.

Seeing Ye Feng preparing to fight him, the sea swallowing giant whale showed a humane expression.

"Oh, you still want to resist me with such a small thing as you? It's just wishful thinking.

Don't think that if you can resist my attack, you can compete with me. You haven't seen my true strength yet! "

For Ye Feng, the sea swallowing giant whale didn't care much, and there was a lot of disdain in his tone.

In the eyes of the sea-swallowing giant whale, it is just an easy task to defeat Ye Feng. At this moment, he is already thinking about what method should be used to plunder Ye Feng after refining Ye Feng. The energy contained in the body.

The power in Ye Feng's body was so delicious that people couldn't forget, and he didn't want to give up.

Suddenly, the sea swallowing giant whale swayed its tail fin, burst out a terrifying force, and smashed directly towards Ye Feng.

Ye Feng's reaction was also very fast. The power that could be mobilized in his body was all gathered in the palm of his hand. In the blink of an eye, it condensed into an ice gun, piercing the sea swallowing giant whale.

The power possessed by the sea swallowing giant whale is also extremely powerful, and the impact it releases is even more capable of terrifying destruction.

The spear light released by Ye Feng, even with the charm of a holy magic spear, could not resist such a terrifying power, but as soon as he touched it, Ye Feng had one of it, as if he had penetrated into a steel plate.

The powerful counter-shock force constantly impacted Ye Feng's body, making him fly backwards at an extremely fast speed.

This powerful force surpassed Ye Feng's imagination, almost reaching a point where he could not resist, his own strength could not be displayed at all.

The horrible shock power shuttled back and forth in Ye Feng's body, continuously destroying Ye Feng's body, and in just a moment, his body could be completely destroyed.

However, the extremely cold seal in Ye Feng's body was not so easily defeated.

When Ye Feng was about to be unable to resist, a terrifying extreme cold seal was released, and it violently collided with the shocking force, completely blocking them.

If the shock power of the sea swallowing giant whale is an endless wave in the sea, then the power of extreme cold is an ancient reef, let the waves wash away in every way, but there is no change.

And when Ye Feng frantically attacked by these two forces, his own various techniques were also constantly running, swallowing the power in his body completely.

At this moment, Wanhua magical power released the powerful effect of decomposing all things and restraining all energy, constantly analyzing the power of the sea swallowing giant whale.

All this is troublesome, but it only happened in a moment.

Ye Feng had just been knocked into the air by the sea swallowing giant whale, and before he left, a tyrannical force of extreme cold burst out of his body, covering his body again.

Afterwards, the brilliance of Wanhua magical powers also bloomed, constantly processing that huge energy, lest Ye Feng was completely crushed by this terrifying energy.

In such repeated polishing, Ye Feng's body also began to recover, and the extremely cold power lurking in the bloodline also broke out, and was also dissolved by the force of Qi and blood.

The four major forces in the body were all recovered at this moment, frantically refining the pure energy and stabilizing the body.

Even so, such a terrifying power can't be refined in a short time, which makes Ye Feng miss the Huntian Spirit Orb very much at this moment.

If this treasure is there, Ye Feng doesn't need to worry about the current situation at all, as long as he releases the Heavenly Mixing Spirit Orb, he can swallow all the alien energy in it.

And Ye Feng, letting the power in his body circulate, then burst out a more powerful aura.

The footsteps repeatedly stepped in the void, and a powerful icy force burst out, freezing the space under his feet.

Stepping on the ice crystals condensed in the volley, the power in Ye Feng's body finally had a pouring gap, and a steady flow of energy swarmed into the ice crystal spear that Ye Feng had gathered.

This time, Ye Feng didn't have much energy to carry out fine carvings. The size of the ice gun swelled violently in an instant, and in the blink of an eye it became a terrifying weapon with a thick arm and a length of ten feet. The power of ice cold.

Feeling the terrifying power contained in the ice gun, the expression of the sea swallowing giant whale was full of disdain, and he didn't take it all into his heart.

"With your weak power, you still want to resist me?"

The Sea-Swallowing Giant Whale said with disdain, the extremely powerful sound of shocks, constantly echoing in the space, exuding unimaginable terrifying power.

Ye Feng's expression did not change in any way, mobilizing the power in his body, constantly tempering this ice gun.

The second change of Wanhua magical powers, mimicry magical powers have been integrated into it, and I want to completely transform this ice spear into ancient ice.

Only the ultimate power of the ancient ice attribute, which is the ultimate ice attribute, can resist the devouring and consuming force released by the sea swallowing whale, and use the powerful force to suppress that terrifying life.


Between the moments of thought, an extremely powerful force has come down, and it may completely destroy everything in the world at any time.

The sea-swallowing giant whale flicked its tail, and the horrible shock power surged towards Ye Feng frantically, as if it was about to completely destroy Ye Feng.

"Well, I've played enough, you should die next."

Staring at Ye Feng, the Sea-Swallowing Giant Whale said loudly, the breath on his body was constantly released, forming an extremely terrifying force of destruction, and crushed it towards Ye Feng.

In an instant, there was a wave of destruction beyond imagination, as if it had crossed the space, directly descending on Ye Feng.

Ye Feng also held the ice gun in his hand, exploding all the power in his body, and pierced towards the terrifying force of destruction.

The four forces in the body formed a strong resonance at this moment, pushing the strength of the ice attribute to the extreme, with a strong sense of freezing, and even completely freezing everything in the surrounding space.

These two forces violently impacted together and immediately released an unimaginable powerful force.

The rumbling sound of terror and shock resounded frantically, and the extremely powerful destructive power spread in all directions.

The moment this power burst out, Ye Feng only felt a powerful destructive force, directly rushing into his body, madly destroying his body, and his flesh and blood were constantly being wiped out.

The bones, internal organs and even the meridians in the body could not withstand such a terrifying destructive power, and they shattered one after another.

Even if the power of the extreme cold seal burst out in the next instant, it still couldn't change anything.

The power in the body continued to erupt, and the destructive power formed was more like crazy, constantly destroying everything that Ye Feng possessed, even the dragon and the war spirits had no time to swallow it.

Ye Feng was on the verge of life and death, but the sea swallowing giant whale was also uncomfortable.

Among the ice guns, in addition to the horrible extreme cold power accident, it also has an unimaginable edge power. It is the most ferocious attack that Ye Feng can evolve, and it contains a little charm of the holy magic gun.

Although there is no such terrifying power of destruction, the devouring power of the holy magic spear and the strange and incomparable mood of the magic road are like a bone-attached maggot, entwining the body of the sea swallowing giant whale.

Although the energy of the sea swallowing giant whale is vast and endless, it feels a little helpless in the face of such a little charm.

The devouring power in it possesses the terrifying characteristics of swallowing all energy, and the weird will of the magic way contains unimaginable corrosive power.

At the beginning, even Ye Feng could not resist the erosion of the Holy Demon Spear, and almost fell completely. After every use of the Holy Demon Spear, he must carefully suppress and eliminate the demon nature.

Now releasing this power on the body of the sea-swallowing giant whale immediately caused great trouble to the sea-swallowing giant whale.

If this demon nature is allowed to grow, I am afraid that the Sea Swallowing Whale will not be able to bear it. After all, his soul essence is not strong enough to resist any kind of spirit magic.

With all of its own power running, the Sea-Swallowing Giant Whale didn't dare to be scornful, and directly cut out the magical substance stored in his body quickly, so as not to pollute itself.

When the sea swallowing giant whale killed the devilishness, Ye Feng's body also changed strangely.

A tyrannical power of divine mind suddenly burst out from the depths of his consciousness, and it swept through his body in the blink of an eye, mobilizing all the power of extreme cold in his body.

An extremely mysterious incomplete rune condensed from the center of Ye Feng's eyebrows, exuding an extremely powerful and majestic aura, completely covering Ye Feng's aura.

At this moment, the extreme cold power in Ye Feng's body seemed to have found the backbone, swarming over, and even the foundation of the extreme cold seal began to shake.

"The God of Ice!"

At that moment, Ye Feng finally realized something, and his face became extremely exciting.

When controlled by the extreme cold seal, Ye Feng had already begun to save himself, using the power of the Myriad Spirits Divine Art, canonized a piece of his own divine power to refine the aura in the extreme cold power.

Coupled with the divine mind that has integrated the will of the extreme cold attribute, the rune that represents the authority of God, the speed of growth is beyond imagination.

This also led to the continuous growth of Ye Feng's speed in cultivating runes. It can be said that every moment is a qualitative leap.

This time, Ye Feng fought with the Sea-Swallowing Giant Whale, and the fighting will released was even more powerful than imagined, and the power of divine consciousness that could be released was even more pure and crazy.

This power of divine thought became unimaginable in an instant, and directly resonated with that divine thought.

The mighty power of will penetrated the sea of ​​consciousness, awakening the frozen divine thought, and the god’s authority rune was nourished by a large amount of law and enlightenment in an instant, and it completed 90% in an instant. The power of the ancient Jibing has been integrated into it.

Under the influence of such power, the extreme cold power in Ye Feng's body was unable to resist the control of God's authority at all, and was completely suppressed and controlled in an instant.

With the authority of God, Ye Feng also mobilized the power of extreme cold in his body, and quickly frozen the power of destruction.

The power between the two formed a strange balance in a very short time. Although they did not suppress each other, they could no longer cause any harm to Ye Feng's body.

Shenlong Fighting Spirit took advantage of the trend and directly entered Ye Feng's body, swallowing these two incomparable forces, speeding up the refining of these forces.

Moreover, after suppressing the extreme cold seal, the various forces in Ye Feng's body also began to fully recover, and when the major exercises were in operation, they became more fierce.

The divine thoughts in the sea of ​​consciousness, the blood golden pill in the body, the chaotic water droplets in the dantian, plus the endless mark of the evolution of Wanhua supernatural powers and the dragon war spirit, the energy in Ye Feng's body begins The madness faded.


It was also at this time that the sea swallowing giant whale uttered a long chant, and finally slashed out that magical power, breaking the link with itself.

After leaving the sea swallowing giant whale, that little power instantly distorted and turned into a strange sphere with dozens of tentacles growing.

This sphere is no more than the size of a watermelon, but the energy is constantly devouring the surrounding energy. With the addition of dozens of delicate but extremely tough tentacles, it gives people an indescribable twist.

Ye Feng's perception was also released at this moment, allowing him to understand how this guy formed.

The root of this demon creature is the charm of the holy magic spear released by Ye Feng, especially the magic power in it.

Not only is the sacred demon spear's aggressive and devilish nature, but also the power of the magical magic in the magical magic, coupled with the indescribable swallowing power, finally formed such a strange life.

Of course, wanting to annihilate this demon creature is also very simple. As long as one's own soul power is firm enough, and not afraid of the erosion of the will of the devil, and directly defeating its core, the monster can be wiped out.

However, the magical power in it is so weird, even Ye Feng can't guarantee that it will not be affected, let alone the sea swallowing giant whale.

It was also the natural intuition of the Sea-Swallowing Giant Whale that was extremely powerful, and directly slashed out this thought power, otherwise he would be contaminated by this magic thought.

At this moment, the aura on Ye Feng's body has become extremely powerful. Facing such Ye Feng, even the sea swallowing giant whale had to be cautious.

"good very good."

The huge eyes of the sea swallowing giant whale stared at Ye Feng, and at the same time it released an extremely powerful aura.

I thought that it would be easy to kill Ye Feng by virtue of his powerful strength, but I never thought that Ye Feng had such a strong vitality.

No matter how terrifying the attack he released, Ye Feng could easily resist it.

Even if he was severely injured, he could recover quickly in a short period of time, causing him huge trouble.

By now, the Sea-Swallowing Giant Whale didn't plan to keep any hands, and directly released all the power in its body.

An extremely powerful force erupted in the entire space, and the lake under him was turbulent, rushing towards Ye Feng frantically.

At that moment, Ye Feng only felt that he was contending with the whole world, and all lives were launching a terrifying attack on him.

Facing such a dangerous situation, Ye Feng didn't panic. He just raised his hand and grabbed it, and the real ancient ice spear appeared in his hand.

The gun of extreme cold originally built by him was quickly integrated into it at this moment, making Ye Feng's control of this original strange thing more powerful.

At the same time, Wanhua's supernatural powers really began to be released, and the powerful power contained in it began to surge crazily.

At this moment, Ye Feng did not converge, mobilizing all his aura and blending it into the spear in his hand.

The divine mind in the sea of ​​consciousness also broke through the seal of the power of extreme cold, and got into the spear.

Ye Feng's first power of divine thought was born with the will of his own spear.

The mighty power of divine mind that gathers the will of one's own spear, once attached to the spear, it is no different from the arrival of the holy magic spear.

Holding the projection of the holy magic spear, the aura on Ye Feng's body surged crazily, and all the power swarmed into the spear.


The power of the holy magic spear projection was released madly, and there was no fear at all in the face of the terrifying aura between heaven and earth.

Under Ye Feng's control, the powerful power contained in it was released without scruple.

Scarlet spear lights burst out from the projection of the Holy Magic Spear.

The terrifying breath was completely released at this moment, and even the demon creature that was just created was shocked by this breath.

Scarlet spear lights continued to gather, blooming terrifying power beside Ye Feng.

Each spear light contained extremely terrifying devouring power, as well as magic power beyond imagination.

The violent friction caused strange flames to burn on these spear lights.

In the next instant, Ye Feng fully released all his power, and the projection of the Holy Magic Spear in his hand was on the verge of breaking.

Even the weapons built by the ancient ice can not withstand such a powerful force.

After all, that is the ultimate move in the holy magic spear.

"Bloom, Karma Red Lotus!"

Ye Feng's expression was indifferent, and he said softly.

In an instant, the scarlet spear lights in the sky condensed in an instant, forming a red lotus with a large grinding plate, floating on top of Ye Feng's head.

That monstrous wave of destruction crazily impacted Ye Feng's destructive power, and he could be completely shredded in almost a short time.

Even with a powerful force, it can't resist the power of this vast wave.

However, as soon as he suffered the first attack, the karma red lotus on top of Ye Feng's head began to spin.

In an instant, the extremely terrifying power erupted in a very short time, directly covering the entire space.

The mysterious flames continue to burn, swallowing the surrounding energy, making them their own fuel.

Under the nourishment of these energies, the fiery red lotus appeared even more weird and inexplicable, and the destructive power it released was beyond imagination.

Now Ye Feng's perception of this shooting technique is getting deeper and deeper, and the power he can release is getting stronger and stronger.

In just an instant, the suppression of Ye Feng from the surrounding space disappeared, and was directly torn apart by this terrifying destructive force.

At the same time, the sea swallowing giant whale was also shocked by this terrifying move.

Before he could make any response, the red lotus had already flown towards him.

Regardless of the speed of this karmic red lotus, it penetrated the space at an extremely terrifying speed and directly landed on the sea swallowing giant whale.

Even the soul that swallowed the giant whale in his body still couldn't exert any power.

It was as if it was completely integrated into the space. Even if he used his own magical powers, the Sea-Swallowing Giant Whale couldn't get rid of it.

After several attempts, he found that he could not escape at all, and the sea swallowing giant whale had also given up.

Mobilizing all the power in the body, the sea swallowing giant whale is also desperate, and directly unleashes absolutely terrifying moves towards the karma red lotus.

That unimaginable destruction attack completely shrouded Ye Feng's body in a very short time.

Even if he couldn't escape, he wanted to take Ye Feng to the funeral.

However, Ye Feng was still unmoved, just stepping quickly.

In an instant, Ye Feng's figure became extremely illusory. With the only remaining power of Chaos, Ye Feng released a powerful space attribute energy, making himself seem to be in the void.

The powerful destruction attack released by the Sea-Swallowing Giant Whale passed through Ye Feng's illusory body just like that, without causing any harm to him.

However, the Karma Red Lotus was sturdy, falling on the body of the sea swallowing giant whale, directly surrounding his body completely.

The next moment, the destructive power beyond imagination burst out instantly, and the terrifying monster flame burned wildly.

Even with super powerful energy, the sea swallowing giant whale cannot resist the burning of the red lotus.

The weird will of the magic way eroded his body crazily, and the will of Ye Feng's spear was also raging.

Even if the power of the soul of the sea swallowing giant whale is extremely powerful, it can't match Ye Feng's hard-working will of the magic way and the will of the spear.

These two forces hit the divine soul of the sea swallowing giant whale at the same time, and immediately ripped out his divine soul a huge hole.

Although this projection only possesses extremely weak power, it contains the power of the soul of the sea swallowing giant whale.

Now this projection has been hit hard, and the damage is also acting on the soul of the sea swallowing giant whale.

Only in a very short period of time, the sea swallowing giant whale issued a tragic scream, causing the surrounding seas to be turbulent.

However, this has no meaning to Ye Feng.

The red lotus bloomed and then withered, but in this short moment an unimaginable terrifying power broke out, directly destroying everything in this space.

Even the projection of that sea-swallowing giant whale had completely declined, and could no longer release any power.

Just when the sea swallowing giant whale was planning to continue to mobilize the powerful energy in the body, and wanted to reclaim this soul, a strong wave broke out again in Ye Feng.

The space attribute power disappeared, sending Ye Feng directly to the sea swallowing giant whale. At the same time, a pure white light flashed on his arm.

The power of myriad transformations stored in the Seal of Endlessness was released at this moment and immediately filled Ye Feng's body.

Without any hesitation, Ye Feng directly released the supernatural powers, covering the body of the sea swallowing giant whale.

Even after decomposing so many attribute powers, Ye Feng still had no understanding of the origin of the sea swallowing giant whale.

Now that Ye Feng has absolute control over the sovereignty of the battlefield, he naturally wants to maximize his gains.

The strong breath was completely released at this moment, directly filling Ye Feng's body, causing his body to swell.

In the end, Ye Feng's palm was directly pressed on the head of the sea swallowing giant whale, and the power of the Wanhua magical power swallowed his body completely.

Losing the support of the power of divine mind and unable to mobilize external energy, this caused the sea swallowing giant whale to have no way to resist Ye Feng's decomposition.

In a very short period of time, Ye Feng had completely decomposed and refined the power of the sea swallowing giant whale, and also obtained a stronger attribute power.

The power of water waves.

Unlike the ice power controlled by the Bingtian Temple, the attribute power controlled by the sea swallowing whale belongs to a variant of the water attribute power.

He can stir the waves arbitrarily and use the waves to swallow everything in the world.

In the endless waves of any powerful force will be completely shredded and melted in the waves, forming a special devouring effect.

Coupled with its own space power, it can open up a unique space in the body and swallow all enemies in it.

Coupled with the special effects of spirits, he can transform the devoured souls into his own subsidiary race.

This powerful and weird ability, displayed vividly on the body of the sea swallowing giant whale, made his strength beyond imagination.

Coupled with his powerful body that can grow with energy, the sea swallowing whale has no enemies in the entire sea.

However, in front of Ye Feng, although the sea swallowing giant whale was troublesome, it was not unmatched.

The powerful force released by Ye Feng now directly defeated the Sea-Swallowing Giant Whale, and even controlled his most fundamental water force.

After that, what Ye Feng had to do became simple.

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