Sky War God

Chapter 3558: Return to the Devouring Realm

Chapter 3558-Returning To The Demon Realm Of Swallowing Sky

With one step out, the space power around Ye Feng's body was constantly fluctuating, and the aura exuded was beyond imagination.

It seems that there are endless waves of space digesting the power in Ye Feng's body, and there is also a terrifying strength that is possessed in the dark, which consumes all the energy in Ye Feng at an extremely fast speed.

Under the influence of this force, the various forces in Ye Feng's body began to shrink continuously, and the aura that he radiated became extremely stable.

Ye Feng, who had already noticed such changes, didn't panic. Instead, he released the breath in his body for the first time, accepting the weakening of him by the whole world.

Even though the world in that white jade tower was created by the **** of good fortune, the aura contained in it did not reach that level of perfection.

For the entire big world, the laws, breaths, and various orders contained in it are different.

Even if it is as strong as Ye Feng, it can't change a certain power in it, and the various abilities in the body can only play a role in a short time.

And the rules contained in the world of the Devouring Demon Territory are extremely huge, and even the good fortune world of that side cannot resist it.

When returning here, the strength in Ye Feng's body will inevitably undergo a certain degree of loss, even unable to return to the peak state.

But Ye Feng never had any fear, as long as he guaranteed the most true essence, then he would not have any loss.

When the various powers in the body were constantly flowing, Ye Feng could also perceive that a very special power was integrated into his body.

This body was originally a projection made with the help of some special power, but now it is wiped out with the help of the law of the outside world, and the purest energy directly poured into Ye Feng's body.

In the next instant, Ye Feng stepped out and appeared directly in front of the Tower of Life and Death.

Silently perceiving the external environment, Ye Feng's eyes were also a little surprised.

Even though he has accelerated his own practice, according to the total calculation, he has also spent two or three years in the world in the Tower of Life and Death.

But when he came out of it, Ye Feng thought about it for a while, and suddenly found out.

In the real world, all the passage of time is only three months.

The people who had been suppressed by him before were still guarding outside the Tower of Life and Death, seemingly waiting to see Ye Feng's joke.

Perceiving such a breath, Ye Feng's expression is also a bit strange.

I didn't expect that the **** of creation had such a powerful comprehension of his own laws, and it also involved a part of the power of time.

Time is the most special kind of energy in this world.

No matter how Ye Feng worked, he couldn't find this force, and eventually he could only give up.

In just an instant, the power of that projection body has been integrated into Ye Feng's body.

A crackling burst of explosion was transmitted from his body, and the originally extremely large body was even tempered at this moment.

The power of the bloodline continued to prosper, and an extremely powerful force of qi and blood rose up, directly opening up the various hidden acupuncture points in the body.

Ye Feng's own body was originally extremely powerful, and the power of qi and blood conceived in his body had reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine.

With such power, Ye Feng can completely release his own cultivation base, and the surging power of Qi and blood has been poured into the major secret orifice spaces in the first time.

At this moment, countless energy of blood mixed with the power of various attributes of Ye Feng himself, and began to transform continuously, and the blood golden cores quickly condensed in the secret aperture space.

In the next instant, the extremely huge breath had already bloomed from the void, and the coercive force released in Ye Feng's body was extremely terrifying.

But this terrible breath didn't last long, it just disappeared completely in an instant.

The power of Qi and blood, which was completely cultivated, rushed into the giant cauldron like a waterfall.

In the first time, this peerless divine weapon was completely urged, the terrifying power in it, constantly vomiting the power in the void, releasing pure flame power to help Ye Feng temper his body.

At the same time, another breath was released, directly cutting off Ye Feng's connection with the outside world.

The chaotic aura quickly circulated in Ye Feng's body, directly engulfing all those mixed attribute powers.

Then it transformed into a more solid and calm Chaos power, which gathered in Ye Feng's Dantian.

In that world, Ye Feng had already cultivated the Chaos True Gang Art to an extremely high level.

The chaotic qi, condensed into a chaotic golden pill, which is constantly rotating in his dantian.

Now that the power of Chaos has returned to his body, he has also refined all the various forces in his body, and put them into the Golden Core of Chaos.

With such a pure force constantly eroding, the various energies in Ye Feng's body quickly dissipated and were completely integrated into the Chaos Golden Core.

If you observe carefully, in Ye Feng's Golden Core of Chaos, there is a terrifying scene of destruction of all things and the opening of heaven and earth.

You must know that the imagery Ye Feng comprehended in that world could open up the world.

It is the powerful force generated among the lives of all things, enough to shock all the lives of the entire world.

However, how condensed the chaotic qi, the power released, reached an extremely terrifying point, but it was completely compressed in the chaotic golden core.

Under this circumstance, the power that burst out of Ye Feng's body, no matter how strong it was, it would not spread out a bit, and eventually fell completely and silently in Ye Feng's body.

In a very short period of time, the various attribute forces in Ye Feng's body had begun to return to their respective positions, only the power of good fortune and the power of holy demons, and they were not swallowed by the chaotic aura.

The power of good fortune comes from the good fortune technique practiced by Ye Feng.

The power of the holy demon comes from the holy demon spear.

Both of these powers are beyond imagination. Even the power of Chaos is only slightly refined and not too severely manipulated.

Under the control of Ye Feng, these two forces merged into the divine sword of good fortune, constantly tempering the natal divine weapon that Ye Feng personally sacrificed.

The other power is the constant communicator of He Sheng Demon Spear, seeming to want to seduce that terrifying magical thought again.

Then what descended into Ye Feng's body again was the power of his divine consciousness that he continued to cultivate.

The eight different laws of divine minds converged into a crystal-like substance and returned to Ye Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, and the aura exuded was also quite powerful.

It should be known that although Ye Feng controls the power of eight completely different laws, but because of the conflict of various orders and rules between the world, the power of the laws he controls completely collapsed at this moment.

However, the power controlled by Ye Feng has not completely disappeared, but another state has been formed in the process of this transformation.

These powers are just like the attribute will that Ye Feng previously controlled.

But after this transformation, the power in it has undergone a fundamental transformation.

The various law powers possessed by these eight divine powers have now formed seed-like substances.

To be precise, they have been cultivated by Ye Feng into Dao seeds.

As long as Ye Feng continues to cultivate, sooner or later they will take root and sprout and reappear in this world.

At that time, I am afraid that there will be no force that can stop Ye Feng.

The original power in the body is also constantly running at this moment, and the powerful aura that it exudes has reached a point that ordinary people can't reach.

It's just that under the constant cover of himself, the power in Ye Feng's body has not been released, but instead made him look like an ordinary person.

Those powerhouses who had been suppressed by Ye Feng also saw his situation at the moment, and their expressions immediately became extremely hideous.

"How capable I can be as this guy, will break through the trial of the Tower of Life and Death in a short period of time.

It seems that it is nothing more than that now, even the stone stele does not evoke its own name, and it does not have any qualifications to appear in front of us. "

Some of them couldn't help but ridiculed that they didn't put Ye Feng in their eyes at all, and seemed to want to humiliate him severely.

However, the attitude shown by Ye Feng was extremely indifferent.

It's as if they didn't put these people in their eyes at all, just glanced contemptuously, and walked into the distance.

It's just such a calm attitude, but it dealt an extremely heavy blow to everyone present.

They are all the proud children of the major forces, and their strength is unfathomable, and they are admired by thousands of people.

Wherever I go, it is not an existence that is highly respected by others, and wherever I have suffered such grievances, I have been nakedly ignored.

At this moment, the incomparable anger burned from their hearts, each of them released their own breath and intercepted them in front of Ye Feng.

"Bold thief, do you know what identity you are, and you still ignore me so much?

Now give you a chance to kneel down in front of us immediately, confess your crime to us, and perhaps give you a way out. "

Someone said so, and the voice was filled with incomparable anger, as if he was going to kill Ye Feng completely.

However, Ye Feng's expression was extremely indifferent, and he didn't pay attention to the people present at all.

It's like saying that these people are just a bunch of ants, and the mosquitoes are not worth letting him take action.

Between the light steps, Ye Feng's figure seemed to shuttle in space, appearing in the weakest place of the crowd every time.

Even without the law of space, Ye Feng had an extremely profound understanding of the different attributes of space.

The smudges of body skills that have been displayed over the years have been able to completely conform to the power of the law of space, and the aura that it exudes is beyond imagination.

In this short period of time, Ye Feng had already shuttled out of the crowd blocking him, and it was possible to leave this space completely at any time.

It was indeed City Lord Swallowing Heaven who arrived here at the beginning and brought him in, but at this moment Ye Feng has a deeper understanding of the power of space attributes.

It is naturally very easy to want to leave here, and no one can stop him.

That is, at this moment, the power in Ye Feng's body was released again, and it might dissipate at any time.

"If you want to go, it's impossible."

Perceiving the spatial attribute aura emanating from Ye Feng's body, some people's faces became extremely angry.

An extremely powerful magic weapon was released for the first time, completely freezing the surrounding space.

Feeling the power of Ye Feng's expression, a slight change also occurred, and a touch of indifference flashed in his eyes.

Looking back, he saw a silver lock floating in the void, exuding extremely powerful blockade power.

The extremely powerful space attribute, the power is released at this moment, I want to completely block all the surrounding power in the shortest time.

Ye Feng could naturally recognize the power in it, and the spatial power released by the other party did indeed have a certain strength.

But this weak power was brought out to show in front of Ye Feng, which was really overwhelming.

For the first time, Ye Feng had already released the space attribute power he controlled.

The palm of his hand plunged into the void, as if he wanted to put the entire world into his own palm.

The strong man who released that space blockade magic weapon changed his complexion at this moment when he noticed Ye Feng's movement.

It seemed that he had never expected that Ye Feng could still release the power of space under the blockade of this magic weapon.

Such a treasure is also extremely precious, and the power it can exert is beyond imagination.

However, at this moment in front of Ye Feng, this space-blocked magic weapon seemed to be nothing.

At this moment, Ye Feng's method also made that strong man's complexion extremely ugly, and immediately released the breath in his body.

In a very short time, a terrifying aura was released in the void, as if to block all the forces in the space and suppress it.

At the same time, a strong brilliance was released directly towards Ye Feng, as if to completely punish Ye Feng.

At this moment, Ye Feng's eyes were also extremely indifferent. He didn't put such a tool in his eyes and pierced the palm of the void, but he also grabbed it lightly.

In an instant, the entire space seemed to collapse completely, and the aura it exuded was extremely terrifying.

A violent explosion sounded in the depths of the void, and the rumbling sound of destruction and shock was immediately transmitted, making everyone present change their faces.

The extremely faint aura of destruction flashed away in the void without leaving any traces.

The more so, everyone present could not underestimate the means that Ye Feng released at this moment, and there was an extremely shocking light in their eyes.

Looking around at this moment, that silver mysterious treasure was shattered in the void like that.

The powerful magic weapon that was originally enough to block the space so that no one could leave, was completely scrapped under the effect of Ye Feng's palm.

The original power and space power contained in it all vanished at this moment.

The mysterious metal that can carry the power of space is also turned into scrap copper and rotten iron at this moment and has no value anymore.

Although everyone present has extremely powerful strength, their respective worth is also extremely rich.

But there are definitely a few who can come up with such a precious magic weapon.

But he never thought that Ye Feng's strength was so terrifying. A magic weapon so precious was in his hands, and he was completely destroyed without even holding a breath.

Such a terrifying case fell in the eyes of everyone, and it shocked them. They were speechless and could not imagine how Ye Feng could possess such a powerful force.

"If you still don't know whether you live or die like this, then you can't blame my ruthless men for killing you all."

Ye Feng said this in an extremely calm tone, as if he was explaining a very simple matter.

But the content in it was unexpectedly rampant and terrifying, and it seemed that it didn't put the people present in the same eyes.

Although Ye Feng's strength is extremely terrifying, in front of everyone, it has no value at all.

"So courageous, who gave you the courage to say such things in front of us, do you think you can do whatever you want with a little strength?"

Some people in the crowd said so, seeming to disdain Ye Feng's strength and performance at the moment, and loudly promote it.

And all this is just as he said, and many people echoed and supported his words.

It's a pity that Ye Feng didn't seem to agree with their thoughts. The cold light flashing in his eyes, Hui also fully bloomed at this moment.

In the next moment, Ye Feng waved his palm, and a huge breath was released from his body, completely covering the surrounding space at an extremely fast speed.

The various attribute powers between heaven and earth were mobilized by Ye Feng's palm print, and the terrifying power exuded reached a point that ordinary people could not reach.

The rumbling of the destruction, the sound of shock resounded in the void, and the power radiated was extremely fierce, as if everything between the world and the earth were to be completely destroyed.

Just saw the sky above the sky, an extremely huge palm slowly fell, as if to crush everyone present to death.

"Are you crazy?"

"We are all the proud children of the major forces in the Sky-Swallowing Demon Realm. If you dare to do this to us, aren't we afraid that the forces behind us will ask you to settle accounts?"

"What are you doing in a daze? If you don't make a move, you will really die under this trick."

In an instant, those powerful arrogant sons of heaven, just like this easily messed up, and tried their best to release all the aura they possessed.

The incomparably powerful moves are constantly released from the void at this moment, and more terrifying auras are expanding wildly, as if to completely destroy everything.

At the same time, these arrogant men of the heavens also used their own housekeeping skills to fully mobilize all the power of all the attributes between the heaven and the earth, and they were also released.

A series of dazzling and terrifying attacks emerged from their hands so easily, and the coercive force radiated from them reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine.

Under such circumstances, a terrifying aura continued to spread in the void, and the coercive force radiated from it reached a point that no one present could imagine.

A terrible chaos with its palm covering the sky and the sun, and its coercive force has reached a level beyond the reach of ordinary people.

The extremely heavy pressure, a little bit of falling down, was enough to completely destroy everything between the world and the earth, and the terrible pressure exuded was shocking and unimaginable for everyone present.

Waves of terrifying concussion sounded those extremely powerful attacks, which could not stop Ye Feng's chaotic palmprints.

No matter how terrifying the power they control, the magic weapon mobilized is also the world's best, but at this moment it is impossible to resist Ye Feng's attack.

Only in an extremely short period of time, such a powerful pressure crushed all these terrible supplies.

Because the terrifying pressure of destruction radiated in this short period of time, swallowing all the attribute power between heaven and earth.

The attack released by them, no matter how horrible they were, could not change this fact, and watched their own power completely swallowed by a chaotic palmprint.

The powerhouses present were also completely shocked by the methods Ye Feng displayed. In any case, they did not expect Ye Feng's strength to reach such a terrifying point.

The force of destruction continues to come, and the tremendous pressure generated has also brought an unimaginable sense of oppression to these people.

They were originally the proud children of all major forces and had never tried life and death, but at this moment, in front of Ye Feng's attack, they finally tasted the taste of death.

That is to say, in this short period of time, Ye Feng's attack, vomiting the vitality of the world in the void, has become more and more terrifying.

And every time a strong person is defeated and their attacks are wiped out, the strength that Ye Feng can release will also increase by one point.

Without Ye Feng's own control of the destruction, the power released by Chang Ye is the continuous growth of the powerful coercive force that is emitted, and it is enough to completely destroy everything between the sky and the earth.

Feeling such terrible pressure, everyone present changed their faces one after another, and it was impossible to imagine how Ye Feng had such a terrifying strength.

In the first time, the original strength in the body was mobilized, and at an extremely fast speed, it was crushed toward the direction where Ye Feng was.

The strength released by a strong man was extremely terrifying, and the attacks released by the surrounding people gathered together, forming a more terrifying wave of destruction, which was released toward Ye Feng's body.

This attack also contained extremely terrifying power, and it descended around Ye Feng's body at an extremely fast speed.

Once Ye Feng is able to reach a few, then even if Ye Feng's strength is strong, he will be hit hard by this attack. Those strong men do have such confidence.

It's a pity that the attack was here, and it had just penetrated the space, at the moment when it was possible to fall on Ye Feng at any time.

A pure white palm came out and directly blocked the attack.

With any release of power, just a slight pinch, that terrible destruction attack completely collapsed, and the aura radiated from it was completely dissipated in a very short time.

Not even a faint splash of water splashed, so a terrifying attack was completely dissipated.

Ye Feng turned his head with interest, glanced at the few people who attacked him, and then flicked his finger casually.

It was just such an understatement that caused the complexions of the powerful men to change drastically, and the extremely terrifying death crisis directly shrouded them.

At the first moment, he wanted to mobilize the power in his body and quickly display his own martial arts to avoid this terrifying attack.

However, at this moment they suddenly realized that everything around them had been firmly sealed off.

The few of them are like insects sealed in amber, and there is no possibility of breaking free at all.

That is, at this moment, the flick released by Ye Feng had already landed on them.

These people also did their best to mobilize the most terrifying potential in their bodies, and a series of extremely terrifying attacks were completely released at this moment.

However, even if they tried their best, it didn't help. The aura that Ye Feng exudes was too terrifying.

It was just a flick of a finger, without mobilizing any attribute power, but the aura in the surrounding space began to collapse continuously, descending toward these people like a snowball.

That is to say, in this short period of time, the extremely terrifying coercive force, the powerful aura emanating from the complete eruption, completely enveloped them.

No matter how these people release their own attacks, they can't change the compression of that space.

All of them were hit in the first time.

In an instant, the internal bodies of several people were completely crushed by a tyrannical force, no matter how they mobilized their original power, they couldn't change this situation.

Several successive screams sounded in the field, and the faces of these people instantly became extremely pale.

The bones and visceral tissue cells in the body were completely wiped out under Ye Feng's attack, and the original power in them also began to crazily fade.

But just using the power in his body, Ye Feng's whole body has been covered by the chaos aura, and the power radiated also contains a certain degree of chaos power.

Ye Feng's Chaos Power has been cultivated to an extremely high level, even the powerhouse of the ancient giant **** level, he may not be able to compete with him.

And although these people present are very powerful, there are also cultivators in the realm of ancient giants.

But compared with Ye Feng's own strength, there is still a huge gap.

Especially the people who attacked Ye Feng, the power in their bodies was not as strong as imagined, but in a very short period of time, they were completely shocked by this terrifying pressure.

And unable to resist the influence of the power of chaos, their bodies will be completely assimilated by the power of chaos in a very short time, transformed into pure heaven and earth vitality, and dissipate in this space.

After killing a few people at random, Ye Feng didn't take the initiative to leave. Instead, he quietly watched that ruined palm print and kept falling.

The extremely terrifying aura of attributes was released in this short period of time, as if to completely destroy everything in the world.

The power of the origin that has continuously gathered has reached a point beyond the reach of ordinary people. The power of hatred and chaos radiated from it has brought unimaginable pressure to everyone present.

Just a moment of extremely terrifying destruction, the fluctuations have completely erupted and crushed fiercely.

Those strong people who spoke harshly to Ye Feng also suffered their due retribution at this moment. Everyone's body was completely wiped out by the power of Chaos, leaving no trace of any trace.

Seeing this situation, Ye Feng's expression finally changed slightly, and he waved his hand casually, and a huge black figure appeared behind him.

"give it to you."

Ye Feng said indifferently.

In an instant, countless **** powers were released, and surrounding the void was the extremely terrifying sound of ghost crying.

It seems that there is an extremely terrifying attribute power that is completely released at this moment, as if all the origins between heaven and earth are being mobilized madly, countless souls are called at this moment.

Those powerhouses killed by Ye Feng, their souls were not damaged, at this moment, under Ye Feng's summons, they also gathered at an extremely fast speed.

During that period, the power possessed by the death **** war spirits was also growing rapidly.

The ghosts in the Wanhun Banner had already been completely refined by him.

The infinite **** that he has opened up has also become extremely vast under the nourishment of these wraith spirits, and the breath of death that it exudes has reached an extremely terrifying point.

With this kind of power, the power of **** controlled by the death **** war spirit cultivating the Hell Heart Sutra has reached a level that ordinary people can't imagine.

The extremely terrifying force of coercion constantly permeates the souls of those strong men in the void, and it is impossible to resist the terrifying power of the Heart Sutra of Hell.

I only saw the death **** war spirit splashing the power of **** at will, containing all those terrifying souls in the ten thousand soul flags, in order to continuously strengthen this magic weapon.

For the death **** war spirit, the effect of this ten thousand soul flag is even far more than the death sickle he controls.

With a long flag, he can control the authority of death.

Of course, if he is in the good fortune world, Ye Feng can rely on this to control the power of the law of death.

It's just that that kind of power is not completely suitable for Ye Feng, and the power of **** has also been accommodated by the magical spirit.

Even if Ye Feng wanted to operate the law of death, he didn't need to take action by himself. All this could be accomplished by mobilizing the power of the magic way and the spirit of mind.

Furthermore, the Heart Sutra of Hell has been fused with the Death War Spirit, and the powers in it have also alternated with each other.

The infinite **** controlled by the **** of death war spirits, as long as it continues to expand, is a tremendous help to Ye Feng, why bother to pursue the energy change in it?

Seeing that the aura in **** became larger and larger, and those terrifying souls were also constrained one by one by the death **** war spirits, Ye Feng finally showed a smile on his face.

Of course, if this smile fell into the eyes of other people, it would be like a demon's hell, and the pressure it exudes is beyond imagination.

Naturally, Ye Feng would not care about these things, he had already mobilized the aura in his body in the first place.

The various attribute powers under his control were also displayed by Ye Feng at this moment.

Attached to the death **** war spirit at an extremely fast speed, slowly rotating the original power in his body, wanting to change the breath in his body in the shortest possible time.

At this moment, for Ye Feng, the aura on the Death God's War Spirit was too chaotic, but also because of the refining of a large number of unjust souls, the original power that it possessed had already begun to collapse.

Now Ye Feng happens to have this kind of ability, so it's better to re-train the aura and refine this terrifying power again.

Improving the purity of the power of **** will also be extremely helpful to Ye Feng, allowing him to control the power in his body again in the shortest possible time.

However, before Ye Feng started such a plan, an extremely terrifying force of coercion had already come down.

With such terrible pressure, even to make Ye Feng feel a little breathless, the horror breath directly entangled him.

"So courageous, who gave you the courage to slaughter the proud man here?"

An extremely terrifying voice sounded in the void, and the rumbling sound of shocks, the continuous pressure, slammed down towards the direction where Ye Feng was located.

However, Ye Feng's breath did not change in any way, and he was still refining the power in the body of the death war spirit incomparably quiet.

That is to say, in this short period of time, a huge pressure was released from the void, and the resulting storm of destruction reached a point beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"I'm asking you something, how dare you not answer?

Do you know what a huge crime this was committed? "

Seeing Ye Feng's attitude, the strong man in the void was also outrageous beyond imagination.

The power in the body was released in the first time, and UU Reading www.uukā rolled down towards the direction where Ye Feng was at an extremely fast speed.

In the eyes of Ye Feng, the endless source of power was reflected. Most of his attention was still on the death **** war spirit, but he waved a transparent crystal long sword at random and appeared in his palm. in.

At this moment, the divine sword of good fortune swallowed the power of the origin between heaven and earth, and immediately gathered an extremely powerful aura of good fortune.

There is no need for Ye Feng to actively control it, but this destiny soldier completely mobilizes the power under his control, and it has formed an extremely terrifying sharp sword light.

Before the strong man could react, this terrifying sword light had already been killed, and it descended around his body at an extremely fast speed.

The most powerful aura in the body, the powerful force released at this moment completely erupted, even more shocked some strong people present.

In an instant, an extremely terrifying brilliance of destruction was also released from this strong man, and it collided with the sword light of good fortune that Ye Feng had killed.

In an instant, the rumbling sound of destruction resounded between heaven and earth, and the extremely terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

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