Sky War God

Chapter 3567: Demon Realm

[网] Lingtian War God Chapter 3567 Demon God Realm

In the void, an extremely terrifying brilliance bloomed, as if to completely destroy everything in the space, such a powerful breath, even Ye Feng, could not bear it.

The power of chaos burst out instantly, and Ye Feng also mobilized the breath of his whole body, and the power of the source he controlled was being released at an extremely fast speed.

In Ye Feng's eyes, there was also an endless bright scene, and even the chaotic realm was released.

The extremely strange chaotic vision just appeared beside Ye Feng, as if to completely destroy everything in the world.

Such a powerful force made the power of the surrounding heaven and earth surrender, and it was quite a powerful ability that burst out in this short period of time.

That is to say, within such a time, the terrifying dawn of light was released toward Ye Feng's location and directly fell on him.

Ye Feng didn't have any hesitation either, the power of chaos in his body was released, as if to completely destroy everything between heaven and earth.

I only saw Ye Feng wave his fist and slapped out towards the dawn of light. At this moment, the force of extremely powerful coercion exploded fiercely.

The two terrifying attacks collided in this way, and the rumbling sound of terrifying concussion resounded through the void.

Even more unimaginable waves of destruction, spreading in all directions in a very short time, seemed to completely destroy everything in the space.

There was also a strange light in Liming Xiuyan’s eyes. He thought he could completely suppress Ye Feng in the shortest possible time, and even used the most powerful force to completely kill Ye Feng. .

Such a terrifying power is not what ordinary people can imagine. The dawn brilliance controlled by Liming Xiuyan is the supreme magical power inherited by their family, and its power is far beyond the imagination of everyone present.

Those strong players in the field, when they saw such a situation, had already determined.

"This guy is over, he can't be Miss Liming's opponent at all."

"That's the brilliance of dawn, the most powerful shining power between the heavens and the earth, a powerful move that can completely wipe out all creatures. When an ordinary ancient giant encounters it, it will be refined into ashes."

"This thief does have some tricks, but trying to compete with Miss Liming is simply wishful thinking."

Just when everyone had such thoughts, those two terrifying attacks finally broke out.

The power of chaos is like having its own life. In the first time, all of its power is released, and the fierce dawn brilliance collides together.

At this moment, the power of Chaos in Ye Feng's body trembled.

The extremely powerful force of coercion exploded at this moment, and all the forces between heaven and earth seemed to be completely destroyed.

Liming Xiuyan also felt the terrifying power contained in the power of Chaos, and this moment was also quite shocked.

The original power in the body was also mobilized crazily at this moment, crushing down to the direction where Ye Feng was located, and even completely destroying his body.

However, the constant power of concussion in the void and the influence of the power of chaos on the power of various attributes have reached a quite terrifying state.

Anytime, anywhere, unimaginable pressure may burst out, and even the space will be completely destroyed.

The two terrifying powers were deadlocked at this moment, causing the surrounding space to be shattered, and waves of destruction continued to spread out.

At this moment, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes flickered, and the divine sword of good fortune in his hand burst out with terrifying brilliance again, slashing toward the front fiercely.

The power of good fortune in the whole body was mobilized at this moment, the extremely bright sword light, as if to kill everything.

The sharp aura even affected Liming's repair face, making her face pale.

The power of good fortune resonates with the world, and constantly attracts the power of the world to converge, making that attack even more terrifying, and the power is even more powerful than before.

Liming Xiuyan was also shocked by this force, directly mobilizing his most terrifying power, releasing all his breath madly, pushing the power of that dawn radiance to the extreme.

The power of Chaos seemed to be unable to withstand such a power, and began to be constantly suppressed, and the power of the original source seemed to be constantly collapsing.

Faced with such pressure, Ye Feng's expression did not change in any way, but he watched all this indifferently, allowing them to continue to crush it down.


Just when the dawn of light and the sword light of good fortune were about to collide with everything, Ye Feng suddenly uttered a syllable.

At this moment, the terrifying power of coercion collided with the original power in the void. The extremely pure power of chaos, as if unable to withstand such pressure, directly collapsed.

It was at this moment that the power of the chaos that broke apart exuded an unimaginable powerful aura, as if to turn the world into chaos.

The extremely powerful chaotic aura, combined with the power of its own terrifying spirituality, immediately completely occupied the surrounding space, even with extremely terrifying energy, continuously brewing in this space.

Even the brilliance of the dawn was strongly affected at this moment, as if being caught in a quagmire, the speed of movement became extremely slow.

In Ye Feng's eyes, the power of the Chaos Domain was also reflected. All of this was controlled in his hands and no one could escape.

At this moment, the sword of good fortune finally came, and without any consideration, it rushed into the realm of chaos.

Under the influence of the power of good fortune, those powerful chaotic auras are being decomposed at an extremely fast speed, or they are evolving into another force.

And under the influence of such a force, the power of good fortune sword light also played an unimaginable role.

The terrifying force of coercion broke out at this moment, and the force of the edge was enough to tear the whole world apart.

Under the influence of such a terrifying force, no matter how terrifying the Dawn Glory is, it will not be able to cause any influence on Ye Feng.

Liming Xiuyan didn't expect Ye Feng to be able to exert such terrifying strength in such a short period of time, and the brilliant sword light that burst out could cut off her dawning brilliance.

It was at this moment that the power of the attributes reflected in Ye Feng's eyes had already exerted an unimaginable terrifying power, directly suppressing all the auras between heaven and earth.

The Wanling Divine Art worked with all its strength, and the power it radiated had reached an extremely terrifying point.

That is to say, at this moment, Liming Xiuyan will once again explode the strength in his determination, and the radiant power he has displayed has reached an extremely powerful state, and he wants to withstand Ye Feng's attack in the shortest possible time.

However, the power of the cultivation technique exuded by Ye Feng was too strong, directly cutting off all the power of the law between heaven and earth.

Such a force is so powerful that everyone present is extremely shocked, and it is impossible to imagine what Ye Feng has achieved in this short period of time.

The powerful force radiating from the void in an instant had already suppressed everything around it.

The power of Chaos also emerged in an instant, releasing absolute terrifying strength, completely suppressing all attribute powers.

The two powers are combined, so the power exerted is simply beyond the resistance of ordinary people, and even the full power of Liming Xiuyan can't resist.

At this moment, he could only watch that terrifying force of destruction, constantly oppressing him, and even swallowing his body completely in the shortest possible time.

The power of the original source is constantly running, and the powerful aura that comes out has reached a point that ordinary people can't reach.

Ye Feng continued to circulate the power in his body, rolling towards the front, not giving Liming Xiuyan any chance to resist.

Those who were on top also reacted at this moment, and immediately mobilized the power in the body to form an extremely powerful destruction attack, which was released toward the side where Ye Feng was.

At this moment, Ye Feng's strength was strong, but after all, he did not break through the boundaries of the ancient giant, and the power in his body was still extremely restricted.

The source of the body, the power is surging crazily at this moment, and the powerful aura that it exudes is also constantly running, making the power of its own practice reach a more terrifying point.

Even with the energy released by Ye Feng, it couldn't be an overwhelming destruction attack.

The powerful force released by itself was unable to resist such a powerful wave of destruction, and was finally completely defeated.

The most terrifying power swarmed over Ye Feng's body, trying to wipe out his body in the shortest possible time.

And Ye Feng's reaction was also extremely quick to completely explode the breath in his body for the first time, and the power of chaos released was to swallow everything in the world.

The power under his control ran wildly, and the breath that Ye Feng exudes reached an extremely terrifying point, and he finally resisted such a terrible attack.

Even so, Ye Feng's body suffered heavy damage, countless destruction energy, madly running in his body, constantly eroding his body.

Even with the suppression of the power of Chaos, it is impossible to fully release the power in the body in the shortest time. He can only watch the power in his body and then collapse a little bit.

The breath in the body that is constantly revolving, and the brilliance in the eyes is also constantly flickering.

The power of various attributes he felt was also playing a powerful role at this moment, constantly suppressing the power in Ye Feng's body, and wanted to fully release the strength under his control in the shortest possible time.

It's just that the power controlled by the other party is too terrifying, no matter how powerful Ye Feng's strength is, he can't completely suppress such a destructive force in this short period of time.

The power in the body kept trembling, which also made Ye Feng's body tremble constantly, and his face became extremely pale.

The breath that came out became extremely weak, as if it could completely dissipate at any time.

"This is all you forced me."

Ye Feng's eyes were red, and the power in his body was also circling frantically, and the breath in his body was completely exploded in the first time.

The incomparably terrifying attribute power burst out at this moment, and the powerful aura that exudes shocked everyone present. It seemed that Ye Feng could have such a terrifying strength.

At the same time, the spear that dared to reveal an extremely fierce aura, stained with infinite blood, slowly released from Ye Feng's body.

In the face of such a powerful enemy, Ye Feng did not dare to take any care, and immediately summoned the Holy Magic Spear in his body, and the extremely terrifying sharp aura burst out at this moment.

At the same time, the terrifying demonic nature suppressed by Ye Feng in his body is also completely releasing such a powerful force at this moment, which makes people a little desperate.

Before, when Ye Feng used the Holy Demon Spear to deal with Ouyang Lin, he also took advantage of the powerful demon nature in it, and was extremely severely affected.

At that time, even if Ye Feng tried his best to suppress, there was no way to cause any interference to the spear demon in it. Instead, he was affected by such a powerful demon, and he almost fell into the demon way.

Fortunately, City Lord Ouyang shot in time and suppressed the terrible magic power in Ye Feng for the first time, so that he was not completely swallowed by the magical power.

But now what kind of gun Ye Feng releases again, it also fully releases such a breath, and the power it possesses is simply unimaginable.

In an instant, the entire world was rendered into a **** color, such a powerful sharp aura, it simply shocked everyone present.

It seems to say that this space has become a unique field, and it is possible to completely degenerate the powerful aura that comes out anytime and anywhere, and it also makes everyone present can't bear it.

In this short period of time, the power of attributes reflected in Ye Feng's eyes had reached an extremely terrifying point.

In his pupils, an extremely dark color was revealed.

The extremely terrifying magical power burst out with unimaginable coercive force at this moment, even Ye Feng could no longer control his body.

At this moment, the power in Ye Feng's body was completely replaced by the power of the Demon Dao attribute, and that terrible chaotic aura and the power of good fortune were stained with a layer of black.

"You **** it."

Ye Feng roared angrily, the power radiating from his body was simply beyond imagination.

It was at this moment that an extremely terrifying force burst out in this short period of time, and it was released directly towards Ye Feng's nearest powerhouse.

There was no room for any reaction at all, and the power in Ye Feng's body had already reached an extremely terrifying point. Such a powerful oppressive power even shocked everyone present.

In a very short period of time, the extremely terrifying aura, madly releasing such a force, was simply unbearable for everyone present.

A bright red spear light shuttled through the void, directly locked on one of the strong men, and pierced his body fiercely.

His response was also extremely quick, he completely exploded the power in his body in the first time, and wanted to block Ye Feng's attack in the shortest possible time.

At the same time, he even connected all the energies around him, trying to suppress Ye Feng's attack in this short period of time, so as to ensure his own vitality.

The powerful pressure emitted by the crazy burning of the original power in the body has reached a point that ordinary people can't reach. The extremely terrifying pressure has shocked everyone present.

However, at this moment, that terrible attack collided with the holy magic spear light released by Ye Feng, immediately rumbling and screaming.

That is, the powerful force of destruction is spreading in all directions, as if to completely swallow the entire world.

The strong man thought he was strong, even if he couldn't resist Ye Feng, he still had the power to parry for a moment.

However, he did not expect that Ye Feng's strength was beyond imagination. He had completely suppressed the breath in his body at the first time, and the power released by that strong man completely collapsed in the first time. Lost.

Without stopping even for a moment, Ye Feng's figure suddenly flashed by his side, and the sharp power radiated from it reached a point that ordinary people could not reach.

In the shocked gaze of the strong man, his body directly carried the holy magic spear and was busy giving the terrifying power exuded by the complete tradition, and it continued to erode his body, as if to completely complete his body. Destroyed the same.

What's more, the powerful devouring power contained in the holy magic spear also burst out at this moment, swallowing the power in the body of this strong man at an extremely fast speed.

In the face of such a terrible attack, the strong man had no room for resistance for a while, and could only watch the power in his body continuously drain, which could dissipate between heaven and earth at any time.

Then the terrible aura emanating from the void completely exploded, causing the power in his body to dissipate like a phantom.

And the principle of origin controlled by the holy magic spear also took away all the energy in this strong man in the first time, leaving only a ray of remnant soul, dissipating between the heaven and the earth.

The power that Ye Feng exploded at this moment shocked everyone present, and there was no mood to care about the breath released again in Ye Feng's body.

In this short period of time, an incomparably deep obsidian emanated from the void, directly locked onto the soul, and swallowed it at an extremely fast speed.

"Bold thief, dare to use such terrible magic skills, do you know how big a mistake he made?"

Looking at Ye Feng who was already enchanted, someone said so, the coercive force that radiated even more distorted the surrounding space.

The other people present are also extremely recognized, so that the power in the body will be fully released in the first time.

At an extremely fast speed, he rolled towards the location where Ye Feng was, and wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to completely suppress Ye Feng.

However, at this moment, Ye Feng was completely enchanted, and the power in his body was boiling crazily, and the terrifying power exuding made everyone present even have no chance to resist.

No matter what kind of roar they uttered and what language they used to scold Ye Feng, it was impossible to have any influence on him.

At this moment, such a terrifying aura broke out directly, forming a very special influence in this space domain.

The extremely terrifying magic power attribute power was madly released, so that everyone present was completely shocked by such a breath, and it was impossible to imagine where such terrible power came from.

For example, the holy magic spear in Ye Feng's hand was constantly trembling, and the power radiated from it was simply beyond imagination and terrifying, and it could definitely bring tremendous pressure to everyone present in the shortest possible time.

The power of the terrifying Demon Dao attribute is continuously released from the Holy Demon Spear, and the black and ink Demon Dao aura has reached an extremely powerful level.

After approaching Ye Feng, the power of any kind of attribute will be quickly and at the same time transformed into the power of the magic way and then released again.

This allowed the surrounding space to be completely covered by such a powerful force, as if it could be completely suppressed at any time.

In a very short period of time, the original power controlled by Ye Feng had reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.

No matter how they are operating their own origin, their power can no longer resist such terrible magic power to corrode the power in the body, and it can be lost at an extremely fast speed.

And at this moment, Ye Feng is also constantly running the power of the holy demon in his body, making his own power even more terrifying.

The powerful edge force shuttled through the void, and even penetrated into the depths of the void. Those who released space spells to restrain Ye Feng were also seriously injured by the space power at this moment.

A series of extremely powerful magic road spear lights, the impact of the shuttle back and forth in the void is even more powerful than ordinary people can't imagine.

Under such influence, no one could stop Ye Feng at all, and even Liming Xiuyan could not protect himself.

Just to stop Ye Feng, he completely exploded the power in his body, and the powerful aura exuded crazily suppressed everything in the void.

At this moment, his own strength has weakened to a very low level, even if the dawn brilliance that he has cultivated is the top practice in this world, it cannot affect Ye Feng again.

On the contrary, the fierce aura from Ye Feng completely shocked his mind, making him unable to condense his own strength at all.

Such a terrifying power of the magic way raged crazily in a very short time, and wanted to completely shred his soul in the shortest time.

Liming Xiuyan's face also became extremely pale, and under the erosion of such terrifying Demon Dao aura, his body was trembling involuntarily, as if he could not resist Ye Feng's power at all.

"Bold thief, do you think this will ensure you are invincible in the world? Such a shameful method is not a long-term solution at all."

Liming Xiuyan was also completely shocked by the power released by Ye Feng. At this moment, the aura in her body was madly released, wanting to completely shred such a powerful power.

In an instant, a transparent gem emerged from her body, bursting out endless brilliance in the first time, as if all the brilliance of the heavens and the earth was gathered here.

It was in this short period of time that Liming Xiuyan had completely exploded the aura in the concrete.

The radiant brilliance bloomed crazily at this moment, and the radiated power completely shocked everyone present. It was impossible to imagine where such a power came from.

At this moment, I heard Liming Xiuyan standing in the void, speaking in an extremely angry tone.

"Bold thief, dare to force me to use the treasure of my clan, do you know how big a crime you have committed?"

Dawn repaired the face, at this moment, under the sacred brilliance, the whole person became extremely tall, and the breath radiating from the body reached an extremely terrifying point.

Even the terrifying magical thoughts released by the holy magic spear could not have any effect on her in a short time, but the power in the body was constantly suppressed by such a breath.

But the next moment the holy magic spear became even more angry, as if to completely tear everything around it, and the terrifying magic spear light went crazy in the void.

"The glazed sacred stone, I didn't expect Miss Liming to be recognized by the glazed sacred stone."

Suddenly someone in the crowd said so strongly, his face became extremely happy.

"The glazed sacred stone is the treasure of the Liming clan. It can bring together the brilliance of the heavens and the earth, and play an extremely powerful role.

Each piece of glazed sacred stone represents the Liming clan. A strong person has poured all his own cultivation base into it. At this moment, the power she controls has reached a level that ordinary people can't imagine.

With the presence of Miss Liming and the glazed sacred stone, this thief would be completely suppressed to death, no matter how powerful it was. "

Hearing what the person said, the expression of the people in the scene finally eased, and the breath in the body was released in the first time.

However, at this moment, Ye Feng didn't have any fear, and even the expression on his face became more hideous, as if he was about to change something.

"With such a broken stone, do you think that your own strength can defeat me? It's just wishful thinking."

An extremely hoarse voice came from Ye Feng's mouth, and the terrifying aura exuded instantly reached an unimaginable realm, and the Holy Magic Spear formula in his hand bloomed with an extremely bright red light.

At this moment, Ye Feng's strength seemed to have reached an extremely terrifying point, even the brilliance of the glazed sacred stone could not resist.

The extremely powerful Demon Dao attribute power was released in this short period of time, spreading towards the surrounding space at an extremely fast speed, as if to completely destroy all the power between heaven and earth.

It was in this short period of time that the aura in Ye Feng's body had already expanded crazily, reaching an extremely terrifying place.

Especially the power of divine consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness is constantly recovering under the stimulation of the magical attributes.

It's like saying that the life of the magic path attribute that Ye Feng controls at this moment has reached the most terrifying point in the world, and extremely powerful pressure may erupt at any time.

Even saying that under such an opportunity, it is not impossible to condense Ye Feng's unique magic path attribute law.

The extremely terrifying power was circling crazily in the void, and the aura that came out reached a level beyond the reach of ordinary people.

The crazy power of destruction continued to circulate in the void, rushing towards Liming Xiuyan fiercely.


At this moment, the voice of Liming Xiuyan also became extremely sacred and majestic, exuding an extremely powerful aura, causing the surrounding space to be turbulent.

In this short period of time, these two terrifying attacks have collided together, and the radiated power has reached a point beyond the reach of ordinary people.

The rumbling of the destruction, the sound of vibration constantly resounded in the void.

There is even more terrifying power of destruction, spreading wildly in all directions, as if to completely destroy everything in this world.

These two terrible attacks have exceeded the cognition of everyone present, and it is even more difficult to imagine how terrifying the power contained in them is.

I only felt the destruction attack emanating from this, constantly shuttled through the void, and could completely destroy everything in the world in the first time.

The powerful force radiating from within Ye Feng's body had already reached an extremely terrifying point.

The extremely scarlet spear light was released at this moment, piercing directly at that bright gemstone.

"Just relying on you, I still want to shake the original gem of our clan."

Liming Xiuyan's expression was quite disdainful, and he didn't put Ye Feng's performance at the moment in the body in his eyes, and the power that radiated was extremely fierce.

Countless dazzling sacred, brilliance was released at this moment, descending towards the direction where Ye Feng was, as if to completely purify her body.

However, at the moment when those powerful destruction spear lights were released, everything changed.

The two attacks collided and immediately produced a terrifying shock. The terrible storm force penetrated the void and directly pointed at the glazed sacred stone.

Even Liming Xiuyan didn't react, that piece of sacred old gemstone had already been hit by the holy magic spear.

There is no chance of resistance at all, such a powerful breath has reached an extremely terrifying point, as if all the forces between the heavens and the earth will be completely destroyed.

That is to say, in this instant, an extremely delicate crack appeared on the glazed sacred stone, as if it might collapse at any time.


There was a very strong roar in the void again, as if the most terrifying sacred in the world was venting his own anger.

That is, the terrifying power of counting the stars was completely released at this moment, and the sky was full of incomparable sacred brilliance, completely covering the surrounding photo space.

The power of the magic path attribute that Ye Feng released was frantically purified at this moment, and even the holy magic spear was constantly trembling under the influence of this power.

"This is the power of the gods, and the gods of the dawn clan have taken action."

Someone in the crowd exclaimed so much, and the expression of excitement on Tao and his face even more.

In their eyes, extremely powerful attributes and power were reflected, as if everything in the world had changed under the influence of this power.

Under the interference of this glorious force, the entire void is undergoing intense changes, as if the original force between heaven and earth is being purified.

Even the Mingxiang Crystal in Ye Feng's body was affected, and the changes that emanated from it reached an extreme here.

Originally, the Mingxiang crystal in Ye Feng's body was the most powerful force that restrained the power of the magic way, especially the magic way ideas released from the holy magic spear, which could be thoroughly purified by the Mingxiang crystal.

However, at this moment, the power of Demon Dao and Divine Sense that Ye Feng is contaminated is the power accumulated in the Holy Magic Spear for countless years, and it has reached the realm of the ancient giant.

Even if Ye Feng had cultivated himself with Wanhua's supernatural powers, it was impossible to contend with such a powerful ability in a very short period of time.

It must be digested for a long time before this force can be completely melted into the Mingxiang crystal.

At this moment, the sacred brilliance that descended from the void had a huge impact on Ye Feng's magical thoughts, and in a very short period of time, it had completely suppressed this power.

But under the interference of such a force, the source of power controlled by Ye Feng is also rushing and purifying crazily, and the aura radiating from it has become abnormally pure.

The ability exuded by the original power has reached a point that ordinary people can't imagine.

It was also at this moment that the power of Chaos in Ye Feng's body directly recovered, swallowing part of the dawning brilliance, and his own power began to fully recover.

With his own strength, he resisted a certain amount of magical thoughts, and the power that Ye Feng could control was completely awakened in a very short period of time, constantly suppressing those magical thoughts.

The attack released by that **** was originally imprinted in the glazed sacred stone.

Now the terrifying aura that these powers have been exhausted completely dissipates at this moment, and can no longer affect Ye Feng.

But the power controlled by those strong men has also been restored, and the terrifying aura that exudes has made the entire space turbulent.

That kind of force, how many times stronger than I didn't know before, could oppress Ye Feng to death at any time.

Such a powerful aura made these people extremely excited, thinking that they could completely punish Ye Feng in the shortest time.

That is, the power emanating from this void has reached a point that ordinary people can't imagine. Such a powerful breath shocked everyone present.

The extremely terrifying attribute power, trembling crazily in the void, exudes a powerful aura, the offensive makes it impossible for anyone in the field to withstand such power.

Ye Feng's eyes opened, and endless brilliance was reflected in his pupils, as if he had incorporated all the power of attributes between heaven and earth.

It is under such circumstances that all auras are being completely released, and the powerful force that comes out has reached a point that ordinary people can't reach.

"Yes, you do have some abilities, but you want to kill me and dream with this little strength."

Now Ye Feng has regained his consciousness, watching those strong men eager to try, mockingly said with disdain.

"What a courage, who gave you such courage, dare to speak to us like this.

Don't think that any weird means you have controlled before can affect us. Do you think the power you control can be released again? "

Liming Xiuyan suddenly spoke, and the aura that exuded was still so majestic and sacred, as if he had changed a person.

Reaching out to the Holy Magic Spear in Ye Feng's hand, he said in an extremely mocking tone.

"So that weapon like this has been completely sealed, and it can't be used in a short time. Do you think you are powerful?"

Liming Xiuyan was very confident. In the attack just now, although the magic power released by Ye Feng was completely suppressed, there was also a powerful aura entwined with the holy magic spear.

This made the power that Ye Feng could control received a strong blow in an instant, he could no longer mobilize the terrifying power contained in the holy magic spear, and at this moment he could no longer resist the powerful aura she controlled.

Now Ye Feng can clearly perceive that there is an extremely pure power entwined with the holy magic spear, as if it can completely purify all the filth in the world.

Even the terrifying magical thoughts contained in the holy magic spear could not cause a storm under this power, and could only be suppressed by this power, and for a long period of time, it would not be able to make waves again.

However, feeling such a change, Ye Feng's expression did not change at all, and even became relaxed.

The extremely terrifying breath broke out from Ye Feng's body again, causing a smile to appear on his face.

"Okay, good means, I didn't expect you to still control such power, which can have such a powerful influence on me.

Even the Holy Demon Spear can be influenced by you, you are indeed an extremely powerful force.

But do you think that this way, I will be able to make no resistance? "

Hearing Ye Feng's words, the faces of everyone present also became extremely ugly, and the breath radiating from the body reached an extremely powerful point.

At this moment, the aura in Ye Feng's body reached an extremely terrifying level.

The power of chaos surged wildly in the void, as if to completely return the entire space to chaos.

But at this moment, the expression on Ye Feng's face has become even more weird.

It seems that some stigmatizing means is brewing.

"Since you have such a fear of the power of the magic path attribute, now I will let you see what a real magic is.

Let you sink into the eternal hell. "

When this sentence was finished, the terrifying **** power in Ye Feng's body was released, and there were endless sounds of howling ghosts and wolves, radiating in the void.

In an instant the wind whistling, my crying voice continued to pass, as if this kind of world was covered by that heroic soul.

No one can resist such a terrifying force, watching those extremely terrifying auras surround their bodies. UU reading

An incomparably huge figure emerged behind Ye Feng, with unimaginable power exuding all over his body.

The extremely cold breath was released from his body, and he wanted to drag these people into that terrifying realm in the shortest possible time.

Ye Feng finally released his death war spirit at this moment, and the Hell of Infinite Hell also descended into this world.

Although Ye Feng didn't integrate the Death God War Spirit into his spiritual thoughts.

But after such a powerful war spirit integrated the Hell Heart Sutra, it had reached a terrifying realm that ordinary people could not imagine.

Now the Death God and the War Spirit can evolve endless scenes of **** within a single thought, and the power they exert has reached a realm that Ye Feng couldn't comprehend.

In an instant, the entire space was like the territory of a demon god, extremely terrifying.

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