Sky War God

Chapter 3588: Singled out the abyss queen

Incomparably terrifying power erupted directly from Ye Feng's body.


   One thousand and two hundred chaotic auras, the powerful force that is constantly turning in the dantian, and even the surrounding space is strongly distorted.


   At this moment, Ye Feng directly turned this force into full play, surrounding his body.


   With these chaotic powers, Ye Feng finally inferred that it would take at least 120,000 chaotic auras to fill his dantian completely.


  Under this situation, it is definitely not that simple to reach this point.


   But the same power of this kind of cultivation is extremely huge, and it may explode with terrifying power beyond imagination anytime and anywhere.


   It is as if the attribute aura in Ye Feng's body has reached an extremely terrifying point. In a very short period of time, a terrifying force can already erupt.


   The chaotic aura surrounds the body, spontaneously forming a cycle and the power running is extremely terrifying.


   is the same. When using the chaotic breath, the consumption of Ye Feng's body is quite small, or even almost none.


   The power he exploded will be completely recovered in a very short time, and once again incorporated into the chaotic cycle.


   Moreover, after the external forces approached Ye Feng's body, they would also be affected by such a breath, and the powerful force radiated from it was enough to suppress all abilities.


   Even if it is the power of the surrounding abyss, when facing the power of the chaos around Ye Feng's body, it can't be completely penetrated, but a certain amount of energy will be looted.


   It is with such confidence that Ye Feng dared to go forward alone to single out the abyss queen ant.


   In a very short time, Ye Feng's body had already collided with the abyss queen.


   The abyss queen who had just condensed did not expect Ye Feng to burst out of such power.


   The collision between the two sides has caused the surrounding space to be continuously distorted and the aura emitted by it has reached a realm unimaginable by ordinary people.


   The rumbling sound of destruction and shock also resounded madly. There was a total of extremely terrifying destructive power, which continued to spread in the void, as if to completely destroy everything in the world.


   Feeling such a terrifying aura, everyone present has been completely shocked.


   No one could think that Ye Feng would completely explode the power under his control in such a short period of time, even without any convergence.


   How can ordinary people have such courage?


   Especially the Heavenly Lady, looked at Ye Feng in shock, and didn't seem to expect Ye Feng to make such an action at this moment.


   Among the people present, she is the only one who knows Ye Feng best.


   Tianlan Saint Maiden clearly knew that Ye Feng was just a cultivator who had just broken through the realm of the ancient giant god. Although he was extremely talented, he did not reach that level of invincibility in the world.


   At this moment, she hadn't thought of how terrible Ye Feng's strength had reached?


   When the elder attacked Ye Feng just now, she still thought that Ye Summit could not bear it, but now it seems that the power that Ye Feng controls is not that simple.


   In fact, even the Heavenly Lady of Heaven didn't realize that Ye Feng was able to resist the devouring power released by the elder because of the scales on his arm.


   As one of the guardian beasts of the Sky-Swallowing Demon Sect, Void Hydra also has an extremely deep understanding of the various techniques of the Sky-Swallowing Demon Sect.


   lives in the depths of the void, and every move of the void Hydra is devouring an enormous amount of energy, causing the surrounding space to be distorted.


   It is precisely for this reason, the experience accumulated over the years, the Void Hydra has complete control over the various techniques of the Sky-Swallowing Demon Sect.


  With his scales on his body, Ye Feng can completely resist most of the techniques of the Sky Swallowing Demon Sect.


   But at this moment, the battle between Ye Feng and the abyss queen is actually relying on his own strength.


   At this moment, the abyss ant's body burst out with extremely terrifying power, dashing directly towards the direction where Ye Feng is located with a terrifying edge.


   Ye Feng didn't have any fear in the face of such an attack, so he would ignore this tentative power.


   The power in the body has exploded in the first time, and the terrifying aura formed is almost completely destroying the surrounding space.


   Compared with those abyss ant colonies, the power of the abyss queen is indeed terrifying beyond imagination.


   But in the same way, he is also very intelligent in the control of various skills. Ye Feng only needs to explode his own breath to suppress those forces.


   The eyes of those around who looked at Ye Feng finally changed.


   They originally thought that Ye Feng was just some talent, or someone with the resources behind him, and his own strength was not very strong.


   But after seeing this scene, their hearts were also severely shocked.


   A person who can contend with the abyss queen, even if not letting the wind fall, even if they look down on it, they must respect it.


   In front of such people, if they continue to be rampant, the final result will only be divided into chaotic corpses, and there is no more life to speak of.


   Seeing such a situation, Tianlan Saintess also couldn't help but nodded. This Ye Feng still has an extremely huge effect for him. If he continues to be disturbed by these people, it will also affect his plan.


   It's just that Ye Feng didn't care about such a situation at all, he had already exploded the most terrifying aura in the first place, and slammed toward the enemy's direction.


   In this short period of time, the aura that descended from the void has reached a point that ordinary people can't imagine.


   At the same time, Ye Feng also took a step forward, and the chaotic power on his body broke out again.


   Abyssal Queen Ant also felt the terrifying power that Ye Feng possessed, and immediately thought of suppressing Ye Feng completely.


   Countless terrifying abyssal powers were released from his body, forming an abyssal army.


  As the queen ant, the power he controls is absolutely beyond imagination, able to shape all kinds of lives with the power of the abyss.


   Especially in other realms, the existence of the abyss queen means that the abyss has a steady stream of fighters to use.


   No matter how vast the enemy is, the abyss can be consumed with each other.


  Under this situation, it is because the future strategic value is simply beyond imagination, and even enough to change the pattern of the entire battlefield.


   Faced with such fighting methods, Ye Feng's expression was also a little strange.


   Then he also circulated his own magic path attribute and spirit, and combined with his own chaotic aura.


   Then Wan Ling Shen Jue was urged to the extreme, and huge monsters that were extremely terrifying came out of the chaotic realm around Ye Feng's body.


   Originally, Ye Feng's Chaos Domain was only the original power capable of operating between heaven and earth, and the power he controlled was also terrifying beyond imagination.


   But after superimposing the magic path attribute and spirit, the power in it has reached an unimaginable point.


   More importantly, in line with the characteristics of soul divine consciousness and creation divine consciousness, Ye Feng can also give spirituality to these terrible beings within a period of time.


   Such a change is also beyond Ye Feng's cognition of his own power.


   Before, when Ye Feng used the magic magic method to shape the beasts, he only created a series of phantoms.


   But now he has been able to truly create an extremely terrifying battle life out of thin air.


   For a while, the giant chaotic beasts that Ye Feng created directly rushed toward the abyss army.


   Such a terrifying breath has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine, and the powerful power that it emits even shocked these people.


   This terrifying energy constantly erupted in the void, and two completely different beings collided frantically at this moment.




   There are constantly terrible shocks in the void, and there is a strong aura of destruction, which is constantly spreading in all directions.


   As if to completely destroy everything in the world.


   The power controlled by Ye Feng and the abyss queen is also terrifying beyond imagination. The destructive power produced by the constant collision of the two terrifying auras is beyond the imagination of everyone present.


   even said that such a battle is quite chaotic and terrifying.


  In a very short period of time, the surrounding space has been completely disrupted, and ordinary people cannot observe the changes in the situation.


   Now I can see Ye Feng fighting with the abyss queen. There was only one Saintess of Tianlan in the audience.


   The more closely I watched the battle between the two sides, the more surprised the expression of Heavenly Lady Saintess became.


   The strength of the Abyssal Ant Queen has reached an extremely terrifying point, which is equivalent to an ancient giant who has cultivated his attribute power to the extreme.


   Such a powerful person is almost the same as the elder Tianyou, and can easily reach hundreds of other ancient giants.


   However, Ye Feng has just broken through for a while, and I am afraid that he has not fully grasped his own power, and he has been able to contend with the abyss queen.


   This kind of strength is also a terrifying existence beyond imagination, so that the eyes of the Heavenly Lady's eyes are also shining with a strange luster.


   In the same battle, Ye Feng also further controlled his own power.


   Such a change has also made his moves more sophisticated, and his control of the power of Chaos has also reached an extremely accurate point.


   It's just that this change is extremely hidden, and no one has noticed it at all in this battle.


   The 1,200 chaotic auras that Ye Feng originally controlled through his own control had already evolved an extremely terrifying behemoth of chaos.


   But the number of chaotic giants he can evolve will not exceed the chaotic aura he controls.


   With the deepening of the control of one's own power, the breath in the body has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.


   The powerful aura that radiated bit by bit also made the strength of those chaotic giants more powerful.


   What is more obvious are those chaotic giants released by Ye Feng. At this moment, their strength has been greatly improved, and their bodies have become more stable.


   was originally a chaotic creature that was able to contend with the abyss army. At this moment, he was already in this battle and had the upper hand.


   In the midst of such attrition, Ye Feng has already felt the original power in his body, and it is running fast.


   has been suppressing the chaotic power in his body, as if it was hitting a special bottleneck.


   Once he rushed through this barrier, Ye Feng's strength would once again grow upside down.


  The more so, Ye Feng's heart became more excited, and he did not hesitate to completely explode the power in his body, and the aura he radiated reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.


   Especially for the control of his own power, after reaching a certain limit, Ye Feng also performed more subtle operations on those chaotic behemoths.


   Originally, they were just bodies condensed through the power of chaos, and their essence hasn't changed much, they just have their own fighting consciousness.


   But under Ye Feng's constant control, they have also begun to spontaneously use the chaotic energy in the body, and a very special item has been condensed in it.


   Swallow the Sea God Pearl!


   As those chaotic beings continue to absorb the power of the surrounding abyss, the Sea Swallowing God Orb in their bodies will also be under tremendous pressure.


   In terms of the Chaos Power that Ye Feng controls at this moment, it is not so easy to completely suppress the surrounding abyssal power.


   But in the same way, when those giant chaotic beasts can't support it, that giant chaotic beast will disappear with it.


   The power in it will be taken back by Ye Feng and sent to the Sky Mixing Spirit Orb.


  After cycling like this, the power controlled by those giant chaos beasts is getting stronger and stronger, and the power of the chaos origin in the chaotic spirit orb is also steadily improving.


   Under such circumstances, the aura in Ye Feng's body has reached a point that ordinary people can hardly resist.


   From time to time, the power in the body lies in an extremely terrifying speed increase.


   Perceiving the special power in Ye Feng's body, everyone present was shocked by this breath.


   More importantly, the expression of that abyss queen also began to change.


   Originally, it only regarded Ye Feng as a special life, and wanted to swallow the other party completely.


   For the power in Ye Feng's body, the Abyss Queen also has a certain degree of greed. If it can take Ye Feng's life, it will also have an unimaginable huge advantage for it.


   But as time went by, the aura exuded by Ye Feng became stronger and stronger, and even brought tremendous pressure to the abyss queen.


   He couldn't think of it anyway, in such a battle, Ye Feng's accumulated power would also become stronger, and even a certain degree of threat had been given to it.


   If this continues, the abyss queen will not be able to suppress Ye Feng, she will be completely killed by him.


   This kind of situation is beyond his imagination, and it is absolutely unbearable.


   In the first time, the abyss queen has already burst out its most powerful aura, and countless abyssal powers surround her body.


   Although I don't know much about my own power, it is not even very strong in terms of control.

   But the power controlled by the abyss queen is too vast, and the breath that erupts from every move has reached a point that ordinary people can't reach.


   In an instant, the huge torrent formed by the power of the abyss, like the brilliance that penetrates the heavens and the earth, directly hit the direction where Ye Feng was.


   Feeling the power contained in such an attack, Ye Feng's expression has also become extremely shocked in the future.


   In the first time, Ye Feng stomped quickly, releasing the most powerful body technique he controlled.


   His figure is like an illusion, and the breath that is emitted from the shuttle back and forth in the space has reached an extremely terrifying point.


   The terrifying brilliance of the abyss directly locked Ye Feng's body, but it was unable to cause any harm to him at all.


   The space power controlled by Ye Feng is too powerful, and he can freely shuttle in the space in the blink of an eye.


   No matter how powerful the power of Abyss Glory is, the speed is even faster to a terrifying state, and Ye Feng can't be confined.


   This situation also made the Abyss Queen extremely angry, and the aura erupting from her body became more and more terrifying.


   In an instant, Ye Feng already felt that the surrounding space had become extremely heavy, and the price he needed to pay to re-operate the power of the spatial attributes was extremely high.


   And he would never want to travel through space so easily.


   Seeing such power, Ye Feng's expression also became extremely solemn.


   That terrible abyssal brilliance also descended crazily at this moment, wanting to completely destroy his body.


   Since Ye Feng couldn't avoid it, Ye Feng didn't have any fear, and directly exploded out the most terrifying power in his body, trying to completely suppress the opponent.


   The holy magic spear in his hand was constantly trembling, madly swallowing the chaotic power in Ye Feng's body.


   Scarlet gun lights flashed continuously on it, as if to completely dye the entire space red.


   At this moment, Ye Feng's holy magic spear technique is also operating to the extreme, an extremely terrifying energy spreading wildly in the space.


   At this moment, he directly displayed the ultimate meaning of the holy magic spear.


   Devil blood slaughter the sky!


   In an instant, an extremely bright red light burst out from the void, as if to completely cover the entire world.


   Such a terrifying force directly occupies the entire space and the killing power exudes, breaking through a certain limit.


   However, such a vast power shrank to the extreme in the blink of an eye, directly converging on the tip of the Holy Magic Spear.


   The power that bursts out after releasing it and closing it has reached a realm unimaginable by ordinary people.


   Ye Feng is also extremely difficult, waving the holy magic spear in his hand, like a mortal holding a mountain.


  Even Ye Feng couldn't control such a terrifying force, so he could only let it explode on its own.




  In a very short time, two terrible attacks like that have collided together.


   There was a terrifying shock immediately in the void, as if the entire world was about to be completely destroyed.


   At this moment, Ye Feng also felt the terrible power in the opponent's attack, but he had no retreat.


   The aura in the body is also circling frantically at this moment, trying to explode all the energy between heaven and earth.


  While the power of Chaos is running, the energy is continuously released, causing the power of that scarlet spear to grow wildly.


   The energy controlled by the abyss queen is also equivalent to endless, but facing such a killing force, it seems to be a scarlet spear light that can kill even the world, and it is somewhat powerless.


   In this very short time, the abyssal brilliance it released was directly torn apart, and that spear light also directly hit it at an unimaginable speed.


   When feeling such a power, everyone present was completely shocked.


   They couldn't imagine that Ye Feng's body had such terrifying energy.


   Even if they were unable to burst out such terrible strength, they would be completely shredded by the aura contained in it.


   These people are also secretly calculating at this moment, if they are facing this shot, there will be a chance of surviving.


   However, their hearts clearly tell these people, zero.


   Facing the devil blood slaughter that Ye Feng did his best to release, no one would survive and would be completely killed by Ye Feng.


  The more so, the more shocked the people present.


   In the end, their expressions were completely stiff, as if they would never change again.


   At this moment, Ye Feng directly released all the power in his body, and the breath of the whole person finally fell down.


   The ultimate power of the sage magic marksmanship is so terrifying. With the little power controlled by Ye Feng, it is impossible to fully exert his power at all.


   Once he releases this trick with all his strength, his own breath will reach the bottom in the shortest time.


   But Ye Feng's eyes were still shining, locked in the abyss queen ant.


  , such a violent aura spread to the entire space in this short period of time, and the powerful force radiated from every move made the people present even more shocked.


   In an instant, everyone has clearly seen an extremely terrifying breath, released from the void.


   The extremely large and terrifying body of the abyss queen also began to collapse under the pressure of such a force.


   The power emanating from it was completely covered by a bright red power, even swallowing the body of the abyss queen.


   At this moment, the Abyssal Queen also uttered an extremely angry roar, and the power in the body was exploding frantically.


   However, no matter how he mobilized the power in his body, he could not offset the scarlet spear light released by Ye Feng.


   Instead, it was that terrible force, constantly devouring the body of the Abyssal Queen, as if to completely dissolve it.


   This scene also changed the complexion of everyone present, and it seemed impossible to imagine how evil and terrifying the power that Ye Feng controlled was.


   At this moment, Ye Feng could feel that the Holy Magic Spear was devouring such a force crazily, and part of it was transferred to Ye Feng's body.


   Spear Demon is also recovering quietly and without interest, constantly spreading in Ye Feng's body, and what he wants to get a new life in the poisonous bewitching Ye Feng.


   However, before the Spear Demon could make any response, the Sea-Swallowing God Orb, which was condensed with the power of chaos, had already been smashed.


   At this moment, Ye Feng had also discovered that the power of the technique of swallowing the sea **** orb was beyond imagination.


  Especially with the Heaven-Hunking Spirit Orb at this moment, the power that can be exerted has reached a level that ordinary people can't reach.


   Those powers in his body originally needed to be purified with Mingxiang crystals.


   But at this moment, Ye Feng had completely given up such a method, and directly swallowed those energy with the Sea God Orb.


   Then, the condensed Sea-Swallowing God Orb will be sent into the Mixed Sky Spirit Orb to be decomposed and refined.


   In this way, Ye Feng is likely to lose part of his energy, but his strength will become stronger for a long time.


   Under such circumstances, Ye Feng kept running the power in his body, which also brought his own strength to an extremely terrifying point.


   And the spear demon resurrected again and again, and was directly swallowed and refined by Ye Feng, sometimes he couldn't even make some roars.


   Also at this moment, Ye Feng has already noticed that the terrifying abyssal power in the void is constantly erupting.


   Ye Feng defeated the abyss queen ant alone, and seemed to have completely angered the abyss's will.


   An incomparably huge breath of the abyss burst out like this, motivating all the surrounding forces.


   Such a terrifying force continues to spread in the space, and the breath it exudes has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.


   In a very short period of time, that terrifying abyssal aura has crazily gathered together, forming an extremely tall figure.


   This figure is sitting on a throne, and the terrifying majesty emanating from his body is even more unbearable.


   When many strong men felt such a force, they all knelt down involuntarily, and their mental power had already begun to collapse.


   Those who can resist such a terrifying force are definitely existences with unimaginable strength.


  The worst thing is to use one's own spiritual power to break through the existence of the first heaven.


   And Ye Feng himself, standing among such a group of people, seemed particularly abrupt.


   "I'm so bold, I dare to stop the Lord's coming."


   The terrifying figure in the void said so, the aura radiating from all over his body has reached an extremely terrifying point.


   The terrifying mental pressure came down so easily towards the direction where Ye Feng was, as if to crush his body completely.


   Faced with such terrifying pressure, Ye Feng was also unafraid, and the breath he showed was surging crazily.


   And at this moment, the other party's expression is also extremely cold, as if to completely kill Ye Feng in the shortest time.


   Before that guy could speak again, a terrifying coercion was also released, which directly offset his breath.


   "Lord of the Abyss, your hand stretched too long.


   You dare to step into the place where the uncle is, do you really want to live? "


   At this moment, an extremely powerful space force burst out, as if to completely destroy everything in the world.


   Such a terrifying spatial force has reached a point that ordinary people can't imagine.


   In a very short period of time, the aura that erupted from the void was already extremely terrifying.


   The devastating storm formed by the frenzied riots of countless space forces is directly released towards the abyss lord.


   "Void Hydra, I didn't expect that after so many years, you are still alive."


   The existence of the abyss level was also quite plain, and he didn't take the threat of the Void Hydra in his eyes.


   At their level, life and death are almost no problem.


   No one can truly completely kill the enemy in this realm.


   Every battle between them is just to fight for more powerful strength, otherwise it is to ease their own thoughts.


   As for killing people, unless they can gain a higher level of power, they can't do it on their own ability.


   The breath of the two sides is deadlocked, and it seems that terrible coercive force may erupt at any time.


   However, after holding on to each other for a while, the horrible breath also disappeared.


   The figure of the Lord of the Abyss, as if it were illusory, seemed to have never appeared before.


   And the Void Hydra also took away its own power and never interfered with the surrounding environment.


   The terrifying power of the abyss, at this moment, has completely disappeared, and can no longer affect this world.


   In this short period of time, the power in Ye Feng's body finally subsided.




   At the same time, Ye Feng could hear a certain broken sound coming from the dantian.


   is like a certain constraint between heaven and earth, completely dissipated at this moment, that kind of terrifying energy has reached a point that ordinary people can't imagine.


   In a very short period of time, the aura emanating from the void was already extremely terrifying.


   The vitality between heaven and earth is rushing towards the direction where Ye Feng is, as if to completely fill his body. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM


   But Ye Feng's body is like a bottomless abyss, any breath will be swallowed by his body when it gathers.


   Those violent powers quickly filled his dantian, and they were transformed into chaotic power again, gradually increasing Ye Feng's accumulation.


   In such a short period of time, the power in Ye Feng's body has reached a realm unimaginable by ordinary people, and an extremely powerful aura is expanding wildly at this moment.


   With the chaotic aura in the dantian, it grows at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it has increased to 10,000 in a short period of time.


   Such a breakthrough is beyond imagination.


   Ye Feng never thought that the Chaos Power he controlled would make a crazy breakthrough in this short period of time.


   At this moment, the breath in the body has reached an unimaginable point, and every move will cause the power in the body to explode extremely terrifying.


   Even the surrounding space can't withstand such a force, it will be broken at any time.


   Before Ye Feng could control such a powerful force, an extremely terrifying breath had already descended on his body.


   Tianlan Saintess stared at Ye Feng with a very interested look.


   Then, he involuntarily licked his lips.

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