Sky War God

Chapter 3603: Void Worm

[网] Ling Tian Ares Chapter 3603 Void Worm

When this thought descended on Ye Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, the terrifying breath of death was also completely expanded.

The Reaper War Spirit is now completely integrated with Infernal Hell, but it has a close connection with Ye Feng.

The two powers are intertwined with each other, so that its power can grow endlessly, and the breath it emits becomes extremely dangerous.

In the face of such a change, no one can perceive the power contained in it. What is the point?

At the same time, the energy in the space is constantly converging and blending into Ye Feng's body.

The idea of ​​Void Hydra's surrender would naturally not be let go by Ye Feng, and the power of his own divine thoughts was quickly released.

The most weird demon way attribute divine consciousness, directly fused with this spiritual power, forming a weird shackle.

Ye Feng also had a great grasp of the power he controlled, and the original aura in his body began to run wildly at this moment.

The magical power that radiated from it was the terrifying aura formed by continuously spreading towards the void Hydra, controlling his soul little by little.

In a very short period of time, Ye Feng directly merged the power of this magic way with the spirit of the Hydra that had been polluted before.

At this moment, the Void Hydra could no longer defy Ye Feng's will.

As long as Ye Feng drew his own magic power, he could completely tear apart the soul of Void Hydra.

This terrifying force spread wildly in the space, and the aura that it exudes is also beyond imagination. It seems to completely destroy everything in this world.

At this moment, Ye Feng felt the powerful talent of the Void Hydra, and the attribute power in the body was moving at an extremely fast speed.

The power of the space began to run wildly, and the aura it radiated reached a point that ordinary people could not reach.

A large amount of spatial power began to return to the direction where Ye Feng was, causing him to rapidly increase the power of spatial mentality in the sea of ​​consciousness.

At this moment, Ye Feng could clearly feel the energy in his body, which was growing at an extremely terrifying speed, and the breath that radiated from him was also an unimaginable help to him.

The growth of the power of the space started his divine mind, rapidly expanding toward the depths of the void, and the aura exuded was also spreading crazily at an extremely fast speed.

Such a powerful force continuously releases the aura formed in the depths of the space, reaching a point beyond the reach of ordinary people.

In a very short period of time, Ye Feng had already felt countless powerful space barriers, and with the power of the divine mind he controlled, he could completely break through some of the seals.

"Master, please don't make such an attempt."

Just when Ye Feng had these thoughts, a wave of divine thoughts sounded from Ye Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

Void Hydra quickly discouraged, the aura in the body was constantly converging, and the entire snake's terrifying body was trembling.

Feeling the fear of Void Hydra, President Ye could not help but frown, and the power in his body was growing at an extremely fast rate.

"How is this going?"

Ye Feng didn't act rashly, but asked the Void Hydra carefully.

When Void Hydra saw Ye Feng calm down, it also took a long breath, and the emotions in his heart were too complicated to describe.

Originally, Ye Feng's strength was not very strong, and he couldn't cause substantial pressure on him at all, the destructive aura he exudes, and even couldn't have any impact on his body.

However, at this moment, he was already a prisoner of Ye Feng, and the power he controlled was simply not enough to contend with Ye Feng.

It even said that Ye Feng could obtain his life with just one thought, so that the Void Hydra had no chance to resist.

Such a gap also made his heart extremely heavy, and the power radiated from it could not change his inner depression at all.

In this very short period of time, an extremely huge force was released, causing the surrounding space to be violently twisted.

Those terrifying space forces are constantly changing, making this void form an unimaginable maze.

After that, Ye Feng heard the words of Void Hydra.

"The aura contained in this void is quite dangerous.

The powerhouse of the Sky-Swallowing Demon Sect set up layer after layer of space seals in the depths of this void, forming the terrifying void labyrinth now.

The space power contained in it is so powerful that it is unimaginable, and even I can't bear the power in it.

It's just that as the guardian of the void maze, I also have a certain degree of privilege here, which can make my breath stronger. "

Hearing this, Ye Feng finally understood why he could suppress the Void Hydra with the help of the power of his divine mind.

Even the strength of the void Hydra is always strong and weak, unable to completely maintain the realm of the peak of the gods.

His own strength is probably only in the peak state of the ancient giant. It is only with the help of the special environment here that he exerts such terrifying power.

Now that such a powerful breath has been completely released, the energy in the body is constantly growing.

If he could obtain the power of the Primal Chaos from Ye Feng, the Void Hydra might be able to break the constraints on him and move towards a higher realm.

Of course, the more important thing is that if more powerful power can be obtained, the aura in the Void Hydra will grow at an extremely fast rate.

Such a terrifying force can play its full role in a very short time, and it will also be a huge help for Ye Feng.

It's just that the Void Hydra at this moment is not enough to make Ye Feng completely trust, and the aura in his body also grows crazily in a very short period of time.

Without interrupting the Void Hydra, Ye Feng continued to listen to the things he explained.

"The powerhouse of the Sky-Swallowing Demon Sect has left countless traces in these void mazes, and they can communicate with other worlds by virtue of these traces.

And the world contained in these spaces is also extremely special, and they are all the spaces required by the Sky-Swallowing Devil Sect as a subsidiary sect.

A large number of Heaven-Swallowing Demon Sect powerhouses put their disciples in it, and cultivated absolutely powerful cultivators in the way of sheep bones.

Then after their strength has risen to a certain limit, they can break through the blockade of the space maze and enter a higher level of cultivation.

Of course, I have only seen disciples flying up, and I haven't seen those disciples who ascended back again. "

Hearing such words, Ye Feng's eyes also became a little cold, and the aura in his body grew at an extremely fast speed.

Perhaps these sect disciples had no chance of survival at all, they were completely swallowed by such terrifying power.

At this moment, Ye Feng also thought of the techniques he had obtained from the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

It's like saying that these exercises will bring tremendous pressure to those disciples after they have cultivated to the extreme.

It even means that a person who can practice the exercises normally can be refined into a magic weapon.

This feeling also made Ye Feng quite uncomfortable.

It was like saying that the entire Sky Swallowing Devil Sect was cultivating its own disciples as if raising Gu.

Those disciples under the sect who are constantly practicing will eventually be completely swallowed by the elders of the sect.

Perceiving the situation of these disciples, Ye Feng also thought of the state of his son.

If the Old Demon Swallowing Sky uses this method to train his son, how long can he withstand it?

Perhaps forty-nine years later, when his son's strength has grown to a certain level, he will be directly swallowed by the Old Devouring Demon.

At that time, even if he had more powerful abilities, he would not be able to save the child.

At the same time, Ye Feng's eyes became extremely cold.

The power in the body, the continuous fusion of the various attributes between the heaven and the earth, the power that bursts out is even more powerful than imagined.

But Ye Feng also knew that, based on the strength of this moment, it was not enough to resist those terrifying powerhouses.

Even the original power in his body couldn't reach such a powerful state.

The strange aura formed by the continuous spread of the breath in the body made all the lives present feel tremendous pressure.

That is to say, Ye Feng was pierced, and he sensed that there seemed to be some special lives in the outside world gathering towards him.

Then the voice of Void Hydra sounded.

"Master, we are surrounded by the Void Worm."

Hearing this, Ye Feng frowned slightly and asked, "What is that?"

"Void worms are a kind of weird beings living in this space, and the power they control is beyond imagination.

It seems that it is naturally integrated with space power, able to shuttle through the void at will, and release incomparably weird space power.

Even I can't resist their penetration. I can only use my own breath to form a strong shock to them, preventing them from getting close.

But now I have also suffered a certain amount of damage, and the strength in my body has not reached the peak state.

It is not so easy to deter them. "

After a short pause, the Void Hydra tentatively said: "Perhaps the master can give me a little strength so that I can quickly recover and disperse these terrible bugs."

Hearing this, Ye Feng's expression remained unchanged, and the power in his body was growing at an extremely fast rate.

"No need, I will meet them."

He was not given such an opportunity at all, Ye Feng took a step directly, quickly shuttled through the space, and appeared directly outside the body of Void Hydra.

Such a breath also possesses unimaginable power, and the spatial power that bursts out even makes the Void Hydra somewhat unimaginable.

Ye Feng's mastery of space breath also made the surrounding space extremely dignified between every move at an extremely fast speed increase.

As soon as he left the body of Void Hydra, Ye Feng had already noticed that the surrounding space had become a net hole.

The nature of the space has become extremely fragile, and it seems that they can be completely torn apart easily.

A very strong pressure will be released during a little operation, and the surrounding space will be completely suppressed.

Such a terrifying aura made Ye Feng frowned.

Such terrifying changes definitely did not originate from Ye Feng himself, but from those void worms.

Ye Feng also has a very clear understanding of his own spatial information. It is not that simple to tear away those terrible seals in this terrifying void.

The only possibility is as the void Hydra said.

Those void worms constantly shuttled in the space, releasing terrible power, as if they were trying to penetrate everything in the world.

Such a terrifying aura also affected the surrounding space, and it became such a weird sight.

At this moment, Ye Feng didn't hesitate, and he completely released the breath in his body in the first time.

The powerful force formed makes the surrounding space constantly change.

That terrifying force of suppression was completely released at this moment, suppressing all the fragile space forces around it.

At the same time, Ye Feng's body also released the powerful force of that item, and a terrifying force of suppression was completely released at this moment.

Even if all the forces between the world and the earth were to be completely suppressed, the aura emanating from Ye Feng's eyes was unbelievably heavy.

Countless spatial forces surround Ye Feng's body, and the energy released is simply beyond imagination.

In this extremely short period of time, the wave of destruction released by Ye Feng's mobilization of a terrifying force was also expanding.

Perceiving the aura on Ye Feng's body, those void worms were also active at this moment.

The terrifying power exuded was released in this short period of time, directly descending towards the direction where Ye Feng was.

It seems that he wants to suppress all the surrounding space by virtue of such a terrible power, and the resulting wave of destruction is even more terrifying.

At this moment, Ye Feng could feel the power in the space, continuously condensing.

One after another terrible attacks were coming down at his location at an extremely fast speed.

The power contained in those spatial forces is also beyond imagination, and it seems that all the aura in its body should be completely cut off.

Feeling such a change, Ye Feng's expression also became extremely solemn.

Then gathered the breath in the body, and went out directly to the front row.

This terrifying force was completely released at this moment, and the resulting wave of destruction spread directly.

Two terrible attacks collided together at this moment, and the extremely powerful destructive force spread wildly in all directions.

The aura contained in this energy is also so powerful that an ordinary person cannot.

The energy that bursts out of every move is beyond imagination, as if to completely destroy everything in this world.

The rumbling sound of terror and shock resounded in the void, and the destructive aura that it radiated reached a level beyond the reach of ordinary people.

The pressure formed by the crazy spread of powerful destructive power in the space has even caused everything in the surrounding space to continue to collapse.

Ye Feng's expression is also extremely indifferent, the aura in his body keeps running, and his control of space attributes is also increasing day by day.

In such a collision, Ye Feng's use of space power has also become more fierce, and every move will exude unimaginable terrible power.

On the contrary, those void worms, while being shocked by Ye Feng's aura, their own strength also appeared to a certain extent.

If you want to resist such a terrifying force, you must definitely blend your own breath together.

But the racial characteristics of these void worms seem to have been established, and they are unable to merge their own aura together.

Could it be that while facing this powerful pressure, the breath in the body couldn't fuse together?

It even collapsed toward the surroundings at a more terrifying speed.

Seeing such a scene, Ye Feng's expression was also quite shocked, as if he did not expect the strength of these monster beasts to reach such a level.

Although their strength is strong, they don't have the ability to blend together. Even if they have great abilities, they will be defeated by Ye Feng one by one.

Without any hesitation, the destructive aura formed by the continuous release of the power in the body has also reached an extremely powerful point.

The sea swallowing **** orb formed by the power of chaos was also released at this moment, continuously devouring these void worms.

Every Void Worm contains unimaginable powerful spatial power in its body. If they can obtain their bodies, it will also be of great help for Ye Feng to cultivate spatial power.

Although these space forces are nothing but a drop in the bucket compared to the void hydra, Ye Feng is also unable to swallow the void hydra to improve his own strength.

At this moment, an extremely powerful aura was released from Ye Feng's body, and the power radiated from it reached a point beyond ordinary people's reach.

The power of such a force is also terrifying beyond imagination, and the aura of destruction exuding every move, even breaking through the limit that this space can form.

In the next instant, the aura in the body has completely spread, and the power radiated is spreading at an extremely fast speed.

In Ye Feng's eyes, there was also an extremely bright brilliance, and the original power in the body was moving at an extremely fast speed.

The original power of oneself is continuously expanding, and the coercive force formed has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

The powerful coercive force radiated from every move made Ye Feng feel unimaginable oppression.

The breath in the body continues to expand, making the energy in the surrounding space more and more terrifying.

In this short period of time, Ye Feng suddenly took a step, and his figure appeared directly in the middle of the void worms.

In this very short period of time, an extremely large force spread, as if to completely suppress everything in this world.

Such a terrible pressure spread wildly in the space, and the resulting wave of destruction was expanding outward at an extremely fast speed.

In the face of such powerful fluctuations, Ye Feng's expression was also extremely cautious, as if he could not resist such terrifying power at all.

The aura in the body is also running frantically at this moment, and the energy emitted is even going to reach an extremely terrifying point.

Faced with such a powerful wave, those void worms are even more crazy, and the power in their bodies is even surging at an extremely fast speed.

Countless spatial fluctuations quickly converged towards the direction where Ye Feng was, as if to completely penetrate his body.

But Ye Feng's own spatial power is beyond imagination, and the aura that radiates from every move is that kind of horror.

That is to say, in a very short time, the power emanating from Ye Feng's body has been tyrannical to an unimaginable realm, and every step of the way has terrible spatial fluctuations spreading in all directions.

The rumbling sound of shock surrounds Ye Feng's body, and no void worm can avoid such a terrible attack.

That tyrannical aura of destruction continued to expand outward, as if everything in this world would be completely destroyed.

Feeling such a terrifying attack, Ye Feng's expression was also extremely calm, and the power emitted by those void worms could not have any effect on him at all.

On the contrary, this constant collision made the space power in his body more dignified.

With each collision, Ye Feng would release his own space power to the extreme, and the powerful aura he radiated would even break into a special realm.

Ye Feng had never let go of the cultivation of the power of his own spatial divine mind.

The characteristics of Space Force are simply beyond imagination, allowing Ye Feng to increase his speed to the extreme, and even play more unimaginable effects.

Especially at this moment, Ye Feng vaguely felt that his Space Spiritual Mind had a special function, and he was constantly communicating with the Huntian Lingzhu.

The space in the original Sky Mixing Spirit Orb has been completely filled, and the power of those chaotic origins is constantly changing.

The breath that radiated was directly absorbed by Ye Feng's body, and the power he controlled was constantly growing.

But at this moment, the aura in Ye Feng's body had reached another state, and the spatial power that it radiated was constantly pouring into the Heavenly Mixed Spirit Orb.

Under the constant nourishment of this kind of aura, the space in the Huntian Spirit Orb is also constantly growing.

The space attributes that can be accumulated, the stronger the power becomes, making the energy in it reach an extremely precious point.

You must know that the value of the power of the Primordial Chaos is simply incalculable, and every application will bring huge help to Ye Feng.

Now that he can accumulate more of the power of the world's origin, it is an unimaginable help for Ye Feng.

Even to say, the devouring power exuded by the Huntian Spirit Orb will have a huge improvement at this moment, and every move will emit an unimaginable powerful force.

At this moment, Ye Feng directly used the power of his Space Spiritual Mind to continuously improve the power radiated out, and quickly merged into the Huntian Spirit Orb.

Taking space as the foundation and chaos as the source, the aura formed by the superposition of the two forces has become more powerful.

Ye Feng could clearly feel that the space in the Huntian Spirit Orb was being opened up little by little, and the aura formed was becoming more and more terrifying.

In this way, the space power that can be contained in the Huntian Spirit Orb has also reached a state that ordinary people cannot imagine.

Once these breaths are completely released, how terrible the power that can erupt.

As a result, it is even more impossible for Ye Feng to give up those void worms, which are all important materials he needs for cultivation.

The Huntian Spirit Orb was constantly running at this moment, and Ye Feng was able to release the extremely powerful Sea Swallowing God Orb with his hands.

In this short period of time, a series of terrible attacks were completely released.

Although the strength of those void worms is powerful, they still cannot change their destiny.

The devouring power released by Ye Feng is really terrifying. Every time the sea **** orb bursts, a large number of void worms will be suppressed and swallowed by Ye Feng.

These void worms have already felt fear at this moment, and the original power in their bodies is wriggling crazily.

It's a pity that the space power that Ye Feng exploded is too strong, even these void worms can't change anything with their best efforts.

Under this circumstance, the power in the body is spreading madly, even reaching a level that ordinary people can't imagine.

At this moment, the space power released by Ye Feng became even more terrifying.

The power contained in this piece of space is completely integrated into Ye Feng's body at this moment, and the waves of destruction that are emitted are spreading at an extremely fast speed.

The extremely terrifying power, once again completely released the aura of destruction formed, has reached a realm unimaginable by ordinary people.

The power that those void worms burst out was completely suppressed by Ye Feng at this moment. Even if they completely released the original power in their bodies, they would not be able to change the current outcome.

Perceiving this, the aura radiating from Ye Feng's expression was also terrifying beyond imagination.

The extremely powerful devouring power even swallowed all those void worms at this moment.

Seeing Ye Feng's methods, Void Hydra's heart was also extremely shocked. It seemed that Ye Feng still possessed such terrifying methods at this moment.

Even in his heart, there is still a little bit of fortune.

If Ye Feng used this method to deal with him at the very beginning, I am afraid he would not have any resistance.

Even the spatial power contained in his body is more powerful and pure, and it will be even more delicious for Ye Feng.

Once this kind of sweetness is truly tasted, even if the Void Hydra is willing to surrender, it probably won't change much.

Such terrible devouring power will definitely **** up the body of the Void Hydra in the shortest possible time.

At that time, the energy accumulated by Void Hydra over the years will eventually become Ye Feng's nourishment.

There will be no room for survival at all.

Thinking of such a void Hydra's heart was slightly shocked, and then he curled up more securely.

Since Ye Feng didn't plan to do anything against him now, it also proved that the Void Hydra still has its effect.

At this moment, the projection of the void ball needs to show his loyalty, so as not to be completely swallowed by Ye Feng.

Feeling such a breath, the corners of Ye Feng's mouth could not help but rise.

Since Void Hydra was so obedient, Ye Feng wouldn't do anything to him easily.

On the contrary, in the next period of time, Ye Feng will also be useful to obtain the place of Void Hydra.

The breath in the body continues to circulate, and the destructive power formed has reached a point that ordinary people can't imagine.

The terrible swallowing power that radiated directly fell on the bodies of those monster beasts.

The formed power has completely spread out in this extremely short time, making the surrounding void worms constantly shocked.

The original strength in their bodies was also completely swallowed by Ye Feng, and a large number of void worms were beheaded.

Such a change is also motivating a certain mechanism in the depths of the void, and it seems that there is something terrifying aura that is constantly spreading over.

At this moment, both Ye Feng and Void Hydra were aware of such power, and the aura in their bodies was expanding at an extremely fast speed.

The radiated power was completely mobilized at this moment, and the aura formed was even to be completely released in a very short time.

When he felt such a power, the original power in Ye Feng's body was constantly evolving.

The powers of various attributes are intertwined, and with the various auras under their control, they are completely integrated at this moment.

Various attribute powers are also running fast at this moment, and the breath in the body is being released at an extremely fast speed.

Such overbearing attribute power completely suppressed the entire space and spread a wild gas in this very short time.

However, this kind of breath does not seem to have much effect in today's circumstances.

The original power in the body keeps running, but the ultimate goal is to run the power of space.

When these forces were completely released, the powerful aura formed also shocked all the beings present.

Such a terrifying force, in this very short time, released its most powerful essence, the aura in the space, even has undergone drastic It is in this very short time. Within a period of time, a terrifying force was completely released, causing intense turbulence in the surrounding space.

In this short period of time, Ye Feng also felt an unimaginable huge pressure, as if the original power in his body would collapse.

When I felt this breath in the projection of supply and demand, my body was trembling involuntarily, and the huge body seemed to be crushed completely.

"How is it possible? Why did he wake up?"

At this moment, the Void Hydra also inevitably showed a look of shock. The power in the body was completely released at this moment, as if it was going to completely explode the powerful aura in the body in the shortest possible time.

"Master, it's not good, let's run quickly.

At this moment, this awakened fellow was a pet raised by Old Devouring Demon himself, and the power he controlled was beyond our imagination. "

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