Sky War God

Chapter 3641: Challenging the strong

Latest URL: Chapter 3641 Challenge the Strong

Originally, Ye Feng thought that his own strength was beyond imagination after He Dao, and he could even use the origin of the power of heaven and earth to operate.

But now seeing the power possessed by the Giant God Peak, the little pride in Ye Feng's heart completely dissipated in a very short time.

That kind of power is too terrifying, even Ye Feng himself can't resist such a power.

To be precise, even Ye Feng could not release such energy with all his strength lately, and even said that once such an attack fell on him, he would not even have the opportunity to resist, and he would be completely killed.

That kind of power is too terrifying, it makes people feel hopeless, there is no meaning to resist.

By now, Ye Feng also realized in a daze, why the strength of the Giant God Peak was so terrifying, and why those people were so afraid of him.

The strength and realm of the two sides are not at the same level at all, and the operation of that power will even change everything in the entire space in an instant.

Even if Ye Feng reached such a terrifying realm, he couldn't compete with such a force, and could only let the opponent slaughter at will.

"Although this kind of power is powerful, it has not reached the highest state in this world, and beyond the realm of dazzling gold, there is a wider sky and a greater world. That is the limit of this world. ."

In a very flat tone, Jushenfeng slowly spoke of the breath emanating from his body, which was also completely released in a very short period of time.

Such a force made Ye Feng extremely frightened. Obviously, Jushenfeng understands the situation outside the world and controls a more powerful force.

At this moment, Ye Feng had also completely converged his mind, the original power in the body was still running at a slow speed, and the aura from the body was running extremely stable.

He had only passed one of the five heavens of the ancient giant gods. Even if the others had already embarked on the journey, Ye Feng still didn't have the qualifications to be proud and complacent.

Under such pressure, Ye Feng was more calm and serious on the contrary, and the original power in his body was running at an extremely fast speed.

The original power in the body and the breath radiated by the citizens of the entire world have also become stronger.

At this moment, the original power in Ye Feng's body that is constantly rotating seems to be to completely suppress this space.

When he felt this breath, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes also became extremely bright, and the original power in his body was running at an extremely fast speed.

The power of countless attributes permeated the void, and pushed the soul in Ye Feng to a higher level.

Ye Feng was also able to feel that under the stimulation of such a breath, the power of his own divine consciousness had made extremely rapid progress.

The Wanling Divine Art keeps running, containing all the various attributes and powers between the heaven and the earth in his own soul.

The various attribute forces between heaven and earth quickly merged into Ye Feng's body, which also made him feel the rapid growth of his own soul power, and the original aura in his body moved at an extremely fast speed.

Such terrifying power is constantly permeating the void, and the aura that it exudes is even more tyrannical than ordinary people can imagine.

Soon Ye Feng had stabilized the situation in his body and looked at the Giant God Peak again.

But no matter how his own situation has changed, the Giant God Peak is such a majestic and insurmountable mountain in Ye Fengye.

Countless auras surged in his body, and he was completely immersed in the end. It seemed that he would not be affected by any changes. Even if the whole world changes with it, the Giant God Peak is still like that, constant.

The more he comprehended such an artistic conception, the calmer Ye Feng's heart became, and the breath radiating from his body rose to a level that ordinary people could not imagine in a very short period of time.

This kind of aura constantly circulates in the void, making Ye Feng's inner strength become more in the tranquil body's original power, all running at an extremely fast speed.

It's just that this time Ye Feng didn't have any impatience, the original power in his body, no matter how it worked, could no longer change his heart at this moment.

It was like saying that he had received a layer of protection for his inner soul. Both his body and soul had become extremely powerful.

"Yes, if you can realize this, your performance is indeed very good.

I am afraid that having such strength and talent in the outside world, as well as being able to recognize his own mood, should be the most top genius. "

Jushenfeng has never been stingy with his compliments, and after seeing Ye Feng's performance at this moment, he was extremely relieved.

Ye Feng naturally knew that the Giantshen Peak knew the outside world, and even said that he guessed that the Giantshen Peak had other identities in the outside world.

It's just that even if he had such an idea, Ye Feng had no other evidence, or even said that there was just such a guess.

At this moment, the power in the body moves quickly, and the aura that it radiates has become more pure, and the original power in the body is running at an extremely fast speed.

When feeling such a breath, the eyes of everyone present also changed to a certain extent, and the power released from Ye Feng's body was really too special.

It was like saying that a person without any foundation suddenly appeared in this world, and gained extremely terrifying power in a very short time.

At this moment, these powerhouses also felt the terrifying aura in Ye Feng's body, and their expressions were quite different.

"Titan Peak, what do you mean by this? Isn't he a person from our world?"

There is such a strong man who said, and his voice was extremely harsh, as if he was questioning the Giant God Peak.

Upon hearing such words, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright, and the aura in his body was moving at an extremely fast speed.

Such terrible energy had completely exploded in the first place, and the terrible pressure it released even reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.

The rumbling sound of terror and shock resounded at this moment, that kind of powerful aura was simply going to completely destroy everything in this world.

"What? Do you have any opinions?"

Seeing the oppression of those people, Ye Feng did not hesitate, and he released the breath in his body in the first time.

Such a terrifying force permeated the void, and the energy it radiated even reached a level beyond the reach of ordinary people, and countless destructive powers spread in a very short period of time.

The bodies of everyone present also contained extremely powerful law-based origin power, and the energy in their bodies had been fully mobilized in the first time.

Numerous waves of destruction are circling crazily in the void, and the terrifying aura is even reaching a level that ordinary people can't imagine.

The people present also felt such a terrifying power in a very short time, countless auras of destruction, permeating the void, it seems that they are about to burst out all their own energy in the shortest time.

"Titan Peak, you, as a powerful man in our world, attracted outsiders, and even gave away the power of this world. You know what a huge crime you have committed."

A peerless **** soldier said so, the voice became extremely terrifying, it seemed that it was shaking the power of the origin between the heaven and the earth, and it was the same as slaying Ye Feng in the shortest possible time.

However, facing the oppression of these powerful men, Jushenfeng did not have any fear, just looked at Ye Feng.

"These things are also caused by you, so leave it to you to handle it."

Hearing this, Ye Feng's expression didn't change in any way, he just nodded and turned his eyes to those people.

"This is natural. Seniors will have a good rest."

Ye Feng simply agreed, the breath in his body also spread out quickly, that kind of terrifying force was released in a very short time, causing the surrounding space to have a strong distortion.

The rumbling sound of terror and shock resounded at this moment, that kind of tyrannical force, even reached a point that ordinary people could not reach.

When feeling such a power, the strong people present were also shocked, their faces changed, and the original power in the body was moving at a very fast speed, as if it were going to be in the shortest time. It is the same to suppress Ye Feng.

Countless destructive forces, in this crazy release, the original power of the entire world is agitated at this moment.

Moreover, the horrible aura converged towards the direction where Ye Feng was at an extremely fast speed, and the horrible destructive power surging crazily formed the fluctuations, and even the souls of people felt oppressed.

However, Ye Feng's strength at this moment has also been raised to an extremely terrifying point, and the breath that radiates from every move is extremely shocking.

Even that kind of tyrannical power, as if to completely destroy everything between the world and the earth, the endless power of destruction, the wave of destruction formed by the madness in the void has become even stronger.

It was at this moment that the aura in Ye Feng's body completely diffused outward, and that kind of terrifying energy collided with those destruction attacks in a very short time.

The rumbling sound of terror and shock resounded through the space. The extremely terrifying power of destruction erupted crazily at this moment, and countless auras of destruction were like destroying the entire world. .

Such a terrible attack is already tyrannical to the point that ordinary people can't reach it, and extremely terrifying energy is exuding in the void. He is not trying to completely destroy this space.

Those strong people present are naturally extraordinary in strength, and can completely diffuse the energy in their bodies in a very short period of time.

However, when feeling such a power, the expressions of everyone present became extremely shocked, and the original power in the body was moving at an extremely fast speed, as if it was trying to bring everything between the world and the earth. It's the same as if it was completely suppressed.

The destructive power was unable to play its role at this moment, and was directly blocked by the aura of destruction mobilized by those people.

However, the power of origin between heaven and earth exudes extremely terrifying energy, as if to completely suppress the entire space.

Feeling such terrifying energy, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes has also become stronger, the original aura in his body can't stop running, and the energy released is exploding at an extremely fast speed.

The attribute breath between heaven and earth completely diffused at this moment, and the formed fluctuations were released in a very short period of time. The extremely powerful attribute power, even reaching an ordinary person can’t reach. Point.

"So you only have this kind of strength? It doesn't seem very good."

For the performance of these people, Ye Feng was naturally extremely indifferent, and the original aura in his body was released at an extremely fast speed.

The original power in his body is running at a speed that ordinary people can't imagine. That kind of tyrannical force needs to suppress the entire space in the shortest time.

This terrifying energy fully converged at this moment, allowing Ye Feng to directly summon the Holy Magic Spear.

In an instant, an extremely terrifying edge exploded in the void, as if to destroy everything between the world and the earth.

A terrifying attribute aura completely exploded out of his own energy at this moment, and even wanted to completely destroy everything between the world and the earth.

The holy magic spear in Ye Feng's hand possesses power unimaginable by ordinary people. It can burst out the most terrifying aura between the world and the earth in the shortest time. The power of destruction is already in a very short time. Cover the entire space completely.

The strength of those who are present in the field is also quite strong, and they have fully mobilized the original power in the body in the first time.

However, the power displayed by Ye Feng is really too terrifying, so that these people present have no chance to resist, and the original power in his own body spreads at an extremely fast speed.

The rumbling sound of terror and shock resounded in the void, the kind of breath that was huge, even reaching a point that ordinary people could not reach.

"Bold thief, what do you think you are, but stealing the original power of our world, you still want to compete with us with your strength."

Some powerful people in the same way said, the aura in their own body was released in a very short time, that extremely terrifying power, as if to completely suppress everything in this world, terrifying The sound of destruction and shock was completely released at this moment.

Countless auras of destruction erupted crazily at this moment, and there was an extremely powerful oppressive force in the void, directly locking Ye Feng's body, as if to completely wipe out his body.

Feeling such power, Ye Feng's face also showed a look of disdain, as if he didn't take such an attack into his heart at all.

"That's it?"

At this moment, Ye Feng's face also showed a contemptuous smile, and the holy magic spear in his hand slowly waved, releasing a power of destruction that ordinary people could not imagine.

In the next instant, the holy magic spear penetrated the void, piercing directly toward that direction, and the breath it radiated reached a terrifying realm that ordinary people could not imagine.

At this moment, the entire space began to be frantically turbulent, and there was an extremely huge aura of destruction, which was spreading frantically to the outside world at a speed that ordinary people could not understand.

The expressions of those who are strong in harmony when they feel such a terrible pressure become extremely shocked.

"How is it possible! He actually controls such a powerful source of power, and can even resonate with the entire world."

"It is absolutely impossible that his power has reached such a terrifying state. How long has he cultivated, we are the masters of this world."

"It must be the Titan Peak that released the power of the source behind him, and it pushed his cultivation to such a terrifying state, otherwise, with such a thief, it would not be able to be equal to our proposal."

Feeling the words spoken by the other party, Ye Feng's face also showed a disdainful sneer, and the original power in his body was moving at an extremely fast speed.

That kind of terrifying power makes it impossible for these people to imagine that the original power in their own body is like it is about to completely collapse.

Facing these terrifying powers released by Ye Feng, those strong people in the same way also fully released the power in their bodies at this moment.

The power of the origin between heaven and earth spreads toward the outside world like a madness without any restraint. The extremely terrifying aura has reached a realm beyond the reach of ordinary people. The terrifying energy permeated in the void. At this moment, it is crazy to release the power of its own attributes.

It's like saying that the original aura between heaven and earth has reached a realm unimaginable by ordinary people, and the energy released in the void at this moment blooms with terrible power that ordinary people can't reach.

In the next moment, the entire void was trembling crazily, and that tyrannical force was released in a very short time, making the surrounding space extremely powerful.

It was at this moment that the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright, and the source of power in his body was moving at an extremely fast speed, as if he wanted to completely suppress the entire world.

Sheng Guoqiang waved Ye Feng, also fusing his own power with this peerless divine weapon. The destructive edge and powerful devouring power contained in it also broke out completely at this moment.

Originally, this weapon was already an extremely terrifying weapon, and the original power contained in it was even more tyrannical to a realm unimaginable by ordinary people.

As the personal magic weapon of the ancestor of ten thousand demons, the power gathered in the holy magic spear is absolutely terrifying beyond imagination.

It's not just a part of the power of good fortune like the Temple of Good Fortune in the ancient times, but the real world of the natal of the ancestor of all demons is hidden in it.

It's just that as the cultivation realm of the ancestor of ten thousand demons has improved, the journey of the origin of the world contained in it has also been extracted from the energy emitted from it, and it has definitely not reached the realm that ordinary people can't resist.

But even the breath radiating from such a void is already tyrannical to a point that ordinary people can't imagine, and the energy radiated from it is moving at an extremely fast speed.

In this very short period of time, the aura in his body has begun to run wildly, and that kind of terrifying energy seems to be completely destroying the entire world.

The power of countless attributes completely expanded that tyrannical energy at this moment, even exploding in a very short period of time.

The holy magic spear in Ye Feng's hand completely released its power at this moment. Under Ye Feng's constant stimulation, the original power in it was also feeding back Ye Feng's body.

The continuous fusion between the artistic conception of the sword and the holy magic spear, the energy gathered in it is so powerful that an ordinary person can't imagine it, and that terrifying aura is enough to completely complete everything between the world and the earth. The seal of suppression.

When feeling such a force, the light in Ye Feng's eyes also became extremely bright, and the original power in his body was running at an extremely fast speed that terrifying aura, it was simply necessary Completely destroy this piece of space.

The terrifying aura that occupies between Jing Ke and the world has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine. The terrible energy even wants to completely destroy this space.

That is to say, at this moment, the original power in this space began to move at a speed that ordinary people could not imagine. That extremely terrifying attribute power would even completely destroy the entire sky.

It was at this moment that those strong people in harmony began to mobilize the original power in the world crazily, wanting to resist the attack released by Ye Feng.

However, although the power they possess is powerful, they cannot be fully condensed, and the energy gathered in them has become extremely dangerous, as if to completely destroy the entire world.

Feeling such terrible energy, the expressions of everyone present became extremely shocked, and the holy magic spear in Ye Feng's hand condensed all the breath together at this moment.

There was no earth-shattering power, no aura of destroying all things, only a little scarlet spear light pointed towards one of the peerless powerhouses.

When feeling such a sharp edge, the expression of that peerless strong man also instantly solidified the aura in his body, and it completely calmed down at this moment.

That kind of terrifying power has been tyrannical to the point where an ordinary person can't reach it so far, and the powerful aura permeating the void has even reached an extremely terrifying realm.

No matter what level of the powerhouse, when feeling such a power at this moment, he will notice that the original aura in his body has become extremely weak.

At this moment, the original power in the body was constantly operating, and it was also driving such a breath madly, and it completely collapsed in a very fast time.

The power of the origin in the void completely released its own energy at this moment, as if to say that it was necessary to completely calm the entire space in the shortest time.

The rumbling sound of terror and shock erupted at this moment. Although the strength of the heterodox powerhouse was terrifying, it could not completely destroy everything around him in this extremely short time.

That is to say, at this moment, the original power in the body has begun to run wildly, and the aura radiating from it is even more tyrannical to an extremely terrifying realm.

Under the gazes of all the powerful practitioners, the power in the body of the Tibetan practitioner slowly dissipated, completely returning to the world.

The original power between the heaven and the earth also exudes an aura that ordinary people can't imagine at this moment. It seems that it is to completely calm everything between the heaven and the earth in the shortest possible time.

"This, is this fall?"

The people present were also extremely shocked looking at everything in front of them, the aura in their bodies moved quickly, as if they wanted to completely calm everything in the shortest possible time.

However, even if they reached the current state, they couldn't imagine how Ye Feng released such a powerful force.

The terrifying aura that still exists in the void at this moment has reached a point where ordinary people can't handle it. That terrible energy will even burst out completely in the shortest possible time.

"You, what are you, how dare you do such a thing?"

The expressions of those who are strong in harmony are extremely shocked, and the aura in their body is moving at an extremely fast speed. That kind of terrifying energy is simply going to reach a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

The rumbling sound of terror and shock was completely released at this moment, and the aura released in the void reached a point that ordinary people could not reach.

The extremely powerful destructive force, even in the shortest possible time, will completely destroy everything between the world and the earth, and release the last force in the entire world.

Suddenly, the fluctuations formed by the explosion of the original power in the heavens and the earth even reached an extremely terrifying point.

"Go to death, no one can save you."

There is such a roar of a powerful person in the same way, the aura that radiates from the body is completely released in a very short period of time that kind of terrifying power, and even the entire world is completely destroyed in the shortest time. .

That is to say, in this extremely short period of time, a terrifying force that ordinary people can't imagine has emerged in the entire space, as if to completely suppress everything between the world and the earth.

That is to say, at this moment, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became brighter, and the aura in his body revolved at an extremely fast speed, even completely destroying this space.

The holy magic spear in his hand is still slowly pushing forward, and the energy contained in it is simply so powerful that an ordinary person can’t reach it. The countless auras of destruction, a little bit of release and the formation of fluctuations, are extremely short. It broke out completely within a period of time.

When feeling such a breath, the expressions of everyone present also became extremely solemn, and the terrifying energy permeating the void was only completely released at this moment.

The extremely terrifying attribute power is that all the energy is blooming at this moment, as if to completely destroy everything between the world and the earth.

An extremely huge destruction palm print was condensed in the void, directly descending towards Ye Feng's position, and the holy magic spear in Ye Feng's hand also pierced forward without hesitation.

These two terrifying forces have collided together in a very short period of time, and the roaring terror and shock sounded through the entire void at this moment.

At the same time, there was an extremely terrifying destructive force that exploded frantically. That kind of tyrannical aura was simply going to completely destroy everything between the world and the earth.

The energy emanating from the void is moving at a speed that ordinary people can't imagine, and the aura of destruction is even about to completely destroy everything around it.

Even Ye Feng felt a terrifying force that ordinary people could not bear, as if saying that his body would be completely wiped out.

Feeling such a burst of energy, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became more radiant, and the source of power in his body moved at an extremely fast speed.

At this moment, the original aura in Ye Feng's body moved quickly, and the holy magic spear in his hand pierced forward fiercely. The tyrannical power even reached a terrifying realm that ordinary people could not imagine.

That extremely powerful destruction palm print in the void could not resist the powerful force emanating from Ye Feng, and it had already begun to collapse in the first place.

At the same time, the aura of destruction controlled by Ye Feng was completely released at this moment, directly toward those strong in harmony.

A scarlet spear light locked one of them again, and Ye Feng's figure quickly shuttled through the void.

This kind of power is really terrifying to a realm that ordinary people can't imagine. If this breath is allowed to expand recklessly, no matter how strong it is, it will not be able to resist it, and it will definitely be completely destroyed in the shortest time.

Perceiving such a huge pressure, the expressions of those strong men present at UU Reading also became incredibly hideous, and the original power in their bodies was operating at an extremely fast speed, as if they were To completely suppress everything between this world and the earth.

It's just that Ye Feng's strength has broken through to the limit they can imagine. Such a terrifying aura is completely released at this moment, making the power in the surrounding space have undergone unprecedented changes.

In an instant, countless auras of destruction have already begun to be completely released, that kind of terrifying energy, and even the entire world will be completely destroyed in the shortest time.

Suddenly, the aura in the void has begun to continuously release, countless auras of destruction, even reaching a point that ordinary people can't reach.

The power of the holy magic spear also released a strong force in this continuous polishing, as if it was to produce some kind of transformation in the shortest time.

Feeling such a force, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became more radiant, and the original power in his body was running at an extremely fast speed.

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