Sky War God

Chapter 3653: Slaying spear

Chapter 3653 Killing Spear Demon


   The terrifying aura permeating the void at this moment completely burst out at this moment, and the resulting wave of destruction is even more powerful than ordinary people can reach.


   When he perceives such a force, the light in Ye Feng's eyes also becomes extremely bright, and the original power in his own body moves at an extremely fast speed.


   The terrifying aura permeated in the space, and at this moment the power of the attributes displayed was madly released, even reaching a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.


   Holy Magic Spear also felt such a terrifying power, the original power in the body was completely revealed even at this moment.


   When he perceives such a breath, the power permeating the space is also a wave of destruction formed by a complete eruption in this very short period of time, releasing the most terrifying aura in a very short period of time.


   The rumbling sound of destruction and shock erupted at this moment, and the powerful power contained in it even broke out completely at this moment, completely destroying Ye Feng.


In the face of such a terrible power, Ye Feng did not have any fear. The original power in his body was constantly running, and the attribute aura that it exuded released a very terrifying attribute fluctuation at this moment. .


   Ye Feng's eldest child's chaotic origin power spread at this moment, Ban Quan, and the aura permeating the void at this moment has become unimaginably terrifying.


   The destructive power that erupted in the next instant was like destroying the entire space completely. That kind of extremely powerful attribute power directly collided with the Holy Magic Spear.


   When he perceives such a force, the expression of the Spear Demon also becomes extremely hideous, and the power in his body is madly released at this moment.


   Such a terrible wave of destruction, the breath released by the unstoppable operation at this moment, is simply reaching a point that ordinary people can't reach.


   At this moment, the Spear Demon is also extremely angry and said: "Now you want to cut the connection between my He Sheng Demon Spear, and want to kill me completely, I tell you that it is impossible.


   Even if you try your best, you will not be able to influence my influence on the Holy Magic Spear. This is the biggest reliance on which I was born in the Holy Magic Spear.


   No matter what your strength is, as long as the holy magic spear still exists, I will be immortal.


   I want to see how you stole the control of the Holy Magic Spear from my hand. "


   Listening to what the Spear Demon said at this moment, Ye Feng did not have any emotional changes, and the power in his body was still running at an extremely ordinary speed.


   It's just that when the power in his body is constantly released, a very special attribute power is also born in the void.


   The fluctuations in the space, which are constantly moving at this moment, exude a powerful aura, as if to suppress everything between the world and the earth.


   Countless attribute powers showed their own aura at this moment, as if to suppress the entire space in the shortest possible time.


   Perceiving such a terrifying power, the aura permeating the void is also madly running out at this moment. Two completely different powers directly collide together at this moment.


   The rumbling sound of terrifying shock resounded from the void, and that kind of extremely terrifying attribute power had reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.


   The waves of destruction emanating from countless auras of destruction in the space erupted crazily at this moment, as if to destroy the entire space.


   At the same time, I saw Ye Feng take a step forward, the aura in his body running at an extremely fast speed, and the sword of good fortune in his hand exuded an extremely pure force of good fortune.


The aura permeating the space at this moment has undergone a very special change. The original power in the body is running wildly at this moment, and the attribute power exuded at this moment has produced unprecedented levels of power. distortion.


   realized the special power of such a force, it was only the light in Ye Feng's eyes, it also became extremely devastating to the original power in his body, even reaching a point that ordinary people could not reach.


   The extremely terrifying power of the attribute spread frantically at this moment to form a wave, and even suppress the entire space at this moment.


   At the same time, the original power in his body also spread out in this extremely short time, and the power permeated in the void even reached an extremely strong state.


   In the next instant, Ye Feng appeared around the body of the Spear Demon, and the power of good fortune in the body moved quickly at this moment.


   The great sword of good fortune in his hand has bloomed with a sharp edge that ordinary people can't imagine, and it has been smashed out in a very short time.


   Such a terrible breath has reached a point where ordinary people can't stimulate it, and countless sharp edges directly fall on the spear demon.


   It's just that such a breath is terrifying, and it is far beyond the imagination of the Spearman, Ye Feng's actual combat methods can have an extremely huge impact on him.


   At that moment, the Holy Magic Spear only felt the aura emanating from its own body, and it had become extremely terrifying. The attribute power released by every move reached a point that ordinary people could not reach.


   is the original power in his own body. It comes from the coercive power that the Holy Demon Spear can display. It is also terrifying beyond imagination, but at this moment, the power in his body cannot change anything.


   At the same time, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright, and the original power in his body was burning wildly at this moment.


   "Really? I want to see how deeply you control the Holy Magic Spear.


   If you can seize the control of the Holy Magic Spear from your hand, then this magic weapon will no longer be able to resist my will.


   At that time, you are my biggest hero in controlling the Holy Magic Spear. "


Hearing Ye Feng's words like this, the Spear Demon's heart was extremely angry, and the aura that broke out in his body reached an extremely terrifying point at this moment. It seemed that he wanted to destroy Ye Feng's body in the shortest possible time. It's the same if it's completely suppressed.


Perceiving such a terrible breath, the power permeating the void has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine, countless will be echoed in the void by the fluctuations, and the terrifying coercive force that is emitted is simply It has reached a point beyond the reach of ordinary people.


   The sound of terror shock in the dim echoes back and forth in the void. Such a terrifying force is simply to completely destroy the entire space in the shortest possible time.


   At the same time, Ye Feng was also aware of the aura permeating his body, which had become extremely dangerous, and the power in the void at this moment showed power that ordinary people could not imagine.


The power of good fortune and the power of the magic path once again collide, and the aura in the void is even more like a wave of destruction. The extremely powerful power of the madness surged in a very short period of time. Out of its most terrifying power.


   In the next instant, the divine good fortune sword in Ye Feng's hand began to tremble constantly, and the power of good fortune gathered was unable to exert its full effect, as if it would collapse at any time.


Such a terrifying breath showed its own coercive power in a very short period of time, countless destructive intelligence, rushing towards the area where Ye Feng is located at a very fast speed, as if to be in Her body was completely wiped out in the shortest time.


   Perceiving such a change, the light in Ye Feng's eyes has also become extremely bright, and the destructive aura exuded from every move has reached a realm beyond the reach of ordinary people.


   "You have no chance."


   At this moment, Ye Feng was suddenly affected by the power in his body, and suddenly a party broke out. The world also emerged behind Ye Feng's body.


   It's just that this world of good fortune is still thriving, and the aura that it emits is no worse than the ruins of the world in the Holy Magic Spear.


   Perceiving such a force, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright, and the original power in his body showed a powerful pressure that ordinary people could not imagine.


   At the same time, the terrifying aura permeating the void also showed all of its own power at this moment, as if it was going to completely destroy this space in the shortest time.


   The rumbling sound of destruction and shock filled the void, Ye Feng mobilized the world in the White Jade Tower, directly exerting the power of good fortune in it.


   When he perceives such a power, the original power in Ye Feng's body is also moving at an extremely fast speed.


   The powerful force permeating the void, at this moment, showed a terrifying aura that ordinary people can't reach, it seems that it is going to suppress the entire space in the shortest time.


   The coercive force displayed by this terrible force at this moment is also so powerful that ordinary people can't reach it.


   At this moment, two completely different attribute powers have completely exploded out of that extremely terrifying attribute power at this moment, even reaching a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.


   At this moment, the aura that permeated the entire space has been tyrannical to an unimaginable level, and the attribute power in the void is even more revealing the aura that ordinary people can't imagine.


   In an instant, the entire void produced an extremely terrifying wave, as if it was going to completely wipe out this world in the shortest possible time.


   At the same time, the original power in one's own body is also releasing at an extremely fast speed the power of the attribute that ordinary people can't imagine, and it is released in this extremely short time.


Faced with such a pressure, the Spear Demon in the Holy Demon Spear also became extremely angry, and the original power in the body was operating at a very fast speed, as if to completely suppress Ye Feng in the shortest possible time. Lethal.


   It's just that Ye Feng's control of the holy magic spear is constantly deepening, and the aura that it emits directly locks the layers of space with an extremely fast speed.


  Even the ruins of the world in the holy magic spear, but in fact, at this moment, they show an extremely large force.


   This kind of breath is like trying to completely suppress the Spear Demon in the shortest possible time, and the destructive power it exudes even makes the Spear Demon feel unfamiliar.


   The terrifying aura released in the void in a moment has reached a realm beyond the reach of ordinary people.


   Such an extremely terrifying world of destruction is almost completely destroying the entire world.


   Perceiving this extremely powerful fluctuation, the light in Ye Feng's eyes also became more dazzling, directly mobilizing the most massive aura in his body.


   In this extremely short world, an extremely powerful attribute force, a powerful force released from the void, even wanted to completely suppress this space.


   Perceiving such a force, the light in Ye Feng's eyes has also become extremely bright, and the breath released by every move has reached a point that ordinary people can't reach.


   The rumbling sound of terrifying shock, the aura that radiated from the crazy operation in the void, even in this very short period of time, the entire space was completely destroyed.


   The powerful power released in the void showed all its power at this moment, as if it was going to completely destroy this space in this very short time.


   "How is it possible? Why can you interfere with the power in the ruins of the world, I never believe it."


   When he saw this scene, the gunman's heart was extremely shocked, and the power in his body broke out frantically at this moment.


  , such a huge force, is simply to completely destroy this space of the terrifying aura that pervades the general void, and even completely destroy this space.


   At the same time, the terrifying power emanating from the heavens and the earth has also been tyrannical to the point where ordinary people can't reach it. The rumbling sound of destruction and shock surging crazily at this moment.


   Although the strength of the Spear Demon is strong, it can't support it for too long in front of Ye Feng, and his expression has become extremely hideous.


At this moment, a terrifying force that ordinary people could not imagine appeared in Ye Feng's eyes, and the aura in his body was a wave of destruction formed by a frantic eruption at an extremely fast speed. The whole world was completely destroyed.


   Perceiving such a powerful aura, the light in Ye Feng's eyes has also become extremely terrifying, and the waves of destruction that emanates from every move are already so strong that ordinary people can't reach it.


Controlling such a powerful force, Ye Feng also suppressed the entire space at an extremely fast speed, refining the power of the origin in the incarnation, and at this moment, showed a sense of horror that ordinary people could not reach. .


   The power that permeated the void for a moment was already unimaginable.


   At this moment, Ye Feng directly released the original power in his body, and the resulting wave of destruction seemed to completely destroy everything during the year.


   On the terrifying shock in the air, such a powerful attribute power that crazily echoes in the void, demonstrated extremely terrifying power in a very short time.


   At that moment, Ye Feng vaguely saw the world in the Holy Magic Spear, and Ye Feng also had an extremely deep understanding of the power in this world.


   Just like the living wall can invoke its own power of perception, the breath that Ye Feng exudes at this moment can also affect the holy magic spear.


   means that within a very short period of time, the aura permeating the space has completely exploded, and the terrifying power beyond imagination is displayed at this moment, showing a terrifying aura that ordinary people cannot imagine.


   The rumbling power of terrifying concussion broke out completely in this extremely short time. The kind of power that ordinary people can't reach, at this moment also broke out extremely terrifying attribute fluctuations.


   In the face of such a power that ordinary people can't reach, even the holy magic spear is somewhat unimaginable, let alone the spear spear.


   The aura permeating the void, at this moment showed a tyrannical force that ordinary people can't reach, countless waves of destruction, and even the entire space is completely destroyed.


   At this moment, the terrible aura permeating the void has been strengthened to a level that ordinary people can't imagine, that kind of extremely terrifying attribute power, and even this space is completely wiped out.


   "You damn, you must die."


   At this moment, the Spear Demon was also frantically mobilizing the power in the body, and it exploded at an extremely fast speed, seemingly to completely kill Ye Feng in the shortest possible time.


However, when he was able to mobilize the power of the holy magic spear, he was already suppressed by Ye Feng's power. Not only did the original power in the world of that side have been completely blocked by Ye Feng, he could not support the spear demon at all, and even more. The gunman brought a fatal blow.


   Countless destructive powers erupted crazily at this moment, as if to completely destroy the aura between the world and the earth, no matter how terrible the opponent's strength was, it couldn't be changed.


At this moment, the light in Ye Feng's eyes also became extremely bright, as if he wanted to completely suppress the spear monster in the shortest possible time.


   Such a terrifying aura, the madness permeated in the void, and the power it radiates, even completely destroying the entire world.


   However, when faced with this terrible aura, Ye Feng also behaved quite indifferently. The power in his body was still running nonstop, and the aura he exuded even reached a place beyond the reach of ordinary people.


The rumbling sound of terrifying concussion echoed in the void, but no force could completely suppress Ye Feng. The extremely terrifying aura of attributes seemed to erupt completely in this very short period of time. Up.


   After several attempts, the original power in the world could not be mobilized again. The spear demon of the holy magic spear also became extremely crazy at this time, and the original power in the body burned wildly at this time.


   However, even if he exploded with all his strength, the power in his body couldn't make any changes, but instead made his own breath weaker.


   It is necessary to know that his body is a terrifying demon formed from the Holy Magic Spear, and his own power is completely integrated with the Holy Magic Spear.


   It is precisely because of this that he extremely resisted any intelligent being to control the holy magic spear, because that was controlling his body.


However, at this moment, the power displayed in Ye Feng's body has reached an extremely terrifying state. The powerful aura radiated from every move is like trying to destroy all the lives in this space. Completely suppressed the general.


   Perceiving such a change, in Ye Feng's eyes, there was also an extremely bright light, and the aura that it radiated, even in this very short period of time, the entire space was completely suppressed.


   In this very short period of time, an extremely terrifying force filled the void, as if to completely change everything in this entire space.


   Even though the strength of the Holy Magic Spear was terrifying, when Ye Feng tried his best, he was suppressed to a certain extent, not to mention that the ruins of the world were also brought into his control by Ye Feng.


   Such a terrifying change is simply beyond the limit that the Holy Demon Spear can withstand. The extremely terrifying aura was completely suppressed by the extremely terrifying force in a very short period of time.


   "No, I don't believe this is impossible."


   Even at this point, the Spear Demon is still struggling crazily, and the breath that radiates from every move has reached a realm beyond the reach of ordinary people.


   The power that is constantly operating in the void is also showing its own powerful aura at this moment, as if it is going to completely destroy the entire space in the shortest time.


Facing such an extremely special power, Ye Feng’s eyes were also a little dignified. The original power in his body was also running at an extremely fast speed, and that terrifying power beyond imagination was completely complete at this moment. The operation of, seems to be to completely destroy everything in this space.


   Countless destructive powers are permeating the void. The powerful force beyond imagination will bring incomparably huge disasters to this space with every move, and the Spear Demon is also under such terrible pressure.


   How long has the breath in the body of the spear demon in the United States have begun to crazily collapse, and this kind of terrifying force that can no longer be resisted seems to be completely destroyed in the shortest time.


   When he perceives such a change, the light in Ye Feng's eyes also has a very special change, and the original power in his body is running wildly at this moment.


   The power of countless attributes is madly released in the void, and the terrible fluctuations that ordinary people can't reach are simply to completely destroy this space.


   You need to know where Ye Feng is at this moment, but the vast expanse of void, almost the power of the entire world is gathered here.


   can carry the endless world, even so that their power does not conflict with each other, the power contained in it is beyond imagination.


What's more, there is no clear distance definition in the void. The extremely huge power will spread to every corner of the space in this very short time, and will eventually be completely wiped out by the endless power. .


  Under this situation, any aura of destruction will be completely apportioned and swallowed by countless spaces, and will eventually become a power in this world. No matter how powerful a person is, he cannot show all his abilities at this moment.


   Such a terrifying aura has reached a realm unimaginable by ordinary people. The power in the void is completely suppressed by Ye Feng at this moment, and countless auras of destruction are directly suppressed towards the spear demon.


However, at this moment, the light in the spear demon's eyes became extremely cruel, and the power in his own body was completely released at this moment, as if to completely remove everything between the world and the earth. Is destroyed.


  "You are still too naive, young man, don't you think you can destroy me as long as you kill me?


Impossible, I have long been fused with the Holy Demon Spear. The power in my body is simply a terrifying ability that you can't imagine in your entire life. Even if you use all your strength, there is no way to destroy me. Is it possible that you can still destroy the Holy Magic Spear? "


The Spear Demon also screamed wildly at this moment. The original power in his body was moving at an extremely fast speed. It seemed that he wanted to completely refine the aura in his body in the shortest possible time. The film space has been completely destroyed.


   And the source of power in his body seems to have reached an extremely terrifying state, and it is possible to break through to a stronger level anytime and anywhere, and resonate with the body of the Holy Demon Spear.


   Perceiving such a powerful force, the light in Ye Feng's eyes has also become extremely brilliant, and it seems that he can no longer stop such a terrible attack.


   At this moment, the power in the body of the holy magic gun was completely released, directly calling out the extremely terrifying destruction of the world in the holy magic gun.


That extremely terrifying aura of destruction, as if it had completely burst out at this moment, the power of destruction, showing its own charm in this very short time, as if to destroy everything between the world and the earth. .


Even if Ye Feng’s strength is so terrifying, facing such an extremely terrifying force, the aura in his body is moving at an extremely fast speed, as if he wants to give all of this space in the shortest possible time. It's completely wiped out.


   In a very short period of time, that kind of terrifying aura was completely released, and the power that permeated the void even reached a realm beyond the reach of ordinary people.


However, that kind of terrifying power seems to be to completely kill Ye Feng in the shortest time. The aura in the body rotates at a very fast speed, which seems to be in the shortest time. Destroy the entire space completely.


   There was a loud bang, and that extremely terrifying power directly descended on Ye Feng's body, and the terrifying aura released from it was already so powerful that an ordinary person could not reach it.


   The power of destruction reached its extreme at this moment, the rumbling sound of terror and shock, at this moment, erupted wildly, and the powerful force emitted directly covered Ye Feng's body completely.


At this moment, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright, and the aura in his body was circling crazily at this moment, and the power radiated out completely burst out at this moment. The resulting wave of destruction was enough to completely suppress the entire space.


   In the face of this extremely terrifying power, Ye Feng did not have any fear, as if he was extremely expecting that the ruins of the world would fall on his body.


   In a very short period of time, Ye Feng's body was completely covered by such a destructive force, and the aura in his body completely dissipated at this moment and merged into the ruins of that side of the world.


"Okay, hahaha, I didn't expect it, no matter how strong your strength is, it has no effect on me. As long as I kill you, I will be able to gain freedom, not to mention that your strength is simply unable to resist. Got my strength.


   As long as I release the last hole card, you will no longer have room for resistance, you can only be completely killed by me.


   After this, I will inherit everything from you, I will become you, possess all your power, and I will refine all the magic weapons between heaven and earth, making me the most powerful person in this world.


   At this moment, the Spear Demon also roared extremely excitedly, the power in his body had reached its extreme at this moment.


   The terrifying power and time and space are filled with madness, and the aura that exudes even shows an extremely huge power at this moment.


However, in the next moment, the Gunner suddenly discovered that the power in his body was constantly declining. The original aura in his body, even in such a short period of time, would wither crazily, as if it would disappear completely at any time. plate.


   Perceiving such a change, the gunman's heart is also extremely frightened. The fundamental power in his body is also operating extremely quickly, and he wants to find the source of this change.


   In an instant, he saw the ruins of the holy magic spear. The world began to completely collapse within this period of time, and the destructive power radiated from it was completely released in these few periods of time.


   When faced with such a breath, the power of those who pervaded the void had reached an extremely terrifying point. Even if the Spear Demon tried its best to resist, it still couldn't change anything.


   Countless powers of chaos emerged from the void, swallowing this space at an extremely fast speed, and the original aura in his body was dying crazily at an extremely fast speed.


Facing such a force, the Spearman was also at a loss. The power in his body was used for war and destruction. In the face of changes in this situation, he could not stabilize his emotions and strength at all. , Watching the destruction aura frantically erupt at this moment.


The power of the origin in the body is still constantly running, and the aura of destruction that it exudes becomes extremely terrifying, but the power of such a tyrannical attribute cannot change the current feeling, on the contrary, it makes that one The ruins of the world have become more chaotic.


Such a strange change has also caused an unprecedented change in the entire space. The terrible power permeated in the space, at this moment, is also showing fluctuations that ordinary people can’t reach. It seems to be in the shortest time. The entire space is completely suppressed.


   Such a terrible breath was completely released at this moment, causing the original power in the entire space to begin to collapse.


   Ye Feng reshaped his body in this world, the kind of power that ordinary people can't reach, and even reached an extremely terrifying point.


   Destroying this ruined world and then reshaping it is the only way Ye Feng can defeat the Spear Demon.


   But he didn't even think of it. At this moment, such a battle is simply unbelievable.


   Since he entered the inner world of the Holy Magic Spear, he burst out the aura of destruction in his body, and directly destroyed that side of the space, even without any aura of resistance.


   Later, the destructive power in this world is also the ability that belongs to Ye Feng extremely obediently, and it seems that it is to completely destroy this internal world in the shortest time.


   Perceiving such a change, Ye Feng finally understood it, and the terrifying aura permeating the void had already sent it to a point unimaginable by rumors.


   At the same time, the power in the space was released in this extremely short time, causing an unprecedented change in the entire world.


   When he perceives such a powerful force, Ye Feng also releases all his power of destruction, refining this world at a speed of his own happiness.


   As expected, the attribute power pervading the space has shown all of its talents in this very short period of time.


   In the process of destruction of this world, there was no pause at all, and it was completely destroyed at an extremely fast speed.


   Even at that moment, Ye Feng directly locked in the core of this world, and at the same time completely shut down the original power in his body.


   Under Ye Feng's manipulation, the original aura in his body has become extremely strong.


   The powerful force in his body also burst out completely in this extremely short time, making the aura in the space extremely terrifying.


   Under this environment, the power that Ye Feng controls is also terrifying beyond imagination. It seems that he wants to completely suppress this space in the shortest time.


   At the same time, Ye Feng's own power of good fortune and the power of the origin of Chaos also worked, leaving the aura he possessed in this world little by little.


   Every time Ye Feng left his mark, the aura possessed by the Holy Demon Spear and Spear Demon would dissipate at an extremely fast speed and could not compete with Ye Feng.


   When the mark of destruction in the Holy Demon Spear was refined by Ye Feng, the Spear Demon couldn't resist, and could only watch Ye Feng's actions.


  The power of destruction controlled by the Spear Demon is too pure. If you compare it to this degree, then Ye Feng cannot be the opponent of the Spear Demon at all.


   But in that side of the world, in addition to destruction and the power of the magic path, there is also another very special aura.


   That is a very special kind of life that can give all life a new life from infinite death.


   It is also by virtue of such a mark that when Ye Feng was refining from the entire world into a destructive power, the aura in his body did not completely collapse.


   Ye Feng was also in this environment. The original power in his body began to revolve at an extremely fast speed, and the aura he radiated even reached a point that ordinary people could not reach.


   In the face of such an extremely large force, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became more and more The aura that radiated from every move was strong to a realm beyond the reach of ordinary people.


   At the same time, Ye Feng was only mobilizing the most original aura in his body, and the energy emitted by himself even broke out completely at this moment.


   Perceived such a force, that kind of extremely pure life force, also wriggling at this moment, the countless power of good fortune in the void was mobilized by Ye Feng, directly inspiring that breath completely.


   Then Ye Feng also grabbed it in the air, an extremely large destructive force spreading in the space.


   Then a holy magic spear appeared in Ye Feng's hand, and the destructive power entwined on it was many times stronger than before.


   In the world inside the holy magic gun, Ye Feng once again summoned a holy magic gun. The terrifying aura of the two powers superimposed together even reached a terrifying realm that ordinary people could not imagine at this moment.


   The rumbling sound of horrible shocks reverberated continuously in the void, and the destructive power gathered in it even reached a point beyond ordinary people's reach.


   At the same time, the holy magic spear in Ye Feng's hand also pierced directly toward the depths of this speechless chaos, and the aura of destruction exuded spread wildly at an extremely fast speed.


   This time, the entire world has undergone unprecedented changes, and the breath that it exudes has reached a terrifying point that ordinary people can't imagine.

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