Sky War God

Chapter 3680: God Court Battlefield

[网] The people present with Ling Tian War God felt the terrifying power emanating from Ye Feng's body, and the aura in his body was also turbulent at an extremely fast speed.

The strength of the opponent is really terrifying, and it also makes everyone feel a terrible pressure, making their bodies tremble involuntarily.

Feeling such a terrifying power, everyone's eyes are also focused on Ye Feng's body, wanting to see what his next dynamic is.

After all, the Void Sea at this moment is also quite lively. All forces are constantly gathering their own breath and energy, trying to push this flourishing world to an unimaginable height, so that everyone can get it here. Benefit.

It was at this moment that the aura permeating the space was so powerful that it was unimaginable, and everyone's eyes became extremely hot at this moment.

If you can get Ye Feng's help in this process, then there will be extremely huge benefits in the next battlefield.

Of course, if Ye Feng had no such intentions, everyone present would not conflict with him.

After all, it is terrifying to have such a strength, no matter when he can get enough respect, even if he doesn't fight for such an opportunity, at this time he has a terrifying strength that ordinary people can't understand.

Even saying that it won't take long for him to break through such a limit and reach an even more terrifying point.

Faced with such a powerful existence, everyone's eyes have become extremely bright, and they want to build a good relationship with Ye Feng and gain his friendship.

But for these people, Ye Feng didn't care much about the power in the body, and even more at this moment, the aura that he exudes became extremely strong.

When he felt this kind of energy, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright, and the power in his body was moving at a very fast speed. He wanted to make the entire film in the shortest possible time. The power in the space is completely mastered.

The life and death of the Doomsday Maharaja also brought a huge upgrade to Ye Feng, and the energy radiated from the depths of the space even reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine.

This terrible energy that ordinary people can’t understand is moving quickly at this moment, and the aura that it exudes is even more powerful and terrifying. It seems to completely destroy everything between the world and the earth. .

Countless destructive powers exploded at this moment, and the power permeating the depths of the void would even completely destroy the entire world in this very short period of time.

And at this moment, Ye Feng is also constantly running the power in his body, completely suppressing all the aura in the surrounding space, that kind of extremely pure attribute power blooms at this moment, making the entire space Shaking at an extremely fast speed.

Silently operating the original power in his body, the aura in Ye Feng's body was also running at an extremely fast speed, and the power of the entire Heavenly God Great World had been mobilized by him.

This powerful force beyond imagination also showed its most powerful means at this moment, the terrifying aura permeating the depths of the void, and even reached a realm unimaginable by ordinary people at this moment.

Everyone's eyes have gathered on Ye Feng's body. When they felt such a terrifying breath, the eyes of everyone present also showed unprecedented fear.

You must know that the strength of the Doomsday Monarch is already strong enough that ordinary people can't match it. At this moment, the aura that is permeating the space makes them somewhat unbearable.

But Ye Feng released an extremely terrifying energy, directly pulling those terrifying apocalyptic powers completely, and even said that the energy radiated from it has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

When feeling such a breath, the brilliance in everyone's eyes has become extremely bright, and the original power in the body is running at an extremely fast speed, which seems to be in the shortest time. The whole space is completely suppressed.

The extremely terrifying aura exploded at this moment, and the destructive power formed even reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine. The aura of destruction exuded in every move, even to give all of this. Destroyed completely.

The terrifying power of the doomsday is also beyond the limit of ordinary people's imagination. The aura contained in it is constantly erupting at this moment, and the whole space has entered a state of extreme fear.

The original aura in the great world of the gods was mobilized by Ye Feng, forming an extremely terrifying swallowing force, which was released directly toward the opponent's location.

When he felt such a power, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright, and the aura that radiated from every move was already unimaginable.

With such a force in motion, Ye Feng, the brilliance in his eyes has become more and more powerful, the original power in his body is running at an extremely fast speed, and the energy emitted is even more powerful than that of an ordinary person. Unattainable.

The nature of the Heavenly God Great World is already quite high, and under Ye Feng's control, it has stimulated the power of the chaotic origin in it, and the aura that it exudes has reached a realm unimaginable by ordinary people.

And at this moment, after accommodating the power of the doomsday, the entire space is at an extremely fast speed, and the shocking void is filled with terrifying power beyond imagination, as if the entire world of the gods will be destroyed. It's the same as completely destroyed.

Even if it was suppressed by Ye Feng's power, or even said that he had already released the aura of the Sky Mixing Spirit Orb, the strength of the Doomsday Power at this moment was not something that the power of the entire Celestial World could resist.

Such a terrifying aura, the energy released by the continuous eruption in the void, even reached a point that ordinary people can't reach, and the power of destruction beyond imagination showed itself in this extremely short period of time. The most terrifying means.

The rumbling sound of terror shock and the rapid release at this moment, the resulting wave of destruction, even reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

In the face of such a terrifying aura, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes has become extremely powerful as the source of power in his body. It trembles at an extremely fast speed, and the aura that it exudes has changed even more. It's terrifying.

When everyone on the scene saw such a change, they were shocked beyond imagination, as if they couldn't understand what kind of power could push Ye Feng's strength to refine the doomsday power of the doomsday lord.

Countless auras of destruction burst out in the void, and the power of destruction formed is even more powerful to an extremely terrifying point. There is an incomparably terrifying aura in every move, and it bursts out of the void, it seems to be Everything in this world is completely destroyed.

Seeing such a scene, the expressions of everyone present were extremely shocked, and even kept exclaiming, as if the power in the void had reached a realm that they could not even imagine.

"How is it possible that this guy is crazy, dare to use such a method, is he not afraid that his own natal world will also collapse?"

"Since people dare to do such a thing, it represents his strength and can definitely suppress such a situation. Don't look at the arrogant power of the doomsday at this moment, I am afraid that it will not take long to be completely suppressed by the other party."

"How dare you confirm that he will be able to suppress these apocalyptic powers. If you can't control it, it will eventually lead to the collapse of the power in your body. Is it possible that he will also die with these apocalyptic powers?"

"Is there only this kind of strength when discussing here now? People can completely swallow the aura contained in the entire doomsday world. Don't you admire this courage and strength?"

Before Ye Feng could finish suppressing the aura in his body, the strong people present were arguing about what Ye Feng did, and even wanted to make a big move.

Feeling such a breath, Ye Feng didn't have any turbulence in his body. The power of the origin continued to rotate, and the energy emitted was stronger than before, I don't know how many times.

The power of the doomsday is indeed beyond imagination, but for Ye Feng, it is not uncontrollable.

The original aura in his body is constantly running at this moment, and the energy it radiates is also strong to a level that ordinary people can't imagine.

In every move, the aura radiating from the void has reached an extremely terrifying level. It seems that everything between the world and the earth can be completely suppressed in the shortest possible time.

When feeling this pressure, the expressions of everyone present also became extremely dignified, and the aura exuding in the void was already unimaginable.

If the power pervading the void is further suppressed by Ye Feng at this time, the aura radiating from it has already broken through a certain limit, enough to completely suppress everything between this world and the earth.

That is, at that moment, Ye Feng's own attribute power seemed to have recovered, and the point of doomsday power he felt was also blooming with unprecedented terrifying power at this moment. It seems that he wants to bring the world to the earth in the shortest time. Everything in between was completely suppressed.

When such a force is released, the entire space is constantly trembling in the void, and the aura that is permeating is even stronger to a realm that ordinary people can't imagine. The aura that radiates from every move is already Tyrannical to an extremely terrifying state.

At this moment, the energy permeating the entire space has become extremely terrifying. The original power in the body rotates at an extremely fast speed, causing the entire space to enter an extremely terrifying state.

The rumbling sound of terror and shock burst out at this moment, and countless destructive powers broke out completely at this moment, and the resulting destructive power even completely suppressed this space. The same.

Feeling such a terrifying breath, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright, and the original power in his body was moving at an extremely fast speed, and it seemed that he wanted to make the entire film in the shortest possible time. Heaven and earth were completely destroyed.

Countless destructive powers are completely blooming at this moment, and the destructive power formed has even reached a level that ordinary people can't reach. The aura of destruction exuding every move is beyond imagination. The power seems to be to completely suppress and refine the entire space in this shortest time.

Silently operating the original power in his body, the aura in Ye Feng's own body was already tyrannical to a realm unimaginable by ordinary people.

Those destructive powers were also completely suppressed by the aura in Ye Feng's body at this moment, and the powerful power emanating from the void was operating at an extremely fast speed, which seemed to be in the shortest time. Inside, all forces between heaven and earth are completely suppressed.

Such a terrifying strength also erupted in a very short time, causing the aura in Ye Feng's body to rotate at a very fast speed, as if to say that the aura in the body must be at this moment. Spread out completely.

You know, Ye Feng's body is still covered with that layer of extremely heavy chains, and the aura contained in it has reached a level that ordinary people can't imagine. If you rashly alarm the power in it, what impact will it bring to Ye Feng? No one can describe it.

It is at this moment that the aura permeating the void has become so strong that an ordinary person can’t reach it. The energy radiated from every move is already terrifying beyond imagination. All the forces in the space burst out completely.

The rumbling sound of horrible shocks, at this moment, shook crazily, and the breath released even reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine. If such a force is completely released, it will be in a very short time. The entire world inside will be completely destroyed.

The terrible fluctuations formed after the collision between the power of the source of the gods and the power of the doomsday also showed all of its own power at this moment. The sound of the horrible shock, the constant echo in the void, that kind of super The terrible power that is almost imagined, even to completely destroy all this.

However, the little aura radiating from Ye Feng's own body was also a wave of destruction caused by the rapid operation at this moment, even reaching a point that ordinary people could not understand.

In the next moment, the Huntian Spirit Orb has already exuded its own powerful aura, suppressing all the power in the surrounding space at an extremely fast speed, that kind of terrifying strength beyond imagination, even here In a very short time, the power in the surrounding space has been completely suppressed and refined.

The chain entwined on Ye Feng's body is constantly squirming at this moment, and the breath that it exudes has been tyrannical to the point where an ordinary person can't understand it. The energy released in every move is already beyond. The imaginary tyranny seems to completely destroy everything between the world and the earth.

Feeling such a terrible pressure, Ye Feng did not have any fear. The original aura in his body was constantly mobilized, and the energy radiated even reached an extremely terrifying state.

In the face of this terrifying aura, the energy emanating from Ye Feng at this moment is also beyond imagination. The terrifying strength released in every move seems to be to completely destroy such a force. .

The powerful aura belonging to Ye Feng himself and this terrifying force in the void, the energy emitted by the constant collisions, has reached a point that ordinary people can’t reach. Once such power is completely released, everything will be lost. Destroyed by complete suppression.

But at this moment, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes has become extremely bright, and the clerical aura in his body has reached a terrifying point beyond imagination. It seems that he wants to make all of this in the shortest possible time. Give it a complete calm down.

The energy released by Ye Feng’s own will is beyond imagination. There is already an incomparably terrifying destructive power in every move. At this moment, it explodes madly, and the power of the entire world of the gods is destroyed. Compressed completely.

The quality of the Celestial World is terrifying beyond imagination. It is the largest world in this countless space, and the energy contained in it even reaches a point that ordinary people can't even reach.

Especially the power in the presence of these powerful people, their bodies are already strong to an unimaginable realm, but they still can’t shake the essence of the great world of heavenly gods, and even said they will be drawn by the aura contained in the great world of heavenly gods. .

And the powerful force pervading the void at this moment has also reached a terrifying state beyond imagination. Countless auras of destruction are running crazily at this moment, and it has completely integrated the power of the Doomsday Monarch.

Two absolutely powerful worlds merge into one at this moment, and the aura that it exudes is also so powerful that an ordinary person can’t understand it. That kind of terrifying energy beyond imagination requires even the energy in the space at this moment. All breaths are completely destroyed.

At this moment, the energy emanating from the depths of the void has become extremely terrifying, and countless destructive powers erupted crazily at this moment, making the entire space into a point that ordinary people cannot understand. .

The rumbling sound of horror shocks, and this moment, completely bloomed, and the aura that permeated the depths of the void even reached a powerful realm beyond imagination at this moment.

The extremely terrifying power of destruction is completely blooming at this moment, and the resulting wave of destruction has even reached a realm beyond the reach of ordinary people at this instant.

At this moment, the aura permeating the entire space has been tyrannical to an extremely terrifying point, and the terrifying energy permeating the void is even going to reach a terrifying level beyond imagination at this instant.

At this moment, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely brilliant, and the original power in his body was even more terrifying than imagined. It seemed that he was going to spend the entire world in this extremely short period of time. Suppress it completely.

The powerful attraction formed by the frenzied explosion of the power of destruction in the void has also reached a point beyond imagination. It seems that the powerful aura contained in the depths of the space is at this moment, showing the kind that ordinary people cannot. The energy of understanding.

In the next moment, the aura bursting out of the depths of the space completely bloomed at this moment, making the entire space run at an extremely fast speed, as if to completely suppress and refine everything between the world and the earth. Same.

Silently pushing the original aura in his body, the powerful fluctuations emanating from the depths of the void have reached the point where an ordinary person can’t wake up, the power of destruction beyond imagination, even at this moment The whole world was completely suppressed.

Feeling such a terrifying strength, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright, and the powerful force in his body even reached a terrifying realm beyond imagination at this moment.

Constantly increasing the energy in his body, Ye Feng also felt the breath emanating from the depths of the void. He has become stronger and stronger. It seems that he wants to completely suppress and refine the entire space in this very short period of time. change.

Those strong men present also felt such a terrifying breath. The power in their own bodies is constantly operating at this moment, and the energy emitted has even reached a terrifying beyond imagination. To the point, everything between heaven and earth can be completely suppressed in a very short period of time.

However, no matter how terrifying the strength of those strong men is, they can't interfere with Ye Feng at this moment, and even the aura that pervades the void has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

When feeling such a power, the aura exuding in the space has reached a point that ordinary people can't imagine. That kind of swallowing power beyond imagination, at this moment, it completely blooms, it seems to be To completely swallow everything between this world and the earth.

The rumbling sound of terror and shock, and the terrifying aura that is constantly resounding at this moment, even if the whole world is to be contained, these strong men present are equally unable to withstand such terrible pressure. Directly guided by the terrifying power emanating from the void.

Not only their natal world, but even the world that exudes an extremely terrifying aura from a very remote place is also affected by this, and the power in their bodies oscillates at an extremely fast speed.

When feeling such a breath, Ye Feng also noticed that there seemed to be a very familiar power in it, and the power of the attributes permeating the void made Ye Feng feel a kind of kindness.

The original power in the body, the powerful energy radiating from the depths of the space, also reached a point that the cost could not reach, and the powerful strength that permeated the depths of the space between every move completely exploded at this moment. Open.

The countless auras of destruction and the powerful fluctuations formed by the continuous operation in the depths of the void even reached a point beyond imagination at this moment. The powerful fluctuations formed by the continuous operation of the power of destruction, even to the world Everything was completely swallowed up.

Without any hesitation, the original power in the body quickly circulated the terrible fluctuations formed by the combination of the two worlds, and it was also operated by Ye Feng, directly perceiving the power in the space of that side.

Later, Ye Feng also noticed that the aura permeating the depths of the void had become extremely powerful, and the terrible pressure formed in the depths of the space had also risen to the extreme at this moment.

But for these things, Ye Feng hadn't cared anymore, the energy in his body was circling quickly and continuously combined with that side of the space.

"Shen Ting, there is nothing wrong, this is the Shen Ting."

Feeling such a familiar breath, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright, and the source of power in his body was running at an extremely fast speed, and the terrifying breath exuding even reached To a point beyond the reach of ordinary people.

When such a force was released, the entire space was trembling at an extremely fast speed, and the terrible fluctuations emanating from the depths of the void even reached a realm unimaginable by ordinary people at this moment.

The laws that exist in the space also reached an extremely terrifying state of fluctuations at this moment. Countless powers of heaven and earth gathered at this moment, and the unique aura formed, even to the extent of this space. Refining for complete suppression.

Not only the worlds gathered around, but also the world of the gods and the doomsday world that Ye Feng is attached to at this moment are affected by such a force, and the aura contained in the entire space is also reached at this moment. An extreme.

The force of extremely special rules descended from the depths of the void, and the aura contained in it also made Ye Feng feel shocked.

This force has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine, and the terrible strength that emanates from it makes Ye Feng a little unbearable, and that breath also makes Ye Feng feel a little familiar.

"Super Dimensional Void."

Ye Feng muttered softly. He didn't expect that he could feel the breath of the super-dimensional void in this space at this moment, and even that a certain power contained in the super-dimensional void came down at this moment. , And a special rule is constructed in this square space.

The extremely terrifying power of destruction was brewing crazily at this moment, and the terrible aura erupting from the void would even reach a level that ordinary people could not imagine at this moment.

Countless destructive powers broke out completely at this moment, and the energy radiating in the space even wanted to completely suppress and refine the entire space at this moment. This unimaginable aura of destruction, It broke out completely in this very short time.

The terrifying strength that exists between the heaven and the earth is also completely released at this moment, and the powerful aura in the depths of the void is even going to completely swallow everything between the heaven and the earth at this moment.

The strong people present also couldn't help but exclaimed, seemingly unable to understand the reason for the existence of this force.

On the contrary, some powerful people around the God's Court, when they feel this power, their own expressions are quite ugly, and the original aura in their bodies has been tyrannical to the point that ordinary people can't imagine.

With the help of the powerful power contained in the surrounding space, the aura from the depths of the void has reached a realm beyond imagination, and the energy radiated from every move is already strong enough, an extremely terrifying realm.

The energy erupting from the depths of the void at that instant was already powerful and unimaginable, the terrifying strength that ordinary people could not understand, and even at this instant the entire world was completely suppressed and refined.

Silently running the original aura in his body, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became brighter and brighter. The destructive power radiated from every move, even to push the aura in his body, towards Operate at a higher level.

When he felt such a force, the light in Ye Feng's eyes also became extremely bright, and the original power in his body moved at an extremely fast speed.

The original aura that had been completely silent at this moment is also constantly recovering, impacting the powerful restraint of that chain, and wanting to completely destroy it.

It’s just that the strength that Ye Feng has gathered at this moment cannot completely obliterate such a terrifying chain of laws, but the aura contained in it has already made Ye Feng’s body strength reach an extremely terrifying one. realm.

It was at this moment that the law fluctuations in the depths of the void completely condensed into substance, and the invisible chain emerged at this moment, directly sealing this terrifying world group.

With Ye Feng’s Celestial God World and the power contained in the God Court world as the core, two are completely different, but they have the same powerful world power. At this moment, they have exploded their most powerful means, and the void is filled. The breath has even reached a point that ordinary people can't understand.

That is to say, the aura pervading the space in this very short period of time, has been tyrannical to an extremely terrifying state, and the terrifying energy created is even going to destroy everything in the surrounding space They are completely suppressed and refined.

The rumbling sound of terror and shock resounded in the void, and the aura exuded even reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine.

Silently operating the original power in his body, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became stronger and stronger.

The wave power formed by the combination of the original aura in his body and the law of heaven and earth has even reached a terrifying realm beyond imagination.

In the next instant, the energy in Ye Feng's body was completely released, causing the entire world to revolve at an extremely fast speed, and the energy emitted was even more tyrannical to a realm that ordinary people could not understand.

This terrifying aura and the frantic eruption in the depths of the void also made Ye Feng feel the unique laws that existed between heaven and earth.

It was a great battlefield that surpassed the law of the void and allowed people to have supreme opportunities.

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