Sky War God

Chapter 977: All off

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Seeing this scene, many people's eyes flickered, and their expressions were extremely unexpected.

Under Ye Feng's strong attack, this Wuwang five-level powerhouse chose to flee without a fight. This was a result that everyone present did not expect.

After this scene happened, the expressions of the strong sea demon cultists became extremely ugly, and the strongest people in their camp fled like this, leaving them here.

Ye Feng's strength is so powerful that even the Wuwang five-level realm powerhouse is not his opponent, what will it mean for them to stay here? These people can hardly imagine.

Especially the sick young people who have attracted many powerful Sea Demon Cults here, their complexions are even more cyan, and their bodies are shaking involuntarily.


Almost at the same time, there was such a voice in the Sea Demon Cult camp, and even the Wuwang five-level realm powerhouse was defeated by Ye Feng, and they had lost their fighting spirit to compete with Ye Feng.

Before the words fell, I saw a number of strong bodies quickly flew towards the opposite direction of Ye Feng and others, at an extremely fast speed.

This made the face of the strong man on the same ship as Ye Feng show that very ironic look, and at the same time, the admiration of these people for Ye Feng reached a new height.

Ye Feng’s eyes were extremely sharp. Seeing that there were constant sea magicians trying to escape from here, there was a terrifying power released from him, and he said loudly: "You have gathered so many powerful people to try to kill I, now, I feel like I can't fight and want to leave here, don't you think it's a bit late?"

Ye Feng's voice is full of indifference. He doesn't kill him, but he will never be merciful to those who want to kill him!

In an instant, above Ye Feng's body, there was an extremely powerful and sharp aura released, and the sharp auras instantly turned into endless spear lights, and those few took the lead to escape in the blink of an eye. The body of the strong sea magic sect is shrouded in it.

In the next moment, just listen to the squeaking sound constantly, and the terrifying spear light continuously strangulate, releasing the strongest power.

The expressions of those strong Sea Demon Cultists were shocked, and under the shroud of the spear light, they could not resist at all. The body is constantly bearing the split of the horrible spear light.

The sound of screams was endless, and blood was continuously released. Under the terrible gunshot strangulation, the bodies of the sea demon cult strongmen who tried to escape were quickly split and decomposed, and within a few breaths. It turned into a cloud of blood and dispersed with the wind!

This scene made the bodies of those strong Sea Demon Cults who wanted to escape instantly stiffened in place. They eagerly wanted to leave here, but after seeing the fate of those people, they dared not move.

But if they are allowed to stay, they are also afraid. I regret that I came here by following the words of the sick young man.

At the same time, those strong men with Ye Feng from the ship were not idle either, each of them flashed, releasing the strongest aura in their bodies one after another, and releasing terrible attacks on those strong sea demon cults.

Those four Wuwang realm powerhouses even played a leading role. Every attack is so terrible.

It stands to reason that the strong Sea Demon Cult still occupies an absolute advantage in number, but under Ye Feng's oppression, their momentum has been completely weakened, and their fighting spirit has been completely lost.

However, Ye Feng's strong side is highly motivated. Therefore, even if the number of Sea Demon Cult strong is dominant, it is completely suppressed by Ye Feng's strong right now.

Ye Feng also released a terrible attack, his attack power was strong, and every shot down would be killed by a powerful Sea Demon Cult. It was simply unstoppable.

Under Ye Feng's leadership, a strong Sea Demon Cult was killed on the spot, and within just a stick of incense, most of the strong Sea Demon Cult present were all killed.

Including the existence of the Martial King Realm, there is no ability to resist in front of Ye Feng.

Now, there are only a few people left, and the entire space is enveloped by the **** air. The bodies of the remaining few people are constantly trembling. Seeing their own powerhouses fall one by one, their hearts are already on the verge of collapse. status.

Among the few remaining people, there was the sick young man present. He was not dead yet, and the whole person looked extremely panicked. He glanced at Ye Feng from time to time, and his pupils were full of shock.

The sick young man at the moment, there is only endless regret in his heart. He hates himself for not seeing that Ye Feng has such strength.

If not, even if he killed him, he would not dare to offend such a terrible existence, but it seemed that it was too late now.

Ye Feng's icy gaze had already landed on the sick young man. The gaze seemed extremely penetrating, which immediately made the sick young man's body tremble severely, and cold sweat appeared on his forehead involuntarily.

"I, I was wrong, spare me!"

The sick young man's body was trembling, his heart struggled extremely, and finally he could not hold on, begging Ye Feng for mercy.

Ye Feng couldn't help but smiled sarcastically at the sick young man, and said: "You have gathered so many powerful people to come and kill me, and your handwriting is quite big. Now, you can't match me. I really want my forgiveness. You Do you think it is possible?"

Ye Feng's words were extremely cold. If he didn't have strong strength, at this moment, he couldn't even imagine what kind of result he would have.

But this sick young man begged him for forgiveness at this moment. How could there be such a good thing in the world?

After listening to Ye Feng's words, the sick youth's face instantly collapsed, only feeling that Ye Feng's words seemed to be sentenced to death.

"If you forgive me, I can give you a lot of benefits and meet any of your requirements."

This sick young man seemed unwilling to accept his end, and kept opening his mouth to beg Ye Feng for mercy.

"Those of your things do you think I will be rare?"

Ye Feng carried Yang Mingxian's crystal coffin, his whole figure was tall and straight, and he looked so proud, as if he was a figure who could dominate everything, and the fate of this sick young man was dominated by him.

"If you kill me, the Sea Demon Sect will not let you go!"

Seeing Ye Feng going his own way, this sick young man knew that he could no longer live anymore, his eyes became sharp in an instant, and he even moved out the Sea Demon Cult.

"At this time, you are still obsessed with it. I really don't know how stupid you should be!"

Ye Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, and said indifferently. Suddenly, his eyes opened again, and there was an extremely cold luster in his pupils.

This lustre was like thunder, and it was instantly submerged in the eyebrows of this sick young man!


Accompanied by Ye Feng's voice, that radiance turned into the strongest force of death in an instant, and it began to quickly diffuse in the body of this sick young man.

Under the action of that force of death, the sick young man only felt his body stiff for a while, and the tissue cells in his body were all imprisoned there for an instant.

I just felt that the whole person was wrapped in that powerful death force, continuously stripping the vitality in his body.

His pupils gradually changed from the fear before to the dullness now, and the color in his pupils gradually turned into that kind of ashes.

In the next moment, the sick young man's body was completely devoid of vitality, and quickly fell from the void, falling into the cold water.

Seeing this scene, the remaining powerful Sea Demon Cults couldn’t help but squeak in their hearts. Although they had been able to predict their end, they were getting closer and closer to Involuntarily began to be afraid.

Ye Feng turned his body and landed directly on the ship, ignoring those people, carefully placed Yang Mingxian's crystal coffin on the deck, and started practicing with his eyes closed.

A few moments later, several screams sounded, and the remaining few powerful sea demon cults were harvested by those four powerful kings of Martial Realm.

At this point, a crisis was once again resolved, and under Ye Feng's strength, nearly a hundred strong men of the Sea Demon Cult descended with great momentum.

In the end, except for the escaping supernatural power, all the others were killed and no one survived!

The sea water in the entire space was stained red with blood, making the strong men on the passing ships look in this direction. Seeing the dead bodies and blood floating on the sea, these strong men couldn't help but **** up. Take a breath.

They don't know, in the sea area under the jurisdiction of the Sea Demon Cult, which force dared to make such a big move in this sea area.

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