Sky War God

Chapter 995: Rich playboy

"Someone is coming, let me go down to say hello. ┡"文ΔW@W%W.KeWaiShu.OR:G>[No pop-up novel website]"

The lady boss said to Ye Feng, the look on your face doesn't look good. She doesn't seem to like this person.

"it is good."

Ye Feng nodded to the boss.

After the lady boss left, Ye Feng came to his bed and began to practice cross-legged.

The lady boss hurriedly walked down from the third floor, and saw a group of figures at the entrance of the inn.

Most of the people in this group are young people, and everyone has extremely strong aura. Most of them are young martial king realm powerhouses, who look full of aura.

Especially a young man standing in the center. This person is in his early twenties. He is tall and handsome. His handsome face has sharp water chestnuts. His facial features are straight and his pupils release sharp brilliance. The whole person looks beautiful. A sense of sharpness.

Just the breath released from the body, I hope it can make people feel that this person is extraordinary, and there are many young martial arts powers around this young man, but if compared with this person, it seems to be much worse.

Beside this tall young man, there is a young man in Chinese clothes. This young man also has the cultivation base of the Martial King realm. It is just the kind that has just advanced, and is also older than this tall young man in age. Two years old.

Seeing the arrival of this group of people, the eyes of many people in the inn converged towards their location at the same time.

He only listened to one person, his eyes flickered, and he said, "It's "Ouyang Ming" from Dengxianlou."

What this person was referring to was the young man in Chinese clothes, not only this person, but many people present recognized this Ouyang Ming.

Ouyang Ming is a descendant of Dengxianlou's Ouyang family. Because Dengxianlou has a strong influence in the nearby area, all the children of Ouyang's family have a certain reputation in the area.

Ouyang Ming is a very talented one among the descendants of the Ouyang family, and naturally attracts many people's attention.

"It is indeed Ouyang Ming, but I don't know the people beside Ouyang Ming."

On a wine table, a strong man spoke.

Ouyang Ming and the others are naturally familiar, but no one knows the strong man who followed Ouyang Ming.

"Young Master Huang, please wait a moment. This inn is owned by my Ouyang family. After a while, I will notify the proprietress of the inn to dismiss all the guests and allow Mr. Jin and others to move in."

At this time, Ouyang Ming spoke to the tall young man, with a flattering smile on his face, and his words seemed extremely polite.


The tall young man nodded, but did not speak, and seemed very cold and arrogant.

"Young Master Huang? Could it be that this group of people is the Golden Cult strong and can't make it?"

After hearing Ouyang Ming's address to the tall young man, a strong person immediately reacted and spoke.

As soon as these words came out, many people in the audience blinked involuntarily. The Golden Sect was no stranger to them, and the name was rather loud.

The Golden Sect, that is one of the strongest extremely ancient great sect forces outside Fenglan City, a force of the Supreme Martial King level.

According to legend, the Golden Sect has three supreme martial king realm powerhouses. Under the seat, there are more than a dozen strong martial king peak realm. There are countless high-level martial king realm powerhouses, and their strength can be described as quite terrifying.

Even if compared with some of the top sect forces in Fenglan City, the Golden Sect is not inferior. The most important thing is that there are many young talents in the Golden Sect.

There are many young people who have a very high reputation in Fenglan. Among them, the Golden Dragon is known as the first genius of the Golden Sect.

It is said that the Golden Dragon has just turned 21 years old but already has the cultivation base of the Martial King's Quadruple Realm. Not only the cultivation level is high, but the Golden Dragon's combat effectiveness is also extremely powerful.

Legend has it that the Golden Dragon once defeated a strong man in the Sixth Realm of King Wu. After a bitter battle, the strong man in the Sixth Realm of King Wu was severely injured by the Golden Dragon and tried to escape with a magic weapon.

But he didn't want to, even when he displayed the magic weapon, he was still powerfully slain by the Golden Dragon, and that battle became the battle of the Golden Dragon's fame. Since then, the name of the Golden Dragon has been passed on throughout Fenglan.

Therefore, after the strong man at the wine table said these words, many people present immediately thought of some information about the Golden Sect.

From the appearance of this tall young man, it seemed to be very similar to the golden dragon described in the legend. Thinking of this, everyone present became interested.

If this young man is really a golden dragon, then they can be said to be lucky.

At this moment, the lady boss hurried down the stairs. When she saw that the person was Ouyang Mingzhi, her face instantly became even more yelling, and her eyes showed a bit of disgust involuntarily.

"You are not here to greet the guests, where did you go?"

Seeing the late arrival of the boss, Ouyang Ming asked coldly, the look on his face was completely opposite to the flattery that he had seen before facing the golden dragon.

"Helping a guest to take care of the room was delayed, forgive me."

The proprietress responded lightly, without the gentle smile with other people.

"My Ouyang family gave Fengyaju to you to take care of you, but you are careless. It seems that after I return to the family, it is necessary to report to the elders and take this Fengyaju back!"

Ouyang Ming frowned slightly, as if he was very dissatisfied with the boss's answer, with a hint of arrogance on his face.

"Is it wrong to run an inn and help guests take care of their rooms?"

The proprietress frowned slightly, and said, with a bit of coldness in her words.

"What? I haven't seen you in a few days, but you woman has learned to contradict my son?"

Ouyang Ming's face sank, thinking about an on-the-spot attack, but when he thought of the Golden Dragon here, he temporarily suppressed his anger and continued to speak to the proprietress: "This is Huang Gongzi from the Golden Sect. Come to join me in the fairy building. The boarding meeting held, that is the distinguished guest of my ascending to Xianlou. Tonight, Huang Gongzi and other strong golden sects will stay in Fengyaju. You must dismiss all the guests in Fengyaju. Exclusively by Huang Gongzi and others."

Ouyang Ming's words were somewhat commanding, and they sounded very strong.

"The guests who came to Fengyaju have already paid for it before, so dismissing them in this way will damage my Fengyaju's long-standing reputation? I'm afraid it is a bit wrong to do so?"

Hearing Ouyang Ming's words, the lady boss's face became slightly ugly. Although Feng Yaju was an industry owned by Dengxianlou, she only worked for Dengxianlou.

But for many years, Fengyaju has been managed by her alone, and it has its current scale.

In the Fangyuan area, Fengyaju has always been known for its credibility and thoughtful service. These have a lot to do with the proprietress’s personality and the reputation of integrity accumulated over the years.

As a result, some customers would rather spend a higher price than stay in Fengyaju.

Moreover, the proprietress always pays attention to honesty in her life and work. In her opinion, regardless of her status, Fengyaju collects fees from other customers, and must serve customers equally.

Dismissing customers in advance is tantamount to smashing Fengyaju's signature.

Therefore, the proprietress did not agree with Ouyang Ming's proposal, so she refuted it.

"Meaning maid! It's just a dog from my Ouyang family. I really think I am an important person? My son asked you to dismiss all the guests. Just do it, what nonsense?"

Seeing the boss's wife said so, Ouyang Ming immediately became angry, and the words were extremely cold.

The lady boss has an ugly look and her body trembles with anger. The reason why her man died young is that you, Ouyang Ming's father, have a direct relationship.

Therefore, the proprietress did not have a good impression of Ouyang Ming himself. What's more, this Ouyang Ming, relying on his status as a side child of the Ouyang family, often came to Fengyaju to make trouble.

Thinking about her own man, the lady boss felt angry in her heart. She stood there looking at Ouyang Ming, without intending to do so.

The eyes of many people present flickered, and they couldn't help but shook their heads slightly when looking at Ouyang Ming who was arrogant and domineering at this moment.

At the same time, everyone is very worried about the proprietress. Some old customers who often come to Fengyaju know something about the proprietress. Ouyang Ming often comes to ask for trouble, and they have also encountered it.

The lady boss has been swallowing her anger, bearing the humiliation that Ouyang Ming brought to her. This time, the lady boss obviously didn't want to bear it anymore, and she didn't know what consequences she would bring to herself by doing so.


A crisp sound came out, and a scene that everyone didn't want to see happened after all. When the lady boss didn't say a word, Ouyang Ming's big hands were severely thrown on the face of the lady boss.

King Ouyang Mingwu's cultivation base at the first level, the power of this slap falling can be imagined, and he directly threw the body of the proprietress out, and when he landed, blood oozes from the corner of his mouth.

The body of the proprietress was trembling constantly. It is conceivable to suffer the pain of Ouyang Ming's slap, but she did not say a word, and silently accepted it.

When his eyes looked at Ouyang Ming, they still carried a hint of anger, as if they would not give in.

"Since you don't even want to listen to my Ouyang family's orders, what use is there for me to keep you?"

Ouyang Ming's voice is His eyes look at the lady boss with a deep contempt. In his opinion, the lady boss can only be regarded as a servant of his Ouyang family.

As a collateral child of the Ouyang family, even if Ouyang Ming kills the proprietress, the Ouyang family cannot blame him.

He lifted his footsteps and walked step by step towards the direction where the boss’s wife was. An extremely cold aura was released from his body, revealing a bit of killing intent.

"Ouyang Ming, you rely on your status as a child of the Ouyang family, you are arrogant and domineering, and your father is a murderer of the same family. You have simply insulted the reputation of the Ouyang family for many years. I am ashamed of the Ouyang family. !"

The resentment on the face of the proprietress, as if she would not surrender, is hard to imagine that she, a weak female stream with only a basic divine martial realm cultivation base, can burst out such powerful obsessions at this moment.

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