Skynet Architect

Chapter 127 Reducing Aircraft Weight

The plane moved forward at the fastest speed, and the volcanic ash behind it was no different from the waves chasing the ship. It should not be a tsunami.

Violent and lethal, as long as it enters the volcanic ash, it will be completely submerged by him. Human beings cannot survive in the volcanic ash.

The two guys below were just hanging like this. After a long time, Joe turned around and said, "Boss, it's time to pull them up. Our flight speed needs to be increased again, and we need to take them to affect the flight speed."

Only then did Si Fan nod: "Awesome, pull them up."

He said this in Chinese, otherwise there is no way to explain this word.

The Terminator behind him walked over. The helicopter was trembling as it was moving forward, and the airflow near the hatch was very chaotic. Only the Terminator seemed to feel nothing, standing there very steadily, without any expression, pulling Holding the rope as if carrying a leek, he easily pulled the two of them up.

When they came up, the cabin door was quickly closed, and then Joe shouted: "Hold on, we're going to speed up.!"

As he roared, the power of the two PT6T turboshaft engines produced by Pratt \u0026 Whitney was raised to the highest level, reaching the limit flight speed. The powerful power accelerated the speed of the plane to a level that made people feel trembling.

The strong push back makes people unable to think about anything more.

The two guys who had just been blown away and had no idea about the southeast and northwest were lying on the ground panting heavily, but they had already returned to their positions and fastened their seat belts.

The two guys were quickly pulled by the power of the plane without reaction time, and they were quickly piled into the corner of the cabin like two billiard balls.

Without seat belts, they will be tortured.

The two guys are speechless now, rolling their eyes and wondering if they are going to hang here.

But Si Fan and the others didn't care, these two guys almost made them unlucky.

At this time, a lot of time was wasted behind him, and the air waves formed by the volcanic ash behind him were already approaching, and no one could survive by chance.

"Joe, can we leave?" Si Fan roared loudly.

The sound inside the plane is very noisy now, and it is impossible to hear the people in front clearly.

Joe in the front is trying to control the plane,

Originally, I didn't have time to talk to Si Fan behind me, but now I still replied: "We are advancing at full speed, but the flying speed of the plane is still slower than the spreading speed of the volcanic ash, and we will be caught up 20 kilometers away. , if you want to rush out, you must reduce the weight of the aircraft."

Joe roared, but it was obvious, and his meaning was clear.

He even looked back at the two guys intentionally.

These two idiots are the worst.

And Si Fan looked at the interior of the helicopter, then looked at the surrounding environment, gritted his teeth and said: "We must reduce the weight as much as possible, so let's start with the interior here, Mr. Qiao, if you agree, I will do it afterwards." Compensate you for a helicopter, and the type of aircraft and interior accessories will all be at your disposal."

Joe turned his head in disbelief. He had never heard of such an exorbitant request. You must know that if he chooses the best of everything, the final price may be terrible.

When he was confused, Si Fan gave him the best explanation.

"My name is Si Fan, and the Skynet Group is mine. I can afford a minimum order for a helicopter even if you use alien technology."

One-sentence explanation, one identity represents everything, and Joe didn't have any scruples at that time, so why should he think about it.

Nodding on the spot: "No problem, Mr. Si Fan, the interior insulation panels of this plane can be removed, as well as some useless seats inside the plane."

He was explaining, while the five terminators in the back had found tools under the seats and began to disassemble the aircraft.

The first thing they dismantled was something no one expected.

That's their own seat.

The seat was a very heavy metal structure, and it was disassembled quickly in their hands.

It only took a few minutes, and the nine seats were disassembled, and the cabin was opened and thrown out.

This move made Joe feel a toothache.

"Brothers, you guys have to sit for a while, I think it would be more comfortable to have a seat." Joe turned around and said. Professor Leon also nodded, but he didn't say much. He could tell that the bodyguards behind were not ordinary people.

After the terminators removed the seats, they began to disassemble the interior trim panels.

This is more efficient, and soon the interior becomes an iron frame.

The two guys lying on the ground stared at everything dumbfounded, and the alcoholic Lampard, who had already sobered up, spoke first.

"Don't remove the insulation board on the plane, it will be cold in a while, and we also need chairs on the plane, we don't want to sit on the ground." He was lying on his stomach and thinking.

It's okay if he didn't mention it, but just now, Si Fan seemed to have realized something, and said to the Terminator: "Remove two more chairs.

1 When he was confused, Si Fan gave him the best explanation.

"My name is Si Fan, and the Skynet Group is mine. I can afford a minimum order for a helicopter even if you use alien technology."

One-sentence explanation, one identity represents everything, and Joe didn't have any scruples at that time, so why should he think about it.

Nodding on the spot: "No problem, Mr. Si Fan, the interior insulation panels of this plane can be removed, as well as some useless seats inside the plane."

He was explaining, while the five terminators in the back had found tools under the seats and began to disassemble the aircraft.

The first thing they dismantled was something no one expected.

That's their own seat.

The seat was a very heavy metal structure, and it was disassembled quickly in their hands.

It only took a few minutes, and the nine seats were disassembled, and the cabin was opened and thrown out.

This move made Joe feel a toothache.

"Brothers, you guys have to sit for a while, I think it would be more comfortable to have a seat." Joe turned around and said. Professor Leon also nodded, but he didn't say much. He could tell that the bodyguards behind were not ordinary people.

After the terminators removed the seats, they began to disassemble the interior trim panels.

This is more efficient, and soon the interior becomes an iron frame.

The two guys lying on the ground stared at everything dumbfounded, and the alcoholic Lampard, who had already sobered up, spoke first.

"Don't remove the insulation board on the plane, it will be cold in a while, and we also need chairs on the plane, we don't want to sit on the ground." He was lying on his stomach and thinking.

It's okay if he didn't mention it, but just now, Si Fan seemed to have realized something, and said to the Terminator: "Remove two more chairs.

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