Skynet Architect

Chapter 149 Breeding Light in Darkness

The huge white shed was built, and the volcanic ash flying outside quickly piled up a layer. This huge shed is 40 to 50 meters high, and the area inside is not very large, and the tent is not directly fully supported. open. It's just that the most central position has been fixed, followed by nine supporting columns.

These nine pillars spread thousands of square meters, and in this center, it is enough to carry out the first step of the plan.

However, when it is really launched, people may find that what needs to be done is actually simpler than imagined.

Only Si Fan and the others know what this building is and how it works. The outside world doesn't know much about it for the time being. They just know that when the tent gradually started to be supported, the group of trucks began to unload quickly, and a simple assembled gantry crane Get assembled and then start unloading quickly.

The unloading speed is very fast and very rhythmic. The things on this car are placed very carefully, and the space is not fully utilized, but the unloading and use are almost always in order, and the efficiency is very fast.

After the first car was unloaded, other people might not know what was going on inside, but Si Fan knew, he was inside, this was his rare personal supervision, and he wanted to see if he could resist nature anger.

The earth is trembling, and slight earthquakes have become the norm here. If there is a large-scale eruption of the volcano, the earthquake will be more intense. Most of the surrounding wooden houses have been damaged by the earthquake, and there are not many left .

There is such a white tent in the middle of the city, which attracts the attention of the world.

They set their sights here, but they don't know what's inside, they only see progress bars one by one. When the progress bar starts, they know that a detail part has started, and when it is finished, it represents this part. it's over.

They can't see what it is, but they can analyze what it is probably.

Only roughly.

"Plinth No. 43126 is the seventh base. In order to complete this impossible task, I have worked hard." Si Fan said in a low voice.

The huge metal base in the middle was lifted by more than a dozen terminators. This base is very heavy, and there are many rare metals inside. There are special metals worth hundreds of millions, all of which must be used under special circumstances. materials that can be reflected.

Naturally, such precious materials are rarely owned by anyone, and the price is so expensive that it makes people feel distressed.

I'm afraid that Si Fan is the only one who doesn't have the slightest distress to put it here.

Now only the core room is made,

The huge core sea lung culture room.

After laying these foundations, Si Fan didn't feel the same when he stood here. A few hours ago, it was still a piece of mud, and there was no fragrance of mud, and the smell was really not good.

It is much better now, the floor of the entire room is all metal in color, without any other doping, the floor of the room is assumed to be complete, there are countless slots on it, dozens of architectural terminators are carrying large walls, this Each section of the wall weighs several hundred catties, or even more than one thousand catties, and an elastic cushioning adhesive is added in the middle to help fill the gaps in the wall and resist the frequent earthquakes.

This is the most disgusting thing, the room must be shock-absorbing, so Si Fan used this new type of adhesive.

This thing can be called liquid gold. Tens of millions are used to build a house. With the latest technology in the United States, Si Fan bought more than 20 million adhesives. It is this thing, but the room that Si Fan uses Only this one, other rooms do not have this strict requirement.

When the ground was laid, the completion of the wall seemed to be expected. One by one, the terminators lined up to build the wall, and soon the set goal was completed. The walls were quickly stacked together, and the wall soon reached a height of more than ten meters. high.

When it reaches this height, the room is considered to be over, and the support frame is laid horizontally on the top immediately, and then the room is merged.

For half a day, Sivana has been watching, waiting for the construction of this room to be completed.

Because it is modular, there is only such a core room, a room where the sea buds above absorb air, and a room that transports special liquids into the automatic packaging workshop to encapsulate all these nutrient solutions.

These are huge low-pressure water tanks one by one, and the huge tanks will be filled here, and then transported to the nearest port for transportation to various countries or continents, and then used.

Restoring the ecological environment of cultivated land.

Of course, Si Fan and the others have now begun to test whether it can be used in some extreme places, and whether they can do some special things.

For example, can there be enough trees in the desert to protect the land and form a temporary flora.

If it can be done, it will be very important for desert control.

There are many deserts on the earth. If all the deserts can be utilized, it will be a great feat.

The space that human beings can live in is just bigger.

Everything seems to be going with the flow.

Si Fan, who created all of this, just watched quietly. He was not the only one who watched, there were countless people who watched the truckloads of things being transported in, and then seemed to disappear. These boxes were piled up together almost as big as the entire tent. What did they do inside? They were very curious about what the building looked like.

And the internal construction of the main sea lung culture room has been gradually completed.

When the construction progress of this room shows 70%, Si Fan inside has already begun to command the Terminator.

I saw two terminators slowly carrying one of the boxes over. This box is the most well-protected and the most precious. This box is placed in the middle of one of the cars.

Si Fan personally used a series of methods such as pupil, voice, fingerprint and cadence scanning to test, and then it was completely successful.

I saw the combination lock in the middle was opened, and then the sea lung seeds inside were slowly released, still a big seed over two meters high, which was cultivated by the sea lungs from the Poseidon Temple in Atlantis seed.

In comparison, the sea lung used for the experiment was a bit of a hole, and no seeds have been born so far.

Only then did he know how important the Sea God Temple was to Sea Lung.

When the seeds were in front of him, Si Fan directed the Terminator to put the seeds on the platform in the middle, and then left the room with a smile.

Just after leaving, the room has already begun to seal the walls.

The last wall was slowly sealed off, and the room has since become a closed space. There are more than a dozen spare cameras inside, but these cameras are all hidden in it, and they will not be activated unless Si Fan activates them.

At this time, the Yellowstone Park super volcano outside seems to be even wilder. In contrast, the inside of this tent seems to be giving birth to hope and light.

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