Skynet Architect

Chapter 157 New York Landmark

After Si Fan's words, a group of guys immediately laughed happily, and even said that this purification plant in New York can be made into a super huge landmark building. They believe that the value of this city will make Si Fan feel Excellent value for money.

Who is Si Fan? I understood it on the spot. Now is the national crisis and the most critical moment for the United States, so we must fully support it. Some land in the hands of local tyrants is like a chicken and a dog when it comes to building factories. It will be resolved, and no one will sing a different tune at this time. As a hero, Skynet Group can give others a little bit of benefits, and the official will compensate for this part of the benefits.

All the things seemed to be done silently under tacit agreement, without any disturbance. Everyone knew the whole story of this matter in their hearts, but they kept their mouths shut and didn't say much.

The matter is so confirmed, Skynet Group will also build a super air purification plant here.

And to be different, to be a landmark, to have unimaginable symbolic meaning.

This is simply too important, and it is very rare for Skynet Group to solve the problem without charging any fees this time.

On this point, they are all very good in the world's wind reviews. I'm afraid they don't know how much they should charge for the final air purification funds.

Fortunately, the U.S. officials have made a good start. They voluntarily pay for air cleaning, and each super factory costs 5 million US dollars per year.

Yes, it seems that there is only a little bit of it, but most of the construction of this super factory was built with their own money. Every factory in it is funded by them and the land is provided. The five million dollars per year is only relative maintenance. and operating costs.

The U.S. official admits that the management of these super factories is in the hands of Skynet Group, and promises to never take the initiative to explore the technical problems in them.

Of course, this is actually based on the premise of knowing the whole process of Si Fan's intention to announce this technology, and they are asking questions with a high moral integrity, which is unscrupulous nonsense after knowing the result.

As for the others, it is even more domineering. The Skynet Group can expand environmental governance actions across the United States.

A large amount of their recent funds will be used in special activities to clean up the environment, and they are committed to creating a country that fully meets the best quality of life for human beings, and creating a land that can fully maintain ecological balance. ;

This is what they have to do. The damage caused by the super volcano in Yellowstone Park is simply too great. However, according to the analysis, this volcanic eruption is indeed a natural disaster, but there are too many other concurrent disasters that are caused by human beings. , For example, there are many empty caves excavated across the country, and these caves are about to completely start backfilling.

Everything has to unfold, and they still have a lot of things to do, but what must be considered in front of them is the current issue of managing the aftermath of the super volcano eruption.

After all, a large number of people in the United States do not have a residence.

At the intersection of the two central axes in the center of New York City in the United States, reconstruction activities are currently underway.

This is a piece of green space and a park in the city. It is a waste of land to build a park in the city, but as a must-have place in the city, the park here must be built.

So this huge park in front of you is located here.

New York Central Park.

Surrounded by high-rise buildings, skyscrapers abound, every inch of land is expensive.

In the center of such a place, in the best location, there is a huge park, which is the Central Park of New York.

The park covers an area of ​​3.4115 square kilometers, spanning 51 blocks of Manhattan, and spanning three blocks in width, with an area of ​​3.4 million square meters.

In this park, there are two huge artificial lakes, two huge lawns and large green trees, so the environment is simply fascinating.

Even now, the best air environment in the center of the city is estimated to be here, but it is in the core of this park.

The super lawn, which is called the Great Lawn by New Yorkers, is now being destroyed by humans themselves.

Or rather, the Destroyer is now in the middle of here.

An ordinary man spreads a cloth mat on the ground and looks out across the lawn.

This is a beautifully manicured lawn without too much damage, where you can enjoy the natural gifts to your heart's content. After the volcanic ash, the plants grow better and better. If the sun is not enough, they may will grow more vigorously.

Right in the middle of this place, the sitting young man drew a circle.

Almost the entire large lawn is covered in it, and then a twisted circle is drawn in the center of the city. This circle passes through a large number of streets.

However, if the people in charge of urban planning see it, they will understand that this line is the line of the city's underground waterway, and it is also a reserved pipeline in the city, through which all the city's pipelines pass.

And this line leads directly to the sea at the place closest to the sea.

This shows that this is either a flood outlet or a channel for pumping seawater.

Undoubtedly, the lines drawn by Si Fan could only be channels for pumping water.

After that, he drew another small circle on the ground.

This small circle is only in a very small location in the center of the city, and it occupies an area of ​​only a thousand square meters. This square meter is really not that much, at least on this big lawn.

And the other circle above, it is estimated that it will make others flustered.

Only Si Fan was sitting here, opening a box next to him, revealing the pizza inside, chewing the pizza and studying the whole plan here.

There was already an idea in his mind.

Since Sea Lung is about to be seen by everyone, it might as well spend more money to build a huge urban open-air aquarium. In terms of materials.

To be honest, when Si Fan was building Atlantis, he still had some stocks on hand, that is, super glass.

None of the materials for these super glasses were synthesized, however. So now it can be made into any desired shape.

At this moment, Si Fan thought of the location of the city center.

How about building a super huge city lung? It must be very attractive, and it will clearly show everything about your super factory in front of you, and you will learn these things if you have the ability. Anyway, Si Fan wasn't afraid at all.

He already knew some news from Shen Tuo.

The mother body of this sea lung has begun to decline gradually, and all the plants have begun to die. Only Si Fan's mother plants in the Sea God Temple are still alive.

He has reason to believe that only the Seagod Temple can produce the seeds of these plants.

If other people have a way, he can't wait! In this way, the pressure on Seagod Hall will be much less.

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