Skynet Architect

Chapter 171 Song Hai's Dead

The rat holes they found weren't really rat holes, where small creatures wreak havoc on the city, but humans, rat-like traces of human madness.

The sewers on the ground seem to be the passages for them to move forward. The space above the sewers has been hollowed out, and the side of the volcanic ash is wet with water. After that, a layer of liquid was re-solidified with some unknown material. It is something like glue that holds the surrounding walls in place.

In this way, there is an extra space below for people to pass through easily.

This space is generally not too large, probably enough for a person to bend over to get in.

During the cleaning, a cross-section with a length of seven or eight meters was cleared out. I don't know where the other direction is, but one of the directions must be the nearby Macy's.

This is a super-large department store in the United States, and it is a high-end shopping mall. When the disaster struck, a lot of valuable things had been shipped away, but some things were still left behind.

Most of these things are mid-range mass-market clothing accessories. They can guarantee the quality for a few years and can be stored easily, especially some decorations. These things are often large and not easy to move, so they all flowed down.

The department stores here must be under attack by rats now. Especially the decorations, many of which cost more than ten thousand dollars. Most of them were left behind in this disaster, and there are more things to take away. The transport ships are not enough to take everything away of.

Macy's may not care about a lot of things that have no emergency shipping value, but these things are really worth a lot to ordinary people, and the rats who got back have obviously already done it.

Si Fan cleared the road with a dark face and arranged for several cars to start clearing the road that fell to Macy's along the mouse hole.

In ten minutes, the whole area was cleaned up, and Si Fan could see clearly what these bastards did.

I saw fragments everywhere on the road. Most of these exquisite fragments came from some damaged decorations, followed by some porcelain.

Some high-end porcelain here is still valuable.

The things that are usually transported very carefully are ruined by them everywhere, and some idiots are simply idiots. They said that the gems in some things were deducted, but the decoration was left in place.

Si Fan saw a sculpture more than two meters high, which looked like a work of art at first glance, but his two eyes were taken away.

Seeing such a situation, Si Fan almost wanted to complain,

According to Si Fan's investigation, this sculpture is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, and the gemstones of the two eyes are only a few thousand dollars.

But they buckled the eyes, took the gemstone away, but the sculpture was pushed down, and the whole sculpture split into four petals.

Originally, Si Fan still had fantasies about them, hoping that they could take away what they wanted and not damage other things.

Obviously, Si Fan was wrong, these people are just a bunch of bastards with no IQ and quality.

It is simply disgusting that they destroy expensive works of art and then deliberately destroy them again.

"Find these guys and arrest them all. I must put them all in prison. If they want to escape, I don't mind donating to America a prison from which they can never escape." Si Fan roared.

Song Yang in the car could feel his anger, and laughed in a low voice: "These idiots are going to be in trouble."

No matter how much it complains, damaged things cannot be repaired. This sculpture was damaged like this. The famous smiling face in Washington was broken into two pieces, half forward and half backward, which is unspeakably weird. It seems to be ruthlessly mocking the disorderly era.

Si Fan soon arrived inside the shopping mall. He came in along the road in front of him. This road is not a good way to enter. From here in front of him is the wall of the shopping mall. At this time, a huge opening was opened on the wall Hole, it can be seen from all around that this group of bastards smashed it with something, the expensive glass is just broken, and the interior decorations that should be visible from the outside are all gone, and the two huge cabinets are just like that. He fell to the ground indiscriminately.

The things preserved by human beings are only obsolete, and the disasters caused by these gophers are called disasters.

After walking in a few steps, there is no glass on the ground. It is estimated that these guys are still afraid of stepping on something and stabbing themselves.

This is simply disgusting, very disgusting.

Going forward, there are a few carts piled up at random, with an unknown number of clothes on them. These clothes were originally mass-produced mid-to-high-end clothes, each costing hundreds of dollars or thousands of dollars.

Now it is piled there like garbage, with a pile of ashes in the middle of the pile of clothes, and there are always some burnt magazines and clothes in the dust next to it.

That's right, these guys chose the scourge when they couldn't take them all.

A lot of clothes just turned into fly ash.

"Mom, these guys are bedbugs. If you take away the things, I will put up with you and give you a chance to turn around. I won't hold you accountable, but you guys are going too far." Si Fan roared angrily.

His voice echoes here.

Song Yang's voice gradually came from behind.

The air has become much better, and the guy tries to take off the gas mask.

"Don't think that human beings are inherently good. Human beings are a complex animal with two sides in one body. When faced with something that they could not obtain before, the first choice they can choose is to possess, and the second is to destroy. No one else can have it." The guy was like a stupid philosopher at the moment.

Glaring back at him,

"I know, but I just can't stand these guys. I don't work hard to count them as having no chance. Now that the opportunity comes, they come to waste the opportunity and harm the things that others have sealed. I don't know how many places they have harmed in this city!" Fan said angrily.

Song Yang sighed: "Oh, brother, we all know that they are the least harmful here. Go to the bank and see what they have harmed. There are also some other departments."

This guy is like a saint at this time, and he is almost a Buddha.

Si Fan suddenly became curious: "Why do you suddenly seem different? Wasn't it still the standard of the rich second generation in the eyes of the poor?"

This guy smiled: "Don't mention the stupid things back then. Now I'm a serious young man. Apart from improving our family's good reputation this time, do you know why our old man asked me to come here?"

"I just received a call... My old man is dying, and the doctor said there is still half a year at most."

"There is no cure for bodily failure."

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