Skynet Architect

Chapter 3 The First Step of Resurrection

A small red dot reflected on the glass grew bigger and bigger, and slowly expanded to the fiery sun-like furnace in front of me.

This is a new magma vent formed after the earthquake, and it will gradually evolve into a new volcano. This is the crater, and the surrounding area is gradually filled with magma. A river of lava is on the right side of the car. A distance of several tens of meters flows past.

They opened up a road from a long distance. The temperature here is already in the semi-core area. The rain from the sky falls into the scorching magma and instantly turns into steam. There is a small black spot in the magma. .

The torrential rain seems to be pouring, and the underground magma river is flowing. When the rain falls on the ground, the needle point is facing the wheat awning, the cold and the scorching heat are opposite, the rain turns into a sea of ​​steam, and most of Wyoming becomes a sauna room. Life is impossible to survive, they can only linger on.

The strong wind that came with the heavy rain blew away the steam and raindrops, and met the magma again.

After all, this is not an underground city, not an underground city. The truth that water temperature has a boiling point has not been broken for the time being. The magma washed by the rain began to condense on the outer surface for a short time, forming a strange rock layer to protect the magma below. After being cooled, the rainwater above also slowly flows to the lower part along this protective film.

After all, they are going to flow along the river and slip away along the underground river.

A river is occupied by magma, then nature will form another river by itself, water is accumulating, and cars are moving.

"Boss, we can't move forward any faster. We can no longer tell which is the magma and which is the normal road. There are ruins in front of us." Jiang Yilong patted his part of the coastline of the Mediterranean Sea, frowning.

Si Fan was lying on the back bed with his eyes squinted, his hands pointing in front of his face. Jiang Yilong had really gotten used to this habit, and he often saw Si Fan like this.

After clicking a few times, Si Fan said: "For the magma part, use the image before the satellite map, and the magma path will not have too many forks."

Jiang Yilong was noncommittal, since he said so, he will be quilted.

The magma has been cooled a lot just now, and the main mainstream and main tributaries have formed a layer of protective film on the top, which can ensure that the magma below continues to flow. On some small tributaries, these magmas are not enough. The water vapor is again suppressed by the rain, and then the whole is pressed to the ground.

They cooled quickly, and the magma would stop boiling when it was below one hundred degrees, and slowly condensed in the rain.

Although the road is out, these condensed magma tributaries are passable.

If you choose to follow the satellite map, you will have to detour.

Si Fan gave the order, and he could only follow.

Fortunately, the speed of the convoy is not slow, and of course it can't be fast. The big guy smashing the car in front smashed everything on the road, and how many high-rise buildings were broken into pieces, leaving a large trace of civilization behind.

Hundreds of dollars worth of beautiful tiles set in the center and smashed into pieces.

A few hundred bucks turned into a few bucks before being run over by a convoy.

Well, it's worthless already.

This kind of violence can be found everywhere in the United States. The mansions of hundreds of millions have long been turned into ruins. The land is still theirs. As long as the United States does not disappear, this land still exists, but some houses are buried in magma. , some are at the bottom of the sea, if you want it, go get it.

There are more places that cannot be studied. If you can't find them, you will not be able to recover your assets.

If the last disaster was a test, this one is destruction. ;

The land in the United States has once again been broken from monopoly, and people can redistribute it again.

Based on previous records, they will be compensated, but the quality of the compensation is debatable.

This has been going on for a long time, and now several small islands have become places owned by most people. Everyone who owns land gets a small piece,

Then the rest of the land will have to wait.

According to Huaxia's words, this small piece of land is called a homestead, a place for housing, the prototype of industry, and the prototype of technology, except that it is not agricultural land.

More agricultural land is in the vast major continents, which is the agricultural base of the future.

As long as it cools, you can only wait for it to cool.

The car continued to move forward, and the volcano was not far away. This is a new small volcano that has been formed. The poetic and picturesque Americans named it Resurrection.

Because Si Fan will revive the main continent of the United States here.

An island is an island after all. Although the scenery is good and the air is good, it is not their fertile soil after all.

After pioneering here, I found more intense signs of volcanoes. Even if it rains, the temperature around 50 degrees. If the weather stops raining, the temperature will be even more terrifying.

A very large magma river was completely sealed, and the huge ridge with an unknown thickness of meters became the trace left by a new magma river.

They always leave marks, and the rest of the sand, gravel and mud have been washed away, which is the ridge of magma.

When the car arrived here, they stopped near the resurrection volcano. The cars behind stopped behind Si Fan one by one, and the cars in front began to quickly level the ground.

The ground in front of me is an obvious hillock, surrounded by magma, and now it has been isolated, and there are traces of magma flowing all around, only the middle is still standing.

This is not a mountain, but more like a low mountain.

This is Si Fan's favorite place. When the car stops, the rain seems to have lost its strength. The transpiration of water vapor can clean the environment better than rain.

The volcanic ash has dropped, and the air pollution index outside has dropped a lot, not much different from cities with heavily polluted air.

In this way, they still have to wear chemical protective clothing and gas masks when they get off the car.

Looking up at the sky, this time I really looked up, and I could see the sky as if it were raindrops pouring down with endless anger, but it was feeble that the rain was almost over, and bright clouds could be seen on the edge of the distant sky, so lost The lost sunlight shines in.

Suddenly, a smile appeared on Si Fan's face.

As long as the sun shines here, it means that the clouds of volcanic ash are not so thick. As long as the sun shines, there is room for plants to live.

Plants can strengthen the land, prevent soil erosion, and fix volcanic ash.

This is a cycle, the sun is the beginning, the plants are the flourishing.

Looking at the distant setting sun in the sky, Si Fan smiled.

Here... is their first step to revive this country! ! !

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