Skynet Architect

Chapter 30 Rules

Li Dalong in his own store does not have Si Fan's idle mind. He can be said to be neither happy nor sad. He just devotes himself fully to the evaluation of the customer's task, and puts all his attention on it. What he wants is to let These customers pay for his wisdom, and he wants to build his own channels.

Now that the company is established, customers are gradually coming in. The upstream channels are outside, and he still needs to contact them, but he needs too many people and cannot contact them immediately, so he is also crazy.

Where are his resources? No one knew, Li Dalong's gaze was set outside the safe zone, he knew that there must be people outside who couldn't come in now, they must want to wait for the opening of the safe zone.

There are a large number of people outside who want to come in. They have heard about the treatment here, but they never know that there are only a few of them who can come in. They can only wait and wait for the safe zone to expand.

It was past three o'clock in the afternoon when the Mad Max convoy arrived. It was usually bright at this time, and people were waiting for the good time to get off work, discussing what delicious food to have for dinner.

This was the most beautiful time of the day. When the car arrived, they seemed to smell delicious food. The filtered air should not be able to smell these smells, but their memories still reminded them of those wonderful smells.

It's the rich aroma of steak and a side of peas, and that's the most wonderful dinner ever.

It's a pity that they don't have these things, only disgusting porridge and biscuits, drinking refrigerated milk, and then imagining a better tomorrow, when tomorrow they can enjoy a better life in the safe zone, and start a three-year coolie life , so that they have something to look forward to every day. After three years, maybe they can take on the task and have their own position.

It is even said that some of them can pick the target of the mission in advance and reserve the place.

Although this is an incentive to squeeze, it is undeniable that it is the biggest temptation for them.

They love the temptation, it's great, and they're all energized when they're working with a purpose.

The people in the car are experiencing a good life, and the car is constantly moving forward.

The environment in the car seemed to suddenly become serious. Many people had already smiled, but they also became solemn at this second.

They want to meet this scene with the best state.

At this time, they were all ready for a reason to be happy.

Mad Max, the usually eccentric man who is not eccentric now, is waiting for the final order.

The last order after entering the safe zone is that the driving car is on standby outside, and other vehicles enter the designated parking area of ​​the safe zone, and then wait for arrangements and registration.

He can go to register as a coolie, and then the team will continue to bring the next group of people.

But at this moment, all the vehicles in front stopped suddenly. After the driving car stopped, the vehicles behind also stopped, and the atmosphere stagnated. They knew that this stop was not a good phenomenon. With that hideous expression on. He picked up the phone.

Before he could dial, the phone rang.

He picked up the phone, and the person on the other side started yelling before he could ask a question.

"Boss Max, something happened ahead. We are not the first to arrive at the safe zone, nor are we the last. There are others rushing over. It seems that the safe zone is now under martial law." The words on the other side of the phone seemed to be very nervous.

Mad Max was stunned, completely stunned. He never thought that so many people had arrived, and even had been put under martial law, that is, the channels to get in had been blocked.

Internally they have been prevented from entering.

"Go, ask me, what's the matter?" He yelled frantically, his voice a little hoarse.

This has to be figured out.

The guy driving the car in front obviously knows what kind of temper his boss has. He is afraid that he will be shot by the boss behind him.

Get killed directly.

Wearing self-made anti-pollution clothes timidly, constantly checking the air quality monitoring equipment in hand.

I am afraid that I will die here.

He didn't dare to make such a fuss in an absolutely polluted area, but this was already the edge of the safe zone, and the air quality had reached the acceptable limit.

It is similar to the heavily polluted areas in the world.

He timidly walked over, and what he saw were not the official managers, but some adventurous people from other places. These people had complicated backgrounds, including Lao Mo, Lao Mi, and people from China. , but they are people who ventured to the United States back then, and they didn't even have the nationality of the United States, nor did they have a green card. Now they come here to try their luck.

The owner here is a Chinese, and they have enough confidence that if the other party is unwilling to accept them, they will not drive them away.

This is their chance. The opportunity to get citizenship, even the qualification of this safe zone, owns a house that many Chinese people have struggled for all their lives.

So what are you thinking about? Of course they are going to do their best.

Many of the old Mo who came with them also had this idea. There are so many people who have the same idea. They are still working hard. At this time, they don’t care about the danger. They can survive outside the safe zone, but they need to bring Wearing a heavy mask, I waste a small bottle of oxygen every day to fill my surroundings, to breathe, to ensure my health.

They are very stingy, outside of an obvious white line, there are people living one by one, they have their own tents, and they just live in it.

The little brother didn't dare to provoke them like this, but he still went over to find a guy who was obviously patrolling outside to ask.

"Brothers, why don't you go in?" He asked carefully.

The person opposite obviously has time to explain the work.

He smiled, then coughed twice.

"Of course we want to go in, but it's impossible. The other party's daily population intake is only so much, and we don't need more people, so we're just waiting for the opportunity here." He said calmly.

The younger brother on the side also looked at the ground, the closer to the front the tent seemed to be smaller, but the people behind it seemed that the tent was spacious.

He looks at these people.

Some understand, some understand, and some want to ask.

This man obviously had an idea long ago.

"You can go in and try, but if you break in, you will be expelled and will not be allowed to enter again until the city construction is completed." He reminded.

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