Things were going on like crazy, as if without any warning, they suddenly wanted to buy it. But the impact is really a lot.

Si Fan just got off the hill when the call came.

That's right, it was so fast. After the guy got the interest of the Skynet Group, he went crazy, really crazy.

Skynet Group, the huge and huge world's No. 1 company, a global company fully supported by the United States, really is any action that affects the world's stock markets.

With just this news, a large number of retail investors began to wait and see this company that was about to go bankrupt, and even became jealous. For the first time, their company actually started to become popular after several consecutive limit-downs.

Just for such a short time, no more than five hours.

When Si Fan heard the news, it happened to be in the afternoon, and they had already reached the border of the city.

A group of soldiers were nearby, and the planes at the airport in the distance were slowly landing, and some people kept coming out of the planes.

Their clothes are different, they carry few things, but they have the same sign, that is, their clothes are very neat, and each of them has a coat with the logo of Skynet Security Group on it. Looking at their faces, each of them looked solemn and their muscles were tense.

These guys are fierce and vicious, and they don't look like good people.

People nearby are far away from them.

Such a team slowly began to gather, and the reaction was worldwide. Except for those who were performing tasks, the security guards of the Skynet Group all over the world were summoned even when they were on vacation.

Such an action is simply too terrifying, making the whole world terrified.

Back then, Blackwater had great energy, but in front of Skynet now, it was like a child.

No one dares to provoke the Skynet Group, not only because they are rich, but also because the Skynet Group has powerful power, if they use the power of a country, they can be killed.

But do you know their potential strength?

Fortunately, this uncontrollable force of the Skynet Group has been scattered and has been doing what it should do.

Until today, they assembled again.

That means, it serves a primary purpose. Si Fan is going to deal with someone.

No one is not nervous, especially Lao Mi, they are the most worried. If Si Fan really did something outrageous, others can destroy Si Fan, but they can't. They still expect Si Fan to restore the land. Net Group hit the street, and without the air purification technology, they would really collapse.

The current basis for survival is in the hands of the Skynet Group, and they can only support it unconditionally.

What's more, Skynet Group has always been very principled, and they are very particular about their work.

No matter what happens, the country of Mi is paying attention to them all the time. When something happens to Si Fan, he will make a phone call immediately.

Si Fan's satellite phone can be connected at any time.

So, Si Fan received a call from Xiao Hei.

As soon as I got connected, I heard the angry words, with a bit of a country accent, but familiar.

"What exactly does your company want to do? What are all the security personnel doing in that shitty place?"

Angry words make people feel the anger of the other party on the phone.

Facing such Xiao Hei, Si Fan could only speak out his plan.

This plan is very long, and I talked on the phone for a full half an hour.

Only then did Xiao Hei react.

"You mean that your company will put pressure on Er Fatty, let them lease you some land, and then allow you to conduct certain commercial operations, and the two sides will conduct peaceful and equal trade?"

Si Fan could only nod his head.

He gave it all. This is the only way to make this city vibrant. Let Skynet Group act as an intermediary to get this done.

This is a matter that neither party can properly resolve, but Si Fan can do it as an intermediary.

He has this ability,

Have this influence and appeal.

Xiao Hei thought about it, and then acquiesced.

After that, there was a constant stream of calls, and many people came to inquire, all of them were big bosses, and they knew the news very quickly.

Even this guy Harman called to ask about the specific situation.

He also wanted to do his duty as a friend to persuade Si Fan not to do too much.

If the sky is turned upside down, it may really be suppressed.

For this guy, Si Fan really wanted to complain, eat salty radish and worry about it, Si Fan is not crazy.

He is not stupid at all, how could he not know his own position, the Skynet Group's current success is due to its world-neutral position.

After the explanation, domestic news also came, but they did not support Si Fan, all actions were Si Fan's personal actions, but these guys said they would pretend to be deaf and dumb.

This is enough. Everything and everything is Si Fan's fault.

When everything was done, the car arrived at the airport, and people gradually gathered.

"How many people are here?" Si Fan asked.

In front of him is the temporary captain's crowbar. This guy's status has risen sharply, and he has become the leader of thousands of people.

"Report to the boss, a total of 7,329 people have been recalled, and the actual number is 7,212. The rest are still on the way, and the plane has been delayed." The crowbar said to Si Fan.

Si Fan knew now that there were enough people.

Now that this is the case, there are still two options.

Looking at the country in the distance, his gentle eyes are no longer the original, he is going to change the order there.

But before that, he wanted to kill flies to scare monkeys, or it would be more appropriate to call him Sacrificial Banner, because this guy is so hateful, he actually wanted to use Si Fan and not talk to Si Fan afterwards.

Then don't blame him for taking the shot.

"All gather, take your equipment and sneak into Er Fatty's country, spread out and wait for orders." Si Fan ordered.

A group of people suddenly disbanded after receiving the order.

The people dispersed, and the threat plummeted, but they could handle a lot of things, and Si Fan didn't use their combat capabilities.

He was going to negotiate with the other party, and when everything was done, Si Fan started making calls directly.

"Give me the news, we have never decided to acquire their company, and on this basis, we will discuss with the other side to jointly develop the seaport and develop a new port." Si Fan said.

Few people can do this thing of taking off their pants and farting, but Si Fan does it very smoothly and very happily.

Order to continue, is to wait for the end.

Standing at the airport, you can see the land in the distance. Across a small river, there is another country. This country has been blocked. Now Si Fan wants to talk to the other party.

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