Skynet Architect

Chapter 71 Finally, I'm a Parent

With this goal in mind, Si Fan started to eat slowly from the street. Each portion is small, and you can’t eat much. Taste it, each has its own characteristics. I want to come for two bites, to dilute the delicious aftertaste of the previous one and prepare for the next one.

Si Fan ate from one end to the other, and truly understood what a foodie’s paradise is. It contains all kinds of snacks from all over the world. You can only do what you can’t think of. As long as the snacks you declare are repeated, it’s impossible Settling down, so each store is different, and the taste is completely different. The annual booth competition is like a super competition. It is 365 days, and every day is different. It is an opportunity for dozens of stores to compete. Only when they succeed can they win. right to operate for the next year.

That represents hundreds of thousands of millions of income, or even more.

It's really not easy for a snack to do this

It's just that Si Fan walked through the street of snacks, and at the end, he didn't see any familiar bosses. Those bosses who had asked Si Fan for renovations were all gone, and all the shop assistants left behind.

It is understandable that they have their own snack branches all over the country.

All of them are already big bosses, and they are no longer the kid who set up a stall in the past.

Passing by these familiar places, and then going forward, it is a strange place. Their shops are under great competition pressure, because the shops in front are all their own houses, so there is no need to worry at all, as long as they keep the taste, they are like It is a landmark, taste it for those who have not eaten it, and those who have tried it will eat less of these things next time.

It's like a local brand, but the pressure of competition is gone, and the entire Super Snack Street behind it is more competitive. Their competition pressure is very huge, and the same competitors all over the country want to to enter here. Therefore, they need to constantly improve the formula while maintaining the stability of the front store, and then constantly test the praise in the new place.

Under the high-pressure competition, every store is almost the best of the same kind. Their speed of innovation is very fast, which has caused the taste to always be far ahead, and can improve the taste a little. They are willing to try dozens or even hundreds of formula ratios, and finally come up with the best one.

He was holding a lunch box in his hand, and there was a pile of delicious food in it. Before walking a tenth of the place, Si Fan already had a hand full of delicious food. He tasted it slowly, and one thing was just eating. Probably not much more, after walking two streets, he will be 70% full. Looking at the distance ahead, he looked far away.

"This is really a picturesque scenery. The beauties, delicious food, and beautiful scenery all echo each other. It's beautiful. I really didn't expect these guys to do such a good job." Si Fan praised with a smile.

That's right, the shopping mall above was built by local real estate developers with the attitude that losses are a blessing. In the first year, they almost went bankrupt due to losses. Afterwards, as the influence of this street gradually expanded, it was considered salty. The fish turned over.

But the front one is different. The snack street in front was created by Tianwang Construction Company. It is possible to create a lot of wealth. One person is short-witted and two are long-witted, not to mention that there is an entire think tank behind to review the project for endorsement.

Visiting this snack street is also a process of enjoyment. You can meet many Internet celebrities on this street. Some real stars have also changed their makeup, and then tasted delicious food here wearing a mask.

I don't know since when, the people here have been completely carnival.

Si Fan saw all kinds of masks at a vending machine on the corner of the street, he picked one up casually, and continued walking.

People here don't care if they wear masks, they are all here to taste delicious food. At this time, princes, generals and ministers are no different from ordinary people.

Tasting delicious food has become the main theme here. As for security issues, every place is monitored in detail, and there is an air security management cableway, so law enforcement officers are sitting on the cableway from the sky, and the speed is very fast. crowded.

But almost everyone has practiced trapeze skills.

The snack street is very long, so long that Si Fan only visited one-third of it after spending half a day shopping. The crowds he saw along the way were really very energetic. Knowing that you are tired, you can find the food you want.

Si Fan saw a girl, about 1.6 meters tall, running from one end of the road to the other, looking for delicious food.

Almost as long as he is interested, he will start to buy the food he likes.

Such a girl is like a gust of wind, making Si Fan messy in the wind.

The cheerful little steps really told Si Fan their youthful vigor.

It seemed that Si Fan, who had just turned thirty, had become an old man.

Walking down the food street, it can be said that you have visited hundreds of thousands of rivers and mountains in China. The food carnival for two consecutive days can be regarded as Si Fan's leisure time. The asters that bloom here once a year are blown away by the wind, and they will not be blown away. The most important thing is people's enthusiasm for chasing food.

From the beginning to the end, Si Fan walked through the crowd, tasted and enjoyed it.

But the carnival has an end after all, the food street will not end, they have a new carnival every day, but the people participating in the carnival will be restrained by ordinary things and cannot enjoy it freely.

This is a magical place where you can taste ten kinds of delicacies every day, which will not be repeated for a year in a row. Many people enjoy the food here every day and enjoy the time here.

In life, there is always a lot of reluctance, but you have to leave. Si Fan left, and he left very simply. An hour before he left, he was still watching today's cooking competition. There are more than 70 stores at the same time. Competition, this arena is quite domineering, occupying a building.

Every floor is a competition for a stall, once a year, once a day, and today happens to be the competition for crayfish stalls.

This is a regular customer on people's dining tables now, and it is also very popular, so there are so many people in this booth, and there are hundreds of competitors after being eliminated. This time of day is also a delicious feast. Customers It’s like eating a buffet. You pay a fixed entrance fee here, and then you can watch them cook, and then taste them at will. They will cook again after eating up, and those who buy tickets will naturally have a vote , you can vote for your favorite store.

They will sum up the number of votes at the end.

Although... this number cannot determine success or failure.

Si Fan left after watching the game. He was ready to be Si Qian's parent and meet He Ping's parents at any time.

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