Skynet Architect

Chapter 91 The Factory of One Person

Lao He's complexion is not good. He knows best whether it is really a cheating game. This is the homepage of Skynet Group, and the news has just been refreshed, which means it has just been announced.

In other words, Skynet Group is going to do big things again.

The most exaggerated thing is that this fundraising is still in a period of blockade, and only one project can be seen.

Others don't believe it, thinking that he is playing a game, he can't lie to himself. He looked at the introduction carefully.

The investment price of this Maxima special-grade steel factory is one trillion yuan, yes, absolutely right.

Just looking at the price makes people dizzy, what a huge sum of money, and there are detailed terms and conditions for crowdfunding shares.

He carefully looked at the contents inside, and his face kept changing.

"This... Si Fan and the others are crazy?"

This is to build an overall three-dimensional steelmaking plant. Other people’s refining plants are directly flattened one by one. But when it comes to Si Fan, it needs to be compressed quickly and use as little labor as possible, so now the steelmaking plant does not look good. It looks like a steel factory, but it looks like a huge Rubik's cube.

There are more than a dozen workshops in the three-dimensional space, which continuously complete the process and then advance to the next step.

How to integrate, I don't know, the starting point of thinking, I don't know, even if this project can be successful.

None of them know.

Behind this, the names of the professors of the teams involved in the research and development are written.

All the names are familiar to everyone, as long as they are engaged in metal materials, they know these names, and their names often appear in textbooks.

Such people signed on to the project in droves.

Lao He was fascinated by watching, and other people also came over to watch the fun, and now they finally became curious.

"What kind of project is this that requires so much money? It's unscientific." They are all people who have seen money, but they have never seen such a large number.

If such a large number appeared alone, it would be nothing. Today, it suddenly appeared in groups, and there are still a large number of various projects, which are increasing.

Each project is fund-raising in units of 100 million. There are also registration options below.

Lao He is so old, and now he has a lot of money on hand, he thought about it, and then clicked the reservation button after reading it carefully.

The people next to him looked at Lao He strangely.

Why did this man who usually needs a green onion to buy two potatoes remember to invest today?

Sister Yu, the director of the office, asked, "Do you have any inside information? Is this thing reliable? Accurate? Can it make money?"

That's all she worries about.

Lao He smiled wryly: "How would I know, I made an appointment because I believe that Skynet Group will develop well, and I also believe that these projects will be carried out. This is how Si Fan feels to me. As for whether it will make money."

"I don't care."

What I said here is not pretending to be forceful, but it is full of force.

Not short of money, what a domineering statement.

The few people nearby shut up, daughter-in-law, who knows how much money Si Fan's sister brought as a dowry?

They are not curious about Jinshan Yinshan.

The others thought about it for a while and clicked the button to make an appointment

They just join in the fun.

Some people participate, some people wait and see. Some people think about other things.

Lao He was the first to say: "Where do you say that these projects are carried out? These projects are not very land-occupied projects, and they are guaranteed to be pure and pollution-free."

The people here are all veterans of investment promotion. How could they not know how domineering the company advocated by Skynet Group is. As long as the construction is completed and the expected results are achieved, Jinshan Yinhai will be no problem.

When Lao He said it, Sister Yu also said excitedly: "Yes, it would be great if we could introduce one or two projects to Anjin."

Lao He's eyes lit up, and then slowly began to look for the phone number.

He probably remembered Si Fan's phone number.

He doesn't want to introduce the most high-end factory,

Not counting on that steel factory, what he wants to get is the implementation of the cheapest projects in it.

As long as it is in Anjin, it is a tax point, and the employment and GDP of their cities can all be raised.

Of course, if the 1 trillion yuan of capital is really settled here, it is possible for Anjin to take off again.

But they may not be very clear that 99% of this trillion is spent on research and development, and only 1% is used to build a super stack factory. This project is the largest integration and the least labor. , the best workmanship.

Therefore, the cooperation is not only among the private sector, but also the Carnegie family, the steel giant in the United States.

Their investment has accounted for several percentage points here.

This is big money, a whole trillion of funds is just a drop in the ocean of funds absorbed this time, and it is only one direction.

Of course, iron and steel metal is the most important material for building a new country.

Probably one of the most used materials.

Websites are out there and they're working on it.

The waiting time will not be too long, the fundraising starts in half an hour, and the whole three hours are all in the process of raising.

Si Fan is also paying attention to this place. He hopes that what he sees is that the super special steel manufacturing plant can raise enough money.

Because it is the most costly thing that Si Fan has done in this wave. It needs to develop a lot of new steel and new materials, and they are testing it.

The cost of this research and development is 990 billion funds, which is enough for them to squander. It is really terrifying for a laboratory to get this fund.

Afterwards, other projects also slowly began to receive financial support, and began to enter a virtuous circle.

Among them, a large number of small and medium-sized goals were completed very quickly, and those pillar industries were somewhat pitted, and they could not enter at all.

Si Fan in Uranus looked at these data with a smile on his face.

When he clicked on the appointment, a large number of appointment forms had already appeared.

At the hour, the crowdfunding shares have already started, and the number of shares subscribed by each person is recorded.

Shares subscribed all the way down to the dollar.

This means that the shares bought by many people are only a few dollars with countless zeros after the decimal point.

Many domestic boring people do this, but there are also people who really invest in this opportunity.

For example, venture capital firms.

They are the people with the most sensitive sense of smell. When they saw this project, when they saw the Skynet Group, they felt as if they had been injected with chicken blood, as if they had seen the best way to hype.

Looking further down, they are even more excited. It is crazy to put the entire industry of the United States on the table to sell shares so casually. Although the United States holds a basic 30% of the shares, other things can also operate.

Only a few people look at the essence of these factories. These are some technical controls, and what they see are the operators behind them.


That's right, this is the final number of operators of the one trillion project.

There is only one person in a factory.

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