Skynet Architect

Chapter 95 Forming 500,000 tons in one body

The huge propeller made Si Fan look a little weird, and this propeller gave them hope for the future.

This is the case of propeller blades used on the world's largest ships are the latest in super energy efficient and noise reducing.

In Si Fan's eyes, this is a huge profit.

"You said that a propeller blade is worth a million dollars?" Si Fan asked the people behind him.

Several scientists in front of them quickly shook their heads.

"It's not expensive at all, not expensive at all. This is the best propeller blade in the world, and it can be used in various ways." The scientists expressed their thoughts.

"This propeller blade can be used in many fields. Ocean sailing is a waste of fuel. If this propeller blade can reduce fuel consumption, it can save 200,000 fuel a year. I believe those ship owners will buy it." The scientists said .

Si Fan didn't doubt it at all.

"This 500,000-ton one-piece molding technology is definitely the best in the world. We use the highest-grade new steel for T1 marine propellers, and use the world's highest-pressure forging machinery. technology, and there is no need for secondary processing, and it will be shipped out directly after successful manufacturing."

He introduces these things.

"There are so many conditions that are unique to us, and the actual application still depends on the actual test later." Si Fan said, but he is confident that the fuel saving will be more than 17%, which is equivalent to the fuel consumption of an oceangoing in millions of dollars. For the calculation of the ship, it is the gospel.

Si Fan simply looked at the machine, he wanted to see how long it would take to form again, because the supply of steel would be very fast, and the die forging process would be even faster.

The magma was slowly flowing and began to leave slowly, a large amount of gas entered it to reduce its weight.

Slowly the magma leaves, and the entire mold is lifted up, slowly raising the height.

Si Fan watched the mold go up, and then saw that the original mold hadn't changed in any way, it was still so strong, so he felt relieved.

And the arrival of the next blank is only a few seconds to get it done, and then just repeat the action just now.

Si Fan looked at the efficiency, and it took about 27 minutes to manufacture a propeller blade, which was about 50 propeller blades a day, and the value created was only 50 million. The price after removing the cost was more than 40 million in income. It's not bad for ordinary people, but in Si Fan's eyes, the efficiency is ten times worse.

Even if it is calculated on the basis of 50 million a day, it is only more than 10 billion a year. For the entire trillion-dollar investment amount, this return is simply too small.

So Si Fan must let this data go up.

Let the profits you get go up.

After thinking for a long time, he looked at the equipment in front of him and what he had in hand, and imagined carefully.

"You said, is there someone on the silent submarine?" Si Fan said suddenly.

A group of people are confused, what is the situation.

"I have decided that the products that will be launched in the future will focus on this kind of fuel-saving propeller, but the real money-making thing should be the silent propeller." Si Fan smiled.

They immediately understood what Si Fanna wanted to do.

He wants the top military orders in the world, only they can sell the propellers at this price.

"This price is acceptable at the national level, but the assembly may be nuclear submarines, the total number." The scientists said.

Si Fan has stopped talking, as long as this idea is acceptable.

As for the price of these parts, they are of course the best, and of course they are expensive. After these submarine propellers are finished, Si Fan may be able to play with other things on a whim, such as aviation aircraft and aerospace aircraft. equipment, even equipment on satellites.

Ordinary aerospace grades are not enough, so just make up for it with a strong style. When you go to outer space, you will definitely not dislike how expensive the cost of manufacturing is.

As for what parts, what kind of people need,

That's it.

Si Fan thought so, but he never imagined that the shells of future satellites would all be made in this factory, and almost all the external contact materials of aerospace equipment would come from here.

After they decide, it's all done, and then watch the operators go on and on.

Only wages are really saved, not saving him alone, but one person can support the operation of a huge factory.

This is very nice.

When he saw the finished product, Si Fan had the confidence to get everything done, but just like everything had to be inspected to know the truth, Si Fan also needed to inspect the workpiece, so he directly arranged for the inspection of various data.

The end result is insane, all performance top notch.

Si Fan vaguely felt the necessity of this industrial revolution.

What has been improved is not only the efficiency, but also the quality. Everything has reached its limit. This workpiece has reached the limit of human beings, and its performance has reached a level that was unimaginable before.

As for the price, it is of course the most expensive in the world, so don't come if you don't have money.

This miraculous factory has just begun, and others don't know that the world's largest gold-absorbing weapon is about to be born here.

The most profitable thing in the world is called monopoly. The most profitable industry in the world is the basic industry.

Steel is always the most basic thing in this world. Everyone, every place, every second needs steel.

It's just in a subtle way.

The factory is completed, the first part is done, and the financing is no joke. The investment in the super forging factory is not very large, but the income is very good, and his investment price should be one trillion yuan.

Now that everything is done and the money is not much, Si Fan is very happy. The most important thing is that all the equipment inside is developed by himself, not the black technology of the Skynet system.

Although Si Fan played a role in fueling the flames.

After everything is done, Si Fan said: "Since it's done, except for the operator, let's rest and wait for the follow-up notice. Scientists should also go to research, your laboratory has been done."

Si Fan said to them.

This is an attitude, and Si Fan is telling them that as long as they participate in the projects of Skynet Group, it will be beneficial.

And this benefit is also very large.

They started out as the world's top scientists, and now they are kept here by Si Fan, which is crazy for the United States.

What's more, the United States is not a vegetarian, how can this situation make talent flow away.

Most importantly, their fleet is at sea, and no one dares to contend.

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