Skynet Architect

Chapter 101 You Really Compromise

Girls are going crazy, the loss of New York City is terrible, the world's number one city suddenly collapsed, it is definitely not a place that can be saved.

If the housing prices here are discounted to them, the United States will be gone.

Now these people want their own real estate, they can understand that the insurance is insured, and the uninsured land is still yours.

Everyone owns their own land.

but! ! ! ! However, there is a big problem here. Putting it here seems to lock Hengjiang in iron.

That is the question of construction cost. This is New York. What was the original land price?

The pinnacle of the world, even some countries that are prone to real estate speculators can't stand the impact of this world financial center, where there are the highest housing prices in the world.

If you want to buy a house here, you must be the top elite in the world. This is a dynamic place, so there are so many developments.

Now everything is gone, but the price of the land makes them have to carry it, and everyone doesn't want to lose everything.

This is the most important conflict.

This is New York.

The girl can't speak anymore.

The veterans in the meeting were still discussing the future, how to rebuild New York, how to revive the city

Don't talk about it now, there is no chance, this city has become a place that can't be lost, the land is expensive, but the business centers, facilities, and talents that match it are all gone.

This situation makes them how can they continue to insist on this high price.

The support is gone, only those who still persist and believe that New York will still be as good as it is when it is rebuilt.

At this time, girls are the target of public criticism. They need to vent their anger and sadness, but they never thought that other girls themselves are also pitiful people.

The girl looked at these people in horror. They were all lunatics, their self-interests had been violated, and all their property was gone.

Now they are all looking at everyone in this building with red eyes, wanting to eat them alive.

The people inside sighed, looking at the helpless girl, a man came out from inside.

This man was probably in his fifties, with a bit of vicissitudes, gray hair, and a meticulous suit without even the slightest wrinkle.

He came over and stood in front of the crowd, bowing softly in front of everyone.

A deep bow shut everyone up.

"City...Mr. Mayor, have you come out in person?" The black guy who was baring his teeth and claws in front of him just saw the man said awkwardly, and then silently stepped back a few steps

Mr. Mayor came out, looked at the young man kindly, and waited for him to get out of the way before coming over.

"Citizens, I failed everyone's expectations of me, and I apologize to everyone here." He bowed deeply again.

People looked at the mayor in admiration.

He is the object of people's worship. Without him, there would be no New York. The ruins of the city have nothing to do with him at all, just because of the disaster.

People still respect him.

"Mr. Mayor, you are right. We have never questioned you. We just want a good post-disaster resettlement condition." The guy just now roared loudly.

People in the crowd started shouting.

The mayor waited for more than ten seconds, then stretched out his hand and pressed down to make everyone quiet.

Now people began to look at Mr. Mayor.

"This disaster, I am deeply sorry, if I can do a better job of resettlement, if I can find a better builder than Skynet Group to undertake the construction of this city, our city will not become what it is now Like this."

He started to choke up when he said this, this is his city, the city he grew up watching, how could he not care about this city.

He's a true New Yorker, and he's a hero for the city.

"Just now, I heard that you have a request, a very simple request, I wonder if you can repeat it again.

"Mr. Mayor said.

Everyone was dumbfounded now, their request really didn't have much hope, it was just shouting just now, really let them say, they are also embarrassed.

The guy seemed to understand something and said: "We want a home, we want a house, we want New York, we want our previous life, and we want Skynet Group to build our home."

He said again.

Mr. Mayor smiled: "It's really good, you should have a home, it should be in New York, and it should be built for you by the best construction company in the world."

This is his confidence, the backbone of this city.

Everyone stands up straight, they are proud.

People in New York should be proud that they are part of the best country in the world, the best city, and they should be.

The pride of the country and the people, not to mention the residents of the most powerful city in the country.

They have their own self-esteem. When seeing their hometown become like this, everyone is very sad.

Now under this feeling, they are already feeling sad.

Mr. Mayor saw that the atmosphere was almost the same, and he should make a compromise.

That is to say, give them sweetness.

"Citizens, I have heard your requests, I have understood your requests, and I express your needs..."

Everyone quiet down.

Mr. Mayor said: "I will do my best to help you do it. Find Mr. Si Fan, the chairman of Skynet Group, and carry out reconstruction projects in New York. I will find him for all projects."

"But... Citizens, if you want to invite Mr. Si Fan, it is not so easy. The whole of New York needs to be rebuilt, and everyone needs the rights in their hands. You can decide for yourself whether to let Mr. Si Fan rebuild, because if you let them For reconstruction, sufficient profits must be set aside, and everyone needs to pay for the construction of houses.” Mr. Mayor first explained.

Everyone was silent, and then embarrassed.

The land in New York is the most expensive, but if you build houses for them in places that were not found before, you need to build very high.

However, in fact, the skyscraper index in New York is very high, all of them are skyscrapers, and it is estimated that houses will live in the sky in the future.

Each of them is also very difficult.

But they may not know that their houses will look the same in the future, all of them are very tall buildings, even castles in the air.

No one can be an exception, and all the funds to rebuild the city come from them.

Everyone shuts up, everyone waits for the final result.

And the city's elite already knew what it was.

This is a gluttonous feast, and those lands will be converted into funds, but the amount of funds depends on the chips in their hands.

The more chips, the greater the benefits.

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