Skynet Architect

Chapter 109 Get Out of New York

The Statue of Liberty has returned. This is the symbol of the United States and their pride. Now that it is placed in the center of the disaster area, it seems to have other meanings.

The only thing is that the current Statue of Liberty is not very good-looking. It was originally on an island by the river. Because of the change of terrain and the coincidence of land and land, the ground is not flat, so the ground was cleaned up when it was erected, and even one was quickly removed. A copper plinth is mounted underneath.

This is different from the previous stone base, the copper base is relatively soft and stronger.

The most important thing is that Si Fan has processed the base deeply. There are a series of stories about the Statue of Liberty written on it.

This is even more attractive.

I believe this must be a place of interest in the future.

For the United States, the Statue of Liberty is already a monument.

When the Statue of Liberty was erected again, it represented the arrival of a new era of prosperity in the United States, and the arrival of a new era in New York.

A few months are always passing by in a hurry, the manufacturing capacity of Skynet Group is also rapidly improving, the steel plant has begun to run at full capacity, and investors all over the world have seen hope.

The trillion-dollar project finally saw the return money. They are measuring how much the money is.

But what is certain is that it must be a lot of money. They are waiting to count the money to play.

The only pity is that the stocks subscribed at the beginning cannot enter the market at all. They can only wait for dividends, and it is very difficult to sell them.

So the current market trading volume is very small.

But I believe that when it explodes on a certain day, the trading volume will be amazing, and some people will want to swallow a large amount of shares.

The only unique thing is that all the shares of this company only have the right to pay dividends.

The company is in operation, Uranus is continuing to build, and the speed of outward expansion is very fast. In New York, a large number of construction machinery has arrived, and now the assembly stage is starting to clear out more places that need to be buried. These locations All need to be cleaned up.

This is a very important job, but there are always people who will get in the way.

When Si Fan received the call, it was already the second day of the incident, because the previous day's incident was not very urgent, it was just a small-scale demonstration, which was normal. There are too many interests to touch, and someone will always make trouble, Si Fan can understand. The company is also unwilling to disturb Si Fan

But when Si Fan received the call, things got a bit troublesome.

Just on the New City Square in New York, there is a river with criss-crossing paths. There are hundreds of branched rivers defined as natural parks by Skynet Group. This place is about to become the center, so it is very happy to clean it up.

Now it has been completely cleared out, but a group of people just stay here.

The number of these people is about a few thousand, and they live here with tents, and then simply occupy this place.

There are many flagpoles erected next to it, with the words "Get out of New York." "We don't welcome Chinese people." "Cities in the United States, the United States builds itself."

The slogans one after another made people completely speechless. These guys kept making noise, howling loudly, and then protested, sitting here without moving.

Just because they don't move doesn't mean that other people are indifferent. There are a large number of people nearby, and they are digging crazily, and the gravel excavated by everyone with equipment is thrown on the ground indiscriminately.

Don't even think about any qualities, they are a bunch of villains.

Dust was flying on the messy ground, and in the criss-crossing river, a strong white man was urinating blatantly, as if he was afraid that others would not see him.

He is covered in tattoos, has many scars on his body, and carries a shotgun behind his back.

This is legal in the United States, after all, he has a gun license, but this appearance is definitely not a good person.

Unlike others who were protesting, he was standing here, watching those people digging in the ruins, and when he found something good, he was immediately sent to the tent behind him.

There are many nearby residents, all of whom are looking at this with jealousy.

How could there be no police around? They have a lot of police, but they really don't know how to deal with these people.

Now there is no place in the prison, and there is no place for detention. The crowd is so large that it describes these guys on the opposite side. They are so numerous that they are disgusting people standing here.

Outside, the citizens watched, and the media recorded every detail curiously, and then reported it.

There are even live broadcasts.

Several young people in the crowd used the only network to broadcast live.

"Ha1o, my friends, I'm Adan, this is the Future Central Park of the United States, the construction site of the Skynet Group, it's a mess right now, in the center, Thomson, the boss of the scavengers, is organizing protests, they Protest against the construction of Skynet Group, a foreign company, but their purpose is obvious, that is the ruins on the opposite side."

"The ruins used to be the location of the Rockefeller Building. The inside is either rich or expensive. Everything you can find here is good."

"At that time, all other companies retreated, but Rockefeller Company stayed here firmly, vowing to live and die with the United States. Now a lot of their things are left here. Thomson, the boss of the scavengers, took a fancy to the wealth of these rich people. .”

"How many things did they leave here at the time? Let's see if we can figure it out." As he continued, he saw people like ants constantly putting things in the tent.

Soon one tent is not enough, and then a second.

They're obviously pretending to protest, as long as it's for this stuff.

Outside, there are a lot of people reporting, and the police can't control them. They tacitly allow people to pick up waste, but now such methods will delay the development of the city.

This is the place of the Skynet Group, of course it should be handled by the Skynet Group. The silence of all the police seems to have given them arrogance. .

Of course, it is not a large excavator that is often seen on construction sites, but a two-person-high machine that looks like a toy.

There are many such machines in the United States, mainly to replace human labor, and they use this tool to start excavating quickly.

The whole process was quite rough. If someone found a dead body, they would usually take the things away and throw the dead body on the ground casually.

No one pays attention to these things.

Those signs that get out of New York are so eye-catching in this environment, and they seem so mocking, as if mocking their current behavior.

However, no one seems to care.

Is this really the case?

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