Skynet Architect

Chapter 135: Level 0000 Rescue Corps

Can Mr. Mayor's promise really be fulfilled? To them, it was like a dream, maybe it was just a sweet dream, and it shattered like a bubble when they woke up.

Dreaming is everyone's right, once realized?

Dreams are like bubbles, and life is also a bubble. Mr. Mayor's bubble has a fatal temptation for them. They want to keep this bubble from bursting.

After the mayor finished his speech, he was chatting with everyone, knowing their current life, and some words of comfort for those who were in distress.

Someone nearby has already started distributing hamburgers. This is a rescue meal. The hamburgers are very simple to make, can fill the stomach and provide high calories. It is really a good thing at this time.

Whether Si Fan can come or not has become the focus of attention of the people in this city.

Then can he come? The point that everyone doubts is actually beyond doubt.

In the Uranos branch office of Skynet Group, the atmosphere is stagnant. A red Coke bottle is rolling on the ground. A few drops of Coke are slowly spreading on the brown reticulated marble that is popular in Madrid, Spain. Become dizzy.

On the desktop in the office are plan books, which are the latest plans of Skynet Group.

When Si Fan saw the above plan, he was already angry. A group of company executives looked at the chairman of the company who was just in his early thirties in silence, his tiger eyes were blood red.

They didn't know that they touched the chairman's back.

Standing Si Fan was very angry. In front of him was a list of 32 low-priced cities with hype and gimmicks in all of China. Each city had a main promotional area and land for sale.

It is even possible to create continuous living areas.

Everyone seems to be able to see that the prices in these cities are low, and people's lives are relatively leisurely.

The metabolism of real estate in such a city is very slow.

The plan in front of Si Fan is an analysis report based on the evaluation of the real estate situation here, after detailed positioning and estimation of the city's acceptable leverage limit.

"This is a wicked business. Our Skynet Group can't allow people to poke their backs." Si Fan said so convincingly that the group of people shut up.

"The development of every city has never been developed by letting ordinary people buy houses with loans.

If the financial leverage is done according to the current budget, the young people in these cities will be useless. "Si Fan scolded angrily.

Everyone shut up. Skynet Group has the largest appeal in the world. It is normal to build a community to drive a region. In such a city, it is easy to build a city core.

But there is one very important problem.

Si Fan can go there to build a community, but it will definitely not achieve the effect of real estate speculation. It is still manageable to increase the local housing price by 10%, but if the final result is to double the price of a city, or even several times.

Si Fan just wanted to sell the batches to their mothers.

"The price premium in China has skyrocketed, and there are all kinds of bullshit talk about one family emptying the pockets of six people. Is this making two families slaves to them?"

Some remarks made people shut up. They looked at Si Fan as if they were crazy, but deep down they were shocked. To put it bluntly, they are all businessmen, and the first thing they think about is their own money.

But Si Fan is different, he has his own dreams and ideas.

Looking at the new plans of these cities at hand, or it can be called a jerk plan.

The price of the school district house tripled, the landscape house doubled, and the price of ordinary real estate increased by at least 50%

This is to make a city completely abolished.

Looking at the recent news again, Si Fan saw those sleazy real estate speculators all over the world, harming a place, and leaving a mess on the ground.

Look at what they did. Si Fan was so angry.

Now the people in the office couldn't understand Si Fan, because he took out all the evaluation reports in those places again.

What he looks at is the last recent trend in the evaluation later.

This is a public opinion campaign being promoted by real estate speculators across the country, and they are also doing something to sweep away the limited listings in some cities. For example, some communities have relatively few floating listings, and they will stare at this direction to eat up the floating listings. Next, of course, it is to hype public opinion, publicize various favorable policies, and finally leave with money one by one when housing prices are soaring.

Where does the money they emptied come from? It is the profit obtained by adding super high financial leverage and emptying all the money of an ordinary family for a lifetime, or even two lifetimes.

They took the profits, and it was the two families who suffered.

How many wives were separated, how many people were displaced, how many people were even driven crazy, how many people jumped off the building?

Si Fan doesn't need to imagine, because he already knew about this industry before.

In the past, he didn't have many ways to deal with these people, as for now.

He already has enough hole cards to make those people suffer.

Looking at the company employees around, Si Fan slowly calmed down, he knew that the matter had to be resolved.

No one said anything, they wanted to hear Si Fan's final decision.

"Now, these cities conduct auctions for the best plots, regardless of the price or cost. It must be the best plot. School districts are not considered for the time being. Everything else must be the best."

This order made everyone at a loss.

What kind of trick is this?

In the next second, Si Fan looked at everyone and said, "Release the news that the Skynet Group will enter these cities. Don't use official news, use gossip, after the land auction is over."

After a plan was finished, they remained silent, waiting for the follow-up.

After talking about the whole small action just now, Si Fan said the following words together.

"After all the land plots are purchased and those speculators start to make the first batch of hype, hurry up and send me the sales price of the new building and the specific information of the house, and shut up before closing the net."

"As for all regions, please communicate with the local officials, and all local people who borrow money will not be approved."

These few words have laid a foundation, which is to draw a circle, and then wipe out the real estate speculators, and trap them all in the real estate market.

Homes are lived in, not hyped. If you don't care about people's livelihood, this sentence can really be done, as long as you kill them all at once.

But the price paid is also expensive. If the real estate activity in the city is gone, the land plots cannot be sold at a price, and the city's liquidity will drop a lot.

The result is obvious, the local government is poor.

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